Bedside Manner

Story by Nightshade on SoFurry

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the desk calender read feb 10, 2020 as they finished the examination. "And here's your lollipop." Jock chirred as he handed the candy to the little vixen. "Thank you." Jenice murred and Alex gruffed proudly and took her little paw. "See you next time." Joyce said as the father and daughter left. The she-bear smiled to herself as she moved to the table. "She's adorable." Jock smiled and the bear nodded. "Yes, growing like a weed too." Joyce chuckled. "Ah how time flies." the raccoon gathered up the exam gear and put it away. "She'll turn a few heads i'll bet," she laughed. "So I've heard, and her brother will do the same." she filed the checkup report as the raccoon tidied up. Adjusting her small glasses, she glanced at her assistant. A college intern, he had started 3 weeks earlier and had proven to be very talented. He learned fast, was great with kids and she had to admit that he also had a very cute butt. "How about a break?" he said and she smiled. "Sure, the schedules clear for a bit."

She adjusted her nametag as she sat down in the studio cafeteria. She thanked Jock as he brought over their trays. He sat down across from her. "You know, i wasn't sure what to expect when I got this job." he said and she nodded. "I helped found this place and it still surprises me." he tilted his head a bit. "Really?" she nodded. "Back in 2011, I was a good friend of Sabrina's. I'd just graduated from med school and was looking for a posting at a local hospital. She convinced me to work with her and before I knew it, the place was booming." the raccoon nodded. "She certainly does have a flair with people." he laughed. "I have to say, I was half expecting a dragon lady type." Joyce laughed. "Now that's an image." they looked over at the door as Sabrina and Alex entered. The gray vixen had her son Allen with her, the little bear smiling at everybody, and Jenice was riding on her daddies shoulders. "She's become a wonderful parent." Joyce said a little wistfully, and Jock touched her paw. As she looked back at him he asked softly. "You never had kids yourself?" she shook her head. "never had time." he smiled. "Didn't you ever get any offers?" she blushed. "Jock!" he grinned behind his furry mask. "Just asking." she lowered her eyes a little. "Not really. Oh I take an occasional part in a scene but work comes first." he picked up his glass. "Maybe you just haven't found the right guy." he chirred as he sipped.

Joyce entered her bathroom and stripped, stretching. She undid her bra and her breasts bobbed slightly, full and large. She slipped off her panties and looked at herself in the mirror. 'Well Joyce, you're showing your age well' she thought to herself and smiled. Sometimes she envied the second-generation furres; they aged differently. As she stepped into the shower she thought back to her own origin. She had been a cub at the Calgary zoo when the meteors came. She vaguely remembered a bright flash and loud noise. Frightened, she had run towards her mother but had been stopped by her keeper instead. She let the water run over her as she remembered the tingle as they merged DNA. That must have been why she had become a doctor, to learn more about what had happened. She gruffed as her fur became soaked. In 2 years she had gone from being a year old cub to a teenage furre. She ran her paws over her body. She was glad she had aged normally from then on, but its was still kind of funny to tell people she was 35 years old physically but had only been alive for 21. Her sister Cana had stayed a normal bear and the last time she had visited the zoo she was a graying great grandmother.

She panted softly as she massaged the suds into her breasts. She rubbed the stiffening nipples and shivered as she ran her paws over the mounds of her breasts. She bit her lip and moaned as she ran her other paw down over her stomach fur. Images ran through her mind, the scenes she had been part of, the sexy furres at the studio, and she gave out a whimper of need as she pressed two fingers into her cunny. "Ohhhhh." she stroked herself slowly and felt her need growing. "Nhhh ohh ohh huhhh." she leant her body back against the shower wall and pushed her fingrs in deeply. Unexpectedly, an image of Jock flashed through her mind and she bucked and clenched down on her fingers. "AUHHHH!" she gasped and gritted her fangs as she moaned. She lifted her head and roared as her fingers set her off into an orgasm. "NUHH AHHHAHHHHH!" she soaked her fingers and her hips jumped as she panted and gasped. She moaned, sinking slowly to the floor, her cunny muscles jerking and milking at her buried fingers.

At work the next afternoon, she hummed softly as she organized the medicines and didn't hear the raccoon come in. she felt a paw on her shoulder and jumped. "OH!" she turned around and was face to face with him. "Oh I'm sorry, did I startle you?" he asked and she blushed. "A little." he smiled. "I finished the paperwork, what next?" he asked "that's all for today, why don't you head home?" he smiled. "Actually I was wondering... if you don't have plans, I'd like to take you out to dinner." she gruffed with a smile. "I'd love to."

A month later-the rain lashed down on them as they ran to the house. Once they got inside Joyce locked the door securely against the wind. They stared at each other and laughed. "Well that could've gone better." Jock chuckled and the bear nodded with a grin. "So much for a walk in the park." he took off his jacket and shook out his sodden fur. Joyce put up her paws as he spattered her. "Hey!" he looked at her. "Sorry, but you can't get any wetter can you?" she gave him a mock glare. "Smart guy." he laughed then acked as she smooshed her dripping coat in his face. They wrestled for a minute and wound up against the wall face to face. They looked at each other for a long moment then they kissed hungrily. The kiss went on for a long time as they pressed into each other's bodies and when they finally broke it they gazed into each other eyes. "Oh Joyce." he churred and she smiled happily. "Dear Jock." he swished his soaked tail. "I think we'd better get out of these wet clothes." she grinned. "Yup, don't want to risk catching cold."

As Jock watched happily, Joyce stripped down totally. "You're gorgeous." he said, his own naked body aching for hers. She gruffed softly. "And you're so handsome." he reached out to stroke her breasts and she moaned. "Uhhh." he ran his paws over her firm mounds and his thumbs grazed the nibs of her nipples, making her gasp. "Ohh!" he moved closer but she put her paws on his chest. "We'd better shower first." he churred. "Ladies first." they hurried to her bathroom and she leant into the stall to set the water. He gave her sexy rump a pat and she jumped. He laughed as she batted his paw. "Honestly, why do men never have any patience?" he grinned as she stepped in the stall. "Because I'm with the sexiest woman I have ever known." she blushed a little and turned to face him. "Will you wash my back for me?' she held out her arms to him and he stepped into them. "Gladly." they kissed with passion as the hot water poured over them and he moaned as her paw ran over his throbbing shaft, proudly jutting from his sheath. "You're even lovelier than in those scenes you do." she gruffed deeply. "Ohh and what's your favorite one?" he grinned and churred as he cupped her nipples in his palms. "Beach buns." he churred and she moaned. "Ohhhh you mean the cave sequence?" he nodded as he kneaded her large breasts. "Mmhmm, when I watched that lion doing you as the tide came in I so wanted it to be me." she moaned and pressed her body into his, her paw giving his shaft a firm squeeze. "Then live the dream my love." his heart pounded faster. "I love you too, so much."

She turned her back and wriggled her butt at him. "Ohh Jock take me, ive wanted you for so long." he moaned as she spread her thighs apart and with a lusty groan he pressed his hard cock into her cunny. "UHH!" he gasped, "oh gods you're so tight!" she giggled and moaned. "Strong muscles." she gripped him and he panted. "You sure you can handle me?" he laughed and gave a hard thrust, making her groan. "Let's see, shall we?"

Joyce moaned as he thrust into her deeply. His hot breath huffed in her ear and she shivered as his length plunged into her cunny, so hard and deep. Her paws held her up, pressing to the shower wall, as her knees felt weak. "Oh Jock, uhh hnnhhh." she grunted then cried out as his paws gripped her heaving breasts. He fondled the nipples and she keened deeply. He kneaded her breasts and she gave a needy moan as his shaft began to swell inside her. "Uh so hot hhh love you Joyce nhhhh I'm gonna cum!" the raccoon huffed and gripped her hips, fucking her against the shower wall rapidly. "Muh me t, too, oh god yesss!" the she-bear grunted then shuddered and roared. "RRAGHHHH!!" Jock gasped and gritted his teeth. "Ohh FUUCHKKKK!" his cock bucked inside her as her incredible tightness and the rhythmic squeezing of her cunt set him off. Joyce whimpered as she felt hot gushes of cream jetting into her womb. Her juices rushed down her thighs and she shuddered and groaned. Her claws scratched the tiles as she shivered, their bodies pressed together as close as possible. After a long moment their flow stopped and they slid to the floor, clutching each other close, kissing and laughing and moaning.

As Jock awoke he turned his head and smiled at the sleeping bear. He stroked her cheek softly and churred. She slept like an angel, and even her soft snores were beautiful. She opened an eye and gruffed. "Mm morning." he kissed her nose. "Morning beautiful," she smiled softly and snuggled into him. "I love you," he whispered in her ear and she flicked it softly. "Do you really mean that?" he nodded. "I do." she flushed softly under her fur. "I love you too."

"MMNHHH!" Joyce grunted as she lay under Jock. "Mmm harder ohh yes right there." the raccoon chuckled as he did as she asked. "OHHH!" the bear gruffed and shivered. "You like that huh?" Joyce smiled. "Oh yes, you give an amazing back massage." he massaged her shoulders and she churred. "Why thank you ma'am. We're having a special offer today." she chuckled. "What's that?" he kneaded her middle back and she moaned. "No charge for the woman I love." she panted and shivered happily. "I can get behind uhh that deal."

Joyce whistled happily as she made out the report. "Can I talk to you a second." Jock asked as he entered the office. She looked up and grinned. "Sure handsome." he sat down across from her. "My final grades came in today." he looked upset and she put a paw on his. "And?" he burst into a grin. "I passed!" she grinned and came round the desk to hug him. "Congratulations!" they kissed and nuzzled and held each other close. After a long moment he sighed. "But, I, I have to go away for a little while." she looked at him. "You do?" he nodded sadly. "I've been scheduled to do a stint, as part of my training, at a different hospital." she felt her heart sink. "Where?" he lowered his head sadly. "New York." she felt the world crumble under her. "Oh." he held her tightly like he would never let her go. "Its for a year." she held back tears. "Will you be back?" he smiled tenderly at her. "Of course, I wouldn't stay away from my fiancée." she blinked. "Y, you're what?" he sank to one knee. "Joyce Morris, will you marry me?" she looked down at him, thoughts whirling through her mind. 'You're older than him, he'll probably find someone else on his trip, you'll be apart a whole year.' then one powerful thought overrode all the negative ones. 'You love him.' she put a paw under his chin and lifted him gently to his feet. "Yes." she said softly, and they kissed.

Joyce panted hard, both of them soaked in sweat. 'Uhh hhh ohh." she panted harshly. "Nnnnn." he licked her muzzle softly. "Does that mean you liked it?" she nodded and they held each other tightly. She looked over at the clock and sighed. He saw it too and held her all the closer.

She struggled to keep her composure as they stood in the airport. "My darling Joyce." he churred and gently kissed her paw. "When I come back I'll put a ring on this finger." she nuzzled him lovingly. "Be safe my darling." they kissed, a long hard and passionate kiss, she put all her love and desire into the kiss and he returned the feeling fully. When they finally broke the kiss, they gazed into each other's eyes. "I love you." he churred and she gruffed softly. "I love you too." picking up his carry-on bag, he walked towards the terminus with one last long backwards look. She waved, and he waved back before disappearing into the opening.

Joyce sighed as she sat behind her desk toying with a pen. She missed him already and it had only been a day. A soft knocking on the door and she looked up to see Sabrina Foxtail. "May I come in?" the bear nodded and the vixen entered. She sat down and for a moment they were silent. "So how is he in bed?" Joyce blinked then laughed. "You always know just what to say don't you?" Sabrina nodded and they stood and hugged. "I know you miss him Joyce." the vixen murred as he held her old friend. "But he'll be back safe and sound." the bear gruffed sadly. "I know, but a whole year, how do I know he won't find someone else?" Sabrina stroked her cheek. "With you here?" Joyce smiled a little. "You should have been a counselor." the vixen laughed. "I have my paws full handling that husband of mine and the twins." she put an arm round the bear's waist as they left the office. "Say, are you planning to have cubs of your own someday?"

---One long, long long year later----

Joyce looked up as she heard the announcement of the arrival of Jocks plane. With butterflies in her stomach she walked to the terminal, struggling not to run. As the passengers walked through she craned her head, trying to see. At last they were all done and she felt her heart sink and tears pricking at her eyes. Maybe he didn't love her anymore and had decided to stay. She wiped her eyes and half turned to go. "Hey bear!" a voice called out and she turned with a surge in her heart. "You weren't going to leave me here were you?" Jock smiled as she stood there in the terminal exit. She ran forward and hugged him tightly, lifting him off the floor. He churred and hugged her back and they kissed. A whole year was poured into the kiss and onlookers seemed amazed the couple didn't burst into flame right there. After an eternity, they broke the kiss with soft licks, and gazed at each other. "I thought you'd missed the plane" she gruffed and he shook his head. "I was first to board her." he stroked her cheek. "I just had a little trouble getting my bag out of the overhead space." he nuzzled her cheek. "I told you I'd be back." he took a piece of paper out of his bag. She read it and smiled. "Welcome home, Dr. Blackmask." they nuzzled and murred and whispered words of love until he spoke again. "I guess we'd better get my luggage before they close down the airport." she laughed, and walking off paw in paw, they did just that.

No sooner had they entered her house than they were in each other's arms, kissing madly. "Oh Jock mhh.." Joyce groaned as her paw fumbled at his belt. "Ohh my love, a whole year apart." the raccoon panted as he slipped his paw into her jeans and rubbed at her wet panties. "Nnhhhhh." she moaned and in moments they were frantically pulling at each other's clothing. No sooner were they finally nude, than Jock had her pressed up against the wall, his rock hard shaft dripping pre as he thrust it deeply into her cunny. "OHHHH!" she cried out and put her arms around his neck. "Yesssss." she hissed and shivered with delight. "A year with nothing but my paw." her lover panted as he thrust into her slowly. The kiss ended and they rocked into each other as he fucked her standing up. "Mhmmm and for me ohh only jock jr." she groaned and gasped as he thrust faster. "Who's uhh jock mm Jr?" he grunted and she moaned. "My raccoon cock shaped nuhhh vibrator." he chuckled then panted. "We'll have to see about nhh you having a real ohh yess jock jr." she moaned and shivered at the thought of bearing his son and her cunny pulsed hotly. "Yess, lots of children." she groaned then moved her paws up to hold his face. "I'm going to cum!" she gasped with short breaths. He looked into her eyes as she trembled then just as she began to shudder he kissed her deeply and thrust into her rapidly. She screamed into the kiss and clenched his shaft with her cunt as she soaked their thighs. "Oh oh GOODDD!!" he grunted and fired a hot load of cum into her womb. The lovers kissed and held each other close as their juices mingled. They moaned and panted for breath as they slowly come down. "Mm welcome home my darling." Joyce gruffed softly and the raccoon churred. "I like my homecoming so far." she giggled "and there is more to cum." taking his paw, she all but dragged him to the bedroom.

"Well Dr. Blackmask," Sabrina smiled. "With the experience you have and your excellent credentials, I'd be delighted to have you on our medical staff." she stood and shook his paw. "And I already know you'll get along well with your fellow doctors." Jock grinned. "Thank you, Mrs. Foxtail Bruin." she murred and flicked her tail. "Now you're part of the family, call me Sabrina." she chuckled softly. "Well I imagine you're eager to get to work." he grinned, his eyes sparkling behind his furry mask. "Yes Sabrina."

Joyce walked up the aisle, fidgeting nervously with her bouquet. Her former keeper stood by her side in bear form, acting as her father, and little Jenice was behind her, as flower girl. Her heart was beating so fast she could hear it in her ears and it got worse when she approached Jock. They faced each other and she felt all her doubts melt away as he gazed into her eyes through the veil. She answered when prompted and her finger tingled when the best man Alex took the ring from the ring bearer Allen, handed the ring to Jock and the raccoon slipped it onto her finger. "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." Jock lifted the veil gently and Joyce felt like she would explode with joy as her new mate leant forward and kissed her. Her arms went around him and she kissed back with all the love she had for him. Her ears buzzed, her fur stood on end, and when they finally ended the kiss she felt she could hardly stand. "I love you, Mrs. Joyce Morris Blackmask." Jock churred and she smiled back, her eyes shining. "And I love you, Mr. Jock Morris Blackmask."

The end, and the beginning

Authors note---this was definitely due to be written. Joyce has been an important if minor character in these stories for quite a while and I'm sure everyone at the studio wishes her and Jock the very best in their new lives. It shouldn't be too long before they start dropping hints about the happy couple having cubs either.

i should also like to thank sura spurhawk for getting me started on this story