The Faere, Cpt. 1

Story by Large Lars on SoFurry

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#1 of The Faere

The Faere

By Large Lars Lupine


This story contains WG, egg-laying, stuffing, graphic sex, etc., etc. Obviously not for minors or people into other things; you know the law wherever you are and will do what you like. This is my first new posting in a long time, so I hope people like it. This is also the first in a series (probably), so any feedback is definitely appreciated.

Enjoy the Faere folks,


Chapter 1


Down in the Hill Country, where the frozen wastes of the surrounding mountains gives way to vast expanses of green turf and woodland, summer is the season most highly prized. Summer in the hill country brought with it warmth, life and comfort, along with the annual snowmelt which would make the plains chaotic with activity. But there had always been a price to this abundance, a pact so old and arcane that no one alive could honestly lay claim to the details, only the result: this year, as with every year, a caravan would descend from the mountains, dozens of wagons painted with outlandish colors and delicate, swirling designs. The Faere, as it was known, would then wander across the hill country, stopping at random in towns and the larger outlying communities until finally reaching the other end of the crescent-shaped mountain range that encircled the northern Hills. Whether they were there to perform for the locals, or whether it was the other way round, was the subject of much debate. Debate held only in winter.

Seil was a lovely alpine village, nestled in the lee of the high mountains. The buildings were mostly whitewashed stone, accented with the intricate woodcarving that had become a local obsession. This was due to the stream that ran through the village center, carrying fallen trees down from the mountains during the spring thaw, followed by traders coming up the sluggish autumn flow. Those villagers who didn't wish to spend their days carving and sharpening tools were of limited use to the local economy, and so were a rarity. A few kept fields to supply Seil with staples like grain and potatoes, the rest fishing up and down the river, or leaving the village completely with the annual merchant-fleet. One such person was Aldus Freyer, one in a long line of fishermen that had built their trade around an intimate understanding of the various species that inhabited the Seilna river at different times of year. Aldus was a proud man, and would often claim to know everything that swam or crawled beneath his boat simply by the tug of a hook or the draw of a trap-line. Often enough, this was true, and he'd won many a bet with fellow villagers as to exactly what would emerge from the water when he drew in his catch.

Now, however, Aldus was in a state of confusion that was developing into full blown panic. His day had started well enough, the summer sun quickly warming the chill, damp air that seemed to settle deeper into his bones with each passing year. He'd cast off in a fine mood, kissing his wife and daughter goodbye, humming as he drifted downriver with his small crew. They had set their hooks and cast their nets in full confidence, expecting a busy and lucrative day. Instead hours had passed, not so much as a single fish wandering by as they drifted downriver. By late afternoon they had to turn back, having already wandered well out of sight of their village, and not wishing to make the difficult upriver passage worse with darkness and unfamiliarity. They'd just sighted the peaked roofs of Seil village when shouting came from the fore. He rest of the crew, Aldus included, scrambled forward, expecting to see their day's catch at last. Instead they stood together, gaping, not a word said once the initial shock wore off. The water was flashing with color, but not from fish. Silently, Aldus dipped a hand in and pulled out a damp blotch of vivid purple, shaking out into a square big enough to make a tablecloth. The water was teeming with silk scarves, endless colors wriggling past in an eerie approximation of piscine life. They drifted backwards a while, stunned.

Aldus spoke first, voice hoarse,

"The Faere..."

It was as much a question as a statement. The other fishermen tried to mull this over, but deeper motives were already taking hold. Fear was welling up among them, confusion, and in one or two hearts, a certain dark anticipation born of drunken evenings among the traders and their endless stories. Aldus' thoughts immediately went to his family, his lovely wife Aile and their girl, Sandra, a child by tradition only, judging by the way she looked at some of the local lads. Aldus had heard stories too. "Row." He growled. When no one moved, he began randomly cuffing at them, driving them to their places with blows and curses.

"Row you bastards! Lalo, I know for a fact you fancy that girl Jeane, what works the Nag's Head, you think she'll enjoy the Faere?" Lalo, a dark haired teenager, and the youngest in the boat, merely shrugged.

"I guess so, that's the point of a traveling fair, isn't it?" Aldus stared at Lalo, completely aghast, only confusing the boy further. The elder fisherman boggled at him; one arm reached back, fist clenched, and hung there for a small eternity. Fortunately for Lalo, his captain needed all the rowers he could get, so Aldus gently but firmly pressed him back into his seat. Lalo took up his oar again without another word. The village eventually rose into view once more, the normal flicker of yellow candle light in windows all but drowned by an unearthly display of colored flame without, exotic shades that painted the buildings' white exteriors with outlandish color. Fireworks sizzled and popped in the sky, music played, and heady laughter echoed from all directions.

"The Faere?" asked Lalo, awed.

"The Faere." Aldus said, voice hollow, and afraid.

The Faere had been sighted in the early morning, winding along a mountain path. At first the people of Seil paid it little heed, apart from a few children who had never caught so much as a glimpse before. It was assumed the Faere would pass them by, as it always had, heading for its first performance of the season in some large and wealthy township. Supposedly the Faere had visited them once, but it had been so long that the few who remembered it were old, too old to be taken seriously by most. Besides, that had been in the autumn, when an unusually protracted warm spell had prompted an extra month's touring, encompassing various out of the way places the Faere normally ignored. The first sign that Seil would be receiving the caravan's favor became apparent around lunch-time.

No one noticed at first, but a strange quiet had settled that slowly began to draw the attention of villagers. The birds had ceased their chorus and fled, the bees had all gone back to their hives, even the maddening chitter of the cicadas was absent. The day remained pleasant and calm, but any animal life in Seil had either fled or gone to ground by the time the midday meal was done. A few had the presence of mind to ask the handful of elders about it, but were met with either dour silence or the occasional, enigmatic smile.

"By the Lady, that's huge!"

"Bah, I can get bigger, just watch me."

"You always do!"

Cackling laughter echoed among the trees as Loretta made a sour expression, tossing a bruised apple at another girl.

"Funny, coming from you Sandra. Didn't I see you sneaking into the granary with Bran last full moon? I'd wager he knows all about big."

Sandra reddened, and stuck out her tongue.

"You'd love to find out, eh?"


Loretta swung down one handed from the tree branch she'd been occupying, an oversized apple in her free hand.

"The way you two carry on, he's probably worn down to a nub as it is."

This prompted another gale of harsh laughter as the dark haired girl emptied her canvas satchel onto a waiting cart, delicately topped off with her prize find, which she buffed sarcastically with the hem of her heavy woolen skirt.

These young women had been out since dawn, helping to clear one of the orchards, and the banter had been running like this since they'd arrived. A half dozen in all, there was Loretta, of course, and Sandra, with her long red hair and prodigious curves. Scattered among the about were little Dana, the eldest yet shortest of the bunch; Laine, a willowy blonde girl cursed with a clumsy disposition that sent her crashing from her perch about once an hour; and the twins, Jane and Jeane, a dark skinned pair of island girls whose parents had migrated to Seil from a port city far to the south. They'd been making their way down for a break when Loretta and Sandra had begun their squabbling, so that now the only one left in the air was Dana, who was patiently ignoring the situation and filling her satchel instead. As a result, she was the one to witness the first wagon cresting the outlying hills. In the midday heat, the haze obscured all details for some time, so that she barely took notice on first glance, assuming ti to be some random traveler. It was not until she was satisfied she could carry no more apples and was squirming her way towards the tree-trunk when she noticed the gaily colored pennants flying from the wagon's roof, the oddly curved lines of the body.

As she stared, puzzled, she quickly made out at least a half dozen more, similarly built and bedecked. Even as the eldest, Dana was only vaguely aware of the Faere, but she knew enough to make haste, scrambling down as fast as she could manage and calling to the other women. It took them a while to lose interest in the apple fight, but they had gathered round by the time Dana reached the ground.

"Someone's coming," she said, out of breath. The twins got a worried look, thinking of pirates and slavers like they'd heard from their parents, forcing Dana to reassure them first.

"Nothing dangerous, I think, just... strange. Take the cart back to the village and tell them we have visitors." She hesitated a moment, unsure if she should reveal all, but the questioning looks she was getting meant it would take longer to bully them into leaving than telling the truth.

"I think it may be the Faere." There was a chorus of excited squealing, except for the twins who merely looked hopeful and confused.

"I want to see!" Shouted Sandra, quickly joined by the rest.

"You already have, we all have, every year when they pass us by." Dana said coolly. Jane, or possibly Jeane, held up a rather timid hand. Dana nodded to her, making a throat-cutting gesture at the rest for silence.

"Jan-, Jean-... You."

"We haven't," the other girl mumbled a bit, embarrassed. Dana cocked an eyebrow, looking up a bit into their matching faces, incredulous.

"It's true," Jeane, or Jane, soldiered on, face flushed with embarrassment as the rest stared at them with equal measures of disbelief.

"We've never seen it, even from a distance. We only got here five years ago, and we've always missed it."

Dana considered this. As the oldest, she was responsible for the lot; any incident would mean facing not only her own family, but those of anyone harmed to boot. On the other hand, she'd never heard anything specifically dangerous about the Faere, just a lot of vague admonitions, and assurances she didn't need to know until she was safely married, an insulting idea to anyone who'd already survived puberty. Besides, if things did go badly, she'd need someone to run for help. Dana's mind was set.

"Jane and Jeane can stay and help me greet our visitors, the rest of you silly bitches can get back to the village like I told you to the first time."

There was more consternation, but Dana was wearing her Determined face, and the rest knew well enough not to waste time arguing further. Dana watched the cart retreat until she was sure they wouldn't try to ditch it and sneak back. She turned back and joined the twins, who were now peering up the track as the lead wagon rounded a bend in the road.

Dana was surprised to see a figure on foot, a few yards ahead of the rest of the Faere. Decked out in a form-fitting dancer's costume that practically dripped with ribbons and flashing gems, an extraordinarily tall and lithesome woman was capering her way down the track. The dancer seemed to notice them after a few moments, and quickened her pace so that she was within a couple yards of the girls while the wagons caught up at a more stately pace. The dancer regarded them for a while, face concealed by a harlequin mask, the fixed porcelain smile surrounded by a pattern of intricate curly-cues and a single ruby tear-drop at the right eye. Dana had no idea what was expected of her at this point, so she settled for a respectful bow, elbowing the twins into following along. They remained bowed for awhile, Dana becoming irritated as the dancer continued to stare at them in silence.

"You all have lovely hair," the dancer finally remarked.

"Free of lice, no doubt about it." Awkwardly, the girls straightened up again. Dana tried to keep the annoyance from her voice as she finally addressed the newcomer directly.

"Welcome to Seil village, marm..." She realized she didn't know how to continue. "Er..., will you be staying long?"

"Oh, no," the dancer replied, voice soft and melodious, "We'll only be here this evening, limited engagement, you might say."

"Well, that should be... fun?"

At this the dancer laughed. "Oh yes, it will be fun, great, great fun. But come, since you have been so kind as to welcome us, allow me to give you a private performance, the first of the evening."

"Here? In the orchard?" said one of the twins, confused. Dana rolled her eyes.

"Clearly. We'd settle for a ride instead, marm, it's a ways yet, back to the village..."

"Two miles, actually; but I'll be happy to give a ride to whoever I can fit on the cart, when we finish. We'll have my personal coach drawn aside; with a bit of luck we can all make our entrance together."

Indeed, the lead wagon had already peeled off to one side, and the rest of the caravan was now slowly passing them by. The lady strode off into a nearby clearing, scattered with handy stumps.

"Wait up," protested the girls, having to hurry to match the dancer's steps.

"Miss... um, miss, what IS your name?"

The Faere woman laughed at this, a lovely sound, if slightly cold. "I have quite a few, as it happens, most of them too long to really be practical, but most simply take me for what I am, the Dancer, capital Dee, small letters. I rather like it, actually."

"I suppose you take what you can get, when you're a performer," said Dana, a bit bad temperedly. The Dancer regarded the petite young woman for a moment, head cocked to one side. A hint of ice crept into her otherwise beautiful voice.

"Feisty little sparrow, aren't you? Or perhaps... more of a robin? Yes, that will do." She stood their a moment longer, gaze fixed on Dana, abruptly snapping from perfect stillness back to her animated routine of a moment before, voice like spring once again. "Sit down then, dears, and I will give you a show, a performace entitled 'A Robin 'mongst Fallen Apples', appropriate, I'm sure." Not interested in opinions, she began her dance, as the three sat in a rough row, Dana flanked on either side by a twin.

The Dancer's performance was a graceful, interpretational affair with much flapping of ribbon 'wings' and elaborate acrobatics, swinging among the trees or tumbling along the ground, a queer piping music accompanying from within her nearby wagon. Dana, Jane and Jean settled back, idly munching on the less wrinkled-looking windfalls around them, adding the glow of a cider-drunk to the Dancer's hypnotic performance. By the time she had finished, the trio were feeling rather unsteady, and more than little strange.

Dana swore her bodice was getting rather tight, to the point she'd begun idly unhooking the clasps in front, revealing a short stretch of cleavage between her small ,well-formed . About the size of an apple, she mused idly, biting into another half fermented fruit. The Dancer bowed, and they all clapped, appreciatively, if arhythmically. "Thank you, my dears, but that was only the first act. Excuse me for a moment, I need to converse with my musicians." So excused, the Dancer withdrew into her caravan, leaving the girls alone for the time being. Jeane burped discretely, leaning back until her shoulders rested against a nearby tree, midsection a bit puffy after so many apples.

"Careful," chided her sister, "if Sandra saw you like that she'd make some hurtful remark about pigs, *urp* or something."

"Speak for yourself," Jeane chided, "as usual you match me perfectly." True to her word, Jane was also noticeably fuller about the waist. Hips too, although it was hard to tell under the heavy skirts they all wore during harvests.

"What about you, Dana, fancy joining us sows in another apple?"

Dana nodded blearily. She was considerably drunker than the other two, due to her size, although that had increased in keeping with the twins. Dana could swear she'd only undone the top three bodice clasps, and yet now the fourth seemed to have slipped loose, and she still felt tight around the sides. She stifled a belch herself, and rubbed her stomach, which was getting a bit claustrophobic beneath her clothes as she began to sweat from heat and alcohol. Even her crotch was binding up, a momentary adjustment stretching into a lengthy exploration. This wasn't purely for amusement, Dana knew her own contours quite well, and these weren't them. There seemed to be altogether a good deal more flesh available than her undercarriage normally sported. She managed to snap-to long enough to check on Jane and Jeane, and was less than surprised to see they were also engaged in various bodily explorations, examining their new curves with a booze-addled mixture of confusion and delight. By the time they noticed the Dancer's wagon being drawn into the clearing center, all three had filled their various vests and bodice to capacity, seams and buttons creaking a bit whenever one would reach a chubby arm down to munch and suckle at another squishy-sweet apple.

"I can see yer bellybutton, sishh..." Slurred Jeane, waving an arm indistinctly at Jane.

Jane giggled stupidly, hefting her new paunch with one hand, the other tracing her deepening navel with one finger. She glanced across at Jeane, and laughed even harder.

"Just like yours!" she gasped when she could manage speech again.

The two locked eyes, and in a flash peeled off their heavy work vests and the shirts underneath, giggling like maniacs. The result was a stereoscopic viewing of two huge, brown Buddha bellies, quaking in near-perfect sync. They were magnificent in the late afternoon sun, gold-tinged domes shiny and beaded with sweat, supporting perfectly similar heaps of plump, jiggly tit-flesh that bounced in counterpoint to their heaving bellies. Dana joined in after a moment, laughing with abandon as she tore loose the last few clasps and tossed her top garment aside. She was surprised to note her belly lacked the soft, flabby look of the twins'. Instead it was a near perfect sphere, excepting her protruding navel, the skin firm to the touch. Her breasts had followed suit, maintaining their normal tear-drop shape despite having tripled in size, unlike Jane and Jeane's, which were huge, but soft. As it was Dana was wearing her 'wrap like a blindfold for her teats, a creamy bulge of under-cleavage resting atop her new paunch.

"Having fun, dears?"

The Dancer's voice cut through their boisterous laughter like an autumn gale, yet the girls were sure she hadn't raised her voice.

"YES!" they chorused, dissolving into new fits of hilarity. The Dancer merely nodded. "Wonderful, have some more apples, the second act begins." Without thinking, the three did as they were bidden, plump lips smacking audibly as they devoured the suddenly much improved windfalls, which suddenly seemed to have a lot more flavor, texture, and above all, alcohol content. The Dancer emerged on the roof of her wagon, which stood broad-side to the audience, the setting sun bathing her in a reddish glow. Drumming came from below, slow, heartbeat simple, to which she began a slow, swaying dance, acrobatics traded in for slow, sensuous movements that, the three began to realize, approximated their own paunchy forms. Whether this was tributary or what, none could tell , so they simply kept eating and enjoying the show.

Dana groaned a bit, pawing beneath her gut, her waist getting unbearably tight. The button holding her skirt shut went flying off into the trees, and the release in pressure caused her to sag forward, content once more, hardly noticing her chin now rested in the crease between her tightly packaged boobs, which in turn were being supported by a rapidly bloating dome of pale skin. The twins had tried to console her, cooing and clumsily laying comforting hands on their friends rather taut flesh, but they had their own problems, first and foremost being unable to stand up. Jane and Jeane were getting tremendous, what few garments they still had cutting deep furrows into the surrounding flab. Their obese guts overhung their skirts on all sides, bovine hips lifting their skirts until a hint of overstuffed and sodden panties were visible, even from the Dancer's elevated perspective. They'd at least been able to undo the bindings on their chest-wraps, so that each floppy teat skewed off to the side. A ripping noise heralded the death of their skirts, which were slowly pushed away by burgeoning fat. The Dancer was doing some sort of elephant walk, legs splayed wide, back bent almost horizontally forward, arms hooked together and swinging low in a parody of the audiences newly swollen bellies. It was quite effective really, the girls could practically see the naked dome of turgid flesh in the fading light, not that they needed much imagination. Dana was still uncomfortable, as her thighs and buttocks failed to swell in proportion to her gut. She'd gotten so big it was protruding from her sides now as well, making her look like a fat little... bird.

"Oh ffffuuuck." Dana said, hoarsely.

Fear intruded on her drunken revery for the first time ,but only for a moment. Obviously, she was too far gone for it to matter anyway, best to just enjoy the ride. And enjoy she did, watching with fascination as her boobs swelled visibly, causing her wrap to shred from the strain, patches of flesh oozing through the holes, her left nipple snapping to attention as it escaped the fabric. These had swollen considerably as well, each as long and thick as a goat's teat, surrounded by aureolae the size of dinner plates. She only wished she could get a hand past her inflated sides to do something about her skirt. It was at that point she realized she'd risen an inch or two, as her ass began plumping in sympathy with her rounding back. Her skirt tore completely down the front, revealing a taught patch of cottony underwear. Thank the Lady, they'd be off soon, too, but the pressure this was enacting on her similarly enhanced pussy was maddening. The thought of panties drew Dana's eyes back to the twins, who'd been emitting some rather odd grunts and moans for some time now. They'd both flopped backwards, Jane leaning heavily against the tree, Jeane forced to support herself with er hands to avoid falling from her seat, a losing battle to be sure.

Belly-up and moaning, the sow comparison was never more apt, two overblown heifers enjoying their apples, which even the struggling Jeane still managed to cram into her mouth whenever she could summon the strength to free a hand, juice dribbling down their multiple chins. In fact, the twins were surprisingly well formed considering their size, with only a few folds piled up here and there at the base of their humongous pot-bellies and cone shaped limbs. They were flooded with blubber, without a doubt, but it mostly just made them bigger, like two obese sea-lions. Or just pigs, Dana reconsidered, deeefinitely pigs. It had taken a while in the twilight, but it finally penetrated her cider-soaked brain that what had looked like folds were actually breasts, six of them, round and bouncy like a human's but arranged like a nursing sow. Jane was fiddling with them like a mad organist wit whatever hand wasn't busy stuffing her face. They humped the air in unison, timed, Dana finally understood, to the slow drumming that continued to fill the clearing. Two brown bellies surged and wobbled in the dying light, adipose hips quivering, huge, their bulging, sodden cunnies all but overwhelming their rapidly shredding underwear. Dana groaned desperately, her spherical body quivering and bobbing like an over filled wineskin, in sharp contrast to the masses of jiggling flesh on either side.

Poor, squat little Dana's robin impression was complete. Her breasts had swollen partially into her monstrous belly, creating two wide, hemispheres mounded on top of her pulsating womb. Dana's aureoles had spread to monstrous dimensions, crowning each fleshy hillock in a puffy red chaos of overloaded ducts and veins. Even her nipples had been stretched, into two fat, midget stumps more than a handsbreadth across. She barely had time to be glad it was a warm evening when a heave from within forced her concentration.

"Hunggggghhh, lady, help me! Help pull it out!"

She bore down, loeing like an enormous heifer as something enormous entered her cervix. Her tiny hands flopped uselessly, wanting desperately to reach into her and at least find what it was currently boring out of her cunt. As it was, even if she could have bent her arms more than a few degrees, her lower body was all but overwhelmed by the squashed sphere of her middle, which overhung her hips and ass on all sides, and helped keep her propped up a bit so her useless stumpy legs could strain wider with each grunting shove. Everything from her thighs down seemed to have bloated up independently, massive treetrunk legs mercilessly squeezing her oversized pubic mound.

The bulging tapered off abruptly at her shin, leaving her with absurdly dainty feet, currently splayed in the air and kicking feebly. Her short, patchy red hair was now limp and matted, sweat running freely down her face to mix with tears streaming between her painfully stretched red-breast, and down her belly, at last subdivided by her most prominent new feature, her woebegotten snatch. The outer lips were maddeningly swollen, pulsing red and shiny with bloat and juices, which dripped freely. Each contraction caused more heaving and schlorrrping at the the descending egg, sucking mercilessly at her terribly engorged clit. Danas clit was a mass of painful ecstacy, it protruded into the warm spring air, so engorged it was worrying, throbbing in time with her fluttering heart. She was just settling down a bit from the last contraction when she became aware of a presence behind her. She scarcely had time to wonder before she heard a triumphant whinney from behind her, and felt the enormous horse-cock drive itself into her buttocks, and beyond.

"Hunngggh, oh gawdessss, my arsehole!!! My buh-bottom's exploding!" Dana shrieked, unaware that the Dancer's lead draft-horse had sauntered round behind, unfurled a magnificent pair of black hawk's wings, and a cock no less breathtaking, and shot it home inside poor Dana's bottom. The stallion reared up a bit as he felt her warmth envelop him, resting it's great hooves on Dana's bulging shoulders and driving itself in and out of the girl's backside with abandon. For her part, Dana could only squeal and twitter in a mix of consternation and pleasure as her entire being began to heave up and down with her new mate, globular belly rising up in the air before bulging out obscenely along its sides.

"Jane, Jeane," she squealed, "Help meeeeee!"

Jane and Jeane could do little more but grunt and eat, but they'd reach out a fat mitt now and then to rub her belly and try to reassure her.

"Grrmph, *urrrrp* sorry Dana, we're just too *prrrt* too, *slurp* faaaaat."

The word started the other two sobbing as well, creating a symphony of moaning, slurping and crying.

"Waaaaoooooo, damn you stupid bloated cunts," Dana screamed, frustration and pain sending her over the edge.

"Help me, you sluts! Just reach over. And. HELP. MEEEEEEE!" As Dana screamed, the load in her vagina began to crown, stretching her bloated, banana size labia until they formed a perfect 'o' shape.

"Suh-sorry Dana *mrmf* I jusht can-can't seem to *PFFRRRRTTT* move."

Jeane burbled, who was feeling pretty bloated herself, as well as sympathetic.

Jane, the only one not miserable, was oblivious, cumming so hard her snatch had begun ripping and eating her shorts with each massive heave from within. Piggy eyes glanced at Dana, more jealous than concerned, her self-occupied mantra getting louder as the hunger in her loins soared at the sight of her friend's predicament;

"Aww, fuck me, *slurp* fuck MY lard-ass, this little sow needs s'more FILLING!"

The Dancer smirked knowingly, and did a pirouette, landing crossways on the backs of two of the remaining stallions. The red eyed beasts trotted out of their harnesses in perfect unison, bearing the Dancer along until one, then the other sheared off to face a twin. The Dancer did a flip from their backs as they separated, causing their wings to unfurl in hurricane of ebony feathers. Without further command the two stallions came up behind their respective phillies-of-the-evening, taking them in unison without missing a beat.

Poor foolish Jane was skewered roughly, her new lover's organ abnormally large even for his particularly rarefied breed. She could hardly see, but it looked to be almost as broad as her entire body had been before the Faere started. It was hard going at first, the beast barely able to pull in and out, resulting in a lot of overeager hammering in place that sent her overripe pig udders flapping wildly together. As the shock wore off and Jane managed to relax a little, the wet smacking sound of eight sweating teats was joined by a much louder *thwop-thwop-thwop* noises as her entire gut, bounced in the air for a brief moment between thrusts, before slapping down again against her tremendous thighs. For her part, Jane was making quite a bit of noise as well, squealing and bellow incoherently for more, more, MORE.

The Dancer herself smiled coldly at this display, noting that Jane let out a different squeal depending on whether her ass or her sweaty, heaving mound was being reamed. The second equine was more gentle with Jean, seeking beneath her luxurious buttocks almost gently, before smoothly thrusting it's massive cock inside the groaning sow.

"Hooohhh, *urrrp* that's good." Jean gurgled, piggy arms massaging each flopping breast-sac in turn.

"Ohh, almost, *pffrrtt* too much..." the overstuffed little sow's twin Jane moaned, just as the stallion shot a load of pre into her crowded guts.

"Oh noo... *PBBllrrttpttt*" Jane grunted, farting weakly around the pole buried in her anus, trying desperately to clear room. Her entire body heaves and swells alarmingly, accompanied by a litany of gassy pleas.

"Oh please, no *orp* I just *pant* cuh*uuurrrp* can't *farrt* take it..." the pig-girl moaned, belching wetly as a bubble formed on her lips, cum begging to find it's way out.

She felt a huge bulge of cum work it's way past her cheeks, prompting her to hopelessly squeak "I'm going to leak!"

Her voice dissolved into a garbled moan as a thick, syrupy goo began to run down her chin, pooling in the pillowy mounds of her heaving breasts in sumptuous patterns, brown fat shining in the fire light.

"Ohhh, please, stop, I'm too faaat..." The sheer pressure forced her to fart quick sprays of cum around the massive cock, turgid ass cheeks shivering. "Oh noooo..." she moaned despondently, "No more far-farrrrting..."

This registered as a hopless plea, even to her: her belly was taking all the stallion gave it, taking on the same overdue-with-a-calf dimensions as Dana's genuinely pregnant form. Her only hope of easing the pressure was in surrender to her gassy, bloated fate. Jane would have been more distressed than resigned, if Jeane was any better.

The other twin was a grotesque heaving mound, apple-juice dripping down her quivering chins as she tried to stuff her face as full as her bottom. Unheeded, her body was thickening with more fat as her asshole was pumped full of hot seed and cider.

"*pfrrp* I'm too biglorp, I can't *pfreerrtt* hold any *urrp* more!"

Jane's eyes rolled deliriously, half orgasmic, half terrified. She was just as big as her twin, but there was no sign of stretching: she was just getting fat. Her ass and hips flared out around a massive, drooping gut that spread out in front of her. Her belly was big enough to hold a couple of regular hogs as it was.

"N-no more lady, no more *PFFEEAARRTT* fat, plea*URRRRP* ohh..."

She was simultaneously starving and gassy; her lewd belches and farting was worst of all. She would try to hunch into her own fat occasionally, straining audibly, until a loud "PFFFARRRRTTT" rewarded her, causing her to groan whorishly. The obese pig girl felt like she would explode, but her obscenely fat body was doughy and soft to the touch.

"Sooo *FARRRT* faaaat..."

The Lady only smirked.

"Yes indeed my young sow; you remind me of your grandmother; she was a chubby young lady too. By the time the boar mounted her, she'd filled this place with her own fat bottom and then some; greedy thing. Of course, by the time HE finished having his way, the stupid fat thing was just a big drippy ball. I did love how she squealed though. You'll both make yourself so fat for me you'll have half the county filed if that's what I decide, you sweaty sack of farts."

She pointed an angry finger at Jeane, the poor girl moaning in a mixture of fear and pleasure, an audible *schLORP* emanating from her surging belly folds.

"Nonono, no, no more fat! My bum is too big, by tits are like, like a COW" She wailed pitifully, her face a mess of tears and perspiration...

"You are only human dear"

The girl hiccupped, her face suddenly blank and then: *PFFFARRRRAFFFRAAARRRTTT*

An epic fart exploded from her bloated asshole. By the time it ended she was half gasping, half sobbing, her packed guts producing an oddly orgasmic feeling despite her panic. The lady smirked at he insensate woman.

"Your grandmother knew how to enjoy herself, even as a repulsively fat swine. You should have seen the men try to mount her when they came by. Nearly the entire village helped fuck her even fatter. She was as big as you three at first. Then she found out she could just drink cum, quite an innovator there. Every cock in the village stretched her jaws, and her figure. I remember the last one they brought to that great piggy whore, a poor little rabbit with too much cock. He had to be carried to her fat little face with that cock of his buried in a big, muscled bull-boy's bottom just to keep it from driving the bearers into a frenzy of rutting. Big one I must say, even for us, willful boy did it to himself; showing that lovely great arse of his to every good-looking lad or lady who passed by. They crammed him into her snatch so hard the cum sprayed the entire crowd. That's when things got out of control, of course..."

The Lady's musings were lost in the chorus of gassy moaning, but her thoughtful expression was enough to make the three girls sweat a little harder.

"Please Lady, stoh-stop fattening me up!"

"I can't *urrrp* can't take it."

The Lady only laughed, amused by the poor girl's desperate, bulgy eyed expression, those piggy cheeks surging around them with every thrust.

"You disgusting, overindulgent sow, at least the old girls new enough to pretend to be grateful. Fatten up you sweaty hog, you'll LEARN to appreciate my gifts. You'll want for nothing save gorging and rutting before the night is over."

Jeane exploded with fat; rolls multiplying everywhere, lard collecting between her legs, and under her arms while it packed in by the pound around her engorged belly. By now her gut was so big it drooped into her lap and overflowed her tremendous thighs. Beneath it protruded her dripping pubic mound, which gaped open obscenely from the invisible invader. Her ass was as big as two heifers stood side by side, supporting several tiers of back fat. The top fold formed a bulging ring that stretched around to her monstrous teats, which were surprisingly perky for being little more than sacs of fat, but the steady flow of honey from her puffy, aching nipples maintained the pressure.

"No *hurrp* more fat, don't wanna..."

Dana was unsympathetic to the whimpers; the Pegasus fucking her ass would not stop growing, and she was having overload issues of her own. She's just squirted out another egg, and her twat was a wreckage, a massive, gooey, flaccid mound laying I nthe grass before her, another egg already stretching her inner walls, meanwhile she was burping up the stallion's pre-cum onto her tit-mound.

*uh-hurp* "Ohhhh..." *urp* "harder, fuck my *blurp* red robin ass 'til I squirt this egg across the clearing!."

The pegasus' gigantic black balls slapped wetly against her butt, reaming her once tight little hole. It was now a sticky, mounded ring wedged between her broad buttocks. The damned stallion flared again, squeezing three huge speckled eggs from Danas heaving cunt. He slams his log as deep as it will go for a few more seconds, bottoming out until another egg is forced out with each thrust. A white hot bulge bumped against her ass as the equine finally climaxed. Squirts of cum jet around the base of the horse's shaft, but most of it can be seen in Dana's billowing form. Her sticky, plump face looked vaguely puzzled as she tried not to simply spray cum down her front.

*Hurrp*"Too much, *blurrp*, don' w-wanna...Oh nooo..."

Another load had arrived, traveling fast enough to meet her ass with wet, slap. A third load followed right behind it, shooting straight through her overstuffed anus. Overstuffed, in fact, could cover every single aspect of her, from her trunk-cunt which even now had a three foot wide egg wedged halfway out the monstrous lips, to her globular body that had begun to slosh with even the slightest movement.

*HIC-urp* "Enough, oogh*hurp*, get outta me... Godsdammit you stupid beast, GET OUTTA ME!"

Dana's scream roused the horse enough to begin the laborious process of backing out, his half-erect cock slowly slipping out of Dana's cheeks amid a slurping, gurgling torrent of cum. The farting, grunting blob heaved and belched along with the two shining masses of fat that had begun to crowd her on either side. By now, they were a chorus unto themselves, two brown, epically obese sows with their monstrously domed guts thrusting in the air, honey dribbling teats poking into either of Dana's heavy, taught-fleshed sides:

"Ooh, my gut's gonna blow"

*urrrrp* "can't, *frrt, hold any more, please..."

*brrbbllrrg*"please stop me, I'm t-*fRRRRTTT* tooo faaat...**thbbbltt*."

The din was maddening for Dana, far more concerned with a potential life-time as some sort of massive brood-hen than the other girls' relatively minor discomfort.

"Dammit, stop farting, the both of you!"

"I cuh, can't, I'll *frt* explode."

"Gods you really are a just a weepy, overindulgent sow now aren't you. Wiggly, disgusting loads!"

"Shut up you bluh*hurp*, bloated bitch! Your just as fat as I am! At least I'm not a ball." *PFFFFRRRRT*


"Up your eggy *urrRRRRPP* cunt." The puffier twin, Jeane, mumbled through bloated cheeks.

She was her sister's size, but where Jane drooped, the other bulged alarmingly. Her bubbly figure was however equally dominated by her belly, which was a shiny four-pack of ovine gut, which converged around a popped navel that felt the size of a barstool. Her hindquarters, however, were, if anything bigger than her sister's, and not nearly as flat. Each perky butt-bubble seemed to support itself instead, and it was starting to actually add additional bounce, and her conical trotters kicked in tiny circles as she alternately came and cursed. The extra ass-fat left her arms semi usable, at least, although they were still over a foot around at the shoulder. She belched again, less loudly, rubbing between her gut and her monstrous, sweating, but still only slightly saggy breasts. She was a little concerned by how much she was appreciating her figure. Bloody magic, probably, she thought darkly. Ashe tried to heft them and was surprised to get an inch or two up before her arms began to shake ,a pleasant distraction but unhelpful, she let it al ldrop with a moist "fap". This also produced a jingling noise. She arched one heavy brow.

"What the...OH *hurrrp* now what?" She said wearily.

Jeane slithered her hands free, and slapped her belly again, setting off a less pleasant but still entertaining couple seconds of heaving flesh and the sound of fairy bells.

"Well?" She asked the others.

"Apologize first." "Muh-uruurRRRPPP* Muh-hurrrp. ME????"

"Oh alright, we'll be JHNGGGGH even, there's a silver ring in your navel, like your pa uses to mark the prize Sows, but there's a little oooohwwaahh.."

Dana had to stop for a minute, hugging at her belly as best she could for another egg, grey speckled and nearly spherical this time.

"Ugh... There's a bell on it's own little ring hanging from that. At least YOU didn't feel it. "

"Neither did you."

Dana took a breath to shout, then exhaled.

"Well what's it like?"

"*Urp* sorry. It's a little pair of wings."

"On my bellybutton?"

"Yeah, silver too, they're connected by a bar or something. You should've *hu-urp* Uh. Shoulda seen it bounce when you layed that last egg and those big hips started bucking."


"Sorry my hen" Jane giggled a bit, then looked self conscious. "Didn't mean it, just... It's the Faire. "

"Well obviously."

"Nono, like, THE Faire, you've seen our gramma, and our mum, and they were both there for the last one, and they're okay. So really, why not just lay back and enjoy it?"

There was a moment of thoughtful silence, apart from a few stray expulsions of gas and honey.

"It's a bit weird though." She finally said.

"Listen *HRRRRP* my birdie. We are already well drunk, no one else is here, and there's half a chance we keep ringing our bells, we might get noticed." She giggled again, a good deal less shyly.

"One way, or another..."

The dancer's silken voice halted the young ladies conversation in a heartbeat. They'd actually forgotten her, for a moment.

"I must be spreading our peculiar and amazing entertainments to the whole village. Before I go, however, a final gift. Since you have seen the sense in assisting in our performance tonight."

"Wait, "assisting"? "

"By your very involvement, willing or otherwise," the lady's tone becoming slightly arch for a moment.

"I present you with a small boon: the trees at your side will remain as overripe as yourselves, even after I go, albeit not quite so dramatically."

She pointed at the tree directly behind her squatting little robin. The tree burst into fruition, apples exploded from buds like fireworks and all but diving to the ground. Branches shot out of the trunk, bending and curving gracefully as the formed a nest of branches around the largely hemispheric outlines of each of them.

Satisfied, the dancer bid it's stallions to assemble, and made her way onward. Her lady robin was less pleased by the extra support than the other newly declared Fairegoers, but something enormous, and worse, rubbery was forcing it's way out of her this time, She heaved and grunted obscenely, tiny-looking legs clenched around her gut, just above the base of her mountainous vagina. At last, a tiny red nub appeared, and she almost sighed in relied. Then the next contraction hit and she could first feel, then HEAR her cunt stretching to accommodate more. Meanwhile, she was starting to feel a bit backed up again.


The Lady snapped her fingers, and a white satin scarf whipped out of the trees, hitting the ill-temped creature in the mouth and wrapping around her milk soaked front, stains quickly sopping the pristine cloth with off white puddles. This was compounded as they finished elaborately wrapping her whole body.

"I'm just full of gifts tonite. A scarf, silence, and one more thing: If none of you get mounted before the sun rises, I'll have to leave you like that. Not my rule, but there you are, I'm just an entertainer." There was an explosion of gas and (slightly) muffled anger.

"IF you go along with the festivities, I'm sure you will get noticed eventually. One way or another."

Uninterested in the chorus of belching and whining protests now, she spun around and hopped down to the front of her wagon, and cracked the reins on the team ,which had already formed up. The snap was echoed by her new scarf/bandage/suddenly almost chokingly tight garment. She glanced down in a panic, watching her already too-hard breasts get squeezed until she could hear the jets of milk surging against the fabric, until it began to bubble through and dribble down the top and sides of her freakishly impregnated belly. The constriction was a bit more helpful with pressuring load beneath her, however, and she resigned threw herself into another mammoth push, grunting and howling like some great animal:


A second and third dome of red appeared, with an unmistakable star of green in the center. " The bandage arrangement heaved again, and so did she, and the apple crowned, nearly four feet wide. She hoped to the gods it was, because it felt stuck! She waited in dread for the last constriction, and when it came she howled for nearly a minute in orgasm as the shiny red fruit finally dropped free of her and rolled to their collective feet, a Mackintosh as big as a pumpkin.