Stella Fox and Roger Roo

Story by seferin33 on SoFurry

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about two people who fall in love and get married.

There was a vixen by the name of Stella. She was a happy homemaker. Each and every day she would clean not only her but other people's houses as well. Then she met the wonderful guy in the world. His name was Roger andhe was a red kangaroo. They met at the library where Stella was getting a book about astronomy. She loved studying the stars and someday wanted to be an astronomer.

When they met at the library, their eyes locked onto each other. Then Roger said hi to her. Then she said hi back to him. After that, Stella dropped her astronomy book down before the library check out counter. Roger picked up for her and Stella told him thank you. Roger lived across town and Stella lived in the middle of town. Roger went to his car and went to Stella's house. Then he knocked her door. Stella was getting her ready for studying her astronomy book when she heard the knock at the door. She answered it and there was Roger standing there with flowers and a box of milk chocolates. He asked if he could come in and Stella said, "Certainly, Hun."

When Roger came in, Stella had meatloaf on the stove cooling down. On the counter, Stella had made a salad and a pitcher of iced tea. She asked Roger if he was hungry. Indeed he was. So they both brought everything to the table and enjoyed the food. Then when they got done with the meal, they cleaned the kitchen. Roger washed and rinsed the dishes and Stella dried and put the dishes away.

Then they both went to the living room for a movie. They watched the movie, "It's a good life." Stella made some popcorn for the movie. After the movie was over, it was time for sleep. Stella went to her bedroom to sleep and Roger went to sleep on the couch. Then when it was morning, Roger woke up to find Stella making pancakes for breakfast. Stella asked Roger if he wanted anything else for breakfast. Roger asked for toast with jelly and sausages. After breakfast, Roger kissed Stella on the lips and said good-bye to her. Then he went back to his place very happy.

Six months later, Stella Fox married Roger Roo. It was a beautiful wedding. Stella was wearing a yellow wedding dress. Roger was wearing a black suit. Then after the wedding, they went home and settled down.

The End.