New Dawn: A Plan for the Night Life

Story by Will Thomson on SoFurry

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#5 of New Dawn

Been awhile but this next part is finally here. For those of you who actually read this I'm sorry it takes me so long to post things but I'm just slow with it due to lack of people responding and commenting. Comment and tell me what I did right/wrong and it might get me to stop being lazy and post more often. Otherwise this is a minor chapter but still important. Seems like Zeke is getting involved in something big.

5. A Plan for the Night Life

After I rested at Jessan's house for a little bit I went back to the hotel to crash and write Matt back. I told him about what had happened today and I wondered what he'd think about it when he was able to read it. After that was done I took another shower to get fresh for the night and decided to air dry on my bed while I read one of my books and wait for my dad to come back.

I must have dozed off at some point though because the next thing I heard was the door quickly being opened and my dad yelling.


I jumped out of sleep and fell off the bed startled that my dad would be so loud. I was just in my boxers and after I pulled myself up I groaned out where I was.

"Get in here now! You have a lot to explain!"

I scratched my head wondering what he was talking about as I pulled on some shorts and pulled on a shirt before I walked out into the sitting room where my dad had the TV on and was flipping through the channels until he got to a news station.

"What's going on, dad? What did I do that I need to explain?"

"Oh nothing, just THIS!" He pointed to the TV and I tried to read the Japanese characters running across the TV while listening to the newsman talk about something that happened today. I may have spoke Japanese pretty well but it still took me a moment to translate what it meant to my mind sometimes.

"Ok so... Something about a music store... a band...and a fur that... Oh..." I looked up at him and rubbed my head, "You think this is about me?"

"Oh don't give me that bull crap. We both know it was you. You're the only one who attracts trouble like this. What happened today and do I need to get you a lawyer for something else again?" He sighed and rubbed his temples, "Damn it, Zeke you told me you would behave this time. Can't you go a month without beating the crap out of someone or hospitalizing them?"

"Dad it wasn't like that! The guy had a gun and was going to shoot this woman and I had to stop him no one else around could tell he had a gun or anything! And when I got him down to the ground he wouldn't let it go so I just kept on bending his arm back until it was pulled out of his socket and he finally dropped it. And I wasn't arrested and the woman was really grateful to me and her and her co-star band members want to take us out to eat tonight on them and... to talk about a job for me..." I rubbed my head slightly embarrassed about saying that for some reason and when I said that.

"What...? What kind of job do they want you for? You're only 17 and it's not exactly like you're a bit musician or anything." He sat down on the sofa and I sat down on a chair near it.

"They... want me to be on their bodyguard squad or security or something when they play a concert here in the city later this week. I'm not really sure about all the details but they said we could discuss it later when we go to eat. I asked them to meet us in the lobby around 6, so can we go and can you get ready?"

He sat there for a moment and rubbed his chin a bit for a moment before he nodded and got up.

"Well if nothing else it sounds like a nice way to spend the evening. We'll have a talk about this later though, son, don't forget that. But for now I guess I should shower and get ready. These are famous people huh so we need to be clean. I smell that you've showered already, but put on something a bit nicer than that, though."

I looked at my shirt and shorts and sighed, I didn't really have any real nice clothes as I was never the type to get dressed up for anything; mainly because I never had any place to go that needed me to be dressed up for it. The only real place I needed to go to dress was church and most of the churches I'd gone to were casual so a polo shirt and khaki pants were enough for that. Thankfully though I'd brought a pair of pants and a nice shirt just in case, and it looked like I was right to have brought it with me.

So as my dad got ready for the night I got my clothes ready and set out. They weren't real winkled so it didn't take a lot of work to get them all straightened out and then put them on. I pulled on a plain white undershirt and then slid my blue button up over it. It wasn't anything special, just a plain dark blue shirt. After that was on I tucked them into my khaki pants and slipped on my shoes

By about 5:25 I was ready and was just sitting around waiting for my dad to finish up. It didn't take him very long, however and by 5:45 we were heading down the elevator to wait in the lobby for the members of Nanairo to come and collect us. We really didn't have to wait very long, though, I guess they were the type to arrive at a place early and wait for others instead of running late and letting others wait for them.

"Hello, Thomson-san, is this your father? He looks very nice. You must be very proud of your son for what he did today." She spoke Japanese to us so I guess that meant that she didn't know how to speak English much since I told them I was American earlier, or maybe it was just easier for her.

"That I do, Miss..."

I cleared my throat and looked up at my dad, "This is Asumi Matsuo, dad. The man to her right with the long hair and white headband is Osamu Kuroki and the other with the blue tipped hair is Suguru Oshiro. Everyone this is my father, Terrance Gene Thomson but-"

"But please call me Terry." My father bowed to them and they returned the gesture in kind. "And I am proud that my son could help you out today, but perhaps we can talk more over a good dinner? Do you happen to know any good steak restaurants that we can eat at, or maybe Italian?"

"Yes, Terry-san, we actually know a very nice Italian place not more than 10 minutes drive from here. If you'll allows us, we have a limo outside waiting to take us to dinner." The man known as Suguru motioned for us to follow them and we walked outside and saw a nice white limo waiting.

We all got into the back and both me and my dad sat next to each other in the seat facing the front. Asumi and Osamu sat on the side of the back and Suguru sat with his back facing the front. It wasn't that special a limo, but it was still pretty fancy. It had a TV, a mini fridge, and a lot of buttons that I had no idea what they were to.

While we drove I just looked out the tinted windows as my dad talked with the band. I wasn't much of a conversationalist so it wasn't like I had much to say anyway. I took in the sights of the city and the cold air that blew in my face. It was a pretty calming way to spend the evening really.

I must have lost track of the time though, because before I knew it we were pulling up to an Italian restaurant just like my dad had asked about. It looked pretty high end and not like the type of places me and my dad were exactly used to back home.

"Welcome to Bernard's Vineyard, it's one of the best Italian restaurants in the city. It's a tad bit pricy but the cooks here are absolutely great. I hope that you like it, and if you like, Thomson-san, they have several brands of whine to drink as well, so please feel free. This night is on us after all." Osamu laughed a bit loudly at his statement and we nodded walking in.

Inside the place was lit very well and was decorated like so many Italian places with pastel colored walls, fake vines and leaves, paintings of the Italian countryside, and various decorations hanging or set all over the place. The place had a wide array of upper crust looking people and the servers looked to be especially well manicured and polite. Upon stepping in however we instantly got some attention from the Matre' D who came right up to the band with a wide and very energetic smile and bowed to them while holding a few menus.

"Ah, Matsuo-san, Oshiro-san, and Kuroki-san, it's so very nice to see you here again. Will it be just you three or will there be more attending." I looked at him and scuffed, it was like me and my dad weren't there to him yet, or maybe it was that these pop-stars wouldn't be seen with our type to him. Either way it was annoying and I was glad I wasn't paying his tip tonight.

"Hello, Oonishi-san, yes we'll be eating with these two fine gentlemen tonight, please, so a table for 5 if you have one, preferably in a more private corner?"

"Huh?" The man looked at us as if he just noticed us, "Oh... well... uh if that is what you wish then if you and your... companions would follow me, please?" He got two more menus and we followed him and I tried very hard not to be tense about what that man was like to us.

"Is it just me, dad, or does just about half of this city hate our type?" I whispered quietly to my dad in English in case anyone heard me that it would be unlikely that they'd understand me.

"Don't pay him any mind, son, just ignore the hate and don't let it in your heart and you won't feel anything about the jerks who are still prejudice against us, alright?" My dad looked down at me and I just rolled my eyes. Even if my dad was a bit of a crazy nut at times and over eager he still had his pearls of wisdom to share now and again, that particular one being his favorite.

"Is there a problem, Terry-san?" Suguru looked at my dad as we got to our table in the back of the restaurant and sat down around it before being given our menus.

"Nah, nothing's wrong, Suguru-san, being furs we're just sometimes scrutinized by people but I am used to it, and my son is used to prejudice amongst both humans and our own."

I just kept quiet and looked at the menu, I was already angry at how people were looking at me and it was really started to make me nervous. I tried to keep my focus though as I found something I wanted to eat and just kept quiet lest I say something bad that got me in trouble again.

Ms. Asumi though gasped at hearing such a thing and looked at us both with quiet sincere eyes, "You have my upmost apologies on their account, Zeke-kun, I didn't realize Oonishi was acting rudely to you."

"It's alright, Asumi-san, I'm used to it. It's nothing new in my life and it's something I've gotten used to over the years." I sighed and rubbed my left shoulder as I said that, "It's ok, really, don't worry so much."

She simply nodded and turned to my dad next, "Very well. Now Terry-san I am not sure if your son has told you, but we would greatly appreciate having Zeke on our security force this week. He has proven himself to be very capable and useful for such things and not only would it be a good experience for him but we also would pay him quite generously."

My dad nodded towards this, "That all does sound nice, ma'am, and while I'm not exactly 100% for this I think it wouldn't be a bad idea for him. How much would you be willing to pay him though, might I ask?"

I kicked my dad's leg and shot him a look. That wasn't something polite to ask after all but he just smirked down at me and shrugged away my annoyed look.

"Well, based on his skills today and since we'd like for him to be one of our personal body guards for the night, we'd be willing to pay him about 40,000 Yen for the whole night. Would that be alright?"

I just about choked on my own tongue at hearing that. That much money equaled nearly 500 American dollars and that would just be from working one night with no guarantee that I'd actually be doing much more than standing around and making sure they got to their concert and back in one piece. It was shocking to say the least, and it even left my dad speechless since I turned to him and saw that his mouth was hanging open and looking like he'd been smacked stupid.

"Forty-Thousand yen?! Are you sure about that, Asumi-san? That's a great amount of money to be giving to a young man like my son here. Are you sure that's the right price to pay for one night?"

"Hmm?" She looked at my father slightly confused for a moment, "Well if that's too little how about 50,000 Yen then?

My dad and I both went slack jawed, that was over 600 now and there was no way I could take that kind of money from them, "Uh, no ma'am you misunderstand we think that is too high a price, surely 5000 Yen would be more than enough to pay me."

Osamu laughed at that as did Suguru who shook his head, "Heck no, you saved Asumi-chan's life, there's no way we'd insult you with such pocket change like that. Tell you what though, we'll give you 35,000 for the night, surely you won't turn down our generous attempt to repay you, because that would be rude if you did. And to just make sure that we feel better we'll even help you out with work if you want to be on our security again when you're out of school."

I pinned my ears back and sighed, he had me in a place where I couldn't refuse them. If I refused them it would be rude, and having them as a contact to be able to call in a favor from would be very beneficial later on in life. I couldn't turn this down, in the end it was just too good an opportunity to turn down. I finally nodded my head though, and agreed to that.

"Alright, I'll do it, Suguru-san. Thank you in advance for the opportunity to do something like this." I bowed my head to them and finally someone came to take our order, and thankfully this one seemed to be a much friendlier one as she even looked at me first with a smile.

"Well then," Asumi smiled happily at me, "Now that that matter has been settled, let's all place our orders and enjoy the meal and night together."

I smiled a bit at hearing that and placed my order for food and drink before everyone else placed theirs. It was the start of a very fine night. My dad and the band had some whine, and had some great conversation through our meal. The food was, just like Osamu had said, absolutely grand, and we all ate the meals before us with great joy.

The night was finished up soon after our meal and once they paid the check we left the place with full stomachs and light hearts. Despite what had happened earlier today it had all around been a really good night. I didn't know what else could possibly happen over the next few days, but if today was any indication of what to expect I could tell that it was going to be one crazy trip that I'd certainly never forget.