Life As It Is Ch.2

Story by Silnis on SoFurry

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#2 of Life As It Is

Hey everyone! How are you all doing? Fall is here and so is another one of my chapters to my new series! Thank you for supporting me as always so here's your reward! Favs, comments, and votes are always welcomed and appreciated! Enjoy! :D


"Lance, honey, wake up or you're going to be late to school!" I heard my mom shout through my locked door. At the sound, I jumped up from bed, panting hard. My heart pounded heavily against my chest and cold sweat dripped from my scales. My vision was a bit foggy, but cleared up in a few seconds. Ugh...what was wrong with me? I felt so disoriented and...exhausted. Reaching to rub my head, I felt my arms suddenly get tight. Looking at them, I saw that they had large biceps! H-How the...heck did I get these?! Throwing my blanket off, I looked at my half-naked body and saw that I was ripped with pillow-like pecs, rock-hard abs, and thick muscled thighs. I was...I was...bigger!

Getting up to look in the mirror, I pinched and poked at every crevice in my body, making sure that everything I was touching was real. After a thorough physical check, I just had to conclude that my new body was all real. Did I go through a mega growth spurt last night?! How the heck did I get all this body mass?! Last I remember I was-ugh! My ears started to ring and my head started to have all these fast flashes of images. They...looked so familiar....

"," I heard a voice echo in my head. It was faint and I swore I've heard it someone before. But where...?

"Lance, hurry up! You're going to be late!" my mom called from downstairs. Crap! Grabbing my towel from my door hangar, I dashed to the bathroom and got in the shower, squeezing some toothpaste on my brush and multi-tasking while showering. Dashing back to my room, I pulled out some clean clothes, put them on, and went downstairs to eat breakfast. I grabbed a piece of toast, scooped some scrambled eggs and bacon onto them, and ran out the door.

My school wasn't that far from my house, but I didn't know if I could make it. I was certainly running faster with my buffed up leg muscles, but it wouldn't be fast enough. Suddenly, my wings caught some wind and I floated above the ground for about a few seconds before plopping back to the hard cement. M-my wings...did I just fly? Spreading my wings out, I caught another breeze and pushed, throwing myself up into the air a few feet. Wow! This was so cool! Pushing my wings down again, I ascended higher until the houses around me looked like squares. This is so sweet! I'm actually flying! Going around in circles, I was too caught up with my newfound skill and forgot that I was running late to school.

The warning bell rang from a distance, but it still knocked me back to my senses. Cursing myself, I decided to use my new skill to get to school faster. Giving myself another big push, I sped towards to the school making up lost time. Fortunately, I arrived in time to grab my things and arrive in time to my first class. On the other hand though, Trek and two of his buddies were in that first class of mine. I just knew that they were going to be picking on me the whole time. And that's just one of my problems. How the heck was I going to explain about my new body? Everyone was going to start bombarding me with questions as soon as I walked in. Having no choice, I sheepishly walked into the classroom and everyone just went silent. It was a really awkward position for me, I admit.

"Oh, are you a new student? I wasn't informed of a new student coming into my class. Could you tell me your name?" Mrs. Grote, a French poodle with bad eye sight asked me, adjusting her glasses.

"Holy that Lance!?" I heard one of Trek's friends shout out.

"Mr. Olson, I do not tolerate offensive language like that! And do not give Mr. Farrow's name to the new student," she glared at him, adjusting her glasses, "Speaking of Mr. Farrow, does anyone know where he is this morning?" Everyone looked at me, knowing the answer to her question.

"U-Umm...that's me," I told her shyly, keeping my eyes to the ground. Mrs. Grote studied me for a bit before her eyes popped open.

"Oh my, is that really you Mr. Farrow!? My goodness, you've certainly grown since yesterday when I last saw you!" she exclaimed, readjusting her glasses to make sure they weren't fooling with her eyesight of me.

"'s me. Lance Farrow," I confirmed, hearing some people whisper to each other and send out text messages about me.

"W-Well...have a seat then. My apologies if I assumed you were a new student. My eyes aren't what they used to be," she directed me before going back to her desk and pulling out a projection of our lesson for today. Taking my seat, I had a hard time squeezing in as my body mass made it more difficult. Eventually finding a comfortable spot, I directed my attention back to the projector screen. Everything was going fine for the first few minutes until I felt the unmistakable wetness of a spitball on the back of my head. I didn't have to turn around to know who it was-Trek. I ignored him like I always did, but there was this urge inside to defend my pride and stand up to Trek. I would like to, but it'd be pointless. There were never enough guts inside of me to do such a feat. All I could was suck it up and take the blows.

I stayed adamant throughout the class period, taking all the ammo of spitballs that Trek had to offer and wiping them off once class was over. As I was taking things out of my locker for my next class, Trek shut my locker on my fingers as I was grabbing what I needed and made them swell with pain. I pulled them back and cried with pain, dropping my things and holding my wounded fingers.

"You piece of shit dragon. Trying to be like us huh?! What'd you do to get all this beef? Was it steroids?" Trek interrogated me, pinning me against the lockers. Everyone nearby formed a circle around us, watching the event unfold. Some of Trek's friends were in the crowd, eagerly waiting for me to get pummeled.

"N-No! I-I just woke up like this! Please! You have to believe me!" I quickly explained, hoping he would buy it.

"You think I'm some kind of idiot bitch!? No one gets all this beef in just one night! Admit it! You're using steroids so you can be like us! I'm going to teach you a lesson that you won't fucking forget!" he said, bringing his fist down on my snout. I waited for the pain to relay to my brain, but I didn't feel any. Was I dead? Did Trek kill me with just one punch that I died? It wasn't until I heard Trek scream out in a flurry of swear words that I was sure that I wasn't dead yet. Opening my eyes, Trek was holding his hand, screaming out all sorts of dirty words that I've never even heard of before. His eyes were damp with the slight formation of tears and his hand looked really swollen. Touching my snout, I didn't feel anything besides a small tickle from where Trek had punched me just a second ago. There wasn't any blood at all. I then realized something else too. The hand that I used to touch my snout wasn't swollen anymore. In felt like I hadn't even gotten my fingers slammed between a locker door.

"Dude, Trek, are you all right!?" one of his friends went over to him and asked, touching his injured hand. Trek cried in pain again when his friend touched it, pushing him away with his good hand.

"Don't fucking touch it!" Trek exclaimed. A few teachers came to see what all the commotion was all about and saw Trek there agonizing in pain with me shocked beyond belief.

"Mr. Farrow, what happened here?!" one of them asked while the other teachers helped Trek to the nurse's office.

"I-I didn't do anything. I swear!" I defended myself. The teacher didn't seem to be buying it and brought me to the principal's office where I sat waiting for my meeting with him. I sat on the barely sizeable chair for my body and wrapped myself in my wings, holding my legs close to my body. What was going on today? First I wake up with the body I've always wanted and next I'm invincible against Trek's punch, along with rapid healing. What else is going to happen to me today?

"Mr. Farrow, Principal Patton will see you now," I heard someone tell me. Getting up, I walked over to the unmistakable door that said "Principal Patton" on the door plaque, and entered, seeing an eagle male in his early forties, sitting perfect and poised in his black office chair. Motioning for me to sit in another black office chair in front of me, I squeezed into the small chair and folded my wings back to make some room for myself. Facing him, I feared for what punishment I might have to face after the incident.

"Lance Farrow, correct?" he asked. I just nodded, not daring to say a word, "From what was reported to me, you injured another student by the name of Trek Oswald, correct?" I didn't know if I wanted to say yes, I injured him, or no, I didn't, as I was unsure myself so I didn't answer, "Now from what I know about you, you aren't the type to start trouble. You have outstanding grades and the teachers seem to think highly of you. So I won't wrongly accuse you of starting this incident, but I would like to ask you about your physical appearance," W-What about it?! Was he going to accuse me of using steroids too? "The last I saw you was yesterday with the rest of the junior class on a trip to the Statue of Liberty. Let's just say that your appearance has changed dramatically since yesterday. So I'd like to ask you-are you using any illegal substance or have any in possession? If so, I will have no choice but to suspend and refer you to the police."

"N-No! I don't use any drugs or steroids!" I exclaimed, having enough of all these accusations against me. Everyone was against me.... This world was against me.... I've had enough of it! "Just because I was the kid that got pushed around and bullied doesn't mean I'm the target for everything! Yes, I have the body of an athlete that I somehow got overnight, but that doesn't mean I'm using drugs! Why is everyone always putting me down!? I haven't done anything wrong to them! I didn't ask for any of this! All I wanted was to live a normal, happy life with friends, but no, I don't get any of those! My life has no meaning! I'm dead to this world! I might as well commit suicide since no one in this damned world loves or cares about me!" I pounded my fists down on the wooden desk and chipped it with my new strength. Tears fell from my eyes and hissed on the carpeted floor as they evaporated into steam. What's the point of my life? It has no meaning. This world is better off without me.

Standing from my chair, I excused myself to leave and left. Not bothering go to my classes anymore, I hid outside the school grounds behind the football field bleachers. There, I let myself cry into sorrow. My tears hissed as they hit my scales, evaporating in seconds. All I wanted was to just cry my heart out of all the pain and grief inside of me. No one wanted me in this world. I was the punching bag for everyone. That's all my life ever was. I would never feel those emotions that I've wished to experience in my life at some time. Well...since no in this world seems to care about me...I might as well end my life here. My claws were sharp enough to pierce my scales and would do the job of disposing my pathetic life. Holding them to my throat, I had no hesitation and was about to end it until a voice stopped me.

"What a weakling. A proud dragon lowered to nothing but a worm. You really should just end it," it said. Standing, I looked around to see if anyone else was with me, but no one was.

"W-Who's there?!" I asked, scanning around me.

"You...that's who," it said before I felt myself jolt forward with pain. A cloud of black mist rushed from my body and fused together to form another dragon that looked exactly like me. The only difference was that his topaz color was darker, almost like it was tainted. I stepped back, not knowing what had just happened and afraid. The copy of me chuckled evilly, taking a step towards me and roaring with ear-piercing volume into my face. I instantly cowered to the ground, covering my head with my hands.

"You are not worthy to be dragon. We dragons are a proud and mighty race, yet you are the prime example of those that should be disposed, trash, nothing but useless junk to our kind. You have no pride, courage, confidence-everything a dragon should have! No wonder why you're the punching bag of your school. You let others walk on you and use you as they please. A runt like you should be put down," he jeered at me, his words stinging more than Trek's fists. The copy kicked at my gut, snickering with joy as he watched me curl up in agony. He then grabbed one of my horns and lifted me up like I was nothing, sneering at me with his darkened topaz eyes, and giving me another hard blow to my gut. All this pain made more tears flow freely from my eyes, humiliating myself in front of my copy.

"Yes...cry you pathetic worm. You have no strength to defeat me. I will enjoy putting you out of your misery...slowly and painfully. But don't worry...once you won't have to worry about being the punching bag anymore. You'll be in a better place," he said, continuing to hurl all his strength at my body. H-He was right. Everything he said was true. I'm nothing! I should let him kill me! I was about to lose myself in despair and sorrow until another voice interrupted my thoughts, though this one was...softer and...kind.

"Don't give up...," it said. That voice...I've heard it before! "Have faith in yourself.... You don't have to fight alone...." S-S...his was on the tip of my tongue. Small images flashed through my head again. I saw myself on the torch of the Statue of Liberty, looking down as a battle raged on below me. I then was surrounded by flames, seeing my body transform to what it was now. With a flaming sword in hand, I saw myself cut through the pisna monsters, looking brave and valiant like a knight. A giant black snake erupted into ashes as I sliced it with flames. Finally...I saw his face...S-Silnis...smiling and supporting me every step of the way.

"S-Silnis...," I whispered, remembering his pleasant touch and warm personality.

"I believe in you...," I heard his voice say again before another gut wrenching punch from my copy brought me back to reality.

"You have no strength. You have no will. You...are...nothing...!" I stopped his next punch with my hand, feeling a wave of power flow into me, "What's this...?"

"You're wrong...," I choked, blood in my mouth. With his hand in mine, I twisted it to the side, hearing an audible snapping of the bones. The copy cried out in pain, dropping me and pulling away. Getting back up to my feet, I looked him in the eye with a new sense of courage and confidence. "My life isn't worthless. I'm no runt. I have others who believe in me-trust me! They give me the strength to overcome anything! I...have a life...with meaning!" Flames licked at my body and swirled around me, condensing into my fire red armor. With my hand held out, my sword erupted out from a line of fire, burning with the same passion inside me. No one was going to talk me down anymore. No one was going to tell me that my life should be put out. I was going to decide for myself my life!

Charging at the copy, I threw a slash at him, but he dodged it. He didn't look stirred at my sudden change in power, but I could sense his fear.

"You have no power! Your life has no meaning! Give up now and embrace death!" he cried, running out of lines. I kicked him back into the bleachers and held him down with my foot, holding my sword at his throat.

"You are no one to tell me who I am and how to live...," I told him, pressing my blade down on him.

"You...will...never be...a hero...," he choked, struggling. Deciding to end it, I pushed down and pierced his throat, finishing him. He dissolved into the black smoke and it started to glow white. It materialized into another copy of me and I was ready to strike it down until a hand stopped me. Turning my head, I saw that it was...Silnis.

"Don't...," he said, gently pushing my arm down. My arm obeyed and my sword dispersed. The white copy of me had a different feeling from the darker copy. I could trust him.

"You have strength Lance Farrow. Your life has a purpose. Blinded you were by your past hardships; you could not see your potential until you were given hope. That hope was your new friends, and will always be. Do not let others pave your path for you Lance Farrow. They have no control over what you choose to do or who to be. You alone have that power. Use it and make for yourself a life. But...always keep your friends at your side. They will always be there to support you, even in your darkest times," he said before absorbing back into me, centering at my heart.

"What was all that?!" I had to ask after a few seconds of silence.

"What you just faced now was the darkness inside of you that held you back and harbored all your negative emotions. You found the strength to fight him back and defeated him, ending your past hardships. The other one was a redeemed version of your darker side. It's gifted you with what you've always wanted: courage, confidence, and strength," he explained, poking at my chest with his finger where my heart was.

"But...why?" I asked, still unsure.

"It's a see if you had what it took to be a true champion. All the other champions and I had to go through the same thing-fighting the darkness inside us. It's never easy...and only we prevailed where others were consumed. passed...and that means you are champion. I'm glad actually...that you made it," he clarified, blushing a bit at the last part to my mystery. I still had one more question though left unanswered.

"At the Statue of Liberty...when we won...why did I suddenly wake up in my room not remembering anything?" I questioned. Silnis' expression suddenly went to one of guilt and regret, as if he had done something terrible.

"Forgive me...but it was necessary for the trial. I temporarily sealed your memories of the events that took place at Liberty Island until you had passed the trial, which you were successful at. Please...understand that you had to face the trial without any help from anyone. You had to do it alone.... I'm sorry....Please...forgive me...," Silnis told me, bowing his head. Strange...he was totally different from before at Liberty Island where he was fearless, strong, and inspiring. But now...he was meek, timid, and overall...small. I've never been attracted to boys before, but Silnis was just so cute that he had an attractive effect on me.

"It's all right...I understand. I forgive you," I said, patting his head and getting a pleasant vibe from it. He lifted his head back up and his expression beamed, both literally and figuratively as his face emitted some light with his slight smile.

"That's great to hear.... Thank you, but you'd better get back to class. I've got to do the same, but I'll meet up with you after school! Chao!" he suggested before running off, disappearing in a bright flash of light. School? He went to school too? Did all the other champions go to school too? That was another question that I would have to ask later, but Silnis was right. I've got to get to class and explain myself. But this one was going to be pushing me around.