Problems in Paradise 3

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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#3 of Problems in Paradise

Something wet laved over his face and Ken moaned while using his arm as a shield to protect his face. When the same warm and moist thing attacked his arm and Kendric jabbed his elbow forward in hopes that it would go away. The wet feeling went away only to come back followed by two other wet things. Sheer annoyance made Ken opening his eyes and what he saw nearly made him jump to the ceiling when something bright pink licked his mouth to his head.

Three large canid faces greeted the young mage and when one of those muzzles opened to reveal white sharp fangs Kendric's mind went blank and his mouth parted in confusion. A long wet tongue licked over the green haired boy again and then dove into his open mouth slurping and running all over his teeth. The sensations made Ken shudder and blanch then when two other tongues ran over the sides of his face the mage yelped.

"What the hell!!!!!!!!!" the sudden outburst woke the rest of the large pack of weredogs making everyone rise to their feet to look for a common threat

"Who... what... how...????" Ken backpedaled from his position on the floor to the nearest wall and stared wide eyed at the dogs in his living room

The large group of canines were a mix of different breeds; two were Labradors, one was a Husky, another a wolf-hound mix, two more were identical looking German shepherds, one a true mutt, and the last was a sleek looking collie. Kendric felt like he had steeped into a zoo the way all of the dogs looked towards him and then the German shephard bound up to him and then barked out loud...

"Good morning Alpha!" when Ken looked down at one of the Labradors memories of last night bloomed in the green haired mage's mind

"Oh man... I thought that was some bad trip..." Kendric covered his face and then scowled when his hands came in contact with his wet skin

Looking at three of the eight weredogs the young man twitched his eyes in frustration at having something cheerfully standing in front of his face this early in the morning.

'It's morning???' Gazing past the human-canines the mage saw that it was indeed morning and the first rays of dawn had peeked from the horizon to slap him dead in the face.

"Great..." Ken got up onto his feet and stretched the kinks from his body

The rest of the pack had shaken themselves from the dregs of sleep and looked to their new alpha almost pleadingly.

"What?" Ken felt his ire rise since he was used to getting up sometimes in the middle of the day instead of the asscrack of dawn

"It's your job to take care of the pack, Alpha?" Ken looked to see the wolf-hound speak with Ezekiel's voice while watching him from his vantage point near the patio window. Though he was in his canine form the smile on his muzzle was condescending as the former alpha looked to Ken with an 'I know something you don't' look on his muzzle

"Oh really... and just what does the pack want?" Ken spoke sweetly to everyone but held the finger to Ezekiel. The former alpha male growled but his mate casually moved between the two with his body arching into his mate's snout flicking his tail over Ezekiel's nose in hopes that his scent would keep the two from fighting. Isaiah was the only Collie of the bunch, as the beauty of his form wasn't lost on Kendric as the former beta male moved with sheer grace and brimming power in his longhaired form.

"I think food would be nice alpha and then you have to decide what the pack will do today." Isaiah flicked his tail over and under his mate's nose twice before sitting on his haunches by the large male and ignoring the heavy lust filled growl being sent his way

"Okay the food will be coming up in a sec and then we have to really talk." Ken turned and tried not to trip over any of the weredogs as they sought his attention with playful acts like getting between his feet, whining, pawing, and barking at him

Once he got the kitchen Ken flicked on the lights, thankful that the power was back on, and then made breakfast with the food he had brought last night. The young mage whistled while he worked as soon howls and barks began to chorus along with him.

It was creepy to hear canines singing but after a while it felt kinda natural to Kendric as he changed the tempo and rhythm of his music and listened as the pack changed the way they barked and howled.

Breakfast consisted of four packs of bacon, two large hams, three-dozen eggs, and oversized bucket biscuits. Not knowing what it took to feed a pet, let alone eight hungry canines, Ken threw everything together and hoped for the best. When the food was finished, an hour and a half later, the green haired mage brought everything out and set it onto the table and waited.

Unlike last night no one ran to the table, as the Ezekiel's reprimand was still fresh in the weredog's minds, so the group of eight waited until Kendric had taken the first bit of food. The green haired mage sighed and grabbed a slab of ham and then sat down to the table and ate. Quickly chewing the piece of pork and then swallowing Ken looked to the others and then gestured them over.

Ezekiel strode over first followed by his mate then the others and before long the pack was feeding into the food. Watching the weredogs eat the green haired mage noted that there was a specific order that the food was taken and devoured in. Ezekiel ate first and foremost the largest portions followed by Isaiah, and so on and so on. While the entire weredog pack ate no one got more than the other, save the former alpha, and everyone shared with the other. It was like watching a documentary on the habits of wolves almost except that the food wasn't a dying animal covered in blood and no one was growling or snapping for his share.

A lick on his face brought Ken from his daydream and the young man saw the pack looking at him in question. Noting that their was still a large bit of food left Ken looked back and forth between his pack and the food before he caught on. Taking what food was left Kendric ate his fill and then licked his hands from the juices dripping onto the floor.

'Wait a minute, damnit! I'm not a dog!' calling over a paper towel from the roll in the kitchen Ken watched as the piece of paper flew over to him and then the mage ferociously wiped his hands

Once finished he grabbed up the dishes and took them to the dishwasher and left them for later.

"All right then... let's have that talk shall we..." Ken walked to his living room and sat on the sofa and looked to the pack. The large assortment of canines followed their new alpha into the room and then sat on their haunches in a semi-circle around him

"Where do you want us to start... alpha?" Ezekiel kept the sneer from his voice as he looked at his new alpha but that might have been because his mate was watching him with 'that' look in his eyes. The one that promised lots of pain and little mating later on

"How long have you guys been out in the woods?" Ken decided to get a little back history before he moved on to future issues

"We had been living in the park for over ten years now. It was hard to do with so many humans coming and going but the pack kept out of sight for the most part save the few sentries that guarded our territory. The main area we had made in deeper in the most wooded part of the park that leads farther back than most humans think. And unlike werewolves we don't have issue with living like animals since we are after all animals." Ezekiel said while thinking back to everything that he had lost along with his pack

"I see. Kind of makes since that no one would mind a dog coming from out of the park every now and then. Since all of you look like regular canines most people would assume that you're normal dogs and nothing else being that the average human doesn't believe in the supernatural. Then that leaves the question of who hunted you guys." Ken thought over the details and made assumptions and queries for later as he snapped his eyes to the growling group of dogs

"It had to have been a werehunter! There's no one else who would bother to track us down and kill us except those kinds of humans!" Ezekiel snarled at the memory of those hate filled eyes staring at him as he crunched down on the throat of one of the humans that had shot at his pack

"Maybe...what did they look like?"

"All of them had guns, knives, and wore strange clothes. The smelled like death and ran through our home like demons." Isaiah was the one to answer Kendric when his mate couldn't fathom words without dripping saliva on the floor like a rabid animal

"Can you be more specific?' Kendric looked to his pack and tried not to groan aloud when they all started to growl and snarl

"They were all men and no females wearing black armor, weapons, and hateful glowing eyes. That's all I can remember. The way these humans moved were like wraiths and it didn't take them long to separate us and then..." Isaiah lowered his ears and he held back the sadness flowing through himself

"Glowing eyes huh? When did the attack happen?" Ken got a shaky feeling that he was stepping in a world of trouble

"Two hours before you got to us. The pack had split up and..." Isaiah couldn't hold back the tears from his eyes as they fell down onto the carpet. Ezekiel nuzzled his distraught mate and licked the silvery drops away while murring at his mate

"...two hours..." Ken rose from the couch and then went to his room before coming back with a calendar in his hands. Thinking over the time and then double-checking the date the green haired man sighed to himself

"Damn it. Last was a full moon... I think that those men who came after you weren't looking for you guys but something else."

The pack stared at Kendric for answers after looking between each other without answer.

"What do you mean?" Ezekiel asked

Last night was what the French call "Réunion du loup". Meeting of the wolf. Supposedly large collections of werewolves gather to do something or another dealing with magicks and Luna, the moon goddess. I think that those hunters were after a pack a of werewolves and found you instead." the offhanded way Ken spoke made him unaware of the stead increase in volume the growls were coming his way

"You mean that our family was torn apart on a MISTAKE!!!!!!!!" Ken snapped his head up from the calendar in time to see the large wolf-hound bark and grow into his half dog half human form

If he was already over sized as a dog Ezekiel was triple his size in this form. Claws grew steelier, fangs lengthened, muscles bulged and soon one very pissed weredog stood in front of the green haired mage. Ken tossed the calendar aside as he gathered his hands together and pulled his powers from inside of himself.

The rest of the pack had jumped back from where Ezekiel had transformed and began barking to their former alpha to calm down. Isaiah looked at his mate and then started his own change in hopes he could wrestle down the larger male. Ezekiel barked and salivated as he lost himself to the anger in his soul and then looked down at Kendric with burning scarlet eyes.

The young mage glared at the eight foot tall weredog and then closed his eyes gathering more of his magickal energies to his hands. Ezekiel took one step to the human and then was barrel away from the pack's new alpha by a heavy form. When the two bodies hit the floor Ezekiel turned his head to see another were on its knees with its back poised ready to pounce.

"EZEKIEL! Stop this!" Isaiah had finished his change and made it in time to keep his mate from doing anything stupid but there was too much anger and confusion in the former alpha for Isaiah to calm him down with a simple tackle. Looking to his lover and seeing him rebound on his legs and start a long string of growling snarls Isaiah revealed his own fangs and took the challenge. Though not as powerfully built like the former alpha there was a reason Isaiah had become beta and not just that he was Ezekiel's mate.

Ezekiel clenched his clawed hands together and roared at the other canine before two hands slapped over his head and held him. Shaking the offending appendages away a slim form could be seen by everyone holding on for dear life.

Kendric tightened his grip on Ezekiel's head and concentrated. Soon the large male weredog began to lose his strength and settle down until he finally dropped onto the ground asleep. Heavy inhales and exhales left his body as Ezekiel traveled the dark road into Morpheus' realm.

Ken had hopped away in time to not land on the former alpha's bulky back and then flopped himself to the carpeted floor. The other weredogs walked up to Ezekiel and noted that aside from asleep the large male was fine but looking to the side at the green haired mage everyone noted the shivers racking his body.

"Kendric?" Isaiah quietly called to his new alpha with his deeper baritone voice as he looked on the human

Ken snapped his head to the ceiling and then let out a long piercing howl of agony. The rest of the pack flicked their ears back and steeped away from the human as confusion and sadness welled within them.

Finishing his cries Ken dropped his head and then sagged to the floor. Tears fell from his eyes in heavy droplets and when no more would come the mage shut his eyes and drifted to sleep.

The pack looked confusedly between their two alphas and then to Isaiah for some kind of explanation. The transformed wereCollie had no answers but prayed to whoever was listening that this day wouldn't get any worse. His tail slunk to the floor followed by his heavy body and then the pack surrounded their beta with quiet whines and whimpers.

Reaching out to scratch the nearest canine Isaiah let his body go on automatic for a while as his mind tried to process what had just happened. Gazing at both Ken and Ezekiel the beta wished one of them would wake up to answer his questions and calm his fears.