Classroom 4b: Menno

Story by Thomas 123 on SoFurry

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The second victum of the devil.

Menno 20.25 Kars was lying on his bed and was still thinking about the accident two weeks ago. The police had interrogated him three times. He also told them about the sweater of the girl who was discolored, but the police had declared that she with that color sweater had gone home. "But how" Kars had shouted "can be such a girl jerk of a driver with a blood red sweater overlooked". The police had told him that the driver probably had not seen the girl by the front of his truck was too long. The police had the driver still not arrested. It seemed as if the driver in any way could be traced. Kars had seen the license plate, but that did not help much because he had seen only two gates. The mobile Kars went off. "Where are you closely" Kars recognized the voice of Katrina, his girlfriend. "You would pick up at eight o'clock in the cafe" Kars looked quickly at the clock beside his bed. Half 9 gave pointers to. "Sorry I lost track of time by the stupid mistake" "Yeah I know, I know Monique also not good. She sat next to me or in mathematics, but I never talked to her or her something gevragen " "Form, if you have just a quarter patience than I am" "Okay I'll see you so" Kars quickly grabbed his cell phone, house keys and wallet. He knocked on the door of the room and stuck his head around the corner. His parents were some lame game show to watch. "Mom, I'm going out with Katrina" His mother averted her gaze from the TV. "Do you think you're home at half past because you have exam tomorrow." "Yes Mom, until then" Kars walked through the back door and took his bicycle from the shed. Just when he went into the street kite riding his phone again. On his screen was: unknown number "With Kars" The voice of the young at the other end of the line sounded frightened. "Oh, sorry. Wrong number " The boy hung up. Kars looked puzzled at his mobile. Vedder he thought no more about it and ran into the street.

20.10 Menno stared at the poster on the ceiling of his bedroom while the tangles out of his tail plucked He was still thinking about the accident that Monique had. He was already in love with Minogue and had therefore developed a kind of obsession for her. He tried through her friends and other acquaintances her phone number to catch. He had pictures and movies of her and on his computer he had her under a pseudonym added in various social media. When he tried to get her as many messages and emails to send. He could not only direct appeal. He would now that he had. The police had him through many detours managed to find him all kinds of questions about his alleged friendship with Monique asked He had been deaf and dumb held, as it would leak, he was in love Minoque he had no life at school. Sometimes when he Minogue thought the tears still in his eyes. He sat at his computer and tried to ignore the background. This suggested a smiling Minogue for those looking straight into the camera. It was the only time he had dared to speak in public. He opened his mailbox and looked at his emails. All kinds of boring messages. One of the master of the homework. The other from a friend about soccer practice. He was just a game to play when a new email arrived. Menno looked at the sender. No e-mail address, only incidentally Menno opened the mail a watched what was in it. It was a short letter that loud: Best Menno. I heard what happened to your girlfriend has done and am very sorry for you. I know you do not know me but I know your will. I also know that you really like something Monique folding tell. I can give you the chance to do so. I also know that she is dead but there is a way to her yet perhaps briefly to speak. If you do exactly what I tell her maybe you can talk to. Greet # # Menno was immediately excited when he had finished the letter. A little voice in the back of his head told him not to go, but he did not listen. He'll have the chance to Monique to tell what he felt for her. Suddenly she heard a tune by his room. Quickly he shot her pillow and took his mobile from there under. He had not observed a number but got immediately. "Hello Menno, have you read my mail?" Menno first not understood what the man meant, he can hardly understand the man because he seemed a fire was burning in the background. Then he realized the only "Yes I have read your email, can you really in touch with Minogue?" "I can certainly, as you do exactly what I say. Good, now go to the garden and grab your bicycle. Then I'll call you back " Silence ... For Menno could do something to himself, he had already stormed out of his room and he grabbed his coat. He could just think he keys to take another, he will soon stand before a closed door. He had his bike and within minutes caught and because he did not want to wait until the guy called he pressed the repeat button. The phone was immediately recorded. "With Kars" said the voice on the other side of the line Startled Menno looked up, he had sometimes in the wrong key. "Oh sorry, wrong number" Quickly he pressed his phone and he even had time to think the phone went again. "Hello, are you ready? ' "Yes sir, I'm ready" "Well now your ass right into the street and head towards the forest." Menno quickly stepped on his bike and rode the direction the man had pointed. When he arrived at the forest, the man said, "Now you must ride in the woods along the shortest way you know" Menno sent quickly left and drove one of the dark forest roads. There were no street lights but his sharp tiger eyes he could see well happy He then hit to right and sent a small path on. This path closely drove along a large canal, if you made a wrong move could get into the fast flowing water come to lie. But now it was summer and the river was dry. Menno drove ten minutes. He began to feel anxious when he drove the dark path. He had long been a fork to the left to see. He also noted he began to see more and worse. He seemed like the sharp look of his eyes so he became increasingly becoming worse was seeing. He began to cycle faster, the phone still pressed against his ears. The sounds in the mobile had changed. First you had heard the sound of the fire, now it seemed as if the phone was pushed under water, you always heard water running. Menno was increasingly anxious feeling. How was it that he still had seen no split. Now he watched he heard except on the water from his mobile nothing more. Then there was a loud bang from the mobile. Menno here so startled that he sent to the wrong side, to the right. His front wheel flipped over and he raced down the slope. Somewhere down clapped his back on a rock so he shot forward. He flew through the air and slammed his head on a large piece of stone. He mobile flew out of his hand and went for Menno light it, with only the sound of water in his ears.

Menno blinked. He lay on his back with the bike on his chest. His leg was in a strange corner under his back. He had strangely no pain. He tried the bike away from him, but could not. Suddenly he saw a light shining beside him. He blinked his eyes to see if he had seen it right. Monique stood beside him, with her jeans and one of many har capitountuiën to. "Come on, I'll help you." With a strength he had never seen Minogue pulled the bike off and Menno goeide that way. Then she Menno feet. Menno had not yet recovered from the shock when Monique asked, "What are you doing here?" "I have an unknown man an email stating that I could speak your if I did what he said. I wish you a long time because of questions. " "What time did you get that email?" "At about 20.20" "Okay, it's too late." "What do you mean?" "That I will mention again explain. But what did you say " "Well, I'm actually long been in love with you. And I never dared to say if anyone else was there. " "Shall I tell you what your, I had also long been in love with you and never dared to say" "Really" "Yeah, I'm really glad I have now told you" "Well then I can go home now, I've done what I came for" "Wait a minute maybe you'd want to stay, I want you some more questions" "Eu, okay" "But first you must close your eyes, I have a surprise for you" Menno peacefully closed his eyes. Then the light went out. Forever. 00.30 Damn, now he was by that anticipated game of darts too late too. Quickly drove Kars on the dimly lit path length of the canal. Just when I was at the fork he tripped over something on the road. Quickly he looked what it was A bicycle. He looked down and saw someone in the canal. Carefully he slid down and looked at who it was. He saw a young lying. The young lay with closed eyes on his back and they head on a stone Before the young Kars picked all that he saw it was too late. The pants and jersey of the young were covered in blood. Quickly he took out his cell phone and called the police. When he had passed where he was, he looked back face of the young. There was something strange about the way he looked at. He laughed, as if he too was now intensely happy ... And that is the second victim.