Chapter Twenty - Kevin Does Something Smart

Story by Dallas Adoraslash on SoFurry

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#20 of Part One - Life Through The Eyes Of A Former Human

"Get her out!" Ben yelled as he opened the gate on the crate and reached in, grabbing Electra's tail and tugging her out of the crate. As soon as she was out, he closed it tightly, looking inside the crate and panicking.

"Where's Amper!?" he yelled as he looked down at Electra. As soon as he looked down at Electra, he rolled her onto her back, just in time to see the Furret's head disappear into her mouth.

"Holy shi-" Kevin said as he took out his Iphone, grinning as he began snapping pictures. "This is... Awesome..."

"NO IT'S NOT!" Ben yelled as he grabbed the Furret's leash and tugged on it, trying to pull Amper out.

"Electra stop this right now! Let her go!" He yelled as he pulled harder. Not wanting to hurt Electra, but wanting Amper back at the same time. Grunting, he tugged harder as Electra grabbed the leash with all fours and tried to pull it away from him.

"Stop... It..." He said as he pulled as hard as he could, the Furret's struggling not helping at all. He tugged and tugged, while Kevin sat there and videotaped it on his IPhone, and about ten seconds later, Amper's head emerged from Electra's mouth.

"I got it!" Ben said as he pulled even harder, taking a step back as the Furret's body emerged more and more, until Electra twisted around onto her belly, and the collar slipped right off of Amper's neck. Ben stared in awe as he held onto the leash, an empty collar hanging from the end.

"NOO!" He yelled as he flipped Electra over, grabbing at her mouth. But he was too late, and all he could do was watch as the head disappeared once more, but this time it disappeared for good. Electra didn't waste any time as she quickly swallowed it down. Standing up, she grinned at Ben, folding her arms.

"All... GOINE!" She said as she turned around and walked off into the living room.

"Yeah, thanks for the HELP." He said as he smacked the IPhone out of Kevin's hand. "We lost Amper because of you!"

Kevin grinned as his IPhone bounced around on the tile before coming to a rest at his feet, where he bent down and picked it up.

"Ha, Otterbox." He grinned. "You can't break my IPhone with the Otterbox on it. And hey, no we didn't..." He said as he picked up his phone, grinning. "Watch..."

I made a face at them and walked into the living room, sitting next to Electra, who was sitting on the yellow couch licking her right paw.

"Electra... Why'd you have to do that?" I sighed as I leaned against her.

"I said I would... And he deserved it for lying to me..." she said.

"Yeah, but did the Furret deserve it?" I said as I poked her belly. "I'm sure the Furret didn't want to be eaten..."

She made a face. "So? Then it wold have tried harder to get away. But it didn't, so I got it." She said as she began licking her left paw.

I sighed again, hopping off of the couch. "Be right back..." I said as my ears fell to the sides. It was obvious I was upset that she ate it, but I wasn't necessarily mad at her for it... It was hard to explain... As I walked into the kitchen, I saw Kevin giving something to Ben, and Ben smiling.

"This is probably the only smart thing you've done in your lifetime..." He said as he walked into the living room, giving it back to Kevin. Curious, I followed him in, watching as Kevin gave something to Electra.

"Electra... That was so cool! I got that on camera and everything! I want to give you... A treat for doing that..." Kevin said as he handed her something else. "Here, eat these."

That can't be good...

Electra sniffed them and frowned, taking a bite out of one and making a face before stuffing it all in her mouth and swallowing it down.

"She likes it..." Ben mumbled as he walked past me and into the kitchen, taking a right and walking down the hall and going upstairs. He came back down a minute later holding a towel.

"What the heck..." I said as I watched Kevin walk out of the room, Ben placing the towel in front of the couch and spreading it out. I had no clue what was going on, but I knew it couldn't be good... Curiously, I walked over to the towel and got down onto all fours, sniffing it. It smelled normal, so I hopped up onto the couch and looked at Electra.

"Are you... Okay?" I asked her, frowning.

"Yeah, I'm fine, why?" She said as she smiled, giggling.

"Nevermind...." I said as I hugged her. "I thought they were doing something to you..."

"Doing something to me? No... All he did was feed me." she giggled as she kissed my cheek. "We should play the song again!"

Chuckling, I nodded as I hopped off of the couch and pushed the big button on the stereo, quickly running back to the couch and hopping up onto it.

"WOO HERE WE GO!" Electra yelled as she grabbed my paws and hopped up and down on the couch, giggling. "They play music so fast!"

"Yeah..." I chuckled as I jumped up and down with her, giggling as we listened to the intro.

"Doo doo do do dodododo do do do dodo dododo" She laughed as she tried to sing the guitar intro, jumping up higher and higher on the couch, until they started singing, and she stopped bouncing and sang along.

"On a cold winter morning! In the time before the light!"

I laughed and held her paws tightly, singing along with her.

"In flames of death's eternal reign we ride towards the fight! When the darkness is falling down, and the times are tough alright! The sound of evil laughter falls around the world tonight! Fighting hard, fighting on for the steel, through the wastelands evermore! The scattered souls will feel the hell, bodies wasted on the shore! It the blackes-" She laughed and sat down, catching her breath. "Ohh... Ooooh... Hold on a sec, hehe, this is... Wooooo..." She said as she flopped onto her back, laughing.

"Err... Okay... But I've never seen you get tired before... you sure you're okay?" I asked as I tilted my head, holding out my paw to help her up.

"Y-yeah yeah... I'm f-fine... Woooooo..." She said as she grabbed my paw and stood up, stumbling around the couch as if she were drunk.

"Wooo! So far awAAAAAAAAyyyy! We wait for the DAAAAAAAAAAAYYY!" She yelled as she fell on me.

Catching her, I laughed. 'You SUUURE you're okay?"

"For the light source so wasted and gooooone!" She said as she stood up tall and closed her eyes. "We feel the... PAAAAAAIINNNNN of a lifetime lost in a thousand days... Through the fire and the flames we carry ONNNNN!" She said as she dropped down onto all fours and wrinkled her nose.

"You don't look okay..." I said as I patted her back.

"No... I'm... Fine..." She said as she panted, her tongue hanging out of her mouth.

"No, you're not... Lay down and get some res- EWWWWWW!" I yelled as she flopped down onto her stomach and threw up, right on the towel. I quickly leaped off of the couch and ran out of the room as Ben ran in, laughing.

"IT WORKED! I GOT IT!" He yelled.

Making a face, I stopped running and walked back to the entrance of the living room, watching as Ben folded up the towel into a loose ball.

"Ew... I got it!" He said again as he ran past me with the towel.

"Um..." I said as I walked back into the room slowly, climbing up onto the couch and rolling Electra onto her back, laying ontop of her and placing my ear on her belly.

"Uuuugh... And on the wings on a dreeeaaam... So far beyond realityyyyy...." She mumbled, still trying to sing along with the song. She opened her eyes and looked at me, frowning. "Cammy what are you doing?"

"Well I thought you were hurt..." I said as I got up off of her, frowning. "You just threw up and stuff..."

"Ugh.. I feel so icky now." She said as she looked down at herself. "Like, wet and stuff..."

"They probably fed you something that would make you throw up the Furret... You should feel better soon..." I said as I hopped down off of the couch and pushed a random button on the stereo, smiling as the song changed.

"Do you know this one?" I asked as I looked over at her. Sitting up, she shook her head. 'Err, no... But it sounds like the same person from the firey song so I'll like it later." She said, giggling as she wagged her tail.

"Well it's a good song." I said, walking over to the couch and climbing up onto it, hugging her from behind and singing to her.

"Silent screams and shattered dreams of what we left at seventeen, still lost within the misery and pain that lies inside... Here alone, the fight to breathe, still searching for the truth to be... Blackened by the burning fire and pain that lies inside!'

She giggled and turned her head, licking my nose. "I love this music!"

"Me too..." I said as I wagged my tail, licking her cheek. "Falling rain will hide the pain that lies beneath the burning flames, now hope is gone so carry on before the world will fall! Rise again to die in vain, now life can never be the same, our own salvation drawing nearer, hear the darkness fall!"

She laughed, wiggling out of my grip and turning around, hugging me. "I get what they mean... The songs make so much sense..."

I nodded. "Yeah, there's a lot of meaning in them, most people don't know it though..."

She nodded. "Humans are stupid."

I laughed as I began singing again. "Stand here with me, together we'll be stronger, side by side we'll conquer lands and sail across the seas!"

"That's not how it goes!" She laughed. "They didn't say sail! They said storm!"

"Oh yeah..." I chuckled. "STORMED across the seas..."

She laughed, patting my back and letting go of me. "Well, we are stronger together, so..."

I nodded. "I have to show you a song later if I can find it... I think it's all about us and stuff now that I think of it..." I said as I jumped down off of the couch, turning off the stereo. "On the black wind forever, we ride on together, destroying your evil with freedom our guide. When the master will call us, he stands high before us, out hearts filled with splendor, out souls will shine over the liiiiight..."

She tilted her head and jumped down, standing next to me. "So... It will be windy, and we have to ride together through it, but the master will call and be really tall?" She said. "And we will have to go over the lights... I don't get it..." She frowned.

I laughed. "Something like that..."

"In my heart, in my soul. I am out of control!" Kevin said as he walked in, staring at us. I stared back at him and made a face.

"What? I heard the song playing..." He said as he made a face back at me. "I love that song."

"Hey stop making faces at Cammy!" Electra said as she stuck her tongue out at Kevin. "You fed me something icky!"

Kevin laughed and stuck his tongue out back at her.

Growling, she flattened her ears to the back of her head, a few sparks flying from her cheeks.

"Err... Bye." Kevin said as he turned around and ran off. "You win."

"Ha... HA." Electra chuckled, folding her arms. "Timid types..."

I looked at her and grinned, grabbing her tail and hugging it. "And I'm the affectionate type!" I said as I kissed her tail, gently nudging her arm with my nose.

"Not now Cammy!" She giggled as she pawed at my face. "I don't wanna mate right now!"

I laughed, standing up tall and climbing up onto her back. "Awww come onnnn!" I said as I hugged her tightly from behind, giggling. "Pweaaaaase?"

"Fine..." She said as she shook me off of her, tackling me down and kissing me hard. "But you're going to have to find something we can use!"

I laughed. "Our paws and mouth and stuff, remember?"

Electra got up off of me and sat on my belly, lifting her tail and giggling. "And your face..." She said as she scooted forward, sitting right ontop of my face, lifting her tail high and closing her eyes.

"What are you two doing?" Kevin asked as he stared at us, just as I was about to make a move.

"NOTHING." Electra said as she got up off of me, folding her arms. "What does it LOOK like we're doing?"

Sitting up, I sighed, too embarrassed to look in Kevin's direction.

"You were about to eat her out!' Kevin said, laughing. "You two were about to get down and dirty!"

"SHUT UP!" I yelled, grabbing Electra and pulling her down ontop of me, purring as I began to make out with her, regardless of Kevin's presence.

"Um... I expected you to, you know, stop..." He said, frowning.

"We're not stopping, so leave if you don't like it." I snapped as I kissed her again, grabbing her tail and lifting it up.

"Okay, I'm OUT of here!" He said as he turned around and walked away.

"Finally..." I said as I let go of her tail, giggling. "So that's how we get rid of him..."

Electra giggled and hugged me. "Why'd you stop? I mean, now that he's gone... We should do it for real." She said as she licked my nose gently, smiling down at me.

"Well... I guess... We could... But right here? In the middle of the room? We should at least go upstairs and do this." I said as I nudged her, wanting her to get off of me.

"Aw okay... in the soft bed!" She giggled, rolling off of me and darting out of the room.

"Wow, now she really wants it..." I said to myself as I got up. "First I wanted it, now she does... And Kevin's a pervert and probably would have watched us if I hadn't said anything back to him..." I mumbled as I walked into the kitchen, just in time to see Ben holding something in a towel, a different towel from before.

"Oh, hey there Bri- I mean Cammy, just who I was looking for." He said as he knelt down in front of me. "Take a look."

Smiling as he knelt down, the Furret coming into view, I reached out and gently stroked her head, smiling. "Heya Amper!"

She began shaking as soon as my paw reached out, and she backed away, trying to wiggle out of Ben's arms.

"D-d-don't e-e-eat m-m-me..." She squeaked, closing her eyes tightly as I touched her.

"That wasn't me." I said softly as I scratched her behind the ears. "I wouldn't do that to you, and I doubt I even can." I giggled as I took my paw away from her head, smiling.

"O-o-oh... W-ell hi, my name is A-A-Amper." She squeaked, a little less afraid now. Ben smiled as he placed her down, unwrapping the towel and smiling as he stood up.

"Um... I found a key... I don't know what it's for, but it was stuck in her fur... It wasn't there before I'm sure, it probably came from Electra... But I can't read what it says... The writing is kinda melted off of it... And it's all stained black and stuff, so I can't read it. I'll have to put a piece of paper over it and scribble on it." He said as he folded up the towel. "Now you two get used to eachother, I'll be back later. Oh, and don't let Electra eat her." Ben smirked as he walked away.

I smiled, nodding as I looked at Amper, who lay flat on her belly.

"Oh yeah, hiya Amper, my name is Cammy." I giggled as I gently patted her head. "I love Furrets... I think you're awesome. You can like, carry me on your back right? And twist around and fold up and stuff." I giggled as I rubbed her right ear.

Amper giggled, nodding. "Yeah! And I'm really fast too! And I can climb really good!" She giggled as she stood up, smiling.

"Whoa, you're bigger than I thought." I giggled as I looked up at her, smiling.

"Well, I try to look tiny when I'm scared..." She frowned, pulling me into a tight hug. "Hehe, I like you Cammy!"

I giggled and put my arms around her, hugging her back. "You're so soft... And I like you too!"

Just then, Electra came walking over to us, frowning. "Come on Cammy, what are you waiting fo-" She said, stopping mid-sentence as she saw me hugging Amper. "You..."

Amper immediately lay down on her belly, covering her eyes with her paws and curling up into a tight ball.

"Awww come on Electra..." I said as I scooped Amper up, holding her in my arms. "You don't have anything against her, it's Kevin you're mad at. Don't take it out on Amper, give her a chance." I said as I placed her down, gently stroking her fur. "And she's all soft and stuff, and smells nice." I said as I got down onto all fours, sniffing her fur and smiling.

"Yeah, well she tastes nice too..." Electra growled under her breath as she stuck her tongue out.

"Come on... Stop it." I said, picking Amper back up.

"I know, I was joking... Kind of. I mean she does taste good, but I'm not going to eat her..." She said as she licked her right paw, smiling. "Fine... I'll let her stay with us... But only because you're right, and I have nothing against her..." She said as she walked over, reaching down and touching her head. "Hey, she IS soft..."

Amper squeaked and shut her eyes tightly as Electra touched her, flattening her ears to the back of her head and whining softly.

"Shhhh... It's okay Amper. Electra's friendly. She only ate you because she was mad at Kevin for bringing you here." I said as I placed her down, smiling.

"Yeah... I'm sorry." Electra said, dropping down onto all fours and gently hugging Amper. "Welcome home."

Amper opened her eyes and squealed, leaping to her feet and hugging Electra tightly. "YAY! Mean Pikachu is nice to me! No more meanie!" She giggled as she wagged her tail.

"Let go of me..." Electra said as she pushed her off, sighing. "None of that... I still don't like you..."

"Aw come on Electra, stop that." I said as I hugged Amper, giggling."She's adorable!"

"Whatever, she's cute. So what? I just don't like her yet. Give me some time." She sighed as she walked out of the room. "It's getting dark out anyway, I need to sleep." She said as she walked away, making a right and walking down the hallway. I heard her walking up the steps and sighed.

"It's okay Amper, she's just in a bad mood right now, she'll like you tomorrow." I said, smiling.

"I hope so! I want more friends than enemies!" She giggled as she hugged me again, licking my cheek and squeaking. "I'm tired! Today was a long day!"

I giggled and took her right paw, smiling as I licked it. "Well come here with me, I'll show you where we sleep."

Giggling, she nodded as she followed me upstairs and into our room. I hopped up onto the bed and motioned for her to follow. She did, and I giggled as I looked over at the covers and saw Electra underneath, laying in the center of the bed as usual. I giggled and walked over to the pillows, lifting up the covers and crawling underneath, smiling as I walked over to Electra on all fours, gently laying myself down next to her. She was already asleep, so she must have really been tired. I giggled as Amper poked her head into the covers, and once she saw me, darted underneath and lay down right next to me, rubbing her cheek against mine and giggling as she lay down flat.

"Hehe, this is so soft and comfy..." She said as she opened her mouth wide, yawning.

"Aaaaah... I am... So sleepy..." She giggled as she curled up, resting her head on my side. Sighing, I patted her back and smiled as I closed my eyes. I wasn't tired, but I knew I had to go to sleep sooner or later...

--END Chapter Twenty--