Behind the Blue Line - Episode 1

Story by CassandraDW on SoFurry

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#1 of Behind the Blue Line

Well after an extremely long hiatus I've finally gotten back into writing. While writing my debut novel I've gotten a bad case of writer's block so I decided to write this.

Bane is a character I've had for a while, and this is a look at his days as a police officer in lovely dystopian Silver City. Each episode will be under 1000 words and will feature a different event from his time on the force. They may or may not be connected and I haven't decided whether to build a timeline or not.

I hope you enjoy this and I look forward to writing more of these little stories as I can do so quickly. I wont' offer a time frame for releases, but hopefully I won't disappear for a year again.

I'd appreciate some tag recommendations as I really don't know what tags to give it.

"Sir." The chief was handed a phone by his Lieutenant. "It's for you Sir, we're recieving numerous reports of a disturbance in Midtown." The old blood hound didn't even need to answer the phone. He turned in his chair, looked out the window and growled only one word.


Meanwhile, there was indeed a disturbance in Midtown, the high class area near City Central. A large black wolf was menacingly approaching a scared looking tomcat.

"Go ahead punk, pull the trigger, shoot me!" He yelled in irritation at the teen pointing a gun at him.

"I said don't come any closer!" He called in response, taking steps back. The wolf was undeterred, having no fear of this kid.

"And I said shoot me. Don't say you're going to shoot someone unless you're willing to do it." He wasn't actually yelling, his gruff voice just carried that far. He was taking large, deliberate steps towards the boy at a quick pace, never taking his eyes off of him though they were hidden behind reflective glasses.

"Look man I don't want to kill anybody but I will if you don't back off!" The tremble in the cats voice gave him away if his dirty hoody didn't. He had never killed anyone before and the wolf knew it. The cat was a goner. Bystanders, as this was happening right in the middle of a once busy street, were scared and hiding though they couldn't look away.

"You're pointing that gun at me so you must want to kill me. So go ahead and do it. Pull the trigger, shoot me, because when I get over there you're going to wish you had." He was rapidly approaching the gun wielding cat. His own cannon holstered at his waist, shining in the sunlight.

"This is your last warning, I'll shoot!" The cat's eyes were manic, he was scared and he had the drawn gun.

"I know you can't be this stupid, I already told you to shoot me so shoot me! Show me those killer instincts, kill me, be a murderer or put the gun down. If you have that gun in your paws when I get there you're going to get it so shoot me or drop it!" He was almost on top of him and with his massive frame he could squash the kid with one foot. Finally the cats already shaky resolve broke, he dropped the gun and put his arms up in surrender.

"Okay okay, I give, just don't hurt me!" He was on the ground a second later, wailing in pain as the wolf tackled him, breaking his arm as he pulled them both behind his back and put the cuffs on. Now in custody, the officer pulled him up off the ground by the arm, the broken one, and threw him in his squad car. The teenager was crying in pain from his broken arm and bruised everything else.

"Bag that gun for evidence." The black wolf said to one of the nearby officers, who was just as shocked as the bystanders. He walked back to his car, pulled open the door and squeezed himself in. "They better get me a bigger squad car soon." His partner, a small framed female fox, nervously handed him the radio. "What's this?" He asked her as he took it.

"Its the chief." She said, voice trembling. He just scoffed.

"What is it Chief I'm really busy out here catching criminals." His tone was slightly mocking but he could get away with it.

"Bane!" The chief yelled through the radio. "Why is the precinct being flooded with calls from concerned citizens raving about an out of control officer threatening to kill a teenager?!" He was livid. Bane could imagine the vein in his forehead which throbbed when he was mad.

"Firstly, I never said I was going to kill him. Second, he had a gun, I disarmed him and took him into custody without incident. I don't see what the problem is." This only made the Chief angrier.

"You don't see what the problem is!? I'm probably going to turn on the news tonight and see the headline "Police Brutality in Midtown" and you don't see a problem?" He was having trouble keeping his voice raised as he was making himself hoarse, as he often did.

"The press blows everything out of proportion. There was a gunman in Midtown, he was arrested without anyone firing a shot. Queue music, everyone lived happily ever after." Bane's laugh was throaty, deep and confident.

"I'm going to look at the report of every officer at that scene Bane and if I don't like what I see you might not have a badge!" Again, Bane was unphased. The Chief threatened to take his badge every other day.

"What was that Chief? I'm sorry I'm having trouble hearing you I'm going through a tunnel." Bane messed with the frequency to put static into the line. "I have to go I've got work to do, I can't hear you you're breaking up."

"BANE!" The Chief screamed into his radio. Everyone in the office looked up and through his office window. He pulled the blinds shut. He stood up, taking a book off the bookshelf and removing the whiskey bottle he hides behind it. He took a big swig and slumped in his chair. Bane would give him an ulcer yet.

Meanwhile a police car, riding low on the driver's side, pulled out of Midtown and continued on its daily patrol.
