When fates collide – Chapter 2 “There is No Escape”

Story by Nine Tales Fox on SoFurry

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#3 of When Fates Collide

Karl's hand was nearing its target, every step closer made Ken's face cringe more. Why Karl thought, why was he trying to drug me when I've done nothing wrong. His hand on Karl's neck, any slight movement would instantly cut his jugular and finish the wereman off. He felt a large prick in his back; he felt behind with his free hand and pulled out a dart. He looked at the dart then looked at Karl; another dart hit his left leg making it start to buckle. He jabbed the other needle into Karl's arm, he gave him a sad look, and his grey eyes seem to be infinitely deep. "I hope your happy with yourself" He started to sob as the effects of the tranquilizer started to take over him, his knees started to wobble and his hand let go of Ken while he slowly fell to the ground "I thought you where my friend" Whispering to Ken as he fell into darkness.

He woke to find himself in a large room; there where 2 beds on the north side with a toilet and sink further down the wall, there was a table sticking out from the wall on the east side of the room with 2 small stools next to it, the west wall was completely invisible from the lack of light and his eye's couldn't adjust to the darkness, the south wall had 1 door it was very large made of steel and had 2 small slits, 1 at eye level and 1 on ground level, the rest of the wall had a mirror on it but Karl knew exactly what it was and there was a camera between the east and north wall moving back and forward. Karl's ears flicked backwards as there was someone else here, he turned to stare at the darkness. A chuckle came from the black wall

"I cant believe it, another one" Said a dry raspy voice, "Welcome to hell, this is where your going to spend the rest of your life" A figure started to walk closer his outline in the dark easily viewable. It was about my height and shape, his claws where drawn and gray eyes could be seen from the darkness. "It's been so long since I've seen another of my kind, please make yourself at home as this will be the last you know." He stared into my eyes, he was just like me except he didn't have the black V on his chest instead it looked like black claw marks all over his front, he had back fur around his eyes which continued down the side of his muzzle right to his nose and made him look rather delicious also the fact that he was naked did not help. This made him realize that he too was naked and tried to hide it the other wolf just shook his hand "Don't worry about being naked from now on, I don't care and the others won't give us any clothes."

"What happened, where am I, Who are you?"

"Well lets start with names mine is Darren, Darren Leonard can I ask for yours?"

"Its Karl, Karl McWilliam" He sat in heavy thought for a second "Hey wait a second I've heard that name" He seemed to be in heavy thought, he suddenly jumped back and looked at the wolf "You went missing a while back, the wereman's body was found dead but your was never found." Now it was the others turn to be surprised

"So we did change places but I seem to be the only person who made it out alive" He hung is head, Ken thought he had somehow offended his new room mate and went to pat him on the shoulder but was met with an angry snarl and a pounce.

Darren held him still, his weight alone was enough to hold Karl as he bucked and thrashed screaming for help.

"It's been so long, I have waited so long" His voice was shivering as he gave Karl a long lick on the face, Karl used the last of his strength to push the horny wolf of him then sprinted around looking for a way out. He scratched at the door and glass but finally collapsed in a corner in the fetal position, whimpering to the floor he quietly said to the other wolf

"Please, stay away ...... Please" Darren lifted his paw and brought it down scratching Karl's cheek, Karl yelped slightly but learnt from his last mate that fighting back makes it worse. A steady flow of blood was coming from his cheek while the large wolf positioned Karl on the large table. Darren had his way with Karl and Karl did not enjoy a single second of it, once it was over Darren sat down on a stool and Karl ran to the furthest corner and did the same thing as before but this time kept a close eye on Darren, Darren looked his way and smiled

"There is no escape, what just happened is defiantly not the worst."

He lost count of the amount of hours he waited but when Darren went to bed Karl thought it was time to look around, he snuck around the room looking at everything for a way out. After hours of searching the slit on the door opened, Karl was shocked and stood there for a few seconds before very slowly walking over to the door. Just before he looked through the slit he heard someone say

"PSST, Karl" Karl practically jumped to look through the hole but was met with a sudden bolt of lightning to the eyes. Everything was black as he stumbled around screaming, he fell over a stool and hit the ground hard he was about to get up when he was met with 2 furry hands

"Don't fight Karl, they will just do it again" Karl did not care; he just wanted to attack this thing. He quickly jumped up and in a rage swung his claws blindly, the claws dug into something flesh but not before he felt one hit the side of his face, he felt the claws coming towards his left eye but was not sure weather it was open or closed. Once the claw flicked into his eye socket and sunk into his eyeball he knew exactly what happened, his eye literally burned with pain sending him to the ground in a very loud roar.

A large shock hit his back bone making his body shudder, he tried to get up but something was holding him down. He felt another foot come down to his left arm and heard it snap; now the pain from his eye was not as bad as the one in his arm. The last thing he remembered was the feeling of electricity against the back of his skull.

She screamed at the top of her lungs and jumped out of bed completely ignoring the pain in her arm, adrenalin was sending her body into overdrive as she ran out of the room towards the front door. She was just about to reach it when Sundur appeared in front of her; she moved without thinking into the lounge room but noticed too late that she was now trapped. She did not have time to look things over as she quickly turned to see Sundur blocking her exit softly saying something but she was in too much of a high to hear, she did the only thing she could, she charged at Sundur preparing to knock him down.

She hit him head on but he only grunted slightly, he hugged her and talked to her soothingly while she hit and kicked him. He was not letting go but she was slowly starting to stop her attack which turned into a hug back, he felt her crying into his chest fur which would be a real bitch to clean later. He picked her up and sat on the couch letting her relax on him, her crying lasted another hour before slowly beginning to subside.

"I ... I am sorry, did I hurt you?" he smiled at her

"Not at all, I never felt a thing." He lied "You don't have to be sorry, I understand" she started the water works again.

"I .... I .... I want to go home." Now this he couldn't do anything about so he did the only thing he could think of

"You are home, you are welcome until the day comes that you want to leave. Please don't feel forced, if you every want to leave you just have to say the word." She was lost for words, first she was taken to a weird place full of werewolf's, chased down, helped, then taken in by them. Just the thought of all this was making her cry more, he still had questions for her but wanted to wait until she was comfortable. He gave her a pat on the back

"Do you want something to drink, really anything; I can go and get it from the store if I do not have it?" He totally forgot that she came from another reality, that her things may be different. She pulled away from him and did her best to smile

"W...Water" he felt a wave of pleasure move over him; it was about the only non alcoholic beverage he had in the fridge. He quickly slid out from under her and ran into the kitchen, the sound of the plumbing working was the next thing to be heard then he reappeared with a large glass of water. She went to get up and take it but he stopped her and brought the coffee table closer so she could reach for the glass, he let her take a few sips before finally speaking.

"If you want, I have a few questions to ask you as I said before don't feel pressured we can do this later." She whipped her tears away and picked up her broken arm which hurt from the few previous hours, he noticed the cast and quickly took his shirt off and tore a nice little section of it and made a sling out of it. The truth was he did not have anything around that could be used as one so he figured it was better he make one now.

She sniffled a bit as he fitted the sling, once fitted she lay down over his legs while closely watching his face. Marks from her tears where still on her face but Sundur ignored them and started to pet her on the head, carefully stroking her hair he came up with a brilliant idea.

"Perhaps you would like to ask me some questions?" he braced himself for what was coming; either she was going to ask a hard question or an unanswerable question. She thought for a few seconds before opening her mouth.

"Where am I?" This was a hard question but he could answer it.

"You are .... In the same place you where before" He carefully worded all of this "We don't know the exact reason but you are now in a world that ... is full of werewolf's as you call us, we call people like you weremen an..." he quickly stopped when he sore her face, she looked like she was about to fall apart.

She removed all emotion from her face then looked at the wolf in the eyes

"I want to go outside" Sundur nodded slowly, he was told to look after her but not what he should do if she was to wish to go outside. He looked at her face and instantly melted weremen where so cute now that we know they are no more dangerous than we are. He picked her up and led her out the back; he practically spent his whole life out in the garden and as such had a wonderful example of one. He sat her down on a chair and looked at his garden, the front line facing the house was nice red roses and that's all that could be seen as he had planted nice and tall shrubs behind the roses.

"C....Can I see the rest of the garden?" She stuttered, he looked surprised at first but quickly turned the face into a smile.

"Sure .... If you want, do you need help?"

"No ... I will be fine" She got up and walked to the garden, walking under an arch of roses that lead into the heart of it. Sundur slumped into his chair, maybe its best if I don't follow he figured.

The garden was wonderful; there were so many different colors that it inflamed the sensors while the smells made it seem like the Garden of Eden. Amongst the walls and walls of plants she could see a nice garden bench over looking the entire garden with a nice little fountain in the middle; she slowly walked to the bench and sat down while looking at the ground. Where am I? she thought What have I done?, all these questions kept flying through her head as he stared into the fountain of a cupid like baby holding a urn of some kind. The entire garden seemed to make all her worries wash away as she stared and the assortment of plants, each scent was mixing which created a strong sweat like smell.

She sat there for at least an hour, not moving but thinking to herself. She finally decided to stand up and reluctantly walk back to the house; she was greeted by Sundur who had waited patiently for her. She was in truth starting to get a bit worried about the way he was acting, it was like he was trying to get her in bed but not wanting too. She waved and forced a smile as she walked up to him.

"Soooooo ... you like my garden?" He kind of pushed his chest forward in pride, which made her chuckle for the first time in a while.

"Yes Sundur, your garden is very nice but may I ask one thing?" Sundur looked at her surprised

"Anything you want, that's why I am here" He gave her a warm smile while hiding his fangs

"Well, you say this world is much the same as mine but why have I not been swamped by reporters and cameras?" The question was an easy one which he was glad to answer.

"No one really knows you are here yet, it has all been covered up and I have been put in charge of you." He gave her another warm smile; she sat down on a chair and looked at him more concerned.

"Am I the only human here?" This question was also easy but he dared not answer it wrong.

"There is another but he is sick, we don't know what is wrong with him and our doctors are unable to determine his illness." She just nodded and looked at him again.

"Maybe I can tell you what is wrong with him, there is bound to be certain viruses and such that only we humans have correct?" Her looks more a look of hope than of anything else.

"Maybe, we shall see but before that, you are coming inside and having a nice warm shower."

He led her inside the wonderful house once again, the bathroom was the next room they came too as he handed her a towel and smiled. Kat looked at the towel and then at Sundur with a look of expectance.

"What about clothes?" Sundur jumped and looked at her then himself; he was quite a bit higher than her so he clothes would not fit.

"You will have to be naked until I buy you some" This made her blush like crazy, just the mere thought of it was getting her all embarrassed. Sundur's ears jumped up and he looked at her cheeks closely, examining them closely.

"So that's what they mean by weremen blush brightly?" He was very curious at her cheeks; he was met with a slap to the face and then a door to the nose. "Hey, you could at least smile" He yelled before walking to the kitchen giggling.

That's the next chapter complete, I personally don't think it was as good as the others. Anyway as always C&C goes to [email protected]

This story is based of Foxcars flipside, I recommend reading that before reading this .... It's a very good read and well worth your time.