The Map To Everything: Chapter 2

Story by Azombie on SoFurry

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#2 of The Map To Everything

Here's a science fiction story I've started a while back. I'm still working on it. It's a lot longer than the previous story and this one has no porn. Maybe some adult situations, but it's relatively rated R for the most part.

It's set in the distant future. Earth has been drained and discarded, Mars has been terraformed as best it could, and the people(or furs) of Earth have moved on, spreading across the galaxy. And this story is centered around a single object, left on Earth and the people hoping to find it.

Chapter Two The Orphan

It was early in the afternoon. The sky was bright blue. Another perfect day on the coastal city nicknamed The Big Blue. It was easier to say than what the natives had called Namiqxotistk. Which had the same meaning. The beaches were crowded with people from all over the galaxy, the city was a tourist attraction. One of the most popular in the galaxy. The city was used as a docking bay for anyone trying to get to Mars. Being in the star system closest to it. Patrick enjoyed the view of the beach from the cafe across the street through his glasses. He was young, nearing his twenties. A slim cat. Black fur all across his body, except for his paws, which were white. He was dressed in the rich clothes some sugar mama bought him. He never slept with her. That was his rule. Strictly candy for the eyes of those she wanted to make jealous. The woman had just died from a fatal heart attack this morning. In a way, he felt free. But only until some new client hired him from the strip club. Like many, Patrick was an orphan. He had no money, or home of his own. He was trying to go to college, but severely lacked the funds and he couldn't get into the military for it's strict anti-homosexuality policy. He kept to himself. Sipping his coffee, trying to feel at peace. To enjoy the view. He planned to spend the credit card given to him by the dead woman before the credit card company found out she died in the hospital that morning. Her kids would have to pay it. He didn't care. They would never know who he was or where he would be living. He got up and paid for his coffee and headed out, calling a taxi to take him to the center of the city. The driver looked back to him, "Where to, kid?" Patrick said, "Trade district, inner city, please. Can we cut through the ship yard?" The rat at the wheel nodded and they set off. They drove through alleys and smaller streets until they got to a large opening in the city. There were space ships scattered around the vast empty space. The planet was rich with tourism and a refueling area for space cruise ships. Large extravagant ships, as big as some space stations. Patrick had been on one with a client. They were something only the upper class could afford without years of saving up for. They had shopping centers, resorts and casinos, all while floating in space, viewing various star systems. He watched as a fighter ship launched. The cab driver spat out the car, "Mercenary's ship. Cretins. Bottom Feeders. Worse than the Bounty Hunters." Patrick nodded, "How do you know it's a Merc?" "That ship is the Creature of Blue Lagoon. He's infamous, Chris Stone." "Oh.. What did he do?" Replied Patrick. "Killed a lot people to get at some treasure. Rumor has it, he's heading to Earth in search for some lost archive of the Old World." This sparked the cat's curiosity, "What's on Earth?" The driver laughed, "Dust and rust in every direction. Sure.. Maybe there's a lot left. Anything worth the fuel to get there? I doubt it." Patrick nodded, "You never know, right?" The driver just shrugged and continued driving. Patrick wanted to press him further for information about it, but the driver didn't look like he said far more than he wanted to already. Patrick had always wanted to get out of the planet and make a new life for himself. He could only do what he did for a few more years before he was too old. He didn't know what else he could do after that. He needed to make friends. Ones that could get him places. To get off this planet. They got to the city center a few silent minutes later. Patrick used the old woman's card to pay, his receipt showed that it had not yet been canceled. This meant he could go an a shopping spree like he planned. He had a couple hours before work, so he spent the time shopping, taking a good deal of cash out, in case the card stopped working sooner than he wanted it to. He had been wanting to buy a gun for a while and decided he'd try to get one today. He didn't like feeling vulnerable walking home at night. Or whichever hotel he was staying at that night. He looked around for a gun shop, deciding to take the darker streets, trying not to call attention to himself. He found one after it had gotten dark. He only had half an hour before he had to get to work. If he was going to do this, he had to do it fast. He walked into the store without much hesitation. The shop was clean and organized. It wasn't really what he expected. The person behind the counter was a rabbit. Dressed in a suit. Patrick was getting the feeling he wasn't going to be able to pay his way out of getting a background check. He didn't think there was anything wrong with his past. He just had a feeling they might find it weird that he's a stripper and private escort. The man behind the counter bowed slightly and said, "Hello there, sir. How may I help you?" Patrick waved, "Hello. I'm looking for a gun." "Of course. Why else would you be here?" Smiled the rabbit. "I want something small. Like a pistol." Replied Patrick The dealer nodded, "Alright. Do you have ID?" Before Patrick could answer, the lights had gone out in the store. The emergency lights came on and the other man looked displeased, sighing, "Oh dear.. The lights have gone off again.." Patrick decided this was a good time to buy something off the record, "Can I buy something now?" A sly grin spread across the rabbit's face, "My instincts are never off." "Huh?" Patrick looked at himself in a mirror, he didn't think he was the type to want to do anything illegal. The man smiled, "You are young, dress nice, and look like you are scared of getting mugged. Or worse.." He paused, "How much cash do you have on you?" Patrick grabbed a wad of cash out of his pocket, trying to remember how much he took out, "I've got about a thousand." "Mhmm" Replied the rabbit, "Alright, that can do." He walked around the store, taking something out a glass case, bringing it to Patrick saying, "You seem surprised." Patrick paused, "Honestly.. I didn't think this would have worked." The man laughed, "Not many kids walk in here. There's a button on the floor, turns the lights off. Every merchant's got one. It pays to sell to those that don't like questions." "Oh. I just imagined the place to be a bit less.. Nice." The rabbit handed Patrick a small pistol, "Here, It's easy to use, accurate and quiet. Sells for around 350. I will give you this, ammo and my silence for one thousand. Do you agree?" Patrick looked at the gun. The emergency light was right above him so he could see it rather well, "I'll take it." He then handed the dealer the money. "Alright, this gun has been modified. It doesn't leave prints on the bullets or a model number. It's untraceable." Patrick interrupted, "Wait.. I'm not using this to kill anyone. Just to protect myself." "Ah.. In that case. In the event it's stolen, it can't be traced you either you or myself." He paused, "To be perfectly clear. I'm not going to sell you under the table for anything that can be traced to me. It's bad for business." "Yeah, I understand." He put the gun into jacket pocket. The rabbit nodded after finishing counting the money, "Alright, all set. You can leave if there are no further questions." He walked Patrick over to the exit, handing him a few boxes of bullets, which were then stuffed into a shopping bag The lights went on, and the rabbit gave Patrick a stern look, "I'm sorry, we have to make a background check, I will contact you in a few days, sir. If you are still interested." Patrick nodded, "Um.. Thanks, I guess." walking out the door in a hurry. Loading one of the clips he found in the ammo box with bullets, then loading that into the pistol. Half hoping he'd need to use it. Running off to get to work. He got there with a few minutes to spare. The neon lights outside the club read, "The Cat's Meow" in pink. There was a group of women walking into the club. Patrick walked to the back. The sun had gone down, the few moons around the planet were making their way across the sky. The nightlife was waking up. Patrick walked through the back entrance where another one of the strippers greeted him. He made his way into his private dressing room. His stage clothes waiting for him there. He hopped into the shower before getting ready for his appearance with dread. He couldn't do this any more. He made himself a promise that this would be the last night he'd be a stripper.