MLP-Sanrose- A New World #8

Story by Foxtrot Tactical on SoFurry

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YAY! Finally Finished Chapter 8. and started chapter 9. well, i at least set the chapter name... anyways. i finally got it finished, and its more of a slow chapter, but it explains a bit and also sets the story for the next few chapters. and well. and as promised, some action will start entering the scene, especially when he goes to meet the present day- click Yea, i'm still not telling... XD find out later. and BTW... I have NEVER HAD this many view. so thank you for all of your views. EVERYONE who even clicks, it makes me feel really great that people are actually reading it.

I do not own MLP, nor any copyrighted Material used in this story.

Chapter #8

Creating Bonds...

After walking into the open door being held by Winter Breeze, I was immediately greeted by a pink pie that seemed to come from nowhere. "Surprise!" she yelled with her arms up. Sadly when she had done this, my reaction was none too friendly. 'You must understand that I have trained myself in a defensive matter when it came to something happening when I wasn't expecting it. Especially since I had been running for my life for the past two years. So yes, anyways.' I grabbed the pony by the neck with one claw, drawing my small dagger from its hidden place, and spun us both around so that I could push the pony into the wall and hold my dagger to its neck.

Thankfully I realized what I was doing in mid spin so I quickly hid the dagger back into its sheath on my leg and continued the spin so we were facing the same direction as before. I looked down to the pony whom just had a large grin on her face, with her big blue eyes and poofy pink hair. Upon setting the pony down, I immediately released her and backed away from where she stood, bowing down on a knee. "I am so Sorry my' dear. I did not mean to do what I had just done. Please understand that after running for my life the past two years I developed certain reflexes to surprises like such. Please forgive me.

"That was fun! Do it again, do it again, do it again!" she yelled excitingly, bouncing in front of me. I looked up at her curiously with a slightly confused face. "Ummm..." was all I could say. I felt really bad for what I had just done, for almost harming the ones whom were helping me. "I suppose if you really wish I could do that again." I said down to the pony whom's eyes just grew wider as with her smile. I looked back to the ponies at the table again and most of them seemed to be giggling politley to themselves, as were the princess's. blue blood seemed to act like he didn't really care though. Ever since I had laid it to him straight, he never really talked to me much, but at least he was respectful.

I looked back up to the pony ahead of me and smiled at her still excited face. "How about after we dine, I will take you outside and flip you around even more than I had done so just now. Deal?" she nodded excitingly and then hopped sort of like a rabbit to her seat, causing me to chuckle. She seemed to act very childish for her size and age, but hey, I never really acted my age for being a over a thousand years old.

After walking over and taking a seat in the open chair between Luna and an orangeish pony whom wore a cowgirl hat, I looked down at the food in front of me, seeing that it was more vegetarian food. I felt my stomach as it began to ache for some meat, but I suppose I shall adapt. Celestia on the end of the table, stood to address the group. "My little ponies, I wish to announce that our new comer is more than grateful for what you have done for him." She said with a smile. "Sanrose, would you like to introduce yourself?" I nodded, standing up to see the group of ponies.

"My name is Sanrose Kigagjoriean Dreagneos, Prince of the dragons. And I must thank you all for saving my life from the eternity of being in stone. I deeply appreciate your kindness and you're willing to help another." I said addressing the group. "If not for your curiosity, I would not be here." A pure white unicorn with flowing purple hair smiled and spoke, "Darling it was nothing. Really, you're making a fuss over nothing." I smiled to her with a shrug. "well my' dear, I still am very thankful."

After being introduced to the group and learning each of their names, we were served for dinner. Dinner tonight was again more vegetables but it was a large salad with sweet and creamy dressing. As with many different apple flavored treats. "This treat is very good." I said after taking a bite of one of the apple items. "What is this called? The one named apple jack had a proud smile while she said, "that there pard'ner is an apple fritter. Made them all myself just before supper." "Well applejack, this is extremely tasty, I do believe I would love more of these in the future."

As we continued to eat, I was told many stories about this group of friends, and about the kingdom with the many names of the cities. I was told the story about Princess Luna, and how she used to be the nightmare of Equestria. While this story was told, I noticed how she was uncomfortable and how sad she looked from the story telling. I softly placed a clawed hand onto her shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile. "she looked up to me with a curious look on her face

"Princess Luna, have no fear. I only judge on the actions and the heart in which you show to this day." She began to smile again and I smiled back. The stories continued on for a while, each of us telling tales about our own homes and the adventures we had been on. I was surprised to hear about Fluttershy and he fear of dragons, and how she stood up to a dragon against that was sleeping in the outer laying mountains of Ponyville. I looked to her in curiosity and finally noticed how she had been extremely shy towards me. I initially thought she was just shy towards everyone, but even pinkie pie noted how she was quieter than usual.

"Fluttershy, are you afraid of me?" I asked her calmly. I watched her as she hid slightly behind Rainbow Dash, slightly whimpering. I chuckled softly and shook my head slowly. "My 'dear Fluttershy, please do not feel scared nor afraid, I am but a humble man that does not wish to hurt anyone, especially any of the ponies whom saved me." I said as I looked back over to her. She mostly just hid behind Rainbow Dash a little more instead of open up more like I had hoped. I just smiled softly and took a small bit of my food. "Do not worry my 'dear Fluttershy, I am sure that one day you will trust me and not fear Me."

We continued our meal with small chit chats back and forth to each other. Then it hit me. 'Wait, they said dragons... didn't they?' I pondered for a moment and then looked up quickly. And asked. "you said that there are dragons in Equestria, right?" the ponies turned and nodded, Rainbow Dash blurting, "of course! Why do you think Fluttershy is afraid of them?" I quickly looked to the teal pony and asked. "Do you know where they are? How many are there? Whom is they're leader, how did they-"The questions poured through my muzzle about the dragons. "Whoa whoa there Pardn'er, easy, we will answer them as best we can."

I took a deep breath, nodded and noticed I was now standing and leaning over towards the rainbow maned pony. I shyly sat down again in my chair and apologized. "Excuse my reaction, my 'dears. It is just that I am eager to reunite with my kind again. Back before I came here, dragons were hunted and hated and nearly killed off." The ponies around seemed to have a concerned look with a hint of disbelief. "How could such large and powerful creatures be hunted to near extinction?" asked princess Celestia.

I nodded slowly and thought for a moment before I spoke. "Yes, it is true that we are a great and powerful race. But, we do have a weak spot." I stopped and looked towards them all in concern. "Now, I have to be sure I can trust you all with this information. This information is in high secrecy and can only be told and with-held by the most trusted by my race, as it could be used to destroy our race." I said looking over all the ponies. They all seemed to have a much more serious face than before which helped relax me a little as they seemed to understand the seriousness of my concern.

"Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, do you understand my concerns and on why this is secret? And can I trust you two?" The two nodded in sequence before Luna Spoke up. " Sanrose, there is no need for distrust in us, for we are honest and will follow your word." I chuckled and nodded to her, trying to lighten the mood of the situation. "That is good to hear. Now, the secret to the Dragons weakness is not something you may think. Any guesses?" the ponies in the room began to were silent as they were in thought.

Rainbow Dash snickered and pointed towards Fluttershy, causing a few of the ponies to giggle or laugh at this. Fluttershy, however, continued to hide even more. Curiosity struck me and caused me to think.

"Is this a joke that happened before I came here?" I asked them all as my head was tilted in curiosity. Twilight had her hoof to her mouth to cover her giggling. "Indeed it is Sanrose, you see, there was a time we encountered a Dragon that was sleeping up in the Mountains over Ponyville. Causing there to be a massive black cloud to cover Ponyville. We, as the keepers of harmony, were sent up to remove the dragon from there so that Ponyville would not be filled with smoke for the next hundred or so years. " Twilight explained. "Oh?" I asked with a chuckle. "So how did that go for you?" "Well..." She continued, "it wasn't going very well. You see, the dragon had pretty much disabled all of us except Fluttershy, but when Fluttershy saw us hurt, she took control and... well... pretty much Parented the dragon out for being rude and mean."

I was surprised by this statement as my forehead raised where my eyebrows would be. "Really?" Rainbow Dash nodded excitingly. "Totally! It was sweet. She laid it down to that dragon like it was just a bird." I chuckled at this interesting and probably embarrassing moment for the dragon. "Well, believe it or not but that was an exact example of a dragon's weakness. They all looked to me with puzzled and curious looks. "the true weakness of any mostly any dragon... is their... humility."

Everyone in that room seemed to not understand what I was saying. "You see my'dears, Dragons are actually very humble, and generous. At least back from where I come from. They always were honorable and enjoyed helping others. And due to this, many dragons were abused and easily killed." Everypony in the room was silent at this remark, probably in deep thought, or sadness at the realization.

Celestia was the first to speak up, "That is very intriguing Sanrose, to be honest, we have had our suspicions of this, but now that you have confirmed this, it makes things more sensible." I nodded my head at this and sat back, taking a small bite of another apple fritter. "And due to this news of dragons in Equestria, I wish to make plans to go and visit the dragons, get to know my own kind from this place and make sure order is in place with them." The Princesses seemed to agree with me at this comment. "This would be a perfect moment then!" Celestia announced.

Everypony fell silent and looked to the Princess of light with curious and surprised looks. "What would be a perfect moment Princess?" Twilight asked. "My little ponies... I have been thinking for a while that we should send somepony to be an ambassador, to meet with the dragons so we could learn more about them. Of course it wouldn't hurt if we had a better relationship with them." The room seemed to be oddly quiet at the question. "But princess...? Who would go as the ambassador?" twilight asked. I noticed Fluttershy slowly hide behind Rainbow dash when Celestia had announced this.

Celestia turned to her sister sitting beside her, "Luna, how about this be your chance at handling a large responsibility like this. Becoming an ambassador to the dragons shall surely be a great test to see if truly ready to take on more responsibilities in the Castle." Luna thought about it and agreed. "Yes, I agree... I shall attend with Sanrose to meet with the dragons." Celestia Smiled and stood up. "Do we have an agreement Sanrose...?" I gave a nod to her calling my name. "Would you allow luna to go with you to meet the dragons?"

I nodded again and stood up, holding my arm across my chest, a sign of a respectful and honorable salute. "Of course My'dear Princess, I shall Protect her on our travel to and from the Dragon lands." "Then it is settled. Sanrose and Luna shall travel to the Dragon lands, Sanrose will reunite with his own kind, and Luna will now become the ambassador to the Dragons. When would you like to leave Sanrose?" "First thing in the morning."