DragonSlayer ? Chapter 3

Story by catsithx on SoFurry

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#3 of Dragon Slayer?

Chapter 3

To call it chaos would be putting it mildly. Many of the warriors actually began to panic. Though no one could hardly blame them as three feral dragons appeared over the skies of their village. One was trouble for most warriors two was really pushing it, but three, so much for luck that every one says Simon has. More like the devil's luck. Simon made a silent prayer, before picking up a dropped spear and went to try and get some of the warriors from running like chickens with their heads cut off.

The red warriors already taking positions trying to see if they could at least take down one dragon with out having the others attack them as they prepared their plan of attack. Sif the Lynx is shouting out orders shoving many of the panicking warriors from fleeing as she tries to get into position. Her fur a molten reddish brown ripples from what isn't covered by armor. She draws her sword and speaks a soft word as her blade glows and she is gone in a flash as she tires to get in a position to attack the dragon. Her blade giving her the power of speed. What is not helping is that they are flying and not on the ground to hit. This was all dragon slayers nightmare. Fighting in a town or village. Not only did they have to fight the beast , but to have to try and protect the furs/people who were becoming an hindrance as they panic.

Flick the human archer is jump from roof to roof of the huts trying to avoid the panic in the village as he takes tries to aim at the dragons trying to hit them as he prays he doesn't fall though the huts roof. He has always used poison tip arrows. Though it pains him a bit that he has to be like that since he believes his skill alone could take a dragon down. Though poison is the best way to slow down a dragon to slay it. The dragons avoid the attacks mostly through the flap of their wings off setting the aim of the arrows. Though the black one seem to be able to sense the arrows as they flew at him as he just glides out of the path of the arrows that flew at him. He has been in dangerous situations but this was insane. The furs that he thought would be help were more trouble than they were worth . Hell he was having trouble keeping his mind on the task knowing that he could be killed at any moment. Though that could be true of anytime they fought dragons. Yet this time they weren't just fighting one but three the odds were not in their favor. He stops on a roof barley able to get his footing yet he aims right at the red dragon then waits as he aims a bit to the left feeling the wind change as he lets go and the arrow flies and catches in the wind and hits its mark. As the dragon roars in pain as the arrow landed into it's wing. Flick smiles as he draws another arrow and ready to attack once more.

Trevor screams in pain ,as the young weasel is hit by one of the dragons tail as he tired to get some of the villagers out of the way. He is sent flying through one of the huts. As Gale runs up to see how bad his injuries are. She looks him over her tongue flicks out showing the lizard's nervousness. Trevor gasp out in pain his tail twisted in an odd angle. Gale knows it bad most likely broken. Trevor cries out in pain as Gale tries to set it, she pulls out a vial from Trevor's pouch as she begins to chant some words as her hand glows. A veil surrounds them from the chaos around them. Her tail twitches badly as she tries to make Trevor drink the liquid. "Please just drink it Trevor. It will dull the pain. I hope I got the right one." He nods a bit after he drinks its he grimaces a bit as he begins to relax as Gale tries to see what else is wrong with him. Praying it's not beyond her skills to help him.

Kel not one for waiting for help or orders has already got onto the back of green dragon. Trying to pierce it's armor like skin. Howling loudly to the god of war Kryton for help to slay his enemies as he laughs like a manic . Simon tried his best to rally the fox warrior of the village as they seem to run in panic. Some stood their ground but still it was not enough this was not going to end well. They needed a miracle as suddenly he is grab from behind by strong arms to the side of a hut. For a second he thinks he was being saved by a villager from being killed by the dragon. As the dragons passes by where he just was. Yet something s different The tallest fox was only a few inches taller than him. Also the arms that had him were scaled not fur. He notices the color of the arms as being blue. A voice he thought would never hear again sends a shiver of hope though him as he is to afraid to look to see who it is because he is to afraid to think it might not be real.

"I told you I would be with you my love. Not even death would keep me from you." Those words send a shiver down his spine as he looks back

________________A few moments ago.

The green dragon smiles seeing the furs run. " Look at them flee from us. That's how all those fools should be around us. They should feel like the the vermin they are." His voices creaks loudly.

The red dragon only nods as he sets a few huts on fire and some villagers on fire dodging the arrows that fly towards him from the warriors of the village, as he just uses his mighty wings to off set them from hitting him.

A black dragon is smaller than his other two allies more of less does nothing as he seems to be looking for something. " We need to wrap this up soon we need to head back with that feline. He is the real reason we are here. Fenilee watch out that wolf!!!" His warning comes to late as Fenilee had move to close to the roofs of the huts. A lone wolf warrior had made a mad jump to the green dragons back. " I told that fool not to get cocky. That wolf is insane."

Fenilee roars in pain as the wolf warrior hacks at him. Despite his best efforts he can not shake the wolf warrior. The red dragon tries to help but only causes more problems for Fenilee. As the red's attempts to knock off the wolf warrior only go to hurt Fenilee more. As Fenilee roars in pain and frustration at his companion. " Can you knock him off. You blind fool!" He roars. As the red tries to knock off Kel once more then roars in pain as he is hit by an arrow. He sees the human not shooting at him directly but around the wind that his wings create. He seems to be able to hit him from angles not thought of.

The black dragon glides around the edges of the village as he searches for his true target. Let those fools deal with the warriors that fight for the village. The village was never really the target. It was so they could get the one they were sent for. The feline slayer he was the true target. He sees the chaos caused by their presence. His little pet has played it's part well. Though not like it had much of a choice. He snickers to himself. He actually has two jobs , yes he is after that feline , yet their was another who would feel his claws today. As he scans the village of the panicking as the warriors try to fight back . He finally sees the target. He will take his prey and claim his prize for the Queen. He smiles seeing this Simon trying to rally the villagers. This would be to easy to kill him.

Before he makes could dive for him and kill him with his mighty claws he sees something grab the fur. He tries to see who it was as he flies closer then a bright flash fills the air above the village. He flies high into the sky ending his decent, thinking it was a magician attacking. It was never a good idea to get close to them. Yes his kind were strong against some magic. Yet they still have eyes and ears many slayers learn that to attack dragons with magic head on was suicide. After a while they realize they still needed to see, smell, and hear like all who live on this world. So slayer magicians learned more passive magic which would attack their senses. Even though many dragons especially feral had resistance to most standard attack magic. It was not best to get cocky. Most slayers attack in packs like animal they were. He waited for an attack that didn't come until he heard a loud roaring laughter that filled the sky. The dark ebony dragon saw what his companions where laughing about. The village was aflame . Many of the inhabitants dead. The slayers bodies laid on the ground. Their bodies burnt beyond recondition or ripped to shreds.

Fenilee laughs as he holds in his fore claw the limp body of Simon his wings beating hard as he seems to have a glazed look in his eyes. " I did it ! I caught that fucking feline. I don't see why anyone couldn't have done this. I will be rewarded by her with untold riches." He roars in laughter as he flies off. The red dragon follows trying to keep up with his fellow dragon complaining about the poison in his body wanting to rest and expel it from his body before he could fly no more.

The ebony dragon follows at a distance still looking back at the village as it slowly fades in the distance. How could Fenilee have done that so fast what just happen? How did he lose so much time? How was he able to defeat them all? They were almost at a stalemate. The slayers and the dragons. A light catches his eyes. Then it hits him all at once. Why he still had doubts about what just happen. Also who did this.

____________________ moments ago.

Azuel lands without anyone really noticing her and Kyle. Well it being easy seeing how everyone was watching the feral dragons attack. Funny seeing how many feral dragons actually can barely get along unless it's for sex or to trade treasure. They were anthro's using transformation magic. They would not have frighten the villagers any other way. Yes her kind were great warriors yet many would fight the anthros of her kind over the feral any day. She was looking for him knowing full well he would be here. She had heard of a dragon coming here to attack the village. At first she thought maybe the feral had wanted money from it, but Azuel knew from when she saw the village it had little of value.

She looks towards Kyle as he cast a few spells to throw off any who saw them so they would have less trouble getting to him. Then she spots him barking out orders. She sees his tail twitch as she knows he is full of fear as he had when she first met him. Trying to rally the villagers to make some counter offensive. She knew better, she talked to him when he has came to the kingdom. He hated being called a slayer. It was something he tripped into. He hated being called a hero. He was no hero, he always saw himself as a coward. Yet she also knew when needed he would rise to the occasion. That is why she loved him. He was not afraid to tell her the truth. That he was not a warrior of death to her kind. He was a normal fur who was nothing special. He never tried to impress her. He never wanted anything but a simple life. Yet with her he told her he would do anything for her.

It was not like she had not heard it all before. Many of males of her kind always told her that they would do anything for her. Yet some just wanted a quick lay. Others wanting to be her mate, yet offer her little, as she could not carry a child to term. She had power back in her lands yet she cared little for it. Then Simon came into her life. He was not much to look at yet he never promised her anything he could not do he didn't want to fuck her, as most males would, he loved her body and soul. When he had saved her from some slayers wanting to kill her to make a name for them selves. She nearly killed him, mostly out of anger that someone so weak would think she needed help. It was funny to see him hide behind his friend and use him as shield. Telling her he was only trying to help.

She is brought out of her trip down memory lane by Kyle. "Azuel I know you want to rape your kitty but we need to make sure they don't kill us soon. I can only keep making so many forget that they are seeing us."

Azuel smiles as she walks up to Simon " Then you need to change their target." She smiles at Kyle as she nods to the flying dragons above. Kyle smiles as he beings to chant. She reaches him and pulls him into her grasp. Inhaling his scent. The smell of his ugly coat He rarely wears any real armor. Yet here he was wearing the leather armor. He flails a bit in her arms. She feels his tail shake uncontrollably. Then she whispers into his ear. "I told you I would be with you my love. Not even death would keep me from you."

He stops trashing about as he looks back at her shaking . She sees tears in his eyes as she hears Kyle finish the spell. She turns her head to sees him raise his clawed hands to the air as his wings spread, mostly for dramatic effect, as he lets the spell off. She closes her eyes trying not to be blinded by the light given off by the effect of the spell. As she opens her eyes. She sees Fenilee roaring with laughter as he seems to be holding what looks like a dead animal. She has no idea where it came from but from his expression she can tell that he thinks he has done some thing right and begins to fly of as the other two dragons follow him.

She sees Simon watch them leave as she flicks out her reptilian tongue and lick his ear as she can feel his fur stand on end. She always love doing that to him. It wasn't like he hated it. Just that it felt weird to him as he told her once. She was very good with her tongue as she feels someone bump into her.

Kyle was looking dazed as he looks a bit uneasy standing after cast the spell. " uh we have a problem . " he thumbs over his shoulder flapping his wings weakly. The warriors of the village have gather around them surrounding them. "This is not good Azuel." He tries to stand tall despite the exhaustion he feels from casting the spell. The slayers run up ready to fight. She sees the human archer draw several arrows ready to release if she takes flight or charge. The Lynx barking orders as she sees the female lizard trying to help the young weasel to stand he still looks like he wants to fight.

Suddenly a loud laughter can be heard. " Somehow I knew you be alive. Just didn't know how you be able to live after they chopped your hear off Azuel. I would lower your weapons all. You might kill the pretty kitty shield she is hugging . " Kel snickers

"That is insane Kel. Those dragons could be with the others reading for another attack. It's Simon's own fault that he got caught. Maybe this will make you see that he is not a slayer to team up with . I always did warn you he would die. " Sif bares her teeth at Kel who simply ignore her.

"Yes but you would upset the happy couple if you did that Sif. Seeing how Simon and Azuel are life mates."

Simon blushes at this as Azuel hugs him tightly and nuzzles him like he was a child's stuff toy. This of course makes many of the village warriors begin to laugh seeing how small Simon is in Azuel's arms. Sif sputters at this in anger.

"What ??! You mean this fiend is his mate? How is .. I don't understand. What the hell are you two doing I thought you were slayers not layers!"

Kyle snickers at this " Now that is a good one. I should have thought of ..OW damn it fur I am not some wild animal you poke with a spear. Keep it up and I take that pointy stick you have and beat you with it." Kyle growls at some of the warriors who still have their spears jabbing at him.

"Behave Kyle we are not here to cause trouble." Azuel berates him

" No we are here to pick up your fuck toy. Hey Kel you still owe me a drink." He waives at the wolf warrior. The gets mad as he pulls the spear from the fox warrior who keeps poking at Kyle's wings. " I said stop it!" He growls at the fox some smoke comes from his nostrils. Some warriors start charge forward to attack thinking Kyle is about to attack them suddenly one of the fox warriors trips making others fall over. Kyle steps back as Sif tries to attack him. She slips on some mud falling face first. She tries to look up as she wipes the dirt from her face and notices that Simon is standing in front of the bronze dragon anthro named Kyle.

"Let it go Sif. They both are under my protection." Simon states firmly.

Flick aims the three arrows at Azuel as she moves towards Simon. He lets go before she can do anything to defend herself. In a flash faster than anyone can believe Simon raises his spear and it catches the arrows on the shaft of the spear. Flick undeterred draws another arrow but as soon as he pulls back on his bow the string breaks. The arrow falls to the ground. Flick is surprised by this. As Gale rushes forward and tries to attack. Yet she trips over a discarded spear and lands face first in the ground. Some of the other warriors of the village raise their weapons ready to attack despite the fallen warriors. Simon looks ready to battle despite the point he was ready to die for the village he will not any one touch her. A loud voice breaks through it all.

"Stop before you all get hurt!!" Kel pushes though the warriors and picks up Gale and dust her off. " Look little boy you really should watch where you're running around at." He smiles as he dust Gale off.

She bats his hands and turns to look him in the face with an angry scowl. "YOU KNOW I AM A FEMALE YOU BASTARD! JUST BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE JUGS LIKE THE FUCKING DRAGON!!!!" She points angrily at Azuel who blushes a bit she does have breast not that big but more than what Gale has on her as her body gives her an unknown quality on what sex she is.

Kel laughs as do some warriors join him much to Gale's indignity. She blushes badly.

"Look leave the dragons alone you will only hurt yourself fighting Simon. Please Sif I am ...." He pauses a bit as he swallows hard " I am asking you to do this for me." He looks sadly at her as she looks at him in rage. She sheathes her sword as she jabs Kel hard in his chest.

"You and your fucking cat friend owe me don't forget that. I expect to be paid for doing this Kel. You better pay to Kel." She storms off" We're leaving we will see you in town when your done here. Kel you better be tell me the whole story when we meet again." Flick retries his arrows and shoves Kel hard as Gale kicks Kel. He winces as he rubs his shin. Gale helps Trevor who she let fall in a heap to the ground when she went to attack Kyle.

The village chief looks a bit confused as he sees Simon and Azule hug. She kisses him awkwardly as she is still not use to kissing Simon's smaller muzzle. As furs and dragons have different ways of showing affection.

The Chieftain walks to Kel " She is his mate, but he is a slayer. Why would he take one that is his enemy to be his mate?"

"It's a long story one I don't like telling just to say we saved your village and for payment we would like you to keep this quite and say the Red warriors saved your village. It will give their group some more jobs." Kel smiles a bit seeing Simon happy once more. " I know you have questions but ..... just not now ok. He needs this happiness. I am sorry we couldn't be more help, but things in life are not always what they seem."

The chieftain sighs a bit " I will do as you ask. Though many would not believe if I told them the truth of today's events. I can't believe seeing anthro dragon as they seem to be ones who are just as bad as feral ones trying to destroy those weaker than themselves as I have heard. Yet here is one who loves openly at that a fur such as him. I can see you have tales to tell but like you said not today." The chieftain says wearily.

Many give the anthro dragons some nasty looks as others just ignore them seeing they have a village to rebuild and it's not going to rebuild itself. Simon looks extremely happy as he holds Azuel's clawed hand.

" I missed you so much when I saw.. I ..I.. I thought you had died. I wanted it..I "He chokes up and cries a bit.

Azuel wipes the tears from Simon's face" I know I am sorry for the deception but I needed to hide until I could find the right time to be with you once more. Kyle used his powers to hide what really happen . He had drugged another dragon who had tried to kill you both and used him as my body double and used an illusion to fool you all. I am truly sorry my love. I never meant to hurt you but it was the only way to really escape. They would have never let me leave the kingdom with you. They fear you more than ever now. If you hadn't notice the dragons here only wanted you. You saw they left as soon Kyle gave them what they wanted. You in a sense. They will get a reward all right when they arrive with your 'body '." she giggles a bit.

"That is just cruel. You let kitty here think you died." Then Kel punches Kyle on his arm. " You fucking fool you keep it from us why the hell did you do that for.?"

Kyle yelps as he rubs his arm "Hey it's not my fault! She had arrange this. She knew Scornon was going to kill her if she said no to him publicly. He also knew you were going to leave that night. He had spies everywhere. He really did fear you a lot Simon. He truly believed that you were going to bring extinction to our kind. Still I didn't think you would kill him. I thought you two would have run for it."

Kel sighs wearily as he looks around as some of the villagers give the group some mean looks. As some young ones tug at Kyle's tail as others look at Azuel's wings as she giggles a bit stretching them out a bit to show off to the young ones. " I think we should leave for now and catch up back at town." He begins to head off as Kyle groans.

" You mean we have to walk... I don't want to walk!" He pouts a bit as he follows " Why don't Azuel and I meet you and Simon back at town." he smiles a bit at his idea.

Azuel shakes her head as her tail thumps on the ground. " No I am with him once more. I will not be separated from Simon just because you don't want to walk and you need to exercise." She jabs at his stomach with her tail.

" I am not fat!" Kyle grumbles loudly as he swats the tail away. As they begin to leave the village with some waives goodbye, but looking happy that the dragons are gone from there village.

" Maybe but I don't think you really want to carry me do you?" Kel questions the bronze anthro dragon.

" I am not a mule or horse. .. anyway why didn't you come by horse or some wagon?" He looks at Kel puzzled.

Simon looks at Kel and says nothing as he gets a dark look on his face. Kel laughs at this knowing full well why they are walking. "Because kitty is a slave driver!"

" I am not! That loser of a guard won't let me subjugate his feral ancestors fucking ass. I pay his ass good and he acts all high and mighty with me." His tail twitches wildly as his fur seems to stand on it's end.

Kel roars with laughter. As Kyle and Azuel both give him a puzzled look as Simon just looks pissed as hell.

Kel tries to stop laughing drying the tears from his eyes. The older wolf stops and rest against the tree as the others stop Azuel walks up and grabs Simon once more from behind. "My kitty is no slave driver he's to cute for that." She smiles as she carries him he smiles weakly as he seem to be carried like a doll.

Kel finally stops laughing. As he looks at her. " You do know that he owns the town and everything in it. You would think he need a fortune to do that. Well he does have a fortune in a sense. Your feral kindred treasures."

Kyle looks at him then at Simon. " Wait wait your telling me that you both have all that treasure of the dragons you killed?"

Simon sighs. " You never told him have you Azuel?" He looks a bit sad she keep this quite.

She giggles as she looks at Kyle. " Kitty has only two kills to my knowledge. His first kill I told you about how he saved Kel from being killed and our lordship. Besides that the other...' kills' are you can say exaggerated."

Kyle looks at Simon and Kel. " What you're not slayers? You.." he points at Kel " told me that you killed many dragons." He sounds a bit miffed at the point that he might have been lied to .

" Well I have killed dragons. Like the 3 I told you about I never said that Simon killed any dragons as a real slayer. The kitty has been very lucky. His so called Great kill of the red wyrm. Was over blown a bit. You see he was you could say tricked into going there. The red wyrm had set the bounty on herself to get him there. Many slayers answer the call to go there to kill her. She took the nearby village hostage so Simon would go. Mind you about three slayer groups went there to their deaths. Finally the near by kingdom asked Simon for help since he had a great dealing with dragons. Also since he was still one of the few slayers left in the area who had not tried. He was .....convinced to go." Kel smiles at this knowing it was a sour point for Simon.

" They threaten the town. That they would burn it down. Fucking assholes! Mind you I had no trouble letting Estess having her way with that so called king and no I am not sad that he is dead! Nor Firia from taking what she did also." Simon huffs like a young child who was forced to do something he didn't want to do.

Azuel looks at him at this knowing who Estess was yet her eyes went up at the Firia name. " And who is this Firia ? " She starts to squeeze him now. " Is she someone that you been with after you though I been killed? " He starts to wince a bit at not telling her who she was. He had told her who Estess was but not Firia was.

"It' s not that I thought she left after I went to see the great wyrm. I didn't know she had set up shop and take it on to herself to look after my fortune." He looks away blushing bit not saying something as Azuel squeezed tighter. Simon realizes that having someone stronger than you as a lover you better do one of two things get stronger than your lover or be very truthful.

"So my love who is Firia, and why is Kel smiling so much? You better wipe that smile from your muzzle mutt if you let my kitty have a new lover you're in trouble." She growls at Kel.

" It's not Kel's fault for anything. You know about Estess already the gift from the great red wyrm. She was suppose to be the gift from her to watch over me in a sense. I think she gave her to me as a cruel joke."

Kyle laughs a bit. " SO she gave you a sex slave whats wrong with that? Most sex slaves of feral dragons are great lovers. " He is quite for a few seconds as he realizes what he said. " Or so I hear you know." He looks away blushing a bit.

"Well Kyle Estess is a Lamia. A very ...over sexed lamia. She was caught and used as a pleasure toy for some rich lord. The red wyrm took her as her own guard in a sense. She used her to ensnare many would be slayers and treasure hunters. She is able to release a pheromones that is able to make any fur fall under spell, male or female. Her bite releases a endorphin that puts her victim into a blissful state. Where she enjoys destroying them."

Kyle puffs his chest out a bit. " Well I would love to see her try that on me. We dragons can resist anything." He states proudly.

Simon looks at him with a sigh" She would eat you alive. She was made to affect all around her. No one has been able to resist her abilities."

Azuel looks at Simon who hangs in her arms. " Has she taken advantage of you? You better not of have let her have her with you." She once more squeezes him tightly. Simon flails a bit

"Stop it I am not built as strong as Kel" Simon complains as he tries to break free of her grip. She lets him go finally with a mad look on her face.

"To be honest her powers don't work on me not to say she isn't nice..to look at in her own way."He tries to say the right thing as Azuel seems to glare at him. Her red eyes glowing red with a building anger. "She has made many advances since she has moved into town and set up shop."

Kyle looks at Simon in surprise. "And no one cares that there is a Lamia living in town?"

Kel smiles " She runs the whore house. Man it is the greatest one I have been in. The girls and males for those who like that. Are so nice. She has many repeat customers there. Many rich lord and others. She uses her power to make the enjoy along night. As I am told she refuses to see me because I told her to give up on Simon as she seem to be determine to mate him. She didn't like the point that the he was immune to her charms."

"And Firia who is she Kel?" Azuel huffs out a billow of smoke. She was not going to be deterred.

Simon sighs as he sits on the ground near Kel. As Azuel sits across from him watching Simon as to judge him Kyle sits near Azuel his tail swishing back and fourth." She is a kitsune witch. She was a sex slave as you said of a feral dragon or anthro's have. Don't give me look Kyle it is true I saw it in your kingdom. I saw the slaves. Azuel and I tried to use that as an excuse for us being together but they saw right through that lie. Back to Firia I really don't know how she was capture or how that the dragon was able to control her for so long, she refuses to tell even me, but after we killed him...more like he died being an idiot as he tried to team up with another dragon. After that disaster of a battle and shut up Kel you were worthless during that battle." He glares at Kel " and no it was not a good idea to try an be bait again. Well after the 'great battle' We found the cave where the dragon stayed. We were happy with the haul you could say until we saw her chained up. She had an iron collar and chains on each of her legs all bolted to the wall. She was dirty and looking extremely weak. Though she didn't seem to happy to see us. I think she thought we were there to make her our slave."

Kel cuts in. "Yet kitty's bright idea was to free her. Mind you here was a kitsune chained up abused and most likely starving and his bright idea was to free her. Kitsunes are strong physically and magically. To see one chained up like this was no short feat to do. Kitty the great slayer wanted to free her. It look like my weapon would not pierce the chain as the kitsune bare her fangs at me and with loud snaps and growls. Now Simon walks up and ...this is true I am not bullshitting you. He took a sword from the piles the treasure at random and used it to break her chains. He actually picked out a magically enhanced sword out of all the treasure. I expected her to kill him but she just look at him with a puzzled look on her face, and walked off. Man what a sight to see her walk off. Her swishing tails and her shapely...." Kel stops that part of the wet dream he was having. Also the glare coming from Azuel and the stifle laughing coming from Kyle.

"Ah-hem well on with the story With that behind us we had a few friends from the town we are heading to now. We were rich and the town was ours to buy. At first we tired to make sure we hid the treasure, yet at the same time where to put . Also we didn't know how to protect it. We did eventually find a good hiding place for it. The dragon that pestered Simon's home town and his first kill..so to speak. It took a while but we were able to transport it all. Luckily his home town was more than happy to help since with his first kill he used it to rebuild his fellow villagers homes. Now he was rebuilding a new town in a sense. Yet he and I figure out we needed a guard for the treasure. Mostly because the lords an other rabble would love to get their grubby paws on it. We didn't want to hire anyone fear they would rob us the town folks honest as they were. Just weren't warriors that could defend what we had. Simon and I were only two so it would kill us trying to defend it. Setting traps for it was also out of the question. This was also just so you know before Estess became kitty's matron of his brothel."

"For the last time Kel it is not my brothel. She did it on her own she built it not me." Simon grumbles a bit.

"You see we didn't have anyone to protect out new found fortune. We could have set traps but eventually even the best thief could over come those. She came to town the kitsune we have saved before. Now until that point we didn't know she was a witch until she demand that Simon give back her treasure. Simon told her no saying she was a bit ungrateful for us saving her and that if she had asked nicely he would have given her half. Making it a bit easier to take of it since we were burning through it fast. Building a town is not cheap. So many workers to pay and people to hire. Well anyway she told Simon that she would have her way. She gave him a deep kiss much to the dismay of the many of the men there, and me to cause man she really clean up good her figure and..well anyways. Later we found out it was a spell she tried to put on him. It backfired later we found her in his room trying to bed him."

Azuel is up on her feet and walks over to where Simon is and punches him hard on his arm ." And you didn't say nothing about it!" She roars at Simon.

Simon flails as he falls to the ground hard. "It's not my fault Azuel! Her spell was suppose to enthrall me. It instead made her fall head over heels over me. It took a while and a few other calls to other witches and specialist to break her of that."

Kel is laughing once more at Simon's plight. " It's not kitty's fault Azuel she just didn't know how lucky he was. Though it was funny seeing him make her not rape him." Kel is still trying to laugh to much at Simon's expense. As Kyle looks at Simon with a look of disbelief.

"Are you telling me this cat has that much luck and he didn't ever exploit it. You are someone with strange convictions."Kyle shakes his head.

"It's not that I didn't want to take advantage of her in that state. Also I learn later after we broke the spell that the effect fur of that spell would remember everything even if I had taken advantage of her she would have remember I did to her and I am glad I didn't because she would have skin me alive. Still after it all she was a bit shaken by what had happen and didn't know how to take it. She had stayed in town for a few days after it. Many saying I should have killed her or made her a slave or put her in our new jail just to see if it could hold her. She later came to me and asked me why I just didn't do what every male would have done to her. I told her it would made me feel guilty knowing that their was no love between me taking her like that and I would have felt empty after it since she was also not willing to give herself to me. She asked what I was going to do with the treasure. I told her of our trouble and she told me she would watch over it. She would live near the treasure. So a new legend began in the area. About a witch who watched over the treasure. It went out of control after that saying she stole babies and virgin men for her spells. So most stayed away from her. Also since I did own the land and knew the truth I keep most away saying she was under my control and if they didn't leave the land alone where she lived I would sic her on them so many left her alone."

Azule looks at Simon with an angry glare. " Why didn't you tell me about her? You told me about Estess but not her. WHY!?!"

Kel smirks "because she knows what he does all the time. She had him promise not to speak of her. She seems to have ways to always knowing about Simon's movements. She always seems to know about who he sees and who he talks to. So yes they both know about you. Estess was a bit sadden by his love for you she did try her best to sooth his sadness of your passing. Yet he took her advances as a friend refused to go further. Now Firia on the other hand she was obsessive with taking Simon as her own. She used every spell and trick she knew to enthrall him. And nothing they either fizzled out or didn't do anything to him. She was persistent with her advances. Now not to say she wasn't lovely. " He looks at Azuel as she looks at Kel with a stern gaze.

"Azuel You have to understand you are beautiful by any standards but Firia was and exotic creature. Her self her fur was blue as the sea itself the way it ripple across her body. Was like the way the wind blows across a grassy filed her three tails always seem to be waving in the air. She had such a fine figure that many nobles, and yes many did try and court her. It amazed me that she was so hard on to have Simon as her own. After she found out he lost someone he loved. She pounced like a hunter on it's prey. All her attempts failed. Hell Estess tried to help her more to I think to laugh at her failing. She is someone who wants Simon bad. That my lovely Azuel is your rivals for your kitten. He does belong to you heart and soul. That don't mean these females won't try and rip you to shreds to take him from you . I just thought you should know who loves your kitten besides you."

Kyle is dumbstruck as Azuel hugs Simon once more. Nuzling him as she licks his ear once more saying she loves him. Simon shivering form the lick saying to stop that as he is blushing badly under his dark fur.

"Who is he Kel?" Kyle thumbs over at Simon. " There would be no end of dragons back at the kingdom or males anywhere who love to be in his place."

Kel pulls out a pipe and gets some tobacco and stuffs a bit into the pipe as he motions Kyle to lite him up. The anthro dragon shakes his head as he shoots a tiny flame from his mouth lighting the pipe. Kel takes a few puffs as he smiles seeing Simon finally hugging Azuel in return. Both seeming to happy to be together once more.

"He is my friend Kyle. Someone I would do anything to protect at all cost from anything...especially himself." Kel smiles weakly.

Kyle raises his eyebrow at that response.

{Back at the village.}

Night falls The elder fox sitting on the floor looks at the fire as her disciple finishes some symbols on the ground around the fire that burns in the center of the hut. She look back at the elder fox. " You're done child thank you. Please go now my child my guest will be here soon. Remember to take care of the tribe. Though I was not born of this tribe they took me in as one of their own. For that I am glad to have served them these last few years. Please remember to use what I have taught you for the betterment of the tribe. The needs of the tribe comes before anyone fur." She smiles up at young fox maiden.

The fox maiden looks at the elder. "Please mistress don't do this. You said it your self just because you see these visions don't mean that they will come true. You can still change it." The fox maiden looks looks as she is about to cry.

The elder smiles at her. "Dear you know I have lived longer than my given life. I was given a gift that I wish to give to my adopted family. They took me in when I had no where to go they ask for little besides my knowledge. I have help grow this tribe to the strength it is today. Also I was able to see the one chosen to change a fate of a race on our world. He is special more than he realizes. Yet what I do here is not for him as much as I would love to help him with his path. I must do this to save my adopted family now child my guest comes closer. He must not see you. You are this tribes hope for the future. Now go child." The maiden gets up and leaves.

The elder watches as the fire slowly dies. She hears someone come in but does not move." I wonder how long you would take to come here dragon."

The black anthro dragon stands before the fire looking at the elder. "You know why I am here fur? Though with your power I assume that is know also. This is not personal. What I do to you is needed so you don't help that feline anymore. He is a danger to my kind and must die. Those who help him will meet the same fate as his is. I assume you know that he is to die." He walks around the fire he wears a chain mail that color blends with his scales. It moves like a second skin on him.

"You were with those fools earlier. I see that you are not easily fool as they are. Still I expected you as you said. I could have told the villagers of your coming and they would have been more prepared for you but the losses were needed if I was to see Simon , and make sure his love was with him once more." She smiles at the dragon as he has a shock look on his face. He goes for his weapon but stops.

"She died I saw her die....just like I saw him in that fools talons. Kyle ...he must have " He looks away from the elder as she smiles at him. As she slowly rises to face the black dragon as she leans heavily on her walking staff.

"Yes. As I said I had to have him here or he would have missed her. Time grows short for them. Both will face your queen soon. If they missed each other here. One of them wold have died and hope for you kind would have died. You think I lie on that. You see I told the elder wyrm what he was really. All your kind are fools he is the end for you all. Just not the way you think. Though I would love nothing better than see your kind gone from this wo..hekkk" She looks down at her chest as the walking staff falls from her hand. She draws a ragged breath tasting her blood on her lips she had seconds to live but it was all the time she needed as the runes below them glow. Her last act for her family here was about to be done.

The black dragon tries to move but can not. As the runes on the floor snake up his legs and body. Slowly etching hem selves to him. He tries to pull away from her. To get her off of his hand. Yet he has no control of his body. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME WENCH!!!" He roars in anger.

She smiles weakly as her life flame slowly leaves her body she can feel it getting colder despite being so close to the flames of the fire. "My g..gift to you d..dragon. A curse so to speak. I am the trigger. It only activates at the death of someone. I..I...give myself to protect the village.. You cannot harm this village any *cough* attemp to do that the runes will kill you. Any attem..temp to tell anyone about this you wi wil ..die...it is in your be..st interest..if you want to live no..t to tell anyone. This was the only way to save the village. Do not worry I known you will try and die." she gasp loudly as she feels him rip his claw hand form her body as she feels the last of her life gush from her, as she falls over and dies.

He roars as he is about to set the village. She had to be lying. There was no curse like that. He would have heard of that or his people would have made a counter curse. He took a deep breath and spewed flames into the hut and began to set it on fire. He wanted this village to burn to the ground as with all those fucking furs. He would return to the kingdom and claim his prize her hand. She promised she would be his as soon as he did his other task. Capturing Simon was second he was to kill the seer so she would not help him. As he was about to leave and start his work he saw the runes glow on his body as they seem to melt into his scales. He scoffed as nothing happen. " What a hac.." he doubles over clutching his chest. "What the fuck ... my chest it feels like it is going ...erhk" He falls forward and begins to shake badly as he gasp out for air until he goes still. Blood slowly pours from his body. The curse has done it's job as the hut burns to the ground. The young maiden had already informed the chief of the village of what the elder told her. That they hut fire was not to be put out and that she was to take the elders job of taking care of the village. She knew she had a task before her and also knew she would one day inherit the power the elder had. Yet she had to prove that she was worthy of it. Yet today was not a day to worry about that today was a day of mourning and of loss. They lost many warriors today and the elder. She had hope the vision she was shown by the elder would happen that the hope of a better day would come.


Simon wakes with a start as he is still in Azuel's strong arms He just woke from a weird dream. He though he saw the elder. Yet she was younger and with the great wyrm. He was shaken by this as he tried to get out of Azule's arms around him not wanting to wake her. As he finally got of her grip. He stood up and look at her sleeping form. She seem so peaceful as her chest slowly raises and she had a nice smile on her snout. Despite her reptilian appearance he saw more to her than he saw in any other female. Some who loved him. He would do anything to protect her so he would never lose her. Yet it was the words of the dream that unnerved him.

"Child of luck your trails are far from over."

He could understand that there were still others who would come for him and her. He would fight anyone who tried to take her from him. Yet it was the child of luck he didn't understand. What the hell did that mean?

Author's note: sorry for the long wait on this one I had to rewrite half of this chapter. Also endup writing so many other things and having to proof it myself don't help any. I will try to get back on a proper schedule for this one, yet I know that will not happen. I will though try my best to make it less thna a month release time.I hope .

Well as always read comment and give me stars like 20 XP