Entwined Soul

Story by Asrayl on SoFurry

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#5 of Place Called Home

It took ten minutes for me to calm Rachel enough to talk to her. She sobbed heavily, weak in my embrace. She wrapped her arms around me, the cool, soft cloth of the simple robe she wore brushing against my shoulders, tickling in some places, but catching ever so lightly on the stitches, sharp pains accompanied with the brush against my tender wound.

"Liam..." She sniffled, I felt the moisture of her tears, cool, and heavy against me. I felt her hand running through my hair, she pulled me tight as though I was the only safe thing in the world, and whispered, her lips soft and gentle against my neck. "All the ambushes... all the trouble. Benny wanted to weaken us. He made his move, issued a challenge, and none of us are in any shape to stand against him."

I shook my head, not understanding. "Why would we have to answer the petty man's challenge?" I asked, turning to look into her eyes.

Amy filled in for me. "Exile awaits those who are unwilling, or unable to answer a just challenge. Unfortunately for you, my presence is justification. It's a trap. Another one of his tricks. I'm sorry. Send me back and they won't be able to make the challenge stand."

I shook my head. "Send you back and I never see you again. I'm sorry but I won't be so quick to let you go." I said fiercly, reaching out to caress her cheek. She leaned into my hand gratefully, a smile on her face that was so perfect so genuine, that even with the realization that it could cost the rest of my pack everything, I would stand by those words until the bitter end.

Rachel shook her head weakly. "Neither will I, but... we... all of us... either answer the challenge, or we have to leave this place. Our home." She shivered, fresh tears falling onto me. She started to pull away, but I held her tight, refusing to release her. After a long moment she let herself lean against me, sobbing into my neck.

I sighed, running a hand over her back. "You're the alpha, Rachel. Tell me to fight and I'll stand to my last breath. I owe you that much. We will all fight for you. For our family, our home. Say the word and I'll go kill him myself." I said, kissing her ear. "Any one of us would do the same for you. I just think I have the best chance is all. After all, I have faced the bastard once before. I am not afraid."

She shook her head more firmly, drawing away to stare into my eyes. "Liam... I will not ask you to sacrifice yourself. Not like that. Not for him." She said firmly. "I wouldn't ask it of anyone in my family. You are all..." She paused, looking pointedtly at Amy. "worth more to me than him, or this place."

I smiled, rising slowly, pulling down a heavy branch from the tree. The wood groaned and splintered beneath my weight, before finally giving me my prize. I sat again and set to cleaning it. My deft hands, well used to that kind of task setting readily into the motions, pulling twig and bark from it, stripping it down. "You never have to. Amy... I don't know what all is going to happen, but stay with Rachel. Keep her safe, understand?"

Diego laughed, coming around a thick bush, his tail belied his mood. He was just as down as everyone else. "Stuff like that is best left to the psychopaths, but I like the style at least." He sighed, touching his nose to Rachel's. "They're on their way. Is there anything else you would have me do? Go club Benny with Liam? Set a torch to the council chambers?" He smiled, trying to lighten the mood. Something told me he was just as serious as I was. Of course, it could've been my own anger reflected.

Rachel laughed aloud, shaking her head before stripping down. She stood a moment, wind catching her hair, making even the darker strands shimmer silver in the moonlight. She shifted, and stood before Amy, nipping at her shoulder lightly. Amy leaned into the gesture, her nose touching Rachel's shoulder lightly.

Holly and Heather stood beside me before I'd noticed their arrival. They both leaned against me lightly, and I wrapped my arms around them, caressing their silky fur for a moment before letting them go. They gave Diego their affections, Holly nipping at his hip with a wink as she walked past, touching her nose to Amy's in welcome.

Sam sat in front of me looking up in curiosity. I scratched behind his ear, giving his shoulder a pat before letting him go. He looked behind me. Erik had arrived. He sat beneath the tree, and noted the broken branch in my hands with a sigh and a smile."A vigilante now?" He asked, his voice light with amusement. "Can't say I didn't consider it myself." He chuckled, eyes sparkling with laughter. "Oh you young pups. Always rushing about for a fight." He groaned in mockery of his age, and chuckled when Heather rolled her eyes.

I smiled, continuing my work on the branch. Wether I planned to use it or not, I can't say. It was soothing though, crafting a tool of warfare, even a crude and simple one. It may be just me, but that is a rather theraputic use of time and effort. "I suppose Shakespeare put it best. All the world's a stage. If this part I must play, then let us hope I can play it well."

Diego nodded, and for a moment there was silence, our eyes met and I saw something. An approval that wasn't there before. He broke out into a grin laughing before I could ask him what was so funny.

A couple moments passed before he stopped. He turned, and said to me, in deadpan seriousness. "You gotta quit that, man." He hesitated, letting his half-smile crack through. "Afer all, I'm supposed to be the crazy one here, and believe me. This pack don't need two crazies in it. Most of the time Rachel doesn't know what to do with just one of me, yeah brother?"

I laughed, tossing the club aside. "Okay, Rachel. We're all here, so what's the plan?" The grass rustled, a small brown rabbit darting from the brush, as far away from us as possible. My eyes followed its progress and ended up at the boots of Malak, who walked towards us.

"Rachel, I'm sorry, but we need a decision." He said, shaking his head. His bass voice tired, filled with resentment at the words he spoke. "I wish there was something I could do about this, but..."

What comes next... it's ugly. I have no pride in it, but I can't say there is shame, either.

I jumped up and swung, my left hand levelling him, two knuckles broken, and one tooth protruding from between them. Blood flowed down the new wound in my body, but I felt no pain, just the bitter bile in my stomach as it rose to my throat.

Diego shifted, and wrapped his arms around me before I could follow through with the anger. His arms strained, holding me back as my feet struggled to pull me forward. I screamed, as loud as I could.

"Something you can do? You ignorant, cowardly FUCK! How about growing a fucking spine, and standing up for what is right, instead of what is popular you worthless shit!" He struggled to his feet, obviously dazed from the stroke of brilliance that cost him a tooth and quite a bit of poise. I wasn't done. I was furious. Fiery temper manifested in an instant of white hot, passionate rage. "Why not protect the packs, rather than the cowards that lead them? Why not stand up for the people, rather than side with a law inadequate to protect them? Why not be a MAN?"

He gave no answer, just glared at me. If his eyes were fire, I knew my own to be ice. If his were steel then mine were lightning. A moment drawn overly long in which neither of us would yield, and neither of us could claim victory.

Diego laughed, and rest a hand on my shoulder. I stopped struggling, though I did not stop glaring. Fortunately, Diego spoke, a calm voice, and one that agreed with me. It helped calm my temper, and after a moment I opened my right hand, my forearm tense from the tightly balled fist I'd come so close to using a moment before.. "Well, It would seem you have something to decide yourself, Malak." He stated simply. "As for us, Save for the psychopaths we're not in any rush to fight."

Rachel nodded, standing beside me. "I stand by Liam's sentiment, if not his actions. There will be no fight today. Let the council make their decision. I would like to spend this time with my pack, without further interruption until it is time to leave."

Malak turned on a heel, and started to walk away. I pulled his tooth from my hand, and pocketed it. "I'm turning that into a necklace." I stated simply when Diego eyed me curiously. My right hand idly rubbed at the damaged knuckles, my subconcious mind, well adjusted to fighting, forcing me to put things back into some semblance of order.

Rachel smiled, taking a long drink from the water. "Well, we won't be able to stay here much longer. Erin will force the protectorate to carry Heather, Amy and Liam back, we'll have one last stop at our respective residences, and then... well, we're going to take a little vacation. Any ideas?"

I smiled, and pulled Amy close as she walked up to me. She immediately relaxed in my arms, looking up at me as I held her. She shifted slightly, one paw resting atop my hand, pushing it slowly over her belly. I took the hint and rubbed her, softly. It soothed us both, the warmth of her body in my lap, the gentle stroke of my fingertips over her. My left hand throbbed, and I balled it up, pushing it against the cotton of the pants I wore, I sighed as the burning, tingling sensation between my swelling joints faded.

Erik spoke, hesitantly. "Maybe we could go see my family? It's been a while, and I'm sure they'd love to meet Liam and Amy. You remember your uncle Ken, Sam?" He asked, settling himself as Rachel sat next to him, resting her head on his shoulder.

Sam nodded, bouncing playfully. "Yeah!" He said, giggling brightly. "Big-ear Ken! Could hear a racoon whisper over city traffic!" He said, leaping over Holly, ducking under Heather. "And chase him faster than any fox!" He said, leaping at Diego, who deftly caught the energetic ball of fluff in one arm, rolling him over and giving him a pat to the tip of the nose. "Settle down, pup." He said, laughing softly. "Yeah." He added. "Sounds like a plan, Erik."

Rachel giggled at the energy and sat beside Erik, a loving lick over his neck. "Yes, that sounds... wonderful. It should be beautiful this time of year. I wonder if they're blanketed in snow. Remember last time? We weren't the only ones with the idea to go for a romp in the meadow... oh that was so long ago..." She sighed, smiling softly. "Then I guess that's our destination. I just know they'll welcome you with open arms Liam, Amy... You'll both fit right in."

We sat for a while, enjoying the view in silence. Amy sat at my left side, her tongue gently running over the tender wound on my hand, soothing away the pain. Heather sat at my right side, leaning against me slightly. My arm wrapped around her, holding her close to me. She looked up at me, the dark grey fur glistening silver under the moonlight, almost a halo atop her head where the angle was just right. Diego and Holly sat by the water, talking in hushed tones.

Erik and Rachel made a quiet exit and even energetic Sam lay down by the water, not disturbing the moment.

It wasn't long before Rachel and Erik returned, both very evidently refreshed, laughing good naturedly at the blush on Diego's face as he tried not to take notice of them and the not so subtle wave of Rachel's hips as she brushed past him, the tip of her tail slipping across his shoulders. Erik winked, continuing his slow, measured pace beside Rachel.

Heather had fallen asleep in my embrace, Amy was close to it, so I let myself relax, and there, beneath the glistening silver moon, and between two girls who trusted me to protect them, and near an entire pack willing to sacrifice themselves for the other members, I found myself strangely content, even knowing we would be forced out of our home, we had a destination, and we would reach it together.

The morning reached us, and the sound of heavy footsteps brought me to my senses. Fist and foot first. It was the laughter that made me look up. Malak, smiling proudly, reached down, and pulled me up, patting my shoulder in comradery. "Liam... I want to thank you. Was about time someone knocked some sense into me. I've resigned my post." I started to speak, but Malak interrupted me. "No, no. It was long overdue. I'm not the only one absolutely fed up with the choices being made. I think I'm going to take a trip, go see my family, back in Africa. My girl says she wants to come with. I already talked to Rachel, and

we'll probably go with you as far as the airport." He hesitated a moment, before gesturing to a basket of fruit. "Sit down, and enjoy breakfast, I'll be back. I have something I want to give you."

I sighed, letting the minutes pass while I peeled an orange. Rachel and Diego were down by the lake, nuzzling eachother affectionately. Amy was awake, sitting under a tree, watching me. She started to walk towards me as I looked around, and I set aside the peeled fruit, setting into another one as she approached. Heather whined, sleepily as she stepped around the tree, and nipped at Amy's neck, softly. Amy lowered herself slightly, her tail swinging side to side. Then they both approached.

Heather lay beside me, head in the shade my body provided. I gave her a few sections of orange, running my hand over her back. I split the rest of the orange into it's natural segments, and held them one at a time in my hand out to Amy. She took them, slowly running her tongue over my palm, a knowing look in her eye as she teased her way up my fingertips. After she'd finished the fruit, and dutifully cleaned my hand, I caressed her, drawing her close to kiss her. Heather nipped at my hand, gently, and I ran my fingertips through the fur of her neck.

"Liam..." Heather whispered, sitting herself up slightly, but was interrupted by Malak. My eyes met hers, sympathetically, and I leaned down, kissing her nose. She smiled, a bit weakly, and closed her eyes, content, for the moment to rest her head in my lap.

"Liam..." He said, before shaking his head. "Forget it, I had a speech but it's not worth embellishing." He pressed a leather pouch into my hand. "My badge, as protectorate. I think you are more worthy of carrying that. You showed me something yesterday, about this place, about myself. I was furious, unwilling to accept the truth that for once was plain, and simple. I've been a coward, running from a lot of things. It's time I went back, faced my family, apologized for the mistakes I made, the fear that I let drive me away. I'll see you guys when you're ready to leave."

I nodded, waiting for him to leave before letting the badge slip out of the pouch and into my palm. It was simple, and elegant. A silver halo around a howling wolf, beautifully shaped of iron, eyes of sapphire. I sighed, putting it in the pouch, and slipping it into my pocket. "Many paths, my friend. May yours bring you happiness."

Heather smiled up at me, but didn't say anything, just nuzzled at my belly affectionately and closed her eyes. I followed suit. Somewhere, a bird chirped, and my mind found itself trying to see the world through its eyes. From the treetops, from the sky. I flew over the lake. Something nagged at me but I couldn't place it.


Salt to the Wounds


I'd finally found a peaceful place on the stretcher they'd brought to carry me. And it wasn't long before I'd dozed off. I don't know how long I was asleep.

I dreamed of Amy, her beautiful eyes staring into my own. Of Heather, who seemed to want nothing more than the same affections I'd given Amy. She certainly didn't hesitate to establish her place, and Amy didn't seem to mind yielding to her. I wondered, in my dream why everyone seemed to be so drawn to me, so accepting of me. My mind flashed to the anger I'd felt when I struck Malak, finding solace that he took my words and found them to be worth pondering. I felt a wave of cold come over me, a chill that was unnatural. I felt my hair stand on end. The cloth of my shirt felt heavy, and soon I came awake with a start. Something was definately wrong.

I lay there for a moment, an odd sound in my ears, it was a roar at first but then I heard pops and crackling. I must've been fevered, because it took me a long moment to figure out what it was I smelled. I came to the realization just as Malak spoke.

"The fire's spreading around us. We have to get out of here now. It's our only chance." His voice called clearly. I slid off the stretcher, nodding at the protectorate, who folded it, and ran ahead. I went to Heather, and called Amy over. Her eyes looked dry, strained. Her ears twitched with the sounds. She looked mostly crazed and it took a long moment of holding her still to keep her from lashing out at me.

"Amy... Amy snap out of it, it's going to be okay. Good lord, what the hell's wrong with you?" I asked, watching her.

"Benny..." She whispered, shaking her head. "For my betrayal, for your loyalty... he plans to kill us all now. I know this. It is how he killed my family. And why nobody could prove it." She said, shivering in my arms despite the heat of the flames. I coughed, and ducked my head low, taking a few calm breaths filtered through the thick fur on her neck.

"We aren't going to die. I'm working on it, just trust me." I said, kissing her. She responded with her flexable canid tongue, a desperate passion in her movements. I held her for another minute, and then stood up, jogging over to the protectorate. She and Heather both stood very close to me.

"Okay boys, what's the status. How far out, how much clearance do we have, and for god's sake which way is the wind blowing?" I asked as we all moved through the trees. Through the smoke there was no sense of direction.

Andrew spoke first, shaking his head. "No more than fifty yards in any given direction, and we can't really tell right now. It looks bad."

I nodded, hesitating a long moment before speaking again. "There's a lake by the cabin, if we're close to it. Won't stop us from suffocating, but it might just be what we need to get through this." I said, nodding.

Rachel grabbed my shoulder, and I turned to catch her as she stumbled over the path. It hurt like hell, and I felt my wound spread open slightly. She must've seen the grim set of my jaw as I held her becuase she stood up and started begging my forgiveness.

I interrupted her, placing my hand on her cheek. "First, it's okay. Second, we have more important things to worry about. Do we keep buckets? stockpots? Anything big enough to hold a sizeable quantity of water? We aren't going to fight the fire. We just need to be able to break through."

Malak laughed. "We have stretchers. The canvas. You're not a firefighter, are you?" He asked, chuckling in spite of the situation.

"Hell no." I replied, shaking my head. "But I'm a fighter, and I don't feel like standing around waiting for the flames to catch me." I said resolutely.

He laughed... well, he got half of a laugh out, then he stood as he entered the clearing. Silent as the grave, and as grave as the grim spectre himself.

It only took me another two steps to find out why as I pushed a branch out of my field of vision. I use words like grave, and grim, but nothing could truly capture what I saw. No words could do it justice.

The cabin, Rachel's beautiful home... my home... It was up in flames. The fire had already caught and caught well. It spiraled across the roof, danced over the walls, over the beautiful, carved porch. Along the windows. But it wasn't over yet. And I knew better than to think for a second that we could let it be over.

"Rachel, three things you must save and where they are exactly, NOW!" I demanded looking into her eyes.

"Moms quilt, draped over the couch. Grandmother's necklace, nightstand upstairs bedroom. The mini safe, underneath the upstairs bed." She replied without thinking. It was obvious, because she looked up at me just as I turned, comprehending what I was going to do.

Before Malak could stop me, I was ten steps ahead of him. I hesitated, kicking in the door. To my surprise and gratitude, it only took two solid blows to splinter the locking mechanism out of the wooden door. I looked back and saw Malak, regrouping with the protectorate, they were using the canvas stretchers as impromptu water buckets, and had already formed a bucket brigade. Heather stood with Amy, watching me for a moment before being called to the task before them. They moved very efficiently, circling the house, dousing it with water. The whole pack had run to join in and then I had moved past the view of the back porch and the sliding glass doors.

The house was filled with smoke and I was glad the quilt was the first thing on my list. I balled most of it up, using some of it to filter out the thick smoke. Up the stairs I went, two at a time. Fire raced up the walls, the heat of it was opressive, but it did serve to illuminate my path some. I heard the hiss of steam from the upstairs bedroom, the glass had broken under the intense heat, and water was being flung in. I picked up the safe from under the bed first, and went to the window.

"MOVE!" I yelled, as I heaved the fifty pound box out the window. I didn't wait to see it land. I grabbed the necklace off of the nightstand, and sighed, picking up the small music box from the beautiful oak furnature before practically leaping back down the stairs. I had one more stop.

My room. My bow. I kicked in the door, saw the flames dancing over the floor and sighed. My tent, my bag, it was all just out of reach. I'd pushed my luck enough. I heard the entire cabin creak, and as I came to the front room I felt, more than heard the roof start to give way. I ran to the back window and threw myself at it as hard as I could.

I rolled quite a ways, the treasures I'd held collecting mud and grass as I came to a stop. I lay there for a moment before I saw the hand come into my field of vision. Rachel slapping me across the cheek. "Don't you ever do anything that stupid again!" She scolded me as I pulled the music box out of the safe spot nestled in the quilt. "Thought... you might like this too" I said between coughs. "Please, take these things, and let's all hurry up and get out of here!"

I stood up, shaking off a wave of dizziness, and went to the lake. It was lower, the air was a bit more fresh. I felt weak, and knew I was bleeding again.

"Still, a death for the right reasons..." I said, shaking my head as I stood up again, feeling a little stronger.

"Is just as final, stupid boy." Erik growled at me, shaking his head. "You did good, but do you have to risk your life every time? Those things... are they worth more than you?" He asked, shaking his head. "Now help us get this bucket brigade moving out of the woods." His voice was hoarse, strained. He hauled the stretcher full of water, handing it off to me, gesturing up ahead.

We lined up, eight protectorate, seven pack members, three stretchers converted to the task. And we worked. One ran to the next, and the one at the front ran back to take his place at the back. Not a proper brigade that we didn't have two directions working, but more like an exhausting baton pass up the hill. I don't know how many rounds I made, they got longer as we went and I felt dizzier and dizzier... Rachel fell first, and Andrew took her down the hill.

I didn't stay to watch. Another stretcher found my blistered hands, and I ran with it. My veins pumped acid. My lungs sulfur. I couldn't see anymore. Instinct and the sound of yelling kept me going. And then... a break. Malak, carrying rachel, lead the way, running through the woods before the fire could catch again, the soles of his shoes melting on hot spots, embers dancing in the underbrush. We could see the road, fire crews and equipment. Real crews trying to stop the fire from crossing the road. We ran, a tight line past them, up the hill to paramedics. Behind me, from the road... I saw devistation. A lot of it... And then I saw black.

I remember hearing my father speak... but it was Benny I saw. He smiled down at me, and shook his head. "You and I... we're one and the same. We never spend more than we have to in order to get what we want. We're both calculating. Both fighters. Why do you struggle against it? In the end, we're exactly the same."

In my heart... I was terrified... terrified that he was right. I'd lashed out at friends when they did things that were inconvenient to me. I'd belittled a girl simply for her being in the wrong fight. I'd been so quick to go fight. So willing... eager to spill blood. I'd been so angry. Impuslive, rash... and then I saw Heather, looking up at me, that tired smile on her face, she wanted me to forget everything for just a moment. All I forgot was her. Just like Benny. He didn't care about Amy until she wasn't there for him to use. Was I the same? Was I the same as him? As my father too?