Nexus Light Chapter 1: The temple ruins

Story by Jake Shadow Wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Nexus's Story

The beginning of Nexus's Tale. I'm just the bard asked to tell his tale, and a friend of Nexus. With that said, onward to Nexus Light's story.

Legalities: This is a story commissioned by Nexus Light. The main character belongs to Nexus, and was originally started by him. All situations are fictional, many themes in this story may not be found suitable by readers. If anything offends you, I'm sorry but I did warn you. Also if you're under the legal age in your local area, turn back now. If not continue reading.

My name is Nexus Light. I've been many things in my life, a father, a son, a lover, a brother, even a time traveler. However my life's journey started on my home world as an assassin. My world was the peaceful world of Lupus Eden. There were about seven reasons it remained peaceful; one our people's ability to teleport, two the fact that my race are a wolf like people who put common good at the top of their list of important things, three the leaders tended to only be in office for a time if they were peaceful, four the military was more of a diplomatic force than something built for war, five all of my people believed in trying to find a way to protect the children no matter what, six due to the fact our people have grown to accept nature as an important part of our lives death was a normal thing, and seven Because those who caused trouble would be killed by the assassins.

I lived in a large home that though only had the necessities to survive, showed a bit of my family's wealth. My son Firos and wife Luna could usually be found there waiting for me to come home from work, or my constant wanderings. My fellow assassins and I admired the beauty of our world, and that was the main reason we'd taken on the job we had. Almost all of us had our own little tricks to help in our missions. Although some tricks were better than others because of how their creator used them. Due to my ability to balance my powers so that your death would be quick and painless I was known as Balance.

Sadly it's been so long since I saw any of the others, so I can't remember their names or nicknames. Even their faces sometimes escape my grasp. Despite that I remember our place in society well. We were below the world leader's however we were on par with most aristocrats. Below us were the merchants, craft masters, and others like them. Below them were farmers, wanderers, and foresters who chose to live with nature instead of society as a whole. My wife was the daughter of a merchant who I'd met when I was an apprentice assassin. I fell in love with her at first sight, and instantly started trying to court her.

Finally after about two, maybe three years my wife gave me a challenge for if I was to marry her. This was a common tradition among our people and I was ready for whatever she had to offer. She made me go a day without killing anyone, which meant a full year with no pay. I did it, but only because my love for her transcended all the possible problems. Afterward we were wed during the mid-summer festival. Sadly the wedding was cut short as I was forced to fulfill my oaths to the order shortly after the wedding was over.

I slew a corrupt noble who was trying to completely undermine the social structure by turning farmers into slaves. After his death I planted a flower for him, because though he was a corrupt and evil man I still felt his soul should be honored. My fellow assassin's understood my thoughts and respected my decision. The next few years passed in a relaxed manner other than my job getting a bit harder as time went on. After about five years my mate gave me a handsome young son. I started to train him to be an assassin until he showed he just felt no urge to follow in my footsteps, so his mother taught him how to be a merchant. After that I started wandering the area around my home, and my village.

Eventually I came upon some old ruins that looked as if they outdated the eldest known race on my planet. As such it incited my curiosity and I started exploring the ruins as if my life depended on it. Most people wouldn't understand what caused such curiosity to burst to life within me. Hell I'm not sure what caused my curiosity to come to life in such a way, because as an assassin I was trained to keep my curiosity in check. It scared me that these ruins could incite my curiosity when so many other things were unable to do so. As time went on rather than my curiosity decreasing as I'd expected it to do, my curiosity grew. I did my job whenever I had to, and I started studying the runes in my spare time. Eventually I started looking for any clues about the symbols and their meaning in the town's library.

When I couldn't find anything I started looking for obscure ancient texts that had similar symbols. After a while I found a few old books with symbols similar to those started meditating within the ruins trying to see if I could come into contact with the spirits of those who'd built the temple. I found out that it had been built upon the upper reaches of yet another temple. I wondered how structurally sound the temple floor was and continued wandering the temple looking for any way down to the lower temple. As I was running my hands along one of the walls, my foot slipped and I ended up falling face first onto an old part of the temple which crumbled under my weight.

I fell through the air for what felt like hours but was really only minutes. I ended up hitting my head on something that seemed to be made out of a mixture of wood, some sort of metal, and a clear stone that reminded me of the light from the sun. I fell into a deep darkness for a few minutes, and when I came to I was lying beside the thing I'd hit my head on. I slowly climbed to my feet and stared at it realizing that it was an alter made of a rare wood, that clear stone I'd hit my head on, and silver.

Suddenly I felt as if my body were slipping into a deep darkness that virtually no one and nothing could reach me within. Suddenly within the darkness I heard the sound of two voices reaching out to me. The first was cruel and demonic demanding that I slay everything in my path. The second was kind and angelic, telling me I should listen to my heart and try to protect those close to me before things went to hell and I lost them. I tried to protest against both, telling one that I wouldn't be its heaven's forsaken toy. All the while telling the other that it has nothing to worry about and I'd protect everyone in the village as well as everyone connected to me in any way.

I woke up and found myself standing in a bare field. I glanced at the sky and blinked when I realized that at least three hours had passed and yet no one seemed to have notice I was gone. I slowly turned around looking for the temple and had to hold back my surprise. The temple was gone, there weren't even any ruins left, and it was just a bare desolate field leading into the forest. I shook my head slowly trying to accept that it all could have been a dream then turned and walked back to my home where my loving mate and our son were waiting for me. As soon as my mate saw me, she asked how my day was and I told her. She laughed and told me that I must have been imagining things then the three of us sat down at dinner.

The rest of the night passed rather quickly and the three of us enjoyed each other's company the entire time. As the night drew to a close I tucked my son in and told him a story to help him sleep, then I walked out and took a much needed bath. As I prepared to step into the water and I had to stop dead and stared at my reflection in the water. My fur, which had previously been white and pristine, had gained two other tones of color. It had gained Black and White as well as the original Gray. I slowly stepped into the water and started trying to wash the other colors out of my fur, hoping that it was either my imagination, or just dust from the temple.

However as my bath progressed, I came to realize that my wife and son hadn't commented on the change at all. Nor had anyone I'd passed in the village. For the most part the rest of the village just showed me the deference an assassin deserved. I sighed softly realizing that the color must have become a part of me, and they must have thought it had always been the color of my fur. I just shook my head and forced myself to accept it, then finished my bath and walked inside and slipped into bed beside my mate then slowly slipped into sleep.

As I slipped deeper and deeper into sleep I found myself staring at two figures who watched my every move. One was an angelic wolf with white fur and white wings; the other was a black demonic wolf with black demon wings, and a black spade tail. I stood facing the two of them then blinked as the demon smirked at me and said "I'm the darkest part of you, my comrade is the lightest part. You unleashed us when you touched the altar." I stared at him unable to say anythin then the angel said "Be wary of your anger, Nexus. If you let it consume you, he will break free and destroy everything you've ever held close." I blinked and said softly "I'll try to remember that." Suddenly the dream was destroyed by the sound of an explosion nearby. I jerked awake and stared at my mate who instantly got up and ran to our son's room.

I silently wondered if that would be the last time I saw her. I quickly got up and pulled on my equipment for work, wondering who or what could have caused that explosion. I ran outside with the voice of the angel and demon running through my mind. I stared as the entire village was engulfed in flames and large warships were flying through the air raining fire and death down on everyone, and everything. I stared and felt sorrow and anger flow through me; however I controlled it as I used one of my powers to blast a small ship out of the sky. Suddenly I was blasted by a beam of light and everything started to black out. I snarled and fought it leaning against a tree feeling my life blood pour onto the ground, when suddenly the pain started to fade and my body healed. I glanced down and saw the wound was vanishing then started to smile when I heard a scream that sent a chill down my spine.