Of Warlords and Pleasures: Princess Kurda

Story by Uoikih on SoFurry

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NOTICE! All chars used in this story are copyright Brian Jacques, and are used without permisson. Plugg Firetail was in high good spirits. First, the blazing beacon on Riftgard Head had alerted him and his crew, then, King Agarnu had promised to reward him with many riches if Plugg took Kurda and Bladd to Mossflower to search for Sarengo and Redwall. The silver fox stroked his red-gold tail absently. The only bad thing about the voyage was that Agarnu had ordered Plugg to allow a score of Ratguards onto his ship, the Seascab, for "dere safe keepink, yarr!" The corsair fox fiddled with the large golden hoop earring in his left ear, then grabbed his double-bladed axe and strode out on deck. Grubbage the bosun was at the tiller, Slitfang the first mate was shouting orders and swinging a knotted rope's end at any slackers, and a weasel was up in the crow's nest. Plugg leaned on his weapon, shouting up to the lookout, "Rippgut, you addlebrained idiot! We haven't even started our voyage, you butter-bellied, baggy-bummed, barrel-brained excuse for a sleepy toad!" The weasel, Rippgut, looked down at his Cap'n, then grabbed a passing rope and slid down to the deck on it. Grinning sheepishly at Plugg, Rippgut scuffed his footpaw on the worn timbers. "Aye, Cap'n. I jest guess I'm a liddle excited, that's all." The silver fox delivered a sharp cuff to the weasel's ear, then yelled in his face. "Excited, eh? I'll give you somethin' to be excited about! I make you excited to jump off this deck into the sea if'n I hears one more word outta youse! Now, get on that tiller with Grubbage! Move, sharpish like!" The Seascab sailed across the ocean like a great, foul insect of evil. The evening came with an element of relief. Much to his crew's delight, Plugg had allowed them to break out the stores of seaweed grog. The pirating vermin drank, laughed, danced, and sang their bloodthirsty, comical ditties, whilst Plugg, Slitfang, Tazzin, and a stoat second mate named Remmer sat inside Plugg's cabin, drank from flagons of damson wine and pored over the maps of the sea they were on, a charter of Mossflower Wood, and the place they would kill and dump the Ratguards once they got to Redwall country. Tazzin snickered as Remmer poured her more wine. "Aye, Cap'n. We'll just say, hmmm, they was eaten by a giant toad, or, summat like that." Plugg laughed heartily, slapping his cold-eyed killer on the back. "Haharrharr! A giant toad! Haharrharrharr!" Suddenly, the cabin door was thrust bodily open, and Princess Kurda strode in, holding her sabre and pointing it at Plugg menacingly. "Vy are your crew laughink and dancink, ven ve should be sailink at top speed for Mossflower?" The silver fox rose. Batting aside Kurda's swordpoint, he laughed insolently into her face. "A crew's gotta have some fun, your Princessness, or else they'll get tired, mutinous, and worn out." Kurda's pink eyes blazed red with anger at Plugg. "There is another thing, yarr." Plugg sneered. "Go on, Kurda." The Royal Ferret slashed with the blade at the silver fox's head, screaming, "You vill refer to me as Princess Kurda! I will be killink you in a minute, fool!" Plugg ducked, and, coming up, he dealt Kurda's sword paw a swift blow, numbing it. Grabbing his axe, the silver fox swung it, neatly chopping the sabre in two. Shoving Kurda back against the cabin wall, Plugg held the axe within a hairsbreadth of the ferret's throat, roaring, "Nobeast calls Plugg Firetail a fool! Yer lucky ta be alive, ferret! Any otherbeast had did that to me, and I woulda skinned 'em alive, and let Tazzin deal with the rest!" Kurda was shaking, though she tried hard not to show it. Her voice trembled visibly as she pleaded with Plugg. "Spare me, fox, and my father vill pay you vid silver and gold, much and lots of jewels, and

" Plugg cut her off. "Get back to yer cabin, liddle snotnosed Princess. Go!" Kurda wilted under the fox's glare and scurried out across the deck to her cabin. Plugg sheathed his axe, and laughed. "Haharrharr! That's how you deal wid mutinous scum! Haharr!" The other three vermin roared with merriment at their captain's rude imitation of Kurda's voice and arrogant manner. "Yarr, I fixes you good, fox! I be killink you in a minute!" The laughter went on for hours into the night, until Remmer, Tazzin, and Slitfang retired to their prospective bunks for the night. Plugg dropped anchor where he was, and went back inside his cabin. Lying down on his bunk, he stared hard at the ceiling timbers, and tried hard to sleep. Plugg dreamed of Kurda's slender body, of the soft swell under the tunic that covered her chest, of her pretty, conceited face, her slim legs, her dainty paws, her............Plugg awoke, covered in sweat, and stared at the huge bulge that had appeared in his trousers. Slipping his paw under his belt, the silver fox gripped his erection and squeezed it, then began to stroke himself, rubbing his paw up and down his long thick shaft. He felt wetness on his palm, and sniggered to himself, groaning pleasurably as he increased his tempo. The fox came with a snarl, then wiped himself off and stood up. The release had not softened his cock; in fact, it had hardened more considerably. Plugg grinned. Kurda was terrified of him. Why not pay her a visit? Stepping out of his cabin, Plugg crossed the deck quickly to where Kurda's lay. Two Ratguards were propped up in front of it, sleeping. Plugg swung his axe. It took the head off of the first rat, splattering the other with blood and waking him. The guard did not have time to do anything, even draw a breath, before Plugg's axe slew him with a single blow. Setting the butt of his axe in the doorjamb, Plugg levered to the left until the door popped open. The silver fox grabbed the doohandle before the door slammed against the wall and awoke Kurda, then slipped inside. The ferret Princess lay sleeping in her bunk, gripping the sheets and muttering feverishly to herself as the ship rocked from side to side. Plugg gazed at her for a moment, then grinned and stepped into a block of moonlight that came through the window. "Liddle Princess, wakey wakey, Cap'n Plugg's gotter liddle surprise fer you." Kurda eyelids fluttered open. "Yarr. I not be wakink now. Go 'way, or I slice you good vid mine sabre, yarr!" The Royal Ferret gasped as her eyes widened and she saw Plugg Firetail standing not two whisker-lengths away from her. "What be you doink here, fox?" Plugg crossed over to the bed, and brandished the axe menacingly in front of Kurda's startled eyes. "Do what I say, Princess, and nobeast gets hurt. I'll slice yer good if'n ye scream, so jest lissen to me." Kurda nodded, quaking with fear. Plugg sneered, then grabbed her paw and placed it between his legs so that she could feel the huge hard bulge there. Kurda recoiled in shock as Plugg leered at her. "Aye, that's what you'll be doin' tonight; what I want. Get outta that bunk!" Kurda rose, shaking. Plugg lowered the axe a bit, and propped up his seabooted footpaws on an old chair. "C'mere and get these boots off, Princess." The ferret knelt slowly and grasped one of Plugg's boots. Heaving until sweat popped out on her forehead, Kurda yanked off the boot and put it aside, then went to work on the other one. When she had got them both off, Plugg waved his smelly footpaws in her face. "Clean me feet, ferret." Kurda rose, as if to get water, but the double-bladed axe stopped her. "Wid yer tongue, Princess, an' I want 'em good an' clean. Now!" Kurda knelt and began to run her tongue over Plugg's left footpaw. She grimaced in disgust at the rancid taste, but continued to lick and suck until every last streak of dirt and sweat was removed. Plugg watched as Kurda began to work on his right footpaw. She was all his now. What would he have her do next? Plugg sniggered to himself as he remembered his carefully laid plans for that night. The ferret Princess finished. Plugg pointed at a jug of water on the stand next to him. "Clean yer mouth up, Princess." Kurda poured water into her mouth, swished it around, and then spat into the washbasin. Plugg waved her over. The Royal Ferret knelt, feeling the silver fox's eyes on her slender body. The handle of the huge axe tapped her under the chin. "Now, me beauty, this is what we're gonna do." Kurda raised her eyes to meet the fox's. Plugg grinned at her. "Get that smock off, ferret." Kurda did as she was told, pulling the thin nightie she wore off and dropping it on the floor. Plugg felt himself grow harder at the sight of her nakedness, and groaned. Fumbling to unfasten his eelskin belt, the Seascab captain yanked off his corsair silks and grabbed Kurda's head. Pushing her muzzle between his thighs, Plugg growled, "I'll cut yer pretty liddle head of if'n I feels one tooth. Suck it!" Kurda obliged, taking the hot, thick, long foxmeat into her mouth. She could feel the cold steel of the axeblade resting just upon the back of her neck, and knew that if she tried to get away, Plugg would have an excuse to kill her. Licking the thick thing in her mouth, Kurda created warm suction with her mouth and lips and went down on the Captain, keeping her tongue against his foxhood all the time. Plugg groaned, baring his teeth and looking out the cabin window at the moon, his paw on Kurda's head. Suddenly, his balls tightened and he held the ferret there for a moment as his cum gushed into her mouth. Kurda tried not to gag, but Plugg growled, "Swaller it, princess, all o' it, or I'll use me axeblade." The Royal Ferret did as she was commanded, swallowing the bitter sticky stuff and licking the silver fox clean. Plugg stood up, his huge cock jutting out in front of him. "Get down on yer knees, ferret, facing away from me." Kurda shuddered but knelt without a word, spreading her legs slightly. She knew what was going to happen next; she had seen a soldiers and his lover hard at it one night down by the docks. It had looked pleasurable then, but as she heard Plugg's heavy breathing, and the sticky wetness on her thigh as he rubbed himself along her leg, streaking pre across her skin, Kurda wasn't so sure. She heard the fox Captain drop his axe and grunt slightly as he gripped her upper thighs. She felt the tip of him pressing against her virgin moistness, and pulled her tail between her legs. Plugg snorted and grabbed it with a yank. The ferretmaid almost cried out, but bit her lip as the fox leaned close to her ear and snarled, "Don't ever do that again, princess, or I'll cut yer tail off!" Kurda closed her eyes and held her long white tail aside. Plugg groaned and thrust into her hard, provoking a stifled scream from Kurda as he broke through her thin hymen instantly. He pulled and and plunged back in, grinning wickedly as she whimpered with pain. His immense size stretched and tore her cruelly, until blood coated his thick cock and dripped down his ballsac. Kurda sobbed quietly as he thrust his rod faster and faster into her, the heat building in him until it broke forth in a surge of hot spooge. After a few more thrusts, Plugg pulled out of Kurda and sat down on the stool. Kurda lay on her stomach, sobbing and crying from the pain deep inside. Plugg tsked tsked, and shook his head. "Stop yer snivelin' ferret. That didn't hurt yer, not one liddle bit, 'cept for the breakin' part. Get up 'ere and wipe yer tears." Kurda rose and walked stiffly toward Plugg, wiping her tears away with the back of a paw. Plugg grabbed her arm, and pulled her toward him, overbalancing Kurda so that she fell to her knees beside him. The silver fox leered at her, then, as Kurda looked away, took a soft young breast in his paw and licked the nipple. The ferret gasped at the jolt that went all the way through her body from the silver fox's touch, and tried to pull away, but Plugg slid his paws forward to hold the sides of her titties, nuzzling them and sucking her nipples. Kurda moaned and grasped the Captain's arms, feeling the ripple of muscle in his wrists. Finally, Plugg pulled away and smiled wickedly. Kurda gazed up into his eyes. For a corsair fox, Plugg was not at all ugly. He was really very handsome, in a wild sort of way, from the evil green eyes to the gold hoop in his left ear. Plugg leaned close until the Royal Ferret could feel his warm breath on her face. Kurda's breath came faster; she could feel his paw fondling her nipple. The fox suddenly pressed his lips to hers and held her close. Plugg enjoyed her response. It was always better if the female responded. Kurda opened her mouth to admit his tongue, then met his with her own, tasting his breath. She could feel his hot shaft rubbing along her stomach, and it fired her desire to make love with the handsome Captain. Plugg pulled the ferretmaid onto his lap, facing him, and slowly slid her down onto his cock. Kurda cried out, holding the fox's paws tightly as her warm well took all of him in. Plugg groaned at her hotness, then lifted her up and guided her back down onto him, thrusting upward gently. Kurda moved with him, heat building in both of them. Plugg was almost crushing her paws in his as he thrust harder. Suddenly, they both cried out as they came, and the stool collapsed backward onto the floor, sending them both sprawling onto the bed. Plugg stroked Kurda's whitefurred thigh gently, then kissed her again and pulled out of her wetness. The ferret moaned as he licked a soft pink nipple nipple, then took it in his mouth and massaged the other one. The silver fox sucked and tongued the first nipple, then took the second one between his lips and fondled the first. Streaks of fire shot down into Kurda's loins; she panted and made soft cries of pleasure as Plugg moved down, making wet circles with his warm tongue around her navel, then slipping lower to smell her sweet scent. His tongue found her narrow slot, and Kurda sprang up with a cry, then lay back down as Plugg discovered her clit and rolled it in his mouth. He sucked on the hard little thing, enjoying her cries of pleasure. The young ferretmaid clenched her paws and moaned again as the silver fox let go of her pulsing knob and thrust his tongue deep inside her folds. Plugg savoured the rich, sweet salt of her, and the faint taste of blood, as he explored and licked deeper, then reached down with a paw to fondle her clit again. Kurda panted and whimpered, holding back the screams and shrieks. The heat swept over her in a wave of release, and Plugg felt her spurt of fresh wetness. He groaned into it, his large cock so hard it hurt. Kurda panted and moaned, reaching down for him, wanting to feel him inside her. The fox Captain rose and plunged into her, holding her sweaty thighs. Kurda wrapped her legs around his muscled waist and rose to meet his next thrust, rolling her hips against his. They moved together, the fox and the ferret, Kurda crying out and moving so that his huge hardness probed and prodded where she needed him, Plugg groaning and holding her thighs tightly. They closed their eyes and climaxed together, the fox's hot seed shooting deep into her, Kurda's fiery wetness drawing him in. Plugg collapsed onto her sweaty breasts for a moment, then rolled off of her, hoping that they had not started a cub. Kurda panted, then opened her pink eyes and gazed up at him. Plugg could see adoration and love there, and smiled at her, his savage seagreen eyes sparkling with passion. Never had he enjoyed a voyage so much! He glanced toward the window. There was still about two hours of darkness left before the crew awoke and began their duties. Kurda held him close as they kissed wildly, then rose above him. Plugg gazed up at her, and the ferret smiled. "It is my turn to pleasure you, yarr?" The silver fox grinned. "But, yer did, princess." Kurda's eyes twinkled. "But not the way you have been doink, Plugg Firetail." The Captain chuckled. "Guess not, me white dove." Kurda smiled again, then went to her task, nuzzling her new lover's neck, flicking her tongue out at his dark nipples, and moving lower until her cheek rubbed along his shaft. Kurda took the very tip of it in her mouth, and explored the taste, texture, and Plugg's cockhole. The fox groaned, and stared up at the cabin ceiling as the young ferretmaid licked slowly down its long hot length, lapping up the clear beads of pre that oozed from its top. To further pleasure Plugg, Kurda straddled his chest, facing his thick, long cock, and moved up so that he could see her deep pink opening, still dripping and ready. Kurda let her erect nipples trail on the fox's smooth member, and took the hard cock in her mouth and tested how far she could take it in. She was pleased that she could almost swallow half of it, then created suction and went down on Plugg. The Seascab's Captain's eyes were not on the ceiling now, but feasting on the rich pink petals of Kurda's wet flower. Spreading her thighs over his mouth, he slithered his tongue up inside of her and licked hard. The ferret cried out and sucked faster on his pointing member, then bent lower and took his velvety-soft ballsac in her mouth. Plugg groaned with this new pleasure and, finding Kurda's hard knob of hotness, sucked on that, while exploring her warm depths with two long claws. Kurda cried out and came, just as Plugg did. The two of them lapped and licked up each other's sweet juices, then the Royal Ferret turned to face the silver fox, as if going to take him into her deep warm well again. Plugg panted and waited, but Kurda had a surprise for him. Sliding back a few inches, she gripped Plugg's rough, muscular paws, and guided his hot, thick, long cock into her tight rump. While she cried out in pained pleasure, Plugg found her wet depths and pulsing clit with one paw. Using his thumb, he fondled her hard knob, while with the rest of his claws, he massaged and explored her dripping valleys. Kurda cried out and threw her head back, enjoying the pleasure that the new experience gave her. Plugg thrusted firmly, but not hard enough to rip and draw blood, his hard cock sinking deeper into her. Kurda took all of him in, until she was almost sitting on his balls, then rose slowly and sank back down, reaching underneath herself to grasp and guide his fully erect foxhood into her. Plugg felt the waves of release wash over them both; Kurda felt his hot seed spray up inside her; Plugg felt the young ferret's juices flood out over his claws. They cried out, then Kurda was taking him into her well again, moving with him, as her warm folds embraced every inch of his hardness. Plugg guided her up and down upon him, then pulled her close and took charge, thrusting into her, enjoying her cries of pleasure, groaning himself, panting, lunging, Kurda wrapping her legs around him and rising to meet his plunges, she crying his name, he shouting hers, until the climax came, washing over them both. Plugg cummed into her for the third time that night, Kurda cried out as her creamy juice flowed, and then she collapsed across his hard muscled chest, panting. Plugg stroked her soft white ears, still deep inside her, then pulled out and drew her closer. They lay like that for almost an hour, sinking into a light sleep, until the silver fox opened his eyes to see a thin gray light creeping over the horizon. Stroking Kurda awake, he nuzzled her neck. "I think 'tis about time I went back to my cabin, princess." Kurda nodded, but Plugg saw the glint of tears in her eyes. He kissed her, and she clung to him fiercely. "You vill come back, den, my wild fox?" Plugg brushed her forehead with his lips, chuckling. "If'n I didn't, dove, I'd be crazier than a bucket o' beetles!" Rising slowly, the silver fox pulled on his clothing and picked up his axe, which still lay where he had dropped it the night before. Kurda sat up and watched his lean, muscular body disappear into his corsair silks and seaboots, then rose and hugged him. Plugg held her close, feeling her nipples harden from the contact of his cold clothing and feeling a faint stirring in his foxhood. He wished they could start all over again, instead of having to wait until that night. After another passionate, wild kiss that left both of them breathless, Plugg stepped to the door, but remembered something. "I....killed yer guards, princess, 'cause I didn't want them to raise an alarm." Kurda nodded, smiling. "Dey was stupid blaggards, yarr. I never be wantink dem around, but father say I haff to. I be glad you killink dem." Plugg smiled, a loving gleam in his green eyes, then opened the door and stepped outside of the cabin, closing it behind him. Kurda locked the entry and selected a long flowing dress. She could still smell the musk of his skin, and shuddered all over with delight. As she pulled on the dress and arranged her fur, she knew that he would be back again that night. Kurda smiled with pleasure, then opened the door and stepped out to begin another day of pretending to be Plugg's enemy. She caught the silver fox's eye as he talked with Tazzin and Slitfang, and smiled slightly. Plugg grinned and ran his eyes up and down her body. Kurda shivered, and then strode off to give orders, still feeling Plugg Firetail's eyes on her back. What pleasure. T H E E N D