Bad Porn: Chapter Three

Story by Geoffbunny on SoFurry

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#3 of Bad Porn

Heya, guys. Chapter three, already! I got inspired, what can I say. As always, you'll want to read the first two chapters if you haven't already, just so you can get the general idea of what's going on. Chances are you'll be confused, in any case, but still. Ah, well. Enjoy!

Aaaahhhh, in bed at last... The last couple days had been hectic for Silas -- He wasn't sure when he was actually sleeping or when he was having one of his whacked out fantasies...

/If you could call them fantasies at all... They aren't mine, at least./

Silas lay awake in bed. It was ten o'clock P.M., and he was happy just to be resting there, not even under the covers, with his head propped up on the pillow, looking up at the ceiling fan as it spun in its constant rhythm above his head. He was content with knowing that this was no fantasy. He was in his bed... He was safe. A little tipsy, thanks to his rabbit friend, but safe nonetheless.

"Silas...?" A voice came from behind the closed door that led into the bedroom. "Silas, are you okay, in there?" It was the voice of his wife. "You were worrying me today, so I took off a little early from work to see if you were fine." Three gentle knocks rapped on the door.

"Yes, honey... I apologize, I wasn't feeling well. I called up Micas, we went out to the bar and had a couple drinks, I'm feeling a little better." Silas smiled. Come to think of it, he was feeling a lot better.

The door slowly opened with a clunk as the knob twisted and a tiny squeak from the top hinge, and Jillian's head peeked into the bedroom. "Hello, love."

Silas found himself able to widely smile at his wife's beautiful face. "Hey, love... How was your day at"

Jillian stepped the rest of the way into the bedroom, and closed the door behind her. To Silas's surprise, she was dressed in some lacy black lingerie, the brassiere thinly strapped and designed with a pattern of small flowers, the fabric between the dark flowers almost transparent, and leaving very little to the imagination. As Silas's eyes moved down her body, they fell on her panties, made from the same material and with the same design, the sides conforming to the bones of her pelvis, and following the line of her groin and moving further downward and to her rear, again leaving very little unseen. "I made a stop on the way home, thought I'd buy a little something for you as a get-well present..." At that, the kangaroo woman reached over and turned down the dimmer light switch until the ambience was just right, and began to walk towards the bed, swaying her hips seductively as she did so.

"Mmm... honey, you look hot in those..." Silas was able to mutter out these few words before Jillian crawled onto the lush, king-sized bed, starting at the foot and working her way up to her husband, who could now do nothing but stare in a fit of shock as his wife slinked up until she was face-to-face with him. Finding himself able to move, he took his hand and touched the side of her face with it, sitting up slightly to meet his wife's lips with his own. Jillian's head tilted to the side as her mouth opened, and Silas felt his tongue instinctively slip between his wife's lips and begin roaming around inside her mouth. His other hand found life, and wrapped around Jillian's back, pulling her down to the bed with him until Jillian's forearms rested on the mattress, keeping her from placing too much weight on her husband. Their tongues still snaked together in a passionate, sensual dance, Silas's right paw leaving his wife's cheek to roam down her back, then back up to meet his other hand, which began stroking her back in contrasting movements with its opposite.

When the kiss was finally broken, Jillian lifted off her husband and knelt on the bed, beckoning Silas to come with her. Without hesitation he obeyed, placing a paw on his wife's belly as he circled around her to embrace her from behind, kneeling on the mattress and placing his knees on the outside of hers, pressing his body into hers. The kangaroo male's hands found their places, his left arm resting across her chest just beneath her breasts, while the right dipped down to her lower stomach and rubbed around the area in slow circles. Silas moved his head forward and turned it to the side to place gentle kisses up and down the side of her neck as he began to rock her back and forth along with himself, to and fro, slow-dancing to some unheard love song.

"Oh, Silas... Mmm..." He could hear his wife's soft sounds clearly. "Love..."

"Shh..." The husband hushed his wife, whispering into her ear. He dug his nose into her hair and inhaled, smiling as he sighed happily as he spoke between soft, fiery kisses on her neck. "Just... relax... my love..." Jillian closed her eyes and tilted her head slowly back, then forward in a dazed sort of nod. His hands began to roam again, his left cupping her right breast and massaging it, his right moving further down to rub her opening through the lacy garment. He smiled as these actions elicited audible moans from his wife's throat, and placed a long string of kisses on her cheek, along her jawline, and down her neck to her collarbone.

For minutes, the couple swayed back and forth in the dim bedroom, just enjoying each other's closeness. When Silas felt his wife's panties dampen, he slowly, laciviously drug his hands along her body as he leaned back, leaving both paws to the task of artfully undoing the brassiere, unhooking it and drawing it off her upper body with ease. Discarding that to the side, his paws slid over his wife's furry mounds, his fingers pausing to dance over both nipples before falling off towards her sides. Silas ran his fingers through every ridge of her rib cage, all the way down to the small boneless place between her ribs and her pelvis. Pausing here to massage his wife's sides, he took notice of the low murmurs of pleasure coming from her, and finally slipped his thumbs under the thin elastic band that held the panties on, and slid them down to her knees, his hands freeing themselves of the garment soon after to rub along the insides of her thighs, then back up to her hipbone, resting and massaging either side of his wife's hips, all while rocking back and forth... Finally, he came to an abrupt stop, and turned his wife around.

Once they were facing each other, they stared into each other eyes for a long, drawn out moment. Then, Jillian laid back on the bed, resting her head on her pillow and looking up to her husband, keeping her eyes locked with his. Silas moved off the bed to his wife's feet, and leaned over the bed, using both hands to pull her panties down from her knees, his lips placing a trail of kisses and brief licks behind the garment as it slipped off her legs, and finally onto the floor. Now, Silas stood up and looked over his beautiful wife as she lay back on their bed, awaiting him. With a warm smile, the roo pulled down his boxer underwear and stepped out of them, straightening back up and stroking his already half-erect member, pumping it up and down until it was fully hardened. Finally, he crawled back on the bed, resting himself above his wife, forcing his arms under her, one below her lower back and one below her head, cradling her as he positioned himself for entrance. With one more look into his wife's eyes, he uttered with a deep, loving passion, "I love you, Jillian..."

Silas simultaneously leaned down and lifted her head up so he could lock himself with her in a deep kiss, and slowly pushed his hips forward, forcing his stiffness past her moistened entrance, and slowly penetrated her, the kiss muffling all the potent cries of pleasure from both husband and wife as they united with each other. With a low grunt, the male continued his descent into his mate until he was finally hilted deep within his wife. For a long time, they remained one like that, both heads turning on occasion, both mouths opening and closing as the passionate kiss deepened itself. When Silas pulled away from the kiss, he once again looked into Jillian's eyes, and began to pull out of her, feeling her warm insides pull and tug, trying to pull him back inside. Moments later, the kangaroo male pushed back in, creating gasps and sighs within his wife that were all too familiar to him. His paws gently rubbed and scratched at the fur on his wife's back and head, before both arms made their way below her back, one resting under her shoulderblades while the other remained at her lower back, holding his mate close to him as he again removed his maleness from her depths.

As Silas began building a rhythm, his thrusts moving in and out of Jillian at a controlled, steady pace, he felt his wife's paws on his sides, stroking up and down his rib cage, stimulating the flesh beneath his fur at the sensitive spots on his upper body, spurring his action on further. He heard Jillian's cries and moans beneath him, paying attention to every detail and working his best at improving the experiences felt by his partner... But Silas knew her, and it didn't take long for him to know exactly how Jillian wanted him to thrust, and he developed his motions around that, creating a solid trance of movement as his organ pierced her and touched all the right spots inside her, causing her to moan and wail into the still air of the room.

For a long while, the couple embraced each other in their closeness, taking in their soul mate's every movement, every word, every utterance of a name, every sound of pleasure. Silas felt a familiar twinge of lust from deep within him, and he finally re-opened his eyes to look into his wife's, who, in perfect synchronization, opened hers to stare into his. As he gazed into her sparkling eyes, he began to increase his rhythm to a faster pace, the inner walls of Jillian's sanctuary teasing his throbbing stiffness with each thrust and recession. He could hear Jillian's moans of his name as the increased rhythm wracked her body with bliss, her hips bucking back into each thrust, wanting her mate to get deeper inside her.


"Silas... Oh... Silas, I love you..."

"I love you, too..."

"Ohh... Oh, Silas!" Jillian's body bucked and writhed beneath her mate's thrusting form, moisture dripping from her folds steadily. Silas gritted his teeth together as he picked up his pace, letting out deep, quiet groans as his pleasure built up to a breaking point, feeling Jillian's paws rubbing frantically at his back. "Silas!" She cried out her love's name one last time as she clamped down on his maleness, bucking and wriggling as her orgasm hit her, and her juices flowed freely out of her opening around his stiffness, which began to throb and twitch within her body as he was sent over the edge.

"Jillian! Oh... Ngh!" With a forceful grunt, Silas thrust one last time within his love's innermost places, and poured his seed into his wife, holding her close to him as he held himself inside her, planting kisses her all over her neck and collarbone, panting out her name between each one as they shared the last moments of their fading orgasms in each other's arms.

After a long while, Silas finally withdrew, and his softened member receded into his sheath. Both lovers stared at each other for a while with wide, loving smiles across their faces, pulling each other into one more loving embrace as they closed their eyes and began to drift... drift... drift...


The floor fell in, the bed disintegrated into billions of small pieces.

Falling, falling.

Struggle. "Jillian! Jillian, where are you?!" Darkness surrounded him.


Bright, luminescent, flourescent light blinded Silas, forcing him to close his eyes, as his paws were restrained by cold metal.

"Welcome to your fucking nightmare!"

Silas opened his eyes again. A fox, small and fat, with green fur, dressed like an entertainer was in his vision. There was an audience of similar creatures.


Silas felt a jolt of shocking pain in his side, and he groaned aloud, struggling against the metal bonds that held him in an 'x' shape, but to no avail.

"Welcome to your fucking nightmare!" The crowd cheered along.

The fox took his cane and struck the kangaroo in the side again, this time with such ferocity that it drew blood. Tears ran down Silas's face. "Let me go!"

The crowd screamed, "Shut up!" Then they cheered as they saw it. A giant, mechanical monster came forth. Silas looked at it with fear, then noticed something in the far end of the vast stadium.

"Jillian! Jillian, no! What are you doing, let me.. Agh!"

The fox jabbed him in the stomach with the cane, knocking the breath out of him. "Contestant number two!"

The machine reached out with its long, steely arm, and slammed its sharp tip up into her cunt, piercing her open with an anguished cry from the female kangaroo.

"Welcome to your fucking nightmare!"



The two held each other close, lying in their loving embrace. One with eyes closed in deep, peaceful sleep, the other with eyes open, and shivering with wakefulness. Outside, a thunderstorm roared.

*winks* comments are appreciated! thanks for reading.