A Forest Like Death

Story by FutileFeline on SoFurry

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Something I wrote a while back. I'm kind of proud of it.

*The sounds of strong wind whistled through the rocking trees. The sun arose from the horizon and the stars sunk beneath the light. Dreams were broken as the souls of the forest woke from their sleep. *

** "Hey!" A man's voice broke through the forest's silence. "What are you doing here?" he asked. A boy sat underneath an oak tree looking up at the brightening sky.**

** After a while the, boy greeted the man with one silent word without taking his eyes off he falling moon. The man stood their silently and asked the boy if he was okay.**

** "I'm fine," he smiled. He got to his feet and leaned back on the oak tree looking at the man in curiosity. "This forest is like death. What are you doing here?" he asked politely turning his head to the side.**

** The man stood still staring at the boy wondering what to say. "What are YOU**** doing here? You even know where you are, son?" **

** The boy shifted his head back to place and his smile slowly faded. He waited a second and replied, "This forest is like death." He stared at the man for a moment, turned around, and started for the trees. Without turning his head, the boy whispered, "I'm free."**