First Meetings and Night Matings

Story by Kittehpowr on SoFurry

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Wolf tales

First Meetings and Night Matings

By Kittehpowr

Our story starts in a cottage in the suberbs of Pennsylvania, where the everyday is unextraordinary and the people are completely normal. In the cottage lived a brown haired kid, who worked two part time jobs. One was on Saturdays and Sundays, as a maintenance associate at a local surplus store. The other was a job at a local bar, where he worked as a drink vendor. The fair skinned youth sat in the livingroom, seated in his couch. He was listening to the radio; though his job was part time, he had to work a double shift that day. Someone had called out sick, so he had to go and fill in for that persons position. He was in the middle of listening to Three Doors Down, the song named Kryptonite. An announcement came up on the radio, interrupting the mid point of the song. "We interrupt this song for a special announcement," said the voice on the radio. "A grey wolf escaped from the local zoo, so if you see anything dog that looks like a wolf stay indoors." The man scoffed. "Well, I can say one thing," said the youth. "That wolf's not coming anywhere near Brian." The name of the youth was revealed to be "Brian", whom was very confident about the wolf not coming anywhere near him. The radio continued on. "This wolf is said to be ill tempered, even at the best of times. So we urge you not to approach it, if you see it. One way that you will be able to identify the wolf is by the long, raking scar across it's left side, so if you see that please let the local authorities know." He sat back in his chair, while the radio turned back to the songs that were playing. "Well," said Brian. "Might as well go tell everyone around here, in case they don't already know." That said, he stood up and went to the telephone. The first place he was going to call was his mother and father, letting them know to watch out for any grey wolves that they might see. The next call he made was to his friends, letting them know to keep a safe look out. All of this took around a quarter of an hour to complete, but he was glad for it; doing this gave him something to do, in the long days of doing just nothing. After he was done with that, he got out his accoustic guitar and sat on the front porch. He began to play the accoustic part of Loser, by Matchbox Twenty. He'd left a chunk of steak cooking on the grill beside him, and was just waiting until it was time to check on it. The middle aged wolf had found her freedom, currently making her long trek across the area around the zoo. She was loath to go back to that place again, so she had to find somewhere that she could stay at. Her stomach urged her to find something to eat, so she went searching around the neighborhood houses. Just then, she smelled something; cooking meat! She was elated, so began at a run through the back alleys; moving as if she was always accustomed to moving in this way. She saw one of those two legged creatures sitting at the front part of the structure, playing some sort of instrument; which to her surprise produced a sweet sound. Her stomach urged her to ignore any bits of entertainment, so she let a harsh growl escape from her muzzle. She stepped out into the opening, in front of the two legged creature. Once the two legged creature turned toward the wolf, he brought his instrument along with him and back inside. Now was the time to get what she wanted, something to eat. She went up onto the front stoop, sniffing around at the front of where the meat was. She put her front paws on the cool part of the grill, making sure not to let any of his hairs touch the burning flames. Brian was irate. He had that chunk of steak for himself, not for some wild animal; who by now had it off the grill and to the ground below, where she ate contently. The wolf looked up to him, and he could swear that he saw a look of victory upon the grey wolf's facial features. Brian let a growl escape from his lips, because this was all he could take. He got his shotgun out from the closet, then loaded it up with a few shells. He didn't care if the wolf did attacked him, and he was hoping that he would. He opened the front door, yelling at the top of his lungs. This was an attempt to scare the wolf off, so he wouldn't have to resort to using the gun. He never intended to shoot the animal anyway, but hoped that seeing the gun in his hands would chase the canine away.

The wolf turned up to him, eyes going wide and her ears layed back. She was frozen to the spot, paralyzed in fear. For the weapon that the human creature held resembled those death guns that humans out in the wild held. She was originally a wild wolf, living with a pack of her own; until some hunters came and shot off her whole pack. Her mother had put her in a hole in a tree, where she was forced to sit; watching the humans come and kill off her whole pack. From there, she tried to live on her own. Taking the food where she could find it. Eventually, a human found her and used some sort of pointed thing to put her to sleep. She woke up, finding herself in a human zoo. She pressed her belly to the ground, ears layed back and a whine of fear escaping from her muzzle. When Brian saw how scared the wolf was, he just couldn't do it. This was a mistake though, because the grey wolf saw this as an opportunity. She leapt off the ground, pressed her paws to the human's front; which lead to him falling to the ground, a furious grey wolf atop him. He was so terrified that the gun fired off both slugs from the double barrel, emptying the gun. He lie there, his eyes closed and terrified of what would come next.

The grey wolf looked down, a calculating look on her face. She saw that the human was scared, which was what she wanted. But somehow, it wasn't as satisfying as she thought it would be. She sighed, then got off the human creatures chest. Brian inched his way to the door, his back pressed against the wall. The grey wolf looked to Brian, in turn recieving a look of her own; though this was a look of absolute terror, she felt that she had to do something to ease the tension. Wolves kept in contact with their individual hunting parties by transmitting thoughts, almost in the form of words. She had never done this with a human before, but felt that with this human she was left with no choice. She transmitted her thoughts to him, which rang out clearly in his head. "... I was only hungry, I didn't mean to scare you...." That was the transmitted thought from the grey wolf, and the human's face went blank. The human just blinked stupidly, while the grey wolf turned and began away. "Wait," said Brian, standing to his feet. He began walking to the grey wolf, asking, "How'd you do that?" He was met with a pair of fangs shown towards him, the grey wolf's eyes showing a fierce killer gaze.

"I don't need the help of a human," she said. She turned away from the human, then started away. Brian followed after, all the while keeping a safe distance.

"How are you gonna survive out here on your own?" asked Brian to the wolf. Her canine features turned toward Brian, with the corners of her muzzle pulled up in a bit of a smirk. "Don't you worry human," she said. "I can take care of myself." With that, she began away again.

The human persisted, keeping after her. "But what about food, water? What about shelter?"

This made the grey wolf stop in her tracks, thinking. 'No, it won't do,' thought the grey wolf. 'I can't do anything out here by myself, but maybe I can use this human.' She turned to Brian "I guess you're right, I can't find any of those things on my own," said the grey wolf to Brian.

"Why don't you stay with me?" said Brian to the grey wolf. The grey wolf wagged her tail from side to side, as if trying to run the issue over in her mind. "I guess... but only until I can be off on my own," said the grey wolf. She turned away from Brian, starting back to where the human lived.

Brian was left to catch up to the canine, keeping pace just a few paces behind her. "Wait a sec," said Brian. He asked, "How did you do that though, and how are you still doing it?"

The grey wolf turned back to the human, confused by his speech. "I have trouble understanding what you even mean by that," said the grey wolf.

"That," stated Brian. "The thing where you can talk--well, it's not really talking. But I can hear a voice in my head."

If the wolf could have smiled, then Brian could have sworn that the wag of her tail and the smirk upon her muzzle meant she was laughing. "Well it's simple, human," said the grey wolf. She continued on, in explanation. "My kind has always had the ability to send our thoughts to one another, it is how we were so successful with our hunts."

Brian looked to the grey wolf. "So," he started. "That's what you were doing to me?" The grey wolf simply flicked her tail, while she walked ahead of him. "I'm... honored," he said. As they arrived back to his house, he told the grey wolf to wait on the front porch. She wasn't that objective to obeying his request, because she'd spent enough time in prisons of human creation. He got himself another steak, this time staying with it to make sure that the grey wolf did not eat it up again. "Don't worry, I'm full anyway," said the grey wolf.

Brian looked to the grey wolf, confused. "Well, it's only because you're staying with your food that I assumed you were paranoid about me trying to get at your food again," said the grey wolf. Brian shook his head, then went back to tending to his steak.

This gave the grey wolf time to take in her new surroundings. Though this was a temporary home, she wanted to make sure it wasn't too uncomfortable. She took another look inside, particularly eyeing the couch next to the chair inside. 'Hm... maybe I should look to sleeping inside,' was what she was thinking. The couch did look awfully inviting, especially with those soft coushins.

Brian was by now eating his steak, sitting beside the grey wolf. He swallowed a mouth full, then asked, "So. What's your name?" She just gave him a dumb look. Brian elaborated on what he asked. "I mean, what the other wolves where you came from called you." The grey wolf was by now lying on the ground in front of the door. She had settled her muzzle on her fore paws, turned to Brian. "Well," she began. "I've never really had a name, but I guess you could call me Sona. That's what my mother used to call me, to tell me apart from my pack mates." The human responded with a nod.

Brian looked down to where the wolf sat, noticing for the first time the lengthy scar along her right flank. "How'd you get that?" Sona looked up to Brian, questioning what he meant. "The scar, I mean. On your right side."

Sona's brows knitted together, the wolven expression mixed with a bit of pain. "It's my business," said Sona. "But if you wish to know I will tell you. My pack was hunted down, killed in front of me. My... mother put me in a hole at the base of a tree, to protect me." Sona shivered, then continued on. "Though I was in the tree, I could not be protected by stray bullets.... It's better if I just do this."

At that time, she projected an image of herself way back then in Brian's head. Brian saw himself sitting in a little hovel; which he assumed naturally to be the hole in the tree, where Sona was stuck. He heard gunfire all around him. The familiar sound of a bullet whistling through the air. It caught his right side, skinning along the entire surface of his right flank. He let out a yelp of pain, then snapped back to conscious awareness. "So... that's what happened," said Brian. Sona nodded, then lie her head down. A few minutes had passed, the two sat silent."Around these parts, I'm called Brian," said the youth, breaking the silence and continuing with the name introductions. It was quiet for the rest of the night, and Sona had asked to stay inside. Brian was surprised, but saw no harm in it. He changed that opinion, when he caught a whiff of how Sona smelled. "You need a bath," he said. Sona turned back to him, looking indignant. "I beg your pardon?" she said, in response to his statement.

Brian shrugged helplessly. "Well... it's the truth. You stink."

"I washed myself right after I got out of the zoo," said Sona. This left Brian to shake his head, so he tried to explain.

"I don't mean with your tongue over your body," said Brian. "I mean in a bathtub, with soap and water."

Sona flattened her ears against her skull, growling a little bit. "Well," she started. "If it'll make you stop complaining, then fine.." With that, she just stood up and looked at Brian.

"Well, let's go," said Brian. He lead her up to the steps, leading her to the bathroom. When she came in eyesight of the bathtub, she just lowered her head and gave a less then pleased growl. "Come on, it'll be over before you know it," Said Brian to Sona. "And besides," he added. "You'll feel better afterwards." Sona doubted that she would feel better, but eventually nodded. She went into the bathtub, while Brian turned on the water and adjusted the water temperature. He got a sponge and some shampoo, then began to suds up the sponge with soap. He ran the sponge over Sona's coat, soaking it with the soapy water. She was by all accounts just plain unsatisfied with this. After a quick rinse off to get the suds off her body, Brian got a towel out and dried her off with it. It ended with Sona just appearing like a puff ball, with bits of fur still soaked from the bath.

"There now," said Brian jovialy. "Don't you feel better?" She just let out a low growl, then went back down to the living room. She heard Brian laughing behind her, while she continued onto the couch. Eventually, Brian came down to join her. He found her on the couch, looking by all accounts cleaner and very comfortable. "Comfy?" he asked. Sona turned to him, then nodded.

Sona let out a soft whine, then looked around the room. Brian noticed this, then turned back to Sona. "Are you alright?" asked Brian. Sona just shook her head: "I never mentioned this before, and I should have thought about this before I left the Zoo," said Sona. Brian just blinked. "... I'm in heat...." said Sona.

Brian's eyes just about popped out of his head right there. "And why are you telling me this?" he asked.

"Well," she started hesitantly, while keeping her head down. She turned back to Brian, her ears back in sheepish shame. "Do you think you could... do it with me?" she asked. The air went silent, which left things pretty uncomfortable between the two of them.

"Well," said Brian, starting up. "Why me?" he asked.

Sona stood up, then jumped on Brian, beginning to lick at his face. "Please?" she asked. "... I'm desperate...." Brian frowned, then sighed. On one hand, you could say that he wanted to try one of the taboos he'd been thinking of. He had often went on the internet, looking at the beastiality sites. Though he had the opportunity to do it before, he'd never gone and attempted it. But now here was a wolf, desperate for some sort of relief. The moral side of him told him that it was wrong, but the adventurous side of him told him to go for it. 'Well, I always have wondered what it was like with an animal,' thought Brian. His mind was made up. He smiled to Sona, then grabbed her rear haunches. Kissing her on the muzzle with a smile, while lifting her up onto his lap. She panted heavily and excitedly, leaping to the floor and turning her rump toward him. Her tail was raised, revealing the glistening canine jewel. She was soaked already. He took off his shirt, then his pants; within a matter of seconds naked. He kneeled down to Sona, who stuck her nose into his crotch and began licking his already stiffening member. He moaned, arching his back and pulling his eight inch cock away. Sona turned around, once again raising her tail. He bent down to her tail, with his mouth lined up with her throbbing canine pussy. He went to work, lapping at her canine cunt and sticking his tongue into it. She let out a single whine of pleasure, pushing her rear into his licking tongue. His fingers lightly scraped along her nipples, causing her to pull away from him and bark. He held her fast though, soothing her hind quarters with gentle pats. The wolf looked back, the corners of her muzzle pulled back into a smile. Brian placed his fingers against the vaginal surface of Sona, rubbing it in slow, soothing circles. He pushed the tips of his two fingers in, which caused her to whine out of pure delight. She pushed back against his fingers, humping up and down on top of his fingers. A sequence of whines came from her muzzle. She continued to ride the fingers of Brian, until the canine pussy walls began to clamp down overtop his fingers. He moaned out, even though he hadn't stuck his tool in yet. The experience was extremely arousing all the same. "Just put it in me, Brian," said Sona. Brian got on his knees, lining his throbbing cock head with her pussy. He pressed his throbbing head into her cunt, entering within her cave of wonders with a moan. Sona was letting out soft whines of pleasure, her pussy muscles reflexively squeezing around her cock head. He let out a moan, then pushed in. He began to pump into her, first slowly. He only got halfway in, before he felt the pussy muscles of Sona clamp down uncomfortably around his member. Sona turned back to Brian, then said, "Don't just sit there, I want it hard!" She growled, then pushed back against his member. He began to pump in and out hard and fast, moaning out. Eventually, he was able to fit his entire length completely into her tight cunt.

This was just heaven. He'd had a few girls of his own before, but Sona's pussy was so tight. The entrance was originally made for a male wolf's knot, when it came time for them to tie. But further in, the cavity was tighter. And that tightness over his cock head was almost unbearable. He continued to thrust in: moving in and out, in and out, in and out. His precum was beginning to shoot off, coating her insides with his pre and making the passage even slicker than before. He moaned out, continuing with each thrust. His right hand wrapped around her belly, holding her close to him. While he continued to thrust in and out. Feeling the pussy muscles clamp around his throbbing cock head made it twitch inside her, hitting a sensetive part in Sona's pussy. She let out a sharp whine, but just began to ride Brian harder. Thrusting back into his own thrusts, her pussy walls contracting around his member. Brian was beginning to groan out, he was getting close. With his last final thrusts, he told Sona he was going to cum. "Don't pull it out, Brian. I want to feel it in me." Brian didn't need any more encouragement. After a few more thrusts, he locked his hips with hers. Shot after shot of cum squirted from the tip of his member, coating her insides. By now, she reached her climax too. She pushed back against him, moaning out and squeezing her pussy muscles uncontrollably around his member. He moaned out, then thrusted in a few more times; purely out of reflex, for he was already done. Soon, he pulled out of her and their mixed liquids spilled from her pulsating canine pussy and to the ground below. He flopped on the ground, a bit beat from their mating. "I'm sorry about going after you like that," said Brian. Sona turned back to him and asked, "What do you mean?" Brian shrugged: "Well, with the gun and all... I guess I...." He was cut off by Sona's muzzle pressing against his lips. "After the great favor you did me... I'll forgive you." That night, they both slept together on the couch. "Thank you, Brian," said Sona, licking his face. Brian smiled, then petted her behind the ears. Then, they fell into a deep sleep.

((I might make more stories later, we'll see. Leave a comment if you like it so far.))