
Story by Diavora on SoFurry


Another one from two years ago, wrote when I had an unexplainable headache.

That's going to be a common theme with my poems, by the way, the whole 'can't sleep must write poem' or 'oh god the creativity is beating out of my brain with a hammer' thing.

If only I could make this wonderful ability come at my beck and call, dammit.

Yes this is linked to the Shadow one, slightly.

Might write a third one for this 'series of sorts' later, I don't know.

I usually have to be in a dark kick to write these types of poems.

This one was fun to write though.

I once loved a love most deep, that turned me from the light. I once loved a love so deep, that I cared not for fright. I once held death within my gaze, and caressed her in my arms, I once had night with me to bed, and graced her with my charms.

I once roamed the earth with a springedheel step, I once held the very stars, and among them slept. I once rode a comet, from here to the Plutonian shore, and mocked all the gods and devils, for they really are a bore.

You ask me how I came to be a face of grief and the dead? You ask me how I came to see the horrors beneath our stead? I turned from her but once, to see what gifts she'd gave and she cursed me to live forevermore, longing for the grave.

You ask me for my name sir, I cannot give you that, Not until you're safe from all the things you say you laugh at. You ask me for my age sir, why would you wish to know? Have you seen one such as I? Do I give off an ethereal glow?

I've seen things beyond the veil sir, things you won't believe. Things she holds back from us, to save us from their greed. Things that want to tear you, and rend you limb from limb, Things that want to eat you, and make all brightness dim.

I do this as a gift for her, my belov'd ruler of the night. She gave me such great gifts you see, she cured me of all blight. When you die and are laid to rest, and your bones are naught but dust, I'll still be here laughing see, as the world turns into rust.

You ask me for my name sir, I can't tell you now. The monsters might just get you, and she'll have quite a cow. You ask me of my purpose, and I will grant you this, I give my blood for my true love, the queen of the abyss.

As I turn my knife deep in your back and your vision soon turns to black, I'll tell you my name when you go slack: I am, but simply, Jack.