The Story of Sapphire: Chapter 1 - A New Beginning

Story by Aeneas Lopez on SoFurry

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Hi furs! This is my first real story and it's kinda strange at parts, but bear with me. Any support will be appreciated. There's a small foreword at the top, but the rest is all story. Thanks a lot for reading!

(Hi everyone! This is my first attempt at a story and it'll be kinda strange but that's how I envisioned my "fursona". If it's bad, sorry. This hopefully will be the first part of a series, but I'm not sure yet. Sorry for the lack of action but this is mostly a prologue of sorts and there will be more character development in the future. Thanks for reading!)

"Well then, I should be heading home, night shift's finally over." I say my goodbyes to my co-workers and change into some clean yoga clothes and head out for the train. Ordinarilly, I'd get a ride back home from my friend back to the North Side, where the non-furs live because based on my appearence, I look fully human to most, and I looked even more so at one point. But anyway, today I have to walk to the subway and try my luck there. But I'll tell you a bit about myself.

I was a blonde freshman at North High. Super popular and all that high school stuff. Even my name was cool, then: Sapphire. But there was another side of me, something that I never knew until the day I gave in to discovering masturbation. Well, it turned out that I was the child of a werewolf father and a human mother, so that spirit of the wolf was still in me. On that day, that spirit came out. All the hair on my body shot into a shiny two-toned light gray and white, my sense of smell and hearing rose acutely, and everything I thought I knew came crashing down. When I walked to the mirror, I almost passed out seeing how different I looked. And when I walked down the stairs and my mom saw me, she looked at me sternly and told me of my dad.

Well, being head cheerleader and all at North High, my sudden change didn't go unnoticed. I told people who I trusted, but some people weren't as trustworthy. I was already picked on for being kinda short and those who were prejudiced about South Side (generally where the furs lived) had fun calling me all sorts of names like a freak-of nature, hybrid, and all sorts of things about my mom as well. After I got out of that place and went to college in town, people seemed a little more accepting, but I was still stuck between worlds. I was told by my mother that she suspected I had two forms. The human appearence I had now and another that more closely resembled a fur. I kinda searched for that and I got that job at that supermarket in South Side just to see life on the other side of town. iT's not like I ever had a boyfriend or anything previously (yes, I know I should start looking mom was my answer through all of college) and I'm not held back by any bad decisions, because I never made any (yes, that means I'm a virgin). Maybe I'll find a new beginning right on the horizon right here in South Side...

So in my yoga get-up, I walked. My hair, long, sleek, and blowing in the wind, almost matched the light gray of my shirt. I finally get to the station where I hear the locks of the subway kick in. I deftly make a run and squeeze behind the last person who moved the turnstile and make the train in the nick of time. "Well that's a relief", I let out almost automatically, without regard to look around to see if anyone's around. And just then I hear a few chuckles and a whistle from the other side of the subway... End of Chapter 1