Of Warlords and Pleasures: Urgan Nagru, the Foxwolf

Story by Uoikih on SoFurry

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NOTICE! All chars used in this story are copyright Brian Jacques, and are used without permisson.

The Foxwolf lay across the pile of cushions that served as a bed for him. He sighed, fiddling absently with the long metal claws imbedded in the paws of the wolfskin he wore. So much had happened in the last few days! The escape of Queen Serena and her brat Truffen, the retreat of the hare and the two mice into the tower of Castle Floret, and Silvamord's obvious avoidance of him. Silvamord. Urgan Nagru smiled, remembering their first union. Although cunning and sly, Silvamord was still young, beautiful, and slender, moving with a sensual grace and catching the eye of every malebeast, young or old, she passed. The foxwolf snarled angrily as he recalled how Silvamord had also hurled things at him and shouted furious words in his face. Jumping lightly from the mountain of soft pillows, Nagru grinned wickedly. She would never speak to him like that again after tonight!

Silvamord lay across her own bed, which was actually where Gael Squirrelking and his queen Serena had slept. The pretty vixen rolled over onto her stomach. What did they do at night, whem their babe had been put to bed, and the courtiers were gone? Did they make love, passionate, slow, and loving? Silvamord sighed and lay back against the silk pillows, tracing the elegant embroidery slowly, thinking of Nagru and the way he had made her laugh and desire him, before they had come to Southsward. In a fit of rage, the vixen threw the cushion aside and sat up, then got to her paws and began to pace. Ever since their fight after Muta and that otter, Rab Streambattle, had wreaked havoc upon Nagru's army, the two foxes had not seen each other privately. True, they had spoken in the halls and out on the parade ground, but not as mates, just as a pair of conquering generals. Silvamord stepped to the long pane of glass that hung from the wall, encircled by an intricately carved frame of cherrywood, with tiny figures of squirrels, flowers, and swords cut into it. A slender vine of wood wended its way down the side of the mirror. Silvamord studied her reflection quietly. Tall for a vixen, her fur was whitish grey and her muzzle was silver-striped. The markings upon her back were also silver, but not with age, just with the uniqueness of her pelt. Silvamord's eyes were dark green and cunning, and she wore a long skirt of animal tails, with pieces of rock crystal sewn into them. The skirt tinkled when she moved, and sat low on her hips, but other than that, the vixen wore no other clothes upon her slender, muscled body. True, when she was out with her soldiers, she tied a wide strip of white linen around her chest, but most of the time she walked around the castle bare-chested, proudly displaying her bare, round, full, firm breasts with their dark areolas and deep pink nipples, as she was now. A knock sounded at her door, and Silvamord turned from the mirror. "Who is there?" The door was thrust open, and Nagru stepped in, his wolfskin swirling around him. Shutting the door, he bolted it and grabbed Silvamord. She gasped and tried to fight him off, but the Foxwolf was too strong for her. Gathering her in his arms, he nuzzled her neck and growled, "It's been too long, my bare-breasted vixen, too long." Silvamord stiffened, but relented as his paws roved to stroke her hips and bring her closer, the large, hot bulge behind his wolfskin pressing between her legs. Nagru picked his mate up and carried her to the bed, where he lay her against the pillows and proceeded to unfasten the bindings of her skirt, shedding his own clothing in the process. Silvamord reached for him and they kissed wildly, Nagru's hard rod rubbing along her stomach. She reached for it and stroked gently, enjoying the smooth stiffness of it. Then, kneeling, she took Nagru in her mouth as he lay back, her skirt falling to the floor. She licked down its long length, took the head of his black shaft between her lips and sucked, running her tongue along the ridge below the broad head. Nagru grunted with pleasure, welcoming the sensations that flooded through him from Silvamord's skilled mouth, and reached down a paw to guide her along as she created suction with her mouth, keeping her tongue against him at all times as she sucked and licked. Her own paws caressed the soft pouch below his large, erect member, sending new jolts of pleasure through Nagru. Suddenly, he held her head down for a moment as heatwaves swept over him. He came with a groan, and Silvamord swallowed his sweet, rich seed until the sticky, hot streams of it had ceased, then licked her mate clean and lay down beside him. Nagru laughed and turned to face her, fondling her full breasts and taking a nipple in his mouth. Silvamord caught her breath as he caressed her other nipple, then slipped his paw lower to part her thighs and find her hardening knob of pleasure. He stroked it steadily, changing his mouth over to take the other nipple in his mouth as Silvamord arched her hips against his torturing paw and cried out. Nagru knelt between her thighs and ran his tongue between her mature breasts, making circles around her navel, ever widening the spirals, until he found her knob with his mouth. He licked it, then took it between his lips and sucked on it, listening to Silvamord's stifled cries and moans. Sliding his tongue lower, he slowly tasted her distinct flavor, then slipped his tongue inside her and cupped her rump as she writhed and cried louder. Silvamord panted, then gave a gasping cry as Nagru continued to torment her with his tongue. The Foxwolf tasted his mate and felt the tingling in his loins build until his foxhood throbbed with wanting, but he held back, savoring every petal of her flower and loving it. Silvamord shrieked as the heat swept over her as well and arching her hips toward his mouth, crying out for him. Nagru felt her spurt of fresh wetness, and, without a moment's hesitation, pulled up and plunged into her. She cried out with pleasure as his hard fullness slid into her, and wrapped her legs around his lean, muscled waist, drawing him in as she rose to meet his next thrust. Silvamord cried his name and Nagru shouted hers as the fire of passion washed over them with the release. Nagru spread his seed deep within the vixen, and she shrieked as the hotness within her exploded like a volcano, sending her into the shudders of a violent climax. They collapsed together, and Nagru lay between Silvamord's breasts, still buried deep within her. Both foxes panted, then their mouths met in a long, passionate kiss and the Foxwolf pulled his spent member from her. Lying down beside Silvamord, he stroked her thigh and gathered her close. They fell asleep, Nagru's arm draped over his mate's slender body.

The next day, Nagru was at it again, firing arrows into the roof of the little room where Dandin, Mariel, Gael Squirrelking, Meldrum, and the Butcher Bird Glokkpod crouched, hurling tiles and shouting insults at the vermin. Silvamord took wine and roasted fish with a young female horderat named Sicant, and they talked about the stupidity of malebeasts. The vixen, bare-breasted and smiling, bit into a cooked trout as Sicant sipped from a beaker of elderberry wine. "Yes. Once malebeasts get the urge to kill, they go at it until they have succeeded or died trying." Sicant nodded, picking up a large piece of pike and nibbling at it. "My mate, Graywort, is the same. Always killing and never having time for me." The young ratmaid put a paw over her mouth, embarrassed at spilling her marital problems to Silvamord. The vixen smiled prettily and pushed the flask of wine toward Sicant. "Here, Sicant. Have some more wine. Tell me, when does Graywort do come to you?" Sicant poured wine for herself and Silvamord. "Only when he's drunk; then it's no pleasure for me at all, he's so rough, but I know he loves it." Silvamord stood up. "Hmmmm." Walking over to the mirror, she motioned for Sicant to follow. The rat and the vixen stood in front of the glass. "Look at it, Sicant, and tell me what you see." The young, pretty ratmaid stared hard at the glass. "I see......I see myself, Lady." Silvamord chuckled. "That's not what I see." The vixen touched Sicant's shoulder. "I see a beautiful young maiden, with hopes and dreams and a future. But....." Sicant turned to face Silvamord. "But what, milady?" The vixen gazed steadily into Sicant's eyes. "There still is the matter of your mate. Graywort. He must be killed, somehow." Sicant could not tear her eyes from Silvamord's. "Why, Lady?" The vixen ran a paw down the side of the ratmaid's cheek. "So that I can have you for myself." Her paw slipped lower as she exerted the full force of her hypnotic powers until it was at the cords that held the front of Sicant's tunic closed. "Undress yourself, maiden." The young rat did so, stripping the tunic from her slender body until she stood bare in front of Silvamord, who smiled. "Now, come nearer and embrace me." Sicant did so, wrapping her arms around the vixen so that her breasts pressed against Silvamord's own. The vixen smiled. "Kiss me, Sicant." The rat pressed her lips to Silvamord's mouth, and the vixen responded, opening her mouth and seeking Sicant's tongue with her own, tasting the rat's lips hungrily. When they pulled away, Silvamord smiled. "Good. You have done well." The vixen slipped her paws lower and began to caress Sicant's hips and lower waist, purring, "Lie down on the bed, Sicant." The rat did so, lying down on the bed and spreading her thighs. Silvamord shed her skirt and knelt between Sicant's legs. Reaching up, she took a nipple in her mouth and sucked it gently, caressing and fondling the other. Sicant caught her breath. Silvamord sucked until the nipple was hard, then took the other in her mouth and rolled it around, sending fiery streaks of pleasure through Sicant's body. The ratmaid cried out for more when the vixen pulled away. Running her tongue through Sicant's cleavage and down her body, Silvamord moved down until she knelt between the young rat's thighs. She inhaled the feminine scent of the young maid, then dipped her head and ran a soft tongue across Sicant's rosy folds. The pretty young rat jumped with a cry, then lay back, her eyes fluttering closed as Silvamord licked and tasted her. Sicant panted and moaned, arching her hips against the vixen's mouth as Silvamord tongued her expertly, spreading her thighs farther apart and licking harder. Sicant cried out as the heatwaves of pleasure swept over her, and brought her to orgasm. Silvamord felt the young ratmaid's spurt of wetness, and pulled her mouth away, smiling. Sicant panted and shuddered, then opened her eyes. The vixen grinned. "Your mate has never given you this much pleasure, Sicant?" The pretty young ratmaid shook her head wordlessly, wanting more. Silvamord lay down beside the other female, stroking her breast and crooning, "I give pleasure, but do not get any back in return. Give me pleasure, Sicant, and I will give you more." The young rat nodded and changed places with Silvamord, who shuddered with delight as the ratmaid took a nipple in her warm mouth, sucking and rolling it around as Silvamord had done to her. The vixen moaned as Sicant changed nipples and sucked faster, then slipped downwards until she knelt between Silvamord's spread thighs. Nuzzling, kissing, and nibbling, Sicant worked her way down until she came to the vixen's throbbing folds. Holding Silvamord's legs apart, the young ratmaid licked and sucked, tasting, feeling, and hearing the vixen. Suddenly, Silvamord came with a cry and lay back, panting slightly. Sicant lay her head against her lady's thigh, shuddering with her own desire. Silvamord rose. "Lie down, Sicant." The rat did so, opening her legs and shivering with delicious anticipation. Pulling a long rod of silver from behind the mirror, Silvamord showed it to Sicant. The shaft resembled a malebeast's rod, rounded at one end and smooth. Smiling, the vixen kissed the inside of Sicant's shuddering thigh and inserted the head of the rod into her pulsing wetness. Sicant cried out with pleasure as the rod slid into her, moaning as Silvamord pulled it back out, then gasping as the vixen thrust it back inside, using the pole as if it were a malebeast's rod. Silvamord smiled brightly and worked it in and out of Sicant, enjoying the young ratmaid's cries and wails of pleasure. Suddenly, Sicant screamed and came, shaking with the shock of it. Silvamord pulled the dampened rod out and grinned. "More, Sicant?" The rat nodded. "Oh please, yes, yes!" Silvamord frowned until Sicant rose, pressed the vixen to the bed, and took the long silver rod from her, slipping it inside the vixen's ready flower. Silvamord cried out in awe and pleasure as it slid deep into her, then moaned as Sicant pulled it out and thrust it back in, increasing her tempo as the vixen arched her back and hips and moved skillfully with the silver pole, warmth washing over her until she climaxed. Sicant licked eagerly at Silvamord's wetness, then presented her hindquarters to the rod-wielding vixen. Silvamord thrust the pole inside Sicant and sank it deep, then pulled out slowly and thrust it back in, faster and faster in time with the young rat's squeals and cries. The hotness built and built and built until Sicant, backing into the silver rod and crying out, orgasmed. Panting, she took the pole from Silvamord and pushed it inside the vixen from behind, pulling it in and out at a steady rhythm. The vixen wailed and moaned with pleasure, then came. Sicant lay down beside her, and they fell asleep, the rod dropping to the floor.

Nagru sat facing one of his horde captains; a rat called Riveneye. The Foxwolf sipped wine absently, then spoke. "My.......soldiers tell me that you are a rat to be trusted." Riveneye nodded, watching Nagru for any sign of hostility. "Yes, milord." The large fox smiled. "Then, you will fulfil my request?" The rat Captain nodded again. Nagru grinned wider. "Good. Then strip." Riveneye froze. "Strip, lord?" Nagru nodded, taking another drink from his goblet. "Yes, strip, or I'll have you flogged and demoted to the lowest ranking soldier, Riveneye." The male rat gulped, but did as he was told, pulling his shiny breastplate off and tossing it onto the floor, then stripping his tunic from his lean body and dropping it atop his armor. Nagru sat down in a chair before Riveneye, and stroked himself until his huge cock swelled and pointed. "Come here, Captain, and do as I say."

The rat went to him, kneeling between his spread thighs and placing his paws on either side of his huge member. he lowered his mouth onto it, running his tongue along its long sides. Nagru moaned as his Captain worked his way along his vulpine erection. He placed a paw upon his head, guiding the rat more firmly down upon him. "Suck it well, Captain." Riveneye kneaded his giant sac with his paws, feeling Nagru push his mouth farther down on him. He almost choked, but was determined not to show it. Wrapping his paws around the base of Nagru's shaft, he drew him into his mouth, tasting his salty precum as he thrust gently upwards. Nagru groaned, his claws digging into Riveneye's ears as he sucked expertly. Without warning, the fox came, lunging his hips upward with a roar. The rat between his thighs gagged on the gushing flood of thick seed that poured from the top of his swollen member into his mouth. He stifled a disgusted moan and swallowed, over and over again, feeling the hot spooge spill down his throat into his stomach, where it would rest, painful and nauseating. Nagru stroked his head, panting. 'I've trained you well, Riveneye. Now, clean me up, rat." Without a word, the rat put his tongue upon the fox's huge member and licked his master clean. Nagru lay back as Riveneye left the room, then smiled to himself. What pleasure.