A Fox Romance (Chapters 3 and 4 + epilogue)

Story by Choo~ on SoFurry

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#2 of A Fox Romance

Chapter 3. Dream date

I got dressed and walked out of the bedroom, Rayan had gone into the bathroom and I decided to make us some coffee. I just swiched on the coffee-maker when Rayan came out of the bathroom. He streched his arms and scrached his belly and came into the kitchen.

"Sleep well?" I asked and smiled to him.

"Yes, I did. Thanks... Despite the 'unusual wakening'." He said and winked.

"Eh heh... Sorry about that." I said and blushed as I began making some sandwiches.

"No no, it's fine, really." Rayan laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. He sat to the table and sighed.

"So... It's Saturday. Have anything planned out?" He asked as I placed the coffee-mugs on the table.

I shook my head.

"No. Not really." I said and sat opposite Rayan.

"Me neither..." Rayan said and smiled.

"Would you, uh... Perhaps want to go catch a movie?" He asked me and blushed a little.

I blinked and looked at Rayan for a while and then smiled.

"Of course! I'd love to!" I said and nodded.

"Really? That's great! What movie should we go see?" He asked and leaned to the table on his elbows.

"Isn't 'Dawn of the undead' coming up at 8 today?" I asked and looked at Rayan.

"Ooh. Horror movies! I like those!" He said and grinned.

"Yea... I like them too, but they're sometimes really scary! But that's their point." I anwsered and laughed.

"Yea. But don't worry, if it gets too scary you can just come close to me." Rayan said and winked again.

I blushed a lot and laughed.

"Hehe.. Yea." I mumbled and grinned.

'Let's hope the movie gets really scary then!'

After the breakfast, Rayan said he had some business downtown, so he was going to leave for the day.

"I'll come and pick you up at 7:30, ok?" He said and smiled before walking trough the door.

"Yes. It's settled then." I said and nodded.

"See you then!" He said and closed the door.

"See you!........."

After I hearead Rayan walk down the stairs and leave the building I started screaming and jumping around the livingroom.

"I HAVE A DATE! WITH RAYAN!" I screamed and ran to the phone.

I quikly dialed up Vickys number and screamed to the phone.


"Ow! Wait, wait NOT SO LOUD! My ears hurt! You said what now?" Vicky anwsered.

"I have a date with him! With Rayan!"

"Oh- that.... Wait, what!?"

"You heared me!"

"Wow! Nathan, that's great! What were you planning on doing?"

"Well, we decided to go see a movie, and then perhaps go for a walk after."

Vicky laughed.

"That sounds romantic, what movie?"

"Dawn of the undead"

"Hahaha! A way to get closer to Rayan, eh?"

"Heh, maaaybe." I said and giggled.

"Well, anyways. I'm glad to hear it, you guys have fun now! I have to get going, I'm almost late for my grandmas 80th birthday!"

"Oh, well see you around Vicky! And say happy birthday to your grandma for me."

"Thanks, I will, bye."

She hung up, and I quikly ran to the closet. I had to decide what to wear for the evening. Nothing too formal, nor too casual...

It was allmost half past seven and I was still brushing my teeth in the bathroom when I heared Rayan knocking on the door.

"Come in! It's open!" I yelled and quikly gurgled.

I ran into the livingroom where Rayan was wating for me. And boy, did he look handsome! He was wearing a white shirt with a brown coat and a pair of cargo pants.

I just stood there and smiled.

"So, ya ready to go?" He asked finally and walked to me.

"Yeah! Let's get going, can't wait to see those zombies." I said and stuck my tongue out.

"The theater is only a couple of blocks away so we can walk from here." He said.

I nodded.

"Let's go."

The walk to the theater was awkwardly quiet at first, but after a while Rayan decided to break the ice.

"So, uh.. Have you seen any other movies like this before?" He asked and looked at me.

"I love horror movies!" I said and smiled.

"Altho I don't like watching them alone..." I continued.

"Heh, funny, when you say it like that it's cute." He said making me blush.

"Oh..." I said and looked away.

"Hey hey, don't worry. there's plenty of people at the theater so it probably won't get too scary, and besides, I'm there."

I turned to look at Rayan and couldn't do anything but smile, he was such a sweet guy.

"Well, here we are." Rayan said when we arrived at the theater. We gave our tickets to the doorman and walked inside. The lights were allready dimmed and we found a couple of empty seats in the front row. We sat down and began munching on the popcorn Rayan had bought for us.

"Oh! It's starting!" Rayan whispered to me when the curtains opened and revealed the big screen. I smiled and nodded slightly.

When the movie was about half way, there was a scene where the zombies were bursting in trough a window of a shop. I got scared and covered my eyes while peeking trough my fingers. That's when something wonderful happened. Rayan pulled me close to him, so that my head was now leaning against his chest. I was just so surpised, but I didn't say anything.

I closed my eyes, and the sounds of the movie just faded away from my mind... All I could hear was the sound of Rayans heartbeat... I could have fallen asleep there, it felt so safe, so comfortable. It's like that was all that I would ever need.

For the whole movie, we didn't say anything to eachother after that. When the movie had ended, I HAD actually fallen to sleep, and Rayan woke me up when the credits were rolling on the screen.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned.

"I'm sorry, I dozed off..." I said and blushed.

Rayan just smiled and grabbed my hand.

"It's allright, the movie wasn't that great, so you didn't miss anything." He said and helped me up from my seat.

"Oh, ok." I said and walked trought the theater door with Rayan.

After the movie, like we had decided, we went for a walk in the park. We walked along the path and held hands. It was allready 10:00 PM and the moon was glowing in the sky. We took a seat on a lonely looking bench under a tree. The feeling was so magical, altho we both didn't say anything, we knew that nothing had to be said... There was no one else in the park at that time, so we were alone.

Suddenly Rayan pulled him self closer to me and looked into my eyes.

"Did you enjoy the evening?" He asked and took my hands in his.

"Yes, I loved it... Just that-" I said and nodded.

"Just that...?"

"I... I never knew that you were, you know.. I never would have guessed you were gay. And on top of that, I never knew you'd really be intrested in ME."

Rayan smiled.

"You silly fox. I'm not gay." He said and laughed a little.

"Y-youre not?" I asked and blinked.

"No, I'm bisexual. And I'm not just intrested in you... I love you."

Then... He gently pulled me to him... And kissed me...

That moment seemed like an eternity, I just sat there, surprised. Everything, even the leaves flying in the wind seemed to move in slowmotion. After I became aware what was really happening, I wrapped my arms around Rayan and kissed him back. That moment I had been wating for my entire life was finally here... My first real kiss...

Of course, I didn't count the time, so I didn't know how long we kissed, but nothing lasts forever.

Our kiss was broken when a cold snowflake fell gently on my nose. We both opened our eyes and turned to look at the sky. It was snowing.

"The first snow of winter..." I said and quietly smiled.

"Yea..." Rayan said and squeezed me against him.

"Come on... Let's go home before we both catch a cold." He said and helped me up from the bench.

We started walking along the path towards my appartment when the first snow of the winter began covering the ground and trees with it's beautiful white cloak, still holding each other close.

'This evening couldn't have gone any better...' I tought and looked at Rayan.

He smiled at me and squeezed me again.

"I'd take you to my place, but you know..." He said and grinned.

"Yea, it's ok. Like I said, you're always welcome at my house." I said and snuggled up against Rayans chest making him blush a little.

When we arrived at my appartment and I opened the front door Rayan suddenly grabbed me and picked me up in his arms. He gave me a brief kiss and then... He started carrying me towards the bedroom

Rayan carried me to the bedroom in his arms and layed me down on the soft bed. He removed his shirt and threw it in the corner of the room before climbming next to me in bed. He grinned at me and I couldn't do anything but smile back. I pulled my self against him when he started kissing me on the lips, slowly moving downward. When he licked my neck, I let out a slight moan.

"Rh- Rayan..." I huffed before he started removing my shirt. He pulled it over my head and threw it in the other corner of the room. He gently positioned me laying down on the center of the bed and moved over me.

He looked me in the eyes and smiled.

"So..." He said and moved next to my ear.

"Do you want me... Fox boy...?" He whispered with a deep and gentle voice, making sure his breath was as hot as possible.

That made shivers shoot up my spine.

"Don't call me fox boy... Beef." I said and giggled. Rayan smirked and kissed me on my neck. He slowly started moving downward again. His kisses felt so so eager, but really gentle at the same time. It felt wonderful.

When he got over my pants he looked at me in the eyes and smiled.

"Let's see what we got here..." He said like he was about to start repairing something.

I smirked as he then slowly began unbuttoning my jeans. He pulled them down to my ancles with my underwear so that my croch was now entirely exposed.

Rayan looked up to me and smiled.

"Just making sure you're ready." He said and grinned.

"Yes. This is what I want..." I said and nodded. Rayan rose his eyebrows and grinned. He then slowly moved over my croch and gave a few licks around my aroused member before he began licking the whole shaft. I started shivering and moaning out loud because of the pleasure spreading all over my body.

"R-Rayan.. That's..." That was all I could studder...

After a while, Rayan stopped and moved over me again so that we were facing each other.

"Did you enjoy it. Foxy?" He said and kissed me.

"Loved it..." I said and smiled.

"But now, I think it's your turn..." I continued and grinned.

I Pushed Rayan away from me so that he was now sitting up. I ran my fingers up his chest playfully before I started un buckling the belt of his cargo pants. Rayan smiled and leaned backwards, spreading his legs a little in order for me to un button his pants more easily. When I opened the pants up and pulled his boxers down I smiled and looked up to Rayan.

"Like what you see?" He asked and grinned.

"I'd say, more than the average size." I said and winked, making Rayan blush.

"Let's see what it likes..." I said and started giving tiny licks on the tip, making Rayan tremble.

"It... It likes." He said and leaned back a little more.

"Hmhmhmm.. Well that's good." I said before taking it in my mouth. I slowly moved my head back and forth making Rayan huff, his cheeks getting redder by the minute.

"N-Nathan, don't stop..." He said and gently messed my hair with his hand.

After about 8 minutes of sucking, Rayan finally collapsed on his back on the bed. He was breathing heavily and the room was all warm and the windows were steamed up.

"Did the beef like?" I said and crawled on Rayan.

"Heh... The beef liked." He said and wrapped his arms around me. I kissed him on the cheek.

"Would you... Would you be ready to go all the way...?" He asked after a while of resting. I snuggled against his chest.

"I... I think so." I said and pushed my self up.

"You sure...?" Rayan asked again and looked at me when he reached for the lube bottle on the bedside table. He sounded a little worried.

"Yes, I'm sure." I said, turned around and lifted my tail. Rayan threw his pants away and came to me after putting on some lubricant. He hugged me from behind and rubbed his chin against my back.

"Ready, love?" He said and positioned himself properly.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I said and bit my lip.

"Ok, here I come, love." He said and slowly began entering my body.

I grinded my teeth because of the pain and let out a small whimper when Rayan was about half way in. He immediately stopped.

"Am I hurting you?" He asked me, worried.

"No, no. It's ok. I know it'll go away after a while."

"Ok... I'll try to be gentle." He said and slowly began pushing it in again, making me moan again.

"Th-that's it..." I said and huffed.

When Rayan got all the way in, he slowly started moving back and forth, gradually increasing the speed. The pain was still hindering with the pleasure a little, but I still enjoyed it.

Before we knew it, Rayan was allready at full speed, and the pleasure was immeasurable. The room was getting even hotter than before and the steam formed tiny droplets on the windows. I was trembling under Rayan and he, if I read his huffing correctly, was really enjoying it too.

I suddenly noticed when he began slowing down.

"Gh.. Gonna-" He studdered and hugged me tighter. Then he let out a loud moan when he released his load inside me. We both collapsed on the bed exhausted.

I snuggled up in Rayans arms and smiled.

"I love you..." I said and pressed my head against him.

"I love you too, Nathan..." He said and squeezed me. I was so calm and relaxed. As I heared Rayans heavy breathing next to me, I couldn't do anything but smile and snuggle up closer to him...

'I will never... EVER forget this night...' I tought and closed my eyes.

I could feel that Rayan was still awake, he was probably wating for me to fall a sleep. And I did... In his strong, but gentle and loving arms...

Chapter 4. Time of joy, time of sorrow

The next morning when I woke up, I was still in Rayan's arms. It was warm and I snuggled up against him, yawning slightly.

"You awake, Nathan?" He suddenly asked.

"Oh. Rayan, you're awake, too." I said and rubbed my eyes.

"Yeah, I guess I am." He said and squeezed me.

"So, my brother's coming home today. Would you like to come over to my place then?" He asked and smiled to me.

"I'd love to." I said and kissed him on the cheek.

I sat up and smiled to him.

"I'm going to go make us some coffee." I said and rose up from the bed.

"Ok. I'll be right there." Rayan said and winked. I pulled some pants on and walked into the kitchen.

'I wonder what it's like at Rayans place... I've never really seen the appartment behind the shop...' I tought and filled the coffee-maker with water.

Rayan walked to me and hugged me from behind.

"Trent is home at noon probably. So we can go there then." He said and rubbed his muzzle against my cheek.

"That's great." I said and switched on the coffee-maker. Suddenly, my cell-fone started ringing. I quikly ran to it and anwsered it.


"Hi, Nathan! It's Vicky! I just wanted to find out how your date with Rayan went?"

"Oh. It was wonderful!" I said and collapsed on the coutch. Rayan layed down next to me and squeezed me.

"So, is Rayan there?" Vicky asked.

"Yes, he is." I said and smiled as Rayan hugged me.

"At this time? Oh, wait... Does that mean you spent the night together?" Vicky asked and giggled a little.

"Hehe. Maaaybe..." I said and smiled to Rayan.

"Why you dirty little foxy~" Vicky laughed.

"We're going to his place today, at noon."

"Oh? That's cool. Well, you two just have fun! I gotta go now. Cya!"

"See ya Vicky." I anwsered and hung up.

Rayan looked at me and tilted his head.

"Who was it?" He asked.

"Ah, just Vicky. A friend from school."

"Oh, ok." Rayan said and stood up from the couch. He poured some coffee into two mugs and brought them on the table next to the couch.

At noon we left towards the shop.

When we arrived, Rayan pointed at Trent's car.

"He's home. Good, now we can get in." He said and took my hand.

I smiled and nodded.

"It's exiting to finally see where you live." I said and walked to the door with Rayan.

He pushed the door open and went inside.

"Yo! Bro! I'm home!" He shouted as I walked inside after him.

Trent came downstairs and waved.

"Oh. You're home. Where were you?" He asked and walked to us.

"I was at Nathans." Rayan said and nodded towards me.

Trent turned to look at me.

"Oh. Nathan was it? Welcome to our humble home." He said and extended his hand towards me.

"Yes, pleased to meet you." I said and shook his hand.

"Like wise." Trent said and smiled. He then looked at his watch and frowned.

"Sorry boys. I gotta run to a meeting out of town again." He said and shrugged.

Rayan sat on the sofa and looked at Trent.

"A meeting? AGAIN?" He said and tilted his head.

"Ah well, business stuff." He said and rolled his eyes.

"I'll see you guys later, ok. You can make supper if you like."

"Ok. Thanks Trent!" Rayan yelled when Trent walked trough the door.

I sat next to Rayan and hugged him.

"So, what should we do?" I asked and smiled.

"Hm, well I dunno. What ever fox-boy wants." Rayan anwsered and grinned.

"Hehe, don't call me fox-" That's when Rayans stomach suddenly rumbled.

I giggled and squeezed him.

"Wanna make some supper, hun?" I asked and stuck my tongue out.

"Yea, sure. That'd be great! So, what are we going to make?"

"... I was thinkinggg, mashed potatoes and brown sauce, and maybe some sallad. That sound good?"

"Sounds wonderful." Rayan said and suddenly lifted me up from the couch. He carried me to the kithcen while spinning me around playfully.

"Hey! Whoa there beefy!" I laughed as Rayan let me back on the floor on my feet.

"Would you like to make the sallad?" I asked and smiled.

"Sure thing. The potatoes are in there." Rayan anwsered and pointed at the fridge.

As I was placing the potatoes in the pot and Rayan started cutting up the tomatoes, I looked away from him and started thinking.

"Ya know..." I said and blushed a little.

"Can I ask you something?"

Rayan looked at me and blinked.

"Sure, what is it?"

I poked my fingers together and blushed a little again.

"Well, it's.. I've been wondering. What really made you intrested in ME?" I said and finally was able to look Rayan in the eyes.

"I mean. I love you, of course. But I never would've guessed you felt the same."

Rayan smirked. He walked to me and wrapped his arms around me, planting a brief kiss on my lips.

"You probably didn't notice.. But I've been looking at you way before we actually met at litterature class..."

I blushed like a tomato and smiled.

"R- Really?" I studdered.

"Yeah, uh... I got intrested in you a long time ago, but.. Actually, I never would've guessed you were intrested in me either."

I giggled.

"Altho I didn't admit it, I tought you looked really hot from the first moment I saw you."

This time it was Rayans turn to blush.

"Heh- well-"

"Oh, the potatoes!" I yelled when I remembered the potatoes on the stove.

"Ah.. They're all good..." I said and poured the water out of the pot.

When we were done making our meal, we sat down at a small table that I had set. Rayan even brought some candels. So romantic. I'd say the food tasted a thousand times better, when you were eating it with your own boyfriend.

Rayan smiled at me.

"This sauce is delicious." He said and rubbed his nose against mine.

"Not as good as this sallad." I said and took a nibble out of a tomato piece. That moment was so perfect. And just when we tought that things couldn't have gone any better, the phone rang...

"Oh, just a sec." Rayan said and winked. He ran to the phone and anwsered it.

"Yello, Tournay Electrics..."

I looked at Rayan while chewing on some sallad, and suddenly noticed how his face got all pale. He didn't say anything and he looked like something really bad had happened.

"Wh- When!?" He suddenly shouted.

"We'll be right there!" He said and hung up.

He quikly ran past me and grabbed my arm. He pulled me to the door and quikly pulled on his coat, I did the same and looked at him confuzed.

"W- What's happened?" I asked and ran after Rayan.

"Trent. He's hurt, badly!" He said and ran to the garrage. Inside he had a bright red motorcyckle.

"Hop on!" He said and I did as told. I held on tight on Rayans waist as we speeded trough the streets towards the hospital.

After we arrived Rayan pulled over and jumped off the bike. I took off my helmet and we ran inside.

"Where is he!?" Rayan shouted as a nurse came to us.

"He's currently at the ER, his condition is very bad... I'm sorry sir, but you can't go in there right now." The nurse said and tryed to stop Rayan from going on.

I walked after Rayan and grabbed his arm.

"What happened to him?" I asked and Rayan turned to look away from me.

"He.. He got hit by a drunk driver on the way to the meeting.." He said and closed his eyes. He slowed down and eventually stopped. I could see some tears forming in the corner of his eye.

"Rayan... I'm.. I'm sorry." I said and looked at the floor. He sat down on a waiting bench and sighed. He buried his face in his hands as I sat next to him.

"All we can do now is wait, and hope for the best..." I said and placed my hand on Rayans thigh.

"I just... I-" Rayan studdered.

"I don't know what I'd do without him... He.. I coudln't run the whole store on my own, and he's my brother! The only family I've had for a long time..."

I started feelig really bad... I held Rayan in my arms, I could feel as some tears dropped on my shoulder.

There I was... The love of my life, who I allways had looked for comfort, was an emotional wreck and there was nothing I could do for him now... But hold him.

After a few hours that felt like years, the nurse finally came to us. Rayan stood up with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"W- well?" He said and looked at the nurse.

"We got him to a stable condition." She said and put her hand on Rayans shoulder.

"Th- that's good news, right?" Rayan said and looked at me. The nurse nodded slightly.

"He's fine for now. Altho, still uncontious. All we can do is hope for the best..."

Rayan grabbed the nurses shoulders.

"Can we see him?" He asked anctiously.

"Yes. He's right in there, room 217..."

"Thank you." Rayan said and came to me. He took my hand and pulled me up from the chair.

We slowly walked in to the room. Trent was laying down on the bed, some tubes around him. He was breathing heavily, it looked like he was just sleeping... Rayan walked next to the bed and sat on a stool. I walked next to him and placed my hand on his shoulder.

Rayan laughed a little.

"You know..." He said and wiped the corner of his eye.

"We allways think that nothing bad is really going to happen to US.... Yea.." He said and looked at me.

"We allways think, that all the bad things happen out there, to others, but no, not us... But..."

"I know..." I said and pulled anoter stool under me and sat next to Rayan. We just sat there and didn't say anything...

I looked at Rayan and bit my lip.

"I really don't know... If this is the right time to ask this, but.. Did he.. Did Trent know about you and me, you know..?"

Rayan shook his head.

"I think he thinks we're just friends, but... I was going to tell him. Altho I don't know how he would react..."

I hugged Rayan.

"He's your brother, I know he'd be happy for you." I said and squeezed him.

"You mean... For us." Rayan said and hugged me back.

"I just wish he could hear this..." Rayan said and wiped his eyes again...

"I- I'm sorry..." He said and stood up.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom..." He said and walked out of the door.

I sighed and turned to look at Trent... Then suddenly, I saw his hand move. I flinched and moved back a little.

"T-Trent?" I said quietly.

I saw as he slowly opened his eyes and turned to look at me.

"Hello there Nathan..." He said and tryed to smile.

"No no, don't speak, you just rest, you're in no condition to talk." I said and pressed Trent down gently.

He shook his head.

"Listen Nathan..." He said with a wobbly voice.

"Altho I was uncontious.. I heared you two speak." He said and smiled. He then placed his hand on mine and spoke silently.

"Tell Rayan... Tell my brother, that I'm proud of him, him and you... I am happy for you two, and it really doesn't matter to me if he goes out with a boy or a girl... As long as he's happy, I'm happy... And tell him I love him no matter what." He said and smiled to me.

"T-Trent. You.. You can tell that to him your self now, right?" I studdered as my eyes began to tear up. Somehow I knew what I said wasn't true...

He smiled... He smiled, and after that, his eyes slowly closed and the heart monitor started beeping loudly. I covered my face and started crying as a bunch of nurses ran inside. I ran out of the room and almost jumped in Rayans arms, when he was on his way back from the bathroom. I was crying and I knew Rayan too knew what had happened...


It was a beautiful, yet a really sad ceremony... Me and Rayan stood there, next to the grave when all the other guests were leaving. I wiped my eyes and pulled my self closer to Rayan. He wrapped his arm around my back and squeezed me tightly. Ironic, that it was snowing slowly... Just like that day when we kissed for the first time.

We walked to a bench near the grave and sat down. Rayan looked up in the sky and smiled, even tho his eyes were filled with tears.

"You know... I never got the chanse to introduce you as my boyfriend to him..."

I hugged him as I remembered what Trent had said to me before he died.

I looked at Rayan and smiled a little.

"He knew." I said.

Rayan looked at me confuzed.

"He.. He knew?" He studdered.

I nodded and looked up to the sky too.

"He asked me to tell you, that he knew about us, and he was so proud of you. He was so proud of you and happy that we were together... Because he was your broter and he loved you, no matter what had happened."

Rayan smiled as tears flowed down his cheeks. He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me tightly.

"Thank you, fox-boy..." He said and tryed to laugh a little.

"Don't mention it... Beef..."