Undead Hell Ch.2

Story by ZombieHunter007 on SoFurry

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this is ch.2 guys enjoy



They were back to back to each other with M1911s shooting the hundreds of zombies surronding them.

"Hey guys," I said to everyone around me, "why don't we go and help them,shall we?"

"Yeah!!" everyone said together.

So we all reloaded our weapons and out of nowhere, as I was shooting, I saw a grenade fly through the air and land in a shit pile of zombies and watch it blow up. Eveyone turned around and looked at Drew. He shrugged and said," It wasn't me."

I saw something out of the corner of my eye, I turned around and saw him standing there like Superman with a gun across his back and some more grenades in his hands.

"I guess I showed up at the right time didn't I, Baby?" Joseph said looking straight at me. I was shocked that he was even here, to even move toward him. Gabe pushed me to get me to move. When I did, I ran to him and grabed him to hug him so tightly. Thats when I started crying, not because I'm upset about everything that has happened,but because I finally get to touch the reason of my exintence on this planet.

"I'm sorry,Baby. I'm just so happy that you're here. I know it's not under the surcumstances that we hoped,but we're finally together like we always wanted." I smiled up at him. He bent down and gave me my first kiss that I have EVER gotten.

"I love you, Savannah. I promised you from the begining that we will always be together no matter what happens. Not even a Zombie Apcolypse can keep us apart from each other, Sweetheart." He kissed me again,but this kiss was with so much passion and love, my heart stopped till he pulled away.

Thats when I reliezed that everyone was staring at us,like we were a freak show at a fair or something. "I'm sorry guys, this is Joseph the guy I told y'all about."

"Okay," I sai d to myself, "this is very akward."

"Hi," he said,"so, yeah, we should be going. There's an army base in Texas where they're taking survivors in. We really need to get going if we're going to get there by tomarrow night."

"Where did you here that from?" Hailee asked.

"On the radio. They were talking about it when I was driving here. Oh and hey, if y'all need ammo or anything, I robbed a gun store on the way here. It's in the back of the Tahoe."

We all went outside to the front of the building. We looked around to see if we could see any zombies. We didn't so we were good. Joseph opened the back of the SUV and load and behold he really did steal from a gun shop.

"What did you do?! Rob the whole damn place?" I asked him.

"Almost." He said looking at me. I blushed when he did.

"I have an idea," Gabe said, " why don't we split up in several cars with some ammo in each car." we all looked at him, "C'mon guys we ain't all going to fit in one vehicle."

I said," Yeah thats true. Kind of think about it, why don't we take two to a car and we all go to our houses pick up anymore guns and ammo,get some clothes, and some showers,and we all meet at Walmart to get gas in the cars and go. How about that? Hey babe, did you get some walkie talkies while you were at it?"

"Yeah I did, they're up front." he pointed to the front seat.

"Everyone grab one and go get a car and start filling it with guns and ammo. Hurry please."

Just then a helicopter started flying over head, and then out of nowhere, Dalton came out and started screaming and waving his arms all over the place like the fucken idiot he is. We were smart not to do any of those things,so we just stayed quite and watched the poor dude get eaten. We watched him make a fool of himself then all of a sudden here comes a huge mass of zombies after him. We got behind the truck with out guns loaded just incase they come our way. He looked around and saw them coming after him. Hailee and Jordan started laughing. I couldn't help myself either and we all started laughing,but very quitely. "Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" We looked back at Dalton and saw what was left of him was pool of blood running down the hill. The zombies saw something else and ran away.

"That was close. We need to go now guys." I said.