The Ramblings Of A Madman; Nyudo Gilgamesh Nattak

Story by Reptilius on SoFurry

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LOG WRITTEN BY; Dr. Ruco Kadow SUBJECT: Nyudo Gilgamesh Nattak. AGE: 15. PSYCHOLOGICAL PROWESS: None so far. APPARENT PROBLEM: Unknown. "I cannot understand it. I've treated hundreds, if not thousands of patients with really deep psychotic problems, but this boy...I simply cannot make out what's wrong with him. He seems so calm, but yet so troubled. I believe I need help myself, he's driving me insane!" Kadow took another bite of the apple he held, watching his colleague with half-hearted interest. He had treated many with mental problems before, and he had succeeded every single time. But now, it was different. The boy, the whelp with the iridescent green eyes with the calm attitude and motionless face. He was so young, Kadow thought. What the hell could make him that way? Kadow thought of this for a long time before he looked back at his colleague, his eyes showing signs of despair and dread at the same time. He didn't want to make it show, though, and tried to hide it as best as he could. She looked back at him, comforting him with the tip of her tail. "There,'ll figure it all out, like you always do. I have faith in you, we all do here on the clinic. You're like a father to us. Give it another try. You've never given up before." Kadow nodded. He wouldn't give up. He stood up, heading towards the door to welcome his patient. Slowly, he opened it, only to find the young demon sitting in a comfy chair reading a book. Kadow walked towards him, not able to see the young lad's face. He poked his shoulder to get his attention. The boy slowly looked up at the fox before him. "Ready?" Kadow asked in a slightly childish voice. The demon did not answer. He just looked at the psychologist with his wicked, burning eyes, making Kadow feel very uncomfortable indeed. The problems seemed to be getting worse for every visit. The young doctor led the demon into his office, offering him a cup of tea. The demon accepted, taking a very small sip before shoving the jug away. Kadow shrugged. His appetite had taken a severe blow indeed, and the demon seemed thinner and thinner for each visit. Kadow tried to receive eye contact with the demon. "Nyudo....look at me, please." Kadow whispered. The demon looked up, his eyes partially shrouded by his silvery, nearly metallic hair. Kadow smiled to the young lad, offering him a biscuit with cheese. Nyudo eyed the biscuit, but didn't accept it. Kadow sighed. "You have to eat something. You're vanishing, lad! You're almost transparent!" "I'm....not hungry..." the demon replied. A reply. It was the first time Kadow had received one from the demon. His voice was rasping and deep, three-shared. It was strange to listen to, it was like two men and a woman talking at the same time with a hollow growl echoing in the background. Kadow smiled again, putting the biscuit on a plate before handing it to the young demon. "Nyudo...I am trying to help you, I hope you understand, and if you would tell me what's bothering you, I CAN help you. But that, however, is if you are willing to cooperate. I know it is hard for you to understand this, have to. If you can tell me what's bothering you, I'll let you into a little secret, allright?" Nyudo looked up, his eyes burning with a strange intelligence. He eyed Kadow, his cat-like pupils widening and shining. He bared his teeth at the doctor, making the fox jumpy and at unease. The demon smashed a powerful fist in the table. "And what makes you qualified to help me!? And I don't want to know that secret of yours! And I certainly don't want to let you in on my....." Nyudo stopped there. He nearly said too much. Kadow nodded, wanting the demon to continue. Nyudo sighed, and sat down again, his eyes now bearing a certain melancholy, a sadness Kadow couldn't really describe with words. "There's this girl...she....I....we....well, we really like each other...or, I like her, and....I don't know if she likes me. There, now you got to know." Kadow sighed again. Nyudo had only told him the tale halfway. However, much to Kadow's surprise, Nyudo continued with his little tale. "....One day, I actually found out that she liked me. Because of this, I didn't manage to control myself. She was so incredibly cute, not to mention sexy. day, when she was on her way home from school, I awaited her..." Nyudo began crying, obsidian tears running down his vulpine face. Kadow already knew what had happened, but he allowed the demon to continue, watching the helpless youngster before him, offering him a towel to dry his eyes with. Nyudo willingly accepted, holding it close to his face. He didn't want to watch the doctor at all. Kadow dared to talk. "It is allright if you don't want to share this with me yet. It is tough to let it all go in one." "No, no...I want to say it now...I have to. Well, there she was, walking home. She looked so innocent, walking alone as always. She was smiling, I can remember her smile. And her eyes, those shining, emerald-green gemstones...oh my, she was so beautiful that day. I was awaiting her, I knew her way home...and I pounced her, took her by surprise when no-one was looking. I grabbed hold of her wrists and pinned her to the ground. She was petrified. I remember the look on her face. I pulled her with me along the ground. She was yelling and kicking at me, striking me many times...I pulled her with me into an old warehouse. I knew it was empty...." Kadow couldn't manage to control his tears anymore, and a small droplet ran down his left cheek as he wiped his glasses, wanting to hear the rest of Nyudo's story. "When I finally managed to get her in, I pulled of my pants. I was wearing my baggy jeans that day, so they slid off quite rapidly. She tried to escape while I was busy, but I snatched hold of her wing..." Nyudo stopped again, his breath heavy, small pearls of sweat forming in his forehead. Kadow wanted to stop the demon, but his fiery tale continued. "I heard this really gross sound. It was like snapping a branch. She fell to her knees, howling out in sheer pain. Her wing was hanging limp to the ground, bent in a very strange fashion...I had wounded her, I had broken her wing....." Nyudo paused again to catch his breath. This seemed to bother him. Kadow wanted to silence the demon once again, but he didn't managed to say a word before Nyudo was talking again. "I remember her looking at me...She asked me if I was out of my mind. And yes, I was. I'm a fucking psycho. At least I used to be. I assaulted her again, for I didn't care that she was in pain then. I wanted to satisfy my own lusts back then. I pushed her broken wing down in an attempt to make her faint from the pain, but I didn't manage. Instead, I pinned her again, forcing her to lie on her back. I heard another cracking sound, followed by a tearing sound, like when a dagger glides across flesh. I managed to break another joint of her wing, as well as tearing up the thin membrane that she used for flying. She was crying, and didn't seem to enjoy the experience at all...I didn't care back then....why, Doc? Why didn't I fucking care?" Kadow wanted to say something, but he didn't find any words. Therefore, Nyudo continued. "When she finally calmed down, she was whimpering. Blood was running from the tear in her wing membrane, crimson gore splashing to the ground...I was too busy to notice. I wanted her then, I really, really wanted her...It finished very quickly. I grabbed hold of her throat before she had a chance to gather herself from my doing, whispering into her ear that if she ever told anyone, I would come after her and kill her. I said it just like that, plain and simple. After that, I chased her home, wild with a rage I have never understood. So Doc, what's your miracle cure?" Kadow coughed before rising from his seat, following the young demon out in the reception before he handed him his jacket. Nyudo looked questioningly at him. "Same time tomorrow..." Kadow said before returning to his office.