Friendly's New Friend - Chapter Two

Story by FriendlyFox on SoFurry

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#2 of Friendly's New Friend

The second chapter of "Friendly's New Friend"

I worked quite hard to make this story as adorable as I could... but it took a little longer than I thought it would. I hope you enjoy it!

Friendly's New Friend - Chapter Two

That evening after supper, Friendly sat outside on the porch and waited for his new friend to come. He paced to the end of the driveway and looked both ways, but he couldn't see anybody coming. He went back to the porch and sat down, resting his head on his paws. "What if he isn't coming?" Friendly thought, "No... he's got to come. He seemed so excited..." Just then, Friendly heard a familiar noise... the sound of a bike with training wheels trundling up the sidewalk. "Timothy!" yapped Friendly, jumping to his feet and running over to the driveway, almost tripping up on his untied shoelace. "Hi Friendly!" squeaked Timothy, as he rolled onto the driveway with his bike. As Friendly and Timothy greeted each other, Sally went over to Friendly's dad and talked to him. "Timothy's already got his goodnite on under his shorts, and he's got some more in this bag if he wets the bed" said Sally. "Okay, thanks Sally" said Friendly's dad, "We'll make sure he feels comfortable" "Oh, I don't think there'll be any need for that. He seems more comfortable with your son than he does with us" chuckled Sally, grinning as she watched Timothy and Friendly playing together. Friendly was pretending he was a war-plane, and he chased Timothy inside. "Achtung! Achtung! I see a little raccoon in our airspace!" said Friendly, imitating a german accent and making plane noises. "Aaaaah!" cried Timothy, in mock terror as he ran towards the front door. "Boys will be boys" chuckled Friendly's mom, "Don't worry about Timothy, you know our phone number, so feel free to call if you want to check up on him" "Thanks, see you later" said Sally "Bye mom!" called Timothy, waving from the front door. "Goodbye Timothy" smiled Sally, as she began to walk back home.

"Now what are we gonna do?" asked Timothy "I'm gonna go and get some ice cream from the store, you two can play in the back garden for a bit if you'd like" said Friendly's dad, "I'll bring your bike around through the gate, Timothy" "Okay, thank you!" squeaked Timothy, as he and Friendly made their way to the patio door of the house and looked outside. "Wow! You've got a big backyard Friendly!" said Timothy "Yeah, I do... but I've never had anyone to share it with" sighed Friendly "Let's go on the swings!" squeaked Timothy, running over to the swing-set and selecting the middle swing. Friendly sat down on the other swing and began to rise up and down, swinging high and swinging low, going to-and-fro. Timothy watched as Friendly went higher and higher, and he tried to do the same, but he couldn't quite get the movement right, and he didn't swing much at all. "Friendly, can you push me?" asked Timothy, looking a little sad that he couldn't do it himself. "Awww, okay" said Friendly, using his feet to come to a stop and walking around behind Timothy. He then pulled the swing back as hard as he could, and let go, before reaching out with his paws and pushing Timothy higher and higher. "Heehee, wheeeeeee!" cried Timothy, as Friendly pushed him on the swing. "Timothy, here's your bike. I'll be back with the ice cream soon" said Friendly's dad, as he pushed Timothy's bike along the concrete path and left it by the patio door. "See you later dad" said Friendly, as he pushed Timothy's swing again with all his might. Friendly's dad chuckled and smiled at the two boys, before giving them a brief wave and leaving through the garden gate.

Soon, Friendly was tired out from pushing Timothy so much, that he had to lay down on the grass and regain his breath. Timothy giggled and lay down beside him, looking up at the clouds. "Ooooh, look, that one looks like a train!" squeaked Timothy, pointing to a particular cloud to the right. "Look Timothy, that one looks like an apple pie!" chuckled Friendly, pointing to the small puffy cloud to the left. "Yum! I love apple pie" said Timothy "Alright... shall we ride our bikes around the garden now?" asked Friendly "Yeah!" squeaked Timothy, rolling over and jumping to his feet before running as fast as he could to fetch his beloved little red bike. Friendly grinned and fetched his own big blue bike. So, Friendly and Timothy met on the grass by the wooden table and sat on their bikes. Friendly had one foot on the ground to help him balance, but Timothy could put both of his feet on his pedals because his training wheels kept him balanced. "Ready, steady... go!" said Friendly, pushing off with his foot and riding off. Timothy tried to follow him, but his training wheels didn't like the grass and his back wheel just spun helplessly, unable to touch the ground. "Friendly, wait!" cried Timothy, trying harder to ride with his friend, but not gaining any ground. Friendly looked back and saw that Timothy was having trouble with his bike. "Oh dear... I didn't think your training wheels would make you get stuck in the grass too" said Friendly, "Hold on a minute" Friendly put his bike down and went into the garage, soon he returned with a bungy cord. "Now I can pull you along too!" chuckled Friendly, fixing one hook onto the middle handlebar of Timothy's bike and the other hook to his bike's seatpost. "Ready Timothy?" asked Friendly "Ready!" cried Timothy, turning his pedals as hard as he could, but just making his back wheel free-spin. Friendly smiled and turned his pedals, pulling Timothy along the grass. "Wheee!" cried Timothy, turning his pedals to try and lighten the load slightly. "Boys, ice cream!" called Friendly's mom "Friendly, stop!" cried Timothy, turning his pedals backwards to try and stop, but his back wheel wouldn't get a sufficient grip to make much difference. "Hold on Timothy, I'm gonna keep going around until we're by the patio door" said Friendly "But I wanna get off now!" cried Timothy, still trying to brake by turning his pedals backwards, but he just kept rolling along behind Friendly's bike. "It's okay Timothy, here we are" said Friendly, slowly bringing his bike to a stop by the wooden table. Timothy's bike stopped too, and the back wheel of his bike just kept free-spinning as its' rider kept turning his pedals backwards. "Come on Timothy, let's get our ice cream" said Friendly, helping Timothy off his bike. "Yay! Ice cream!" squeaked Timothy excitedly "What flavour would you like?" asked Friendly's dad, "I got Neopolitan ice cream, there's strawberry, vanilla and chocolate" "All of them please!" exclaimed Timothy, grinning and licking his lips in anticipation. "Just strawberry and vanilla for me please dad" said Friendly, smiling at his friend "Don't you like chocolate?" asked Timothy "Not really... I prefer strawberry and vanilla" said Friendly

That night around nine o'clock, Friendly and Timothy got ready for bed. Both of them were tired out after an exciting evening of playing together in the back garden. Friendly had even briefly shown Timothy his big train set in the loft. "But... I wanna play with the train set some more!" cried Timothy "Tomorrow, Timothy" chuckled Friendly's dad, "It's time you were going to sleep now" "Okay" Timothy sighed sadly, as he struggled to take his blue t-shirt off. "Want some help, Timothy?" asked Friendly's dad, helping Timothy free of his shirt before he got himself tangled up in it. "Thank you" said Timothy. "Do you want some help with your shorts?" asked Friendly's dad. "No thanks, I like sleeping in my shorts" said Timothy "Okay then" said Friendly's dad, "Goodnight boys" As Timothy put his t-shirt on the floor, he suddenly saw a spider creeping out from a large crack in the floor molding. "Aaaaaaaah!" squealed Timothy, jumping with fright and clambering up onto the stool, looking down at the eight-legged creature on the floor with his amber eyes wide with terror. "It's just a little spider, Timothy" chuckled Friendly, reaching for a jam jar and trapping the spider underneath it. The spider wiggled its' legs on the side of the jar, trying to get out, but Friendly used the lid to scoop it up and turned the jar over, screwing the lid on tightly. "Now then... little spider, why did you terrorise Timothy like that? He needs friends, not enemies, you need to learn some manners!" barked the fox, winking at his little raccoon friend, who was still laying on the stool. Timothy saw that there was no danger anymore - the spider was trapped. He carefully came down and began to tell the spider off with Friendly. "Yeah! I might only be a little raccoon, but I'm not scared of spiders in jars. You need to learn some manners, Mr. Spider!" giggled Timothy. Friendly chuckled and picked the jar up, carrying it into the kitchen. "I'll be right back, Timothy" said Friendly "Okay" said Timothy, waddling over to the bed and clambering into it, snuggling down under the duvet and smiling a little, waiting for Friendly to return. It wasn't long before Friendly returned. "Is it gone?" asked Timothy, anxiously. "Don't worry, it's gone Timothy" smiled Friendly, as he turned off the light and plugged in an old night-light he used to use when he was younger, to make Timothy feel a little more comfortable. "Thank you Friendly" said the little raccoon, snuggling up to his fox friend and trilling contently in his raccoon way. "Goodnight Timothy" smiled Friendly, giving his friend a little hug. "Goodnight Friendly" squeaked Timothy, and immediately began to snore quietly.

-- The End --