Ze Seed - Chapter Four

Story by Zehybridized on SoFurry

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Continuing adventures of Ze Seed. Seed inadvertently gains another traveling companion. How long will this one last?

Intro: Yes, yes Chapters two and three are missing. I am in the process of writing Chapter two as well as finishing the original Ze story. I intend for them to be complete by the end of the year. Till then mentally chew on this.

" L ook, just let me in there to talk with her. I'll be done in five minutes and then she's all yours." The man in the suit was once again trying to convince the detective to give him access to the interrogation room.

"And I'm tellin' ya one last time NO! Yer not goin in dare. We're waitin for the child pysch people to talk with her and yer fancy CIA badge ain't gonna change that! She's just a lil' girl fer Christ's sake!" The NYPD homicide detective wasn't having any of this wise guys attempt to talk to the only witness they had to the murder. I assumed he'd seen to many testimonies get thrown out on stupid complications just like that.

"That is your first mistake, she really isn't a little girl." The CIA man said as they rounded the corner and stepped into the room adjacent to the interrogation room. That comment was interesting. "Far from it! We actually think her real age is closer to..."

The detective cut him off "How can you say that? Look at her!" He pointed through the window. "You know what I don't care, she is still... Hey, where'd she go?" The detective, looking through the one way mirror, saw nothing in the adjacent room.

"Shit!" CIA man dashed back into the hallway drawing his weapon with the detective on his heals. "Move aside!" CIA man yelled to the guard outside the room who did as he was told only after the detective also yelled at him to move. CIA man confirmed what they had seen from the other room, which was nothing. "Shit! Shit, shit, shit! She's gone!" His hand went to his collar and he spoke into his wrist as he stepped back into the hallway.

The detective rounded on the cop that had been standing guard. "Where da hell did the little girl go?!" He demanded, stepping right up into the cops face, driving him back against the wall.

"Wh... what little girl!?" He stammered as he responded. He looked very upset and suddenly extremely confused.

"The one that was in the room ya were instructed not to let anyone enter or leave wit out my permission!" The detective was fuming as the CIA man grabbed him and pulled him down the hall.

"There's no time! He'll be useless for the next hour. What is the quickest way to the basement? That's where she'll head." He was talking into his wrist again. "Right... seal the building no one and I mean NO ONE leaves. Track and stop anyone you have seen leave in the last ten minutes." He stopped for a moment as the detective jerked away from him.

"What the hell is going on? Why do think she's headin' for the basement?" The slightly slow detective was finally starting to realize something weird was going on.

But I didn't care. I had all the information I needed. The CIA didn't know as much about me or my purpose here as I had thought. I grinned a grin that would have made the detective wet his pants and moved back through the ventilation shaft the way I had come. Making my way upward I reached the roof in no time. Normally CIA man would be right and I would have already been out of the building, but the brain and spinal column I was carrying in my chest prevented me from getting into the tight fits I knew I would have if I escaped via the sewer drains. They aren't all like the ones depicted in the movies of this earths era.

Upon reaching the roof I moved on all fours to the rim, to peer over the edge. I spent a minute or two identifying all the CIA people around the building below, both the obvious and not so obvious. I particularly liked the older looking lady across the street that was walking the poodle. I wondered if the poodle was a specially trained CIA attack poodle and laughed at my own thoughts. I watched and waited for a few more minutes while I prepped myself then, timing it just right, I took a running leap from the edge of the building and sailed out into nothingness. I spread wings wide that had been clothing a moment before, and glided across the alley-way to land on the next roof. It was a good forty feet. I glanced down at the street to see if anyone had noticed. No one had that I could tell and so with another short run I was leaping again. I repeated the maneuver till I was ten or so city blocks away from the police station. I then found a fire escape and scrambled down to street level, wings wrapping around me into clothing once more.

I figured it would take me about an hour to reach JFK from here by subway and with luck I could be in orbit in less than three hours. But first I needed to change. Wandering around New York City looking like a little wayward white girl just wasn't smart; on this or any Earth I had been too. Luckily the alley I had dropped into was the backing for a number of restaurants. Plenty of readily available easily converted organic matter for the taking. A short plump white girl dived into a dumpster and a tall voluptuous black woman climbed out. I lost about twenty minutes with the change and it was extra tricky because of the brain. Providing life support for the thing was taxing.

"But it's all worth it for the multi-credit I'm going to get for you." I said as I gently patted my chest while walking towards the subway entrance.

"I'll say!" said a bum as I passed him. I gave him a look and he added "No offense, course." I didn't really care though so I gave him a grin and made my way into the sub-way.

Rapid transit pedestrian traffic was light and I did indeed make it to the airport in just under an hour. But I discovered a now reoccurring problem as I made my way towards the private hanger area. Mr. CIA man was there already, standing a little away from the counter of the agency that was holding my ship. The hanger agency thought it was just a plane, but CIA man apparently thought otherwise or he wouldn't be there. That wasn't good. It meant he had more intelligence data then he should and I had to revise my assessment of their abilities once more. First the hit at the old man's home and now this, I was becoming annoyed.

"Time to have a chat with Mr. CIA man..." I licked my lips as I walked slowly towards the counter. I watched him carefully though my "eyes" never set on him. I inhaled then exhaled deeply as I stepped up to the counter. I knew I had him when he suddenly seemed to relax and began looking at me instead of glancing around. I smiled at the women behind the counter and watched as her shoulders visibly sagged as well. I had hit them both right on the mark, the chemical cocktail I was expelling at them worked perfectly. I was a bit worried about having to hit two different people at the same time, but it worked.

As I stopped at the desk and handed the receptionist my information CIA man walked over to me. He stopped at my side and just sort of grinned. "Hi." He said. I looked at him out of the corner of my eyes, tilting my head and turning slightly toward him.

"Can I help you?" As I was watching the two of them I kept visual on my full 360 as well. The image was never as clear as I would prefer while in human form, but you can't have everything. None of CIA man's fellows were in evidence, which meant he was either here alone, which was very un-likely, or they were hiding, which was likely. Well I would push this to see how far it got and then if the going got tough I could just use him as a hostage and get the hell out of there. I had already decided to bring him with me. At best I could satisfy some base human type desires, at worst I could eat him. Maybe I would do both. I grinned widely at the thought as he spoke again.

"Um... yeah, see I don't normally do this. In fact I am not really supposed to do this at all, talk with a potential suspect and what not... My boss is yelling at me right now actually..." He blushed a little bit and tapped his left ear as explanation of his words. "But I gotta say that you are... you're incredibly beautiful!"

I chuckled and reached across the counter taking the package of forms the girl offered. I could see in her eyes that she was thinking the same thing. 'Oops' I thought. I hadn't meant to catch her with that part of the cocktail, but that was what you get when you were trying to shot gun people with mind controlling substances. Before I could alter it she blurted out "You really are!"

I paused for a second and made a quick decision. I would take her along as well, twice the fun and all that. Besides, she wouldn't enjoy life much when the CIA types took her in for study. I heard a squeaking noise and saw the CIA man falter as something came across his earpiece. He glanced back down the concourse as I caught movement a few hundred meters away. Well the jig was up; once the girl started talking goofy I figured they would finally put two and two together if they hadn't already.

"Well if you both like me so much why don't you come with me for a ride in my plane." Talking refocused CIA mans attention on me and they both said simultaneously "OK!"

I took his hand and hers as she stepped around the counter and hurried off down the short hallway and stairs into the hanger. The amount and speed of movement down the concourse increased. Becky, I had read her name tag, let us through the two security doors with her badge. I was mildly surprised to find the hanger empty of anything but the three planes that had been there on my arrival and my ship. I couldn't detect a trace of anyone else having been here in the last two days besides myself and the slightly smelly mechanic who had been closing up shop when I taxied into the hanger two nights ago. Though curious about it I wasn't about look a gift horse in the mouth. Those security doors wouldn't hold them back for long, particularly since I had one of their men with me.

Both of my tails were continually mumbling about how beautiful I was and how nice I was to let them ride on my airplane. I was going to have to let off on the cocktail soon or risk having them like that for a long time. The bit of worry I had faded as we reached my ship. It looked something like the super-sonic private jet that was sitting on the other side of the hanger. The wings were stubbier, the body was a wider oval shape instead of the normal round one, the engines were longer thinner and mounted along the side of the fuselage and the tail was made of two downward facing fins. As we walked up to it a door opened in the side, irising into the surrounding frame as a set of skeletal stairs gracefully extended out and down. We were aboard in another second and the door closed behind us just as I heard a loud crack from the direction of the stairs and the sound of shattering glass.

They were too late.

"Sha'ra, start up sequence please, abbreviated; I am tired of this place and want to go home. 21st Century New York was an interesting place but there's better." I pulled the two humans with me into the passenger area and sat them down in the chairs as the ship responded with a "yes mistress". The inside of my craft looked very much like a luxury private jet of this Earth's current Era. Within a few more moments I had them secured, arms and legs bound to the chair and across the chest, crash nets locked in place.

"You two be good and we'll have some fun later. If you're bad, I'll eat you..." I grinned at them. Becky giggled back. CIA man looked uncertain. I had stopped pumping cocktail at them as soon as we entered the ship. CIA man was recovering pretty quickly, more quickly then he should; more questions that would need answering.

That could wait. I wanted to be in the cockpit when we left the atmosphere so I walked back towards the front of the craft as I heard the engines whine to life. A sharp twang sounded on the hull and a warning flared on the console. I blinked. They were shooting at me! I flipped on external sensors and a voice could be heard demanding I shut down the engines and release the hostages. I thumbed the external speakers and laughed at them as the engines came to full power. The ship, Sha'ra knew what to do, and we started forward turning towards the entrance.

I had Sha'ra record the remote control frequencies and coded transmissions as we came in so the hanger doors rolled back as we approached them. Though in hind sight it would have been much more fun, and cliché, to have blown the doors apart. I heard more rounds ricochet off the hull as we moved out onto the tarmac. The shots stopped as we cleared the hanger and a swing of sensor focus showed they were not immediately following. If they hadn't had the pull to get into the hanger I doubted they could call in any kind of air intercept. So I played nice and talked with the tower. My original flight plan had been for a departure one hour later but it was a slow day on my end of the field and the clientele of these hangers paid for certain privileges. I had clearance and was taxing into position within minutes. The whole situation amused me.

A minute later I was less amused as I was hailed by the tower just before starting my take off run and told to move off and power down as they suddenly needed the run-way for an emergency landing. My ships sensors showed no such in danger aircraft so I decided to ignore it. I leaned over and grabbed the controls, powering all the way up instead and moving quickly down the runway. My amusement faded completely as sensors picked up two small high speed contacts sixty kilometers out and closing. I had guessed wrong about the CIA's pull in this situation. It was time to leave this place; I was tired of playing.

The ship was half way to the point it would take a normal plane to leave the ground but I was done with pretenses. I pulled back on the controls and boosted my thrust, nosing up and climbing vertically. The inertial dampeners compensated for the greatly increasing delta-V but I still felt the slight vibration as the ship left the sound barrier behind. I would be in orbit before the interceptors closed another twenty kilometers. I grinned as I thought of faces on the tower operators as they watched my vertical ascent. "File that with your FAA fella's." I said as I streaked star ward.

I broke atmosphere and moved up into a parking orbit, rolling the ship over for a view of the planet. I didn't quite understand why my Sire so revered the place. It looked like any other M-Class Planet. A little more water then most I had seen but nothing special. Ze was originally from here I knew, but that didn't explain it to my satisfaction. But then Ze was Ze; it knew things I didn't, though at one time I thought I knew all it did. Maybe it understood something about the place that I just couldn't comprehend.

I moved back to the passenger area to check on my guests. Becky was staring wide-eyed out the window and looking a little pale. CIA man was watching me carefully as I walked up. It took Becky another moment to notice me and when she did I watched her expression jump between fright and anger. That the anger was more prevalent then the fright interested me. Before she could get herself all worked up I inhaled and exhaled a long breath in her direction. CIA man took his own deep breath when I breathed in and held it as I breathed out.

I grinned and leaned in close to him as his face began to turn red. I could see his hind brain struggling for control as he fought to keep from breathing. It was a losing battle of course and he gave it up before he passed out. He spoke a string of expletives as he let his breath out. I laughed.

"Have no fear for the moment Mr. CIA man, that cocktail was specifically made for miss Becky here." I patted her arm and she smiled at us. "I want your wit intact because I need answers."

"I am not going to willingly answer a damn thing so you might as well just drug me; fucking alien." He stared up at me defiantly. I shook my head at him.

"Listen, I could just hit you with what amounts to a truth serum and you would be talking endlessly about everything from your first memories of sucking on you mothers tit to the bad sex you had with your girlfriend last night. Or I could torture you until you begged for death and would gladly tell me all you know in exchange for the release from your mortal coil. However, both of those methods result in a lowered libido and a mix of chemicals in your blood that taste just awful." It took a second for my words to register; I saw his pupils dilate as what I had said sunk in. I had the advantage and I intended to have a bit of fun.

First however, I stopped and took a moment to re-dope Becky. I used a different cocktail now, one that wouldn't enslave her in the long term. This one removed her normal emotional responses, essentially making her a sociopath for a time as well as highly open to suggestion. I disentangled her from the restraints and moved her over to another area of the cabin She displayed a high level of interest in my activities after she was made immune to the normal human emotional reactions. Once I was sure she had been fully affected I turned back to CIA man.

"Look, I have been on a rather strenuous mission, made none easier by you and yours, and I have not eaten a good meal in about a day. I haven't had a romp in quite a while either. I am hungry and in the mood and you look... appetizing in both respects." I leaned in close to him, my currently ample cleavage drawing his eyes despite himself as the pheromone cloud hit him with a strong smell of roses and wood smoke. This chemical cocktail had no controlling properties; I just knew from experience with male humans that it would get a reaction.

Sliding a hand up his inner thigh I found the reaction I was looking for and grinned. The men and to some extent the women, that worked for agencies like his and did jobs like he did usually thrived on danger in some form. Some of them were even excited by it. I was glad he was one of those types, it would make getting the information much more fun.

I moved in close and inhaled his scent, rubbing my cheek against his as I unzipped him and drew his sex out. As I moved to kiss him properly I was startled to feel his member deflate under my stroking hand. He began to chuckle and I was dumb founded for a second. I stepped back from him confused.

"That was easier then I expected..." He said looking proud of himself. "Like I said you better just hit me with the mind controller now. I won't play your games."

"Well... that is... interesting. Your people seem to know entirely too much about me..." This was too much. I hadn't been rejected by a mere human in nearly a century and I wasn't happy about it. I changed tactics and let my fingers lengthen into long snake like tendrils, the finger nails shifting into tip claws. Reaching out I wrapped them around his neck and pushed him back into his seat. "And I want to know how!"

I didn't have time for this, I needed to make the delivery and if I was compromised in someway I needed to know before I left orbit. The chemicals would get me the undeniable truth but would take some time, time I had decided I didn't have. The tips of my claws now pricked at the skin of his neck lightly. "Last chance to play nice..." He glared at me and tried to speak. It sounded like it was meant to be insulting. I gave him a sweet smile before I plunged them in. To his credit he didn't scream, initially anyway.

I snaked my fingers deep into his body; the tips dividing and sub-dividing as I sought out the pain centers within him. At first CIA Man just held stock still. I could feel every muscle in his body tensed with effort as he resisted the urge to scream. He had just began to whimper in earnest when my farthest along tendrils found the nerve cluster that ignites in a human when they have a bursting appendix, I have been told it feels rather like being shot. I grinned at him again with a full Ze kind of grin. My mouth was spread wider and filled with far more pointed teeth then any human mouth could be. When he briefly opened his eyes after taking a staggered breath he caught sight of it and I felt him shiver.

The psychological effects were working, so now on to the rest. I had found out somewhat by accident that very small physical stimulation and very slight electrical stimulation worked wonders on the human body when applied to just the correct spots. So with a microscopically measured twitch and a jolt measured in pico-amps from a tendril tip deep within him I finally made CIA man scream. Other tendrils soon found their marks and joined in the fun.

And CIA man kept on screaming; and screaming; and screaming.

I had developed my own methods of torturing people over the years; after I asked the initial questions, if I didn't get answers, I ran them through a gauntlet. After one run I asked them again, if they were capable of speech. If they weren't willing to talk I started again, if they were not able I would work them the opposite way. Mostly this got results, though sometimes it simply killed them. After about five minutes of continuous screams I stopped probing his pain centers and switched to his pleasure centers having pre positioned a hundred micro tendrils. He went from screaming to a crying croon through which he managed to mouth something.

"What was that?" I asked as my tendrils twitched and sent him into the most powerful orgasm he had likely experienced in his life. "Did you say something?" He twitched and moaned as I played him from within. Amazingly he was still able to mouth words again after I allowed the sensations to fade. This interested me. A normal human would not have been able to handle the switch nearly this well. With the exception of some really hardcore S&M types it tended to make their minds snap. I usually had to coax them back into talking again.

"Zzz..." He tried to speak an actual word and failed then tried again. "Zzz... Z-Zol... Zolan'k!" He spit the last syllable out like a curse. Zolan'k! Well that explained some things. Primarily it explained how he was able to resist me.

"Zolan'k. Well... That is interesting. Did he set you on me? That seems like a lot of effort just for me." I was honestly confused. Even if he knew about the bounty on the head currently in my storage unit it seemed like excess to sick an entire organization like the CIA on me to stop me from getting it.

"I can't be the only reason he is dealing with you. What else is going on here?" Before he had a chance to actually say anything I twitched against his pleasure and pain centers together giving him an eighth of a second of intense pleasure pain. "Look, you know everyone breaks, with the proper stimulation you WILL tell me everything you know eventually. You know this. You also now know exactly what I can do to you. Just tell me."

He looked defiant for a moment then I saw the change in his eyes. He slumped noticeably and began to speak. "We were providing him with nuclear material. He was taking a significant amount of spent fuel off our hands. In exchange he was providing us with... technology; soldier Enhancement bio tech, weapons and power sources. All stuff hundreds of years beyond our best tech." CIA man was panting as he tried to keep from going into shock. "He took a detachment of our people to train with the tech. In addition to the fuel we did favors for him, sometimes on planet, sometimes off. I think he might have taken us out of dimension once. When he did he gave the team additional upgrades."

CIA man was doing well, considering I had a dozen plus tendrils deep within him he was coping amazingly. "He gave you advanced bio... and you are resisting my attempts at coercion too well. Zolan'k only has access to one source for that kind of tech. If you were part of that team... then he gave you something, something that rightfully belongs to me. A pity you didn't get the full upgrade, then you could have turned off the pain instead of just resisting it; and this is going to hurt." I turned ten of my inner tendrils and began questing through his body looking for something familiar. He began moaning. Within a minute I had found them, clumps of cells in strategic areas of the body. One nestled amongst his intestines, another attached to a lung, one within his heart and judging by some gentle probes, several smaller bits spread through his brain.

I touched the one on the lung with one fine tendril, tasting it as the tip slid over the fibrous shell of the thing. "I see he has been working on the design. Well, let me just remove these from you and then we can get into some really interes..." I was shocked. I just lost all feeling in the questing tendril. The tip, then the whole end of the tendril was numb and I found that the numbness was spreading quickly. Indeed it was spreading throughout all the tendrils within his body. Not even bothering to try and remove the infected pieces I separated them completely from me.

I stepped back from him both my arms now ending in raw stumps. I stared at them for a moment trying to figure out what had happened. A noise brought my attention up again. I was surprised at the sight. Both of my hands were sprouting tendrils from the severed wrists and these were quickly moving out across FBI man's body. He had a rather concerned look on his face.

"What, what did you do to me!? What's happening!?" The look of concern was quickly replaced with one of panic. "What... ungh... what did you do!?"

I blinked and leaned in a little closer trying to figure out what exactly I had done. I was amazed at what was happening. I could now see small things writhing just under the skin of his neck; tendrils questing up and down. The skin was bruising as they passed, they were obviously damaging the flesh beneath. The tendrils expanding from what had been my hands reached for me as I leaned close. I came to my senses. "Sha'Ra, containment field around the male human!" The air around CIA man flashed as the shield formed. I shoved Becky out of the way as I reached for a weapon cabinet, forming and extending thickening tendrils. I pulled a disrupter out with a half formed set of digits and turned back to CIA man.

His eyes were still his own but judging by the rapidly increasing number of vine like tendrils within him and without, that wouldn't last long. Vines had erupted from his throat so he could no longer speak, not that I could have heard him anyway, the containment field had a one way affect that allowed various forms of energy to go in but nothing to come out.

"You folks made a bad deal. My guess is you had a rather large number of your men implanted. I bet Zolna'k told you it would work to keep you from the affects of any mind controlling substance. What he didn't tell you is that they are also traps, for me and things like me. You are currently in the process of being converted. It will hurt at first but then become a most pleasurable experience as well as your last as a human..." My voice trailed off as I noticed his eyes, they weren't showing pleasure. They showed more panic, then fear, then pain. It must have been rather intense pain. His mind broke within seconds of its onset. I could tell the moment he was gone, his eyes lost the luster; they went blank. A few moments more and his body sagged. He seemed to be dead.

That was wrong. The things Zolna'k had implanted within CIA man and most likely a large number of other humans on the planet were pieces of me. More precisely they were modified pieces of my Ze form. He had apparently played with them and in very scary ways. When triggered they seemed to be set to auto convert the host. Conversion was something the Ze entity could do to another being where in it would take over an existing creature, usually sentient, and turn it into a variant of the Ze form.

The conversion process has been described to me by many as disturbing on many levels; it took a body and bit by bit, cell by cell converted it into a Ze creature. It made an excellent weapon, converting your enemies into willing soldiers if done correctly. It had the added benefit of leaving the mind intact, converting it over as well but keeping knowledge, memories, even the feelings and emotions of the original entity. As Ze worked through the process it took control of the entities mind and allowed for easy transition by stimulating the pleasure centers of a brain and sending the being into a sort of pleasure comma.

This particular conversion had not been done at all correctly. CIA man had not been experiencing pleasure; he had experienced enough pain to knock out his brain. And then he had actually died. I had seen a conversion or two in my time and the brain was never allowed to die as it was converted and the eyes were usually the last thing to go. This was bad news for me; though I suppose it was worse news for the humans on this Earth. I grimly grinned as I thought that it was probably bad for Zolan'k also, I doubted he new what he had done with his meddling. He probably had an implanted human from this earth with him as a liaison.

I watched as the Ze form completely took the body. The skin became more and more transparent as the plant dissolved the body within and converted it to the base for the Ze creature. The head swelled and distorted as the central pod took shape within. After a minute or so more the skin was just a thin stretched membrane filled with writhing green tendril vines. What was left of the man's head separated with what I am sure was a disturbing sound as the skin tore, releasing the pod which rose up on its thick stalk.

"Sha'Ra, modify the field to allow for vocals. I want to see if it is intelligent." I said. There was a shimmer in the air around what had been the CIA man. A keening sound was instantly assaulting my ears. The sound quickly degenerated into a wailing cry of anguish and despair the likes of which I had not heard in many cycles. Even to one as jaded as I it made me want to weep. This thing apparently had tried to convert the brain. But the sound it made was not a noise made by a sentient being, this was a cry made by a thing that new it was broken and lost. The conversion had failed on many levels and this thing now knew only many kinds of anguish. An act of horror perpetrated on an unknowing individual, this would not go un-punished.

"Gods... Zolan'k... What did you do?" I asked the air. Then I raised the disruptor and fired.

Disruptor weapons are one of the few things that can damage a Ze form creature, though a fully realized Ze that has a connection to the distribution is nearly impossible to kill, disruptor weapon or no. It could be argued that it cannot, in fact, be killed as that would require destruction of every distribution linked node at the same moment. That would require an act of a God or possibly many Gods.

Luckily this creature was not a fully realized Ze. Not even close. The disruptor passed through the shield and struck the center of the writhing mass. Even as weak and insane as it was it managed to resist the disruption field being induced within it for a few moments. If not restrained by the shielding it might have even been able to get away. Its keening turned to a shriek then faded to nothing as the field finally interacted with its head pod. The weapon vibrated in my grip and I stopped firing. Within the shield a mostly grey hued cloud of what looked like ash swirled around.

Disruptors generated a field around and through objects that essentially broke down bonds between atoms. A low powered blast that simply grazed or passed very briefly over the surface of an object caused something called a disruption burn. Prolonged exposure to a beam and there for the field resulted in a cascade effect to the entire body. They had a limited range and were most effective against solid or semi-solid complex structures, like organisms.

"Sha'Ra, vent what's left of that thing into space, along with whatever air is still inside the field." I said. No telling what volatiles that thing had been out putting in its last moments. As the ship adjusted fields outside and in and opened the main hatch to allow for venting I turned my attention to the counter girl again. She looked pale. The drugs affects must be wearing off.

"Becky, I am going to give you a choice. The drug I hit you with before temporarily suppresses human emotions, all of them. I can see it is fading and you are starting to feel again. I can let that happen, and will very likely have to strap you to a chair and sedate you." She had been staring at the cloud of former CIA man cum Ze creature as it drifted by her, but my talking brought her eyes around to me again.

"Did you hear me Becky? I said I could let your emotions return at which point I will likely have to sedate you. Or... I can give you another dose of the drug. This will allow you to function while your brain hopefully absorbs everything." I sat next to her and placed one of my reformed hands on her knee and gently held her chin with the other, tilting her face one way then the other looking at her eyes which tracked me.

"D-d-do it, hit me again." Becky said. "I can feel it welling up, the panic, the fear. Do it now!"

She was beginning to shake as I leaned in and kissed her, my hand sliding to the back of her neck to hold her as my tongue slid into her mouth. I would have liked to enjoy the kiss, and though I am sure it would have seemed as though I did, possibly even looking passionate to an outside observer, it was purely for clinical. This method of kissing ensured a nice dose of chemicals via the saliva exchange with fast absorption by the mucus membrane blood vessels in the mouth. Additionally the proximity of her face to mine would cause her to breathe deeply the gas I was outputting. After a few moments her shaking subsided and I could feel the difference in the kiss as she began to really respond. Damn it, I had forgotten to shift my mix and my hind brain had defaulted to my standard cocktail. Only a certain set of emotions had been suppressed. I adjusted on the fly and gave her another few seconds of contact before I broke the kiss. She actually leaned in to continue it as I was pulling away.

"No, not right now, I need to think. And the next time we interact this way I would like to do it without the drugs. I prefer it that way." I sat back with a twinge of regret and a lick of my lips; she did taste lovely. I could have some very interesting fun with her. "Are you stable?" I asked.

Becky thought for a few moments then answered. "Y-yes, I think so. The feeling of rising panic is gone, though I think it is still a reasonable reaction. This is odd. I know what I should feel in this situation, I know how I would react normally, but I don't feel like reacting. I think that might bother me more than anything else later. Are you going to kill me? I think I would like to know now instead of being surprised later."

She was reacting better than most. I had not given it a lot of thought, weather to kill her or not, but as I considered it now I decided there really wasn't a point. Senseless death is stupid. Life generally keeps things more interesting then death ever does.

"No. I am not going to kill you, but I also do not want to risk returning you to the planet. I am on a schedule, of sorts, and I do not think you would enjoy your life for the next few months or longer if I returned you now." I knew any of the three letter agencies that got a hold of her would make her life unpleasant for quite a while. "So I guess I am taking you with me. Wait... you don't have any children do you?"

"No, no children. I have a cat, sort of. It lives in my building and everyone buys it stuff. My neighbor will take care of her though, take up my slack." Becky laughed with no humor and then made a confused face. "I laughed because I should find that ironically funny, but... I don't actually... No I have no real ties there. My family will wonder what happened when I don't call, though maybe the CIA will tell them something. I think I will find this all very interesting, as long as I don't completely freak out when the drugs wear off."

"Good. Sha'Ra, plot a course for the nearest Nexus access point then engage course at best possible speed." I moved to the back of the cabin and began prepping the stasis chamber. I had been supporting this damn head for too long. I was lucky my body had not harmed it in reaction to the warrior forms attack. After the chamber was set I had to remove the head and carefully. The outer layer of my 'skin' which consisted of my clothing as well as the flesh beneath parted from the base of my neck to my naval and the cavity opened wide. I am sure it must have looked like something from one of those Terran horror movies Ze had found amusing, to Becky who was watching from the front of the cabin.

I gently withdrew the head which trailed a number of entrails like connections to me. I placed the head and spine carefully in the stasis chamber then in one motion I severed the links and closed the chambers door, which engaged the power. I pulled the entrails back in and closed myself up, the skin knitting itself back together. After a moment I was whole again, though somewhat lighter than before.

"Well, that's done. Sha'Ra, time till Nexus intercept?" I asked as I stepped back towards the front of the cabin.

"We will arrive at transition point in approximately ten minutes mistress." Sha's voice responded from the air.

"Ah. Enough time to relax and shift a bit then. Care to join me in the cockpit Becky; it will be a much better view from there and a Nexus is an interesting thing to experience. Particularly the first time. Though, with your emotions rather checked at the moment, it might be less awe inspiring." I thought about that as I walked forward, Becky trailing behind. My first time through I had not had my own emotions in check. I didn't really have any way to check them at that point. And it certainly had been awe inspiring.

The site of the thing is the first thing that hits you. It is just not there at all one moment, and the next it is. Clear black star speckled space is suddenly stridently split asunder with a light that is blindingly dim. Colors with no name never exist before your mind's eye and a full spectrum of sound trumpets across the scape of vacuumed space around you. Then you cross through it.

The transition lasts exactly forty-two point zero zero mirco-seconds. I do not understand the science of how a transition that breaks the boundaries of space-time can actually be timed, but this is apparently an established fact. And it is a fact that amuses my Sire to no end. I have read the books that lead to its amusement and do not fully understand the humor.

As short as the actual transition actually is, the experienced transition is a vastly different matter dependant on species, age, health, life experiences, vessel you are traveling in and what you ate in the preceding day. Most sentient creatures experience a dream like state in which they are usually half aware that they are not in reality. A small percentage cannot make the crossings at all. They go insane and or die. A very few experience nothing at all.

True humans, as Becky seemed to be, generally experienced something on the edge of a day of time. Most report it being a pleasant experience such as a day on the beach, or reading in front of a fire place, or having awesome sex. Some report horrid nightmare places that they hope to never return to. Occasionally humans say they remember nothing at all, seemingly experiencing a deep dreamless sleep.

I can choose. I believe this is a direct result of my Sire's half and the exposure to its gestalt as prior to the gestalt exposure I had no control. That first transition for me was incredibly bizarre. I had no idea what was going on when it happened, as I had not paid attention to the stewardess as she explained what different people might experience. I knew it was coming, I had heard a little bit about peoples experiences, but I was just too excited to pay attention to the women speaking about last minute mental preps you could do. There was no tickling memory sensation beyond a feeling of indifference when I thought about the transit. My mother had never been through one and Ze's experience of the phenomenon was seemingly boring.

When we passed through it I had been sitting in my seat pondering the strange images and sensations that assaulted me as we drew close to the breach when I noticed the atmosphere around me change. Looking around I saw people tensing and smelled the tension in the air. Then it hit.

I was no longer in the ship. I was outside in a field with a green tinted sun shining down from a sapphire sky. I looked around me and found even stranger visions. I was in a land of candy plants! I reached down and plucked some green licorice grass and tasted it. It was quite sweet and very good. It was doubly odd as I had not at this point had licorice of any flavor, yet I distinctly remember it as licorice.

I was then greeted by a number of bizarrely shaped people the likes of which I had never seen; nor had my parents as there was no tickle of memory. They looked somewhat like fur covered humanoid frogs. I shared my grass with them and we ate as we discussed ludicrous topics such as the color of the smell of pinochle and why lungs would make much better tongues then spleens would. I spent two days time doing this. I know it was two days because there was a massive ticking grandfather clock on the horizon that chimed on the hour fifty-four times. At the end the large talking human frog things bid me adieu and we all puffed out our ears and exploded.

After the exploding I found myself back in the transport ship in my seat. I then did what any self respecting sentient who has just had their existence forcefully shifted from one reality to another would do and screamed. Then, for one of the only times in my life, I feinted.

I explained all of this to Becky as we drew close to the event horizon of the nexus so she would have a better understanding of what was happening as we approached and passed through it. Not that it ever truly prepared anyone for the experience. Even if I had paid attention to the person giving the lecture the first time I went through I do not think it would have really helped.

I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled as we entered the event horizon and I let myself be pulled into the multiverse torn asunder, reveling in the feel of it all as I and Becky were drawn through to the next leg of my interesting adventure. It had been quite an interesting day.