Catfood Ep. 10 - Cafeteria

Story by Nameless on SoFurry

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#10 of Catfood


Catfood - Episode 10 - Cafeteria

© 2004, 2005 Nameless

When we entered the cantina, I was glad to find that while the room was quite large, there were not more than five other people there. Two of them, guards judging by their uniforms, sat at one table. A female manager (I thought her such, her business suit looked very expensive) shared a table with a male slave. I couldn't get a good look at him, they were sitting at the far end of the room, but he was wearing a collar and nothing else, at least I couldn't see anything else. The two talked in low voices and gave every indication of ignoring the rest of the world. The last person was the nude and collared woman who stood behind the counter. She had lightly tanned skin, long blonde hair and big breasts. They were so big that I couldn't help wondering if they were real or not. If the trimmed patch of public hair was anything to go by, she was a natural blonde. The countertop was unusually low, intentionally so, I thought, so as not to offer anybody standing behind it any concealment.

When we approached her, she bowed her head and said to Tammy "Good evening, Mistress. What can I get you?"

"Hmmm... I'd like a coffee with cream and one of those fruit pies."

"Yes, Mistress."


"I..." I searched the menu, suddenly unsure what to order "A glass of water... and one of those sandwiches."

"This one? Whole grain, cucumber and cheese?"

"Yes, please."

"Fine. Anything else?"

"No, that's all."

"Thank you, Mistress. I'll bring everything to your table in a minute."

"Tammy!" One of the guards waved to her.

To my dismay she headed there and greeted him "Hello, Max. Got any free chairs?"

"Sure." He stood up and held one of the chairs for her. Tammy sat down, the leash still in her hand. Remembering her warning that I was not allowed to sit without permission, I remained standing.

The other guard pushed his chair back a bit and patted his lap "Have a seat, girl." I stared at him and then at Tammy. To my dismay she grinned at me and nodded. She pulled me close and unclipped the leash from my collar. Then she put a finger on my nose and gave me a gentle push in the direction of the waiting guard.

Another look at her face reminded me that in all likelihood my choices were to sit down on his lap right now or to drag things out a little more and do it after an explicit command. I sighed and said "Yes, Master." I sat down on his lap. He put his hands around me. His right hand rested on my thigh, the other one went around my belly. He didn't touch anything too private, not yet, but I had not illusions that this state would last forever.

Tammy said "Max, Jeff, meet Lisa. She signed up today."

"Hello, Lisa, pleased to meet you." Said Jeff, on whose lap I was sitting.

The other guard commented "Hello, Lisa. My, you're a tiny one. What species are you?"

"A good evening to you, Master. I'm a desert kangaroo rat."

Max looked at me, at Jeff and then back at me, licked his lips suggestively and snickered "How fitting. You certainly aren't big enough to make a main course."

I groaned at the pun, like I hadn't heard that one often enough. The two guards found it very funny, however and when Tammy joined their laughter, I couldn't help but do the same.

"Well..." Jeff snickered "she looks more like an appetizer to me. Tasty, no doubt, but I'd want something a bit more solid afterwards."

Suddenly I felt the need to defend myself. I snorted "I'm good enough that you wouldn't want any other woman after me." and before I had even thought about the possible repercussions, the words were out of my muzzle. When I saw the grin on Tammy's face, I realized that they might expect me to back up my words with actions. "Ummm..." I blushed and my ears wilted "You expect me to prove that?"

She gave me an innocent look "Well, well, Lisa. What do you think?" She paused for a moment "Either you prove that you are really... 'that good' or... you admit that you lied. Then you'd better apologize to Jeff and hope that he forgives you." I got the distinct impression that the second alternative would not be the one I wanted to take.

I sighed and hung my head for a moment. I could clearly feel how much he enjoyed the idea, his manhood had grown noticeably since I had sat down on his lap. I looked up at Tammy and squared my shoulders "Ok." I turned and looked up at Jeff's face. Even sitting on his lap, my head barely came to his chin "All right, Master. I'll show you how good I am."

He grinned down at me and licked his lips "I look forward to it." Seeing the hint of respect in his eyes filled me with pride and happiness. I had scored a point and that felt good. It didn't even matter when he began to feel me up in earnest. Not too much at any rate. "When is she free, Tammy?"

"This weekend, probably. I'll check and tell you."

Jeff's hands weren't too unpleasant. Suddenly I began to feel a lot warmer than before, his fingertips brushed over my nether lips but didn't stray into me while his left hand kneaded my breasts very gently. My ears started burning when I saw the knowing grin on Tammy's face.

"Mistress? Your coffee and the pie." She placed the indicated items in front of Tammy and bowed.

After a moment Tammy said "Thank you, Pam."

"Here, Lisa."

It took some effort to concentrate on something else than Jeff's hands and the way they caressed my body "Thank you" *pant* "Pam."

Tammy said "Jeff, please let Lisa concentrate on her food, I'd really prefer if she didn't choke." I blushed even more at the reminder. He didn't take his hands away but reduced his ministrations to a gentle teasing.


I turned to Pam and asked "Yes?"

"Could I interest you in a... special pie?"

"Special pie?" I stared at her, unsure what she meant.

She grinned and thrust her hips forward "Fresh pussy pie, it's hot and juicy. Simply delicious."

" Yuck!" The fur on my muzzle fluffed out and my ears seemed to catch fire. I barely managed to choke out a "No." While the thought of eating out another woman excited me in a certain way, it disgusted me very much.

"Awww crud!" She lowered her head "Sorry Masters and Mistress."

For several seconds there was an awkward silence, then Max grinned and asked "Is that offer open to everybody?"

"Sure, Master."

"Think you can keep that pie fresh until my shift is over?"

"Yes, Master."

"Ok, Pam. I'll see you around six, then."

"Yes, Master. Thank you. I'm in room 510, would you like to meet me there?"

"Sure." He reached for her and poked a finger into her sex. Then he brought the finger to his mouth and licked up the juices on it. "Hmmm..." He grinned at her "I think I'm going to enjoy that pie." Then he swatted her backside playfully and commanded "Off you go, girl!"

She giggled and bowed "Yes, Master." Then she went back to the counter, swishing her hips and showing off her rather pretty ass. When she stood behind the counter again, she looked at Max and licked her lips suggestively.

I picked up my sandwich and took a bite. After a while Jeff asked "Lisa, do you think you can take what I want to do with you?"

"Ummm..." I didn't like the sound of that at all.

Tammy asked "What do you have in mind, Jeff?"

I didn't have to look at him to hear the grin in his voice "C.B."

"Oh." I didn't like the look on Tammy's face either "That one is not nice, not at all."

"What... what do I have to do?"

Jeff answered "It wouldn't be any fun if we told you..."

I looked at Tammy, but I could see that she wouldn't help me. I trusted her to say 'no' if she thought that it would be too dangerous. I could see that she wasn't too happy about this, that it would be unpleasant for me, but that she didn't think it would be too much. I had to decide on my own. Finally I decided to tough things out. I looked up at him and said "All right, Jeff. Do your worst."

"All right." He grinned "You're on, rodent gal."

I could see that I had won a lot of respect, I only wondered if the price for that would turn out to be too high. I leaned back and picked up the sandwich to take another bite.

A minute or so later the door opened and a Hispanic looking woman entered. She looked around for only a moment before she headed straight to our table. "Hi, Max, Jeff." She hugged and kissed Tammy "Hello, Tammy." Then she sat down next to Jeff.

"Hi, Angie." Tammy and the others returned her greetings. "Angela, this is Lisa."

[Note: Before anyone asks, Angela is not the same woman as the nurse from episode 6.]

"Hello, Lisa, I'm pleased to meet you." Before I could return her greeting, she leaned forward and kissed me. I was too surprised to do anything but return her kiss.

"Ummm... hello, Mistress."

"Call me Angela." She held out her arms "Come here." Before I could do anything, Jeff picked me up and transferred me to her lap. Angela put her arms around me without touching anything inappropriate. When I looked at her in surprise, she asked "Didn't Tammy tell you about me?"

"No." I stared at her, unsure what to make of all this. Then I turned to Tammy.

Tammy grinned for a few seconds before she answered "I told you that I'm your 'buddy', that you could call me whenever you have problems or anything, yes?"


"Angela is my stand-in. If I'm not available for any reason, she'll take the call."

"Oh. Ok."

"Angela?" Pam stood next to us, I hadn't noticed her walk up to us "Would you like anything?"

"Just a coke, Pam."

"Ok. Just a moment." She bowed her head, gave me a wistful smile and turned around. Somehow I got the impression that she would have liked to sit on Angela's lap.

"Angie is Pam's buddy, by the way."


" Shit!" Max exclaimed, then "Sorry, ladies. Gotta run or we'll be late for our shift." He got up "See you."

"Oh, well. Goodbye then." Jeff followed his colleague "See you Lisa!" A moment later they were off.

I took another bite from the sandwich and chewed slowly, thinking about my encounter with the males. I looked at Tammy "I really should learn to keep my muzzle shut, don't you think?"

"You mean boasting to Jeff that you're good in bed ?"

"Yeah. Now I have to prove it... And whatever that 'C.B.' meant, I don't think I'll enjoy it. Can't you at least give me a hint what to expect?"

Tammy gave me an evil grin "No, mousie." She giggled "But don't worry. You may not enjoy every bit of... whatever he's going to do to you, but he won't really hurt you. And unless I am reading you totally wrong, you'll be glad for the experience when you're done." Her face became thoughtful for a second "Say what... I have a potential customer for your tryout day lined up for Thursday. Do you feel up to that?"

"Ummm... ok."

"Good. Ok, tell you what... we'll review how you handled yourself there and then I'll decide if you are up for the..." She grinned "mysterious 'C.B.' treatment. If I think that it'll be too much for you, I'll tell Jeff he can't do this. Ok?"

"Ok. When would I have to... do Jeff?"

"Saturday is probably best. I'll decide when I know how your tryout day went."

"Ok. Thank you, Tammy."

"My pleasure, Lisa. One other thing..." She gave me a wry smile "don't try too hard to keep your muzzle under control."


"You'll want to get to know your master before you go too far, but... most of them enjoy it when you give them an excuse to punish you. He could spank you just because he felt like it, but often he'll enjoy it a lot more if he gets to 'punish' you."

"Oh... I see."

"And the same applies when he can 'trick' you into volunteering for something. A very obvious ploy would be when he says something like 'The last girl I had really knew how do suck my cock.' In this case he obviously expects you to say something like 'Fine, but I'm sure I can do better than her.' Of course you'd have to prove it at that point, but that'll be exactly what he wanted. And he'll feel good for 'tricking' you rather than simply commanding you to do it."

"Oh, well... I think I see your point."

"If you can manage it, you should try to give him an opening to explore every now and then, should he so choose. Remember, Lisa, you want to please him, you want him to have you around, you want to get into his pants." *Grin* "Especially since you usually won't be wearing any for him to get into." She considered the dubious look on my face "Really. You do want him to pay you and even give you a big tip, don't you?"


"You'll also find that you will want all kinds of other favors from him. If you're very enthusiastic in bed, he'll be much more understanding if you are not feeling so well one day and would really prefer to rest. Not many of our slaves do, but you do have friends and family. It's your master who decides when your free days are. If he's well pleased with you, then he's much more likely to agree if you ask him to move your free day to your mother's birthday or at least allow you to phone her. If he isn't pleased with you he might not allow you any contact with your friends. Do you see?"

"Yeah... I do. I'll think about it."

Angela squeezed my paw gently "That's all we ask. We're here to help you."

"Thank you."

"I had some of the most happy months with a master whom I teased almost continually. I played the nymphomaniac and pushed at my bounds almost all the time. He spanked me quite often and invented all kinds of other small and big 'punishments' for me. We had a lot of fun together." The happy look on Tammy's face told me that the memories she had really were happy ones for her.

We chatted for a few minutes more while I finished my sandwich. Then Tammy took the leash and led me out of the cantina. I waved a quick goodbye to Pam. Angela followed us, no doubt only trailing behind to be able watch my back. She seemed pleasant enough, but her obvious interest in other females made me more than a little wary of her.

We rode the elevator down to the ground level, then we walked down a long corridor that took us deep into the office complex. We left the first building (where Tammy's office was located) and walked down a long glassed-in walkway. Since it was a pleasantly warm day, most of the windows were open. Ahead of us I could see another big building. The walkway led through a park-like area, the warm evening air was filled with the pleasant scents of the foliage. Off to the right I could see a large pool and behind that seemed to be a tennis court. A game was in progress, a mixed double if I saw correctly. My eyes almost popped when I realized that two of the players, a male GELF and a female human, were completely nude. Except for the collars and tennis shoes, that is.

When we entered the building at the end of the walkway, Tammy stopped for a moment to point out the facilities "This is the slave and entertainment area. Above us are the rooms for our slaves, that is where you'll stay between assignments. There are also rooms for guests who would like to be entertained here. The pools are in this direction, we have both an indoor and an outdoor pool. The outdoor sporting area is in that direction. The indoor fitness facilities are straight ahead, this is where we'll take your pictures." He lips curled into a slightly evil grin "And below us is the dungeon."


"Yeah, you know. Whipping posts, racks, that kind of thing. We even have an iron maiden."

"Ummm..." I a shiver of fear ran down my spine.

"Pray that you never have to go in there."


Tammy watched my face for a moment, then the evil grin disappeared. Suddenly I realized that she had been teasing me.

"This... this isn't real?"

"Yes and no. Yes, the dungeon is down there and we have all kinds of torture devices. But we don't torture or kill our slaves. Some of the entertainment can hurt a lot, but usually it is a lot of fun, even for the slaves."

"Well... ok."

"And the most important thing to remember:" She pointed "The doctor is in there. We always have a doctor or a certified nurse on call, just in case."

"Oh... good." Knowing that made me feel a lot better.

"Come." We entered the fitness area.

End of Episode 10