Garro - Chapter 3: Taking Care of Business

Story by erykart on SoFurry

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#3 of Garro and Kevin

Warning: Contains references to Male-on-Male sex acts, so if you're not 18 or if this is illegal where you live, turn back now.

Here we go, it's part 3 at long last! This one is the longest yet, and hopefully with plenty of character development for those who like that sort of stuff and (hopefully) a good yiff scene to get you off. (~_^)

A note on some of the dialogue: I incorporated some Japanese into the dialogue, and hopefully I got it right. I tried my best to get stuff right but this was mostly practice for myself while I study it during Uni. (Constructive Criticism is always welcome :D ) Anyways, I've rambled enough so on with the story. I hope you enjoy reading it just as much as I enjoyed writing it.

The human bounded across the arena with sword and shield in hand. The grunts of battle raged all around him, and he wondered if he would make it out alive. A single bead of sweat dripped down from his forehead and down his nose, causing it to itch. He wiped his face with his gloved hand. He looked up and saw an object flying towards him at a high speed. He rolled to the left and the object blew past him. It collided with someone that had been sneaking up behind him and it exploded, sending the victim flying.

The enemy who threw the bomb, a fox, came charging at him with a glowing beam sword in hand. The human raised his shield and deflected the first blow. He lunged towards the fox with his sword but the agile opponent doubled-back and pulled out a pistol. It hurled the sword at the human whom dodged it easily. The fox anticipated this and fired several shots at the human. He was able to dodge all but one, which grazed his shield arm.

Another volley of lasers came after the human, and he was able to dodge them all with a forward roll towards the fox. The human's blade flashed out, landing several quick strikes before the fox was able to get away. Clutching its wounds, the fox bounded away while the human was hot on its tail. As he closed in, he snatched the grappling claw that was hanging from his belt and fired it at the fox. The clawed end sank into the flesh on the fox's back and the device reeled it in with surprising speed. Once he had the opponent within his reach, the human hoisted it up above his head and swung his sword in an arc while simultaneously releasing the claw. The fox took off like a screaming rocket into the skies.

=== === === === ===

"This game's winner is: LINK!" hollered the pre-recorded voice as the victory screen showed the scoreboard.

I dropped the controller and gapped in disbelief. "Arienai... (Impossible...)." I turned my head to look over at Kevin. "How did you beat me?"

The bull chuckled softly to himself before his eyes locked onto mine, "I really wanted to win, that's all," he placed the controller on the ground, "besides, with how much we've played this game I have to beat you some time right?"

"Heh, you beat me all the time..." I said lustfully to him and he responded with one of those grins that always made me melt.

"You're adorable, but you know that's not what I meant luv," he moved towards me and I was expecting to receive a kiss, but instead he shifted his head slightly and whispered into my ear, "Now, how about my reward?"

Kevin pulled away and reached down for his zipper. I licked my lips involuntarily, fixing my eyes on his crotch. I did say if he ever managed to beat me I'd make sure he'd be properly rewarded. The bull pulled his semi-hard cock out of his pants and as I leaned forward to take it in my mouth, I heard the faint sound of the door downstairs closing.

"Konban wa! Garro, doko ni desu ka? (Evening! Where are you Garro?)" shouted my father from downstairs.

"Shimatta! (Damn!)" I exclaimed as Kevin stuffed himself back into his pants. I didn't want to be caught in the act by my father, especially since even after a month of dating Kevin; I still hadn't come out to dad.

"Aa, anata ga arimasu. (Ah, there you are.)" Dad said as he peeked into my room. "Oh, I'm sorry Kevin, I didn't know you were over. Hopefully not getting into any trouble."

We exchanged knowing glances quickly before Kevin responded, "No sir, Mr. Tsuki. Just playing a few video games."

"It's getting rather late and tomorrow is a school day. Shouldn't you be getting home?" he asked.

"Well we weren't expecting you home so early, relatively speaking, and I was just planning on letting Kevin stay the night and we'd go to school together in the morning," my dad gave me a questioning look, and before he could say anything I added, "We were still going to get to bed on time."

"I suppose it's alright, as long as Kevin's parent's don't have a problem with it."

Kevin looked a little downcast at the mention of his parents, "They're too busy to care..." he whispered, and even though I was sitting next to him I could barely hear what he said, "Um, no, they said earlier they have no problem with it provided you don't."

My dad nodded and said, "Alright. I'm going to take a shower and head to bed myself; work was especially stressful today so I'm rather tired. You two just be sure to get to sleep on time. Make sure not to wake me up in the morning, I'd like to sleep in."

"Sure, no problem father. G'night." I said as he left, and Kevin said bye as well. As soon as I was sure he was out of earshot, I whispered to Kevin, "Worst timing ever."

"No kidding. I guess I'll just claim my reward some other time huh?" he said and winked at me.

We spent a bit more time playing some games before we decided to pack it in for the night. I was debating asking Kevin to sleep in my bed with me but I was well aware of the risk that we could get caught. He must've realized this as well because he took no time to wait to get the floor ready for himself. I gave him an apologetic look but the bull just smiled in response.

"Don't worry about it. I understand luv," Kevin said the last part in almost a whisper. "Sweet dreams."

"You too, have a good sleep." After that exchange I rolled over and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I passed out.

=== === === === ===

The next day at school was mostly uneventful as it usually was. Wake up, go in, follow along during class, and go home. I was happy that I had Kevin with me for the morning, if only because him just being there raised my spirit. We split up after we arrived as we headed to our respective classes. When lunch rolled around we met up again in the cafeteria to eat.

"Hey Garro," he called as he approached me. Subtly moving closer as he sat down, he whispered, "How's it going hun?"

"It's going alright. Same old boring thing you know?"

"I know what you mean. I was thinking we could go for a bit of a walk just to relieve some of the tedium. Up for it?" the bull asked, but I think he already knew the answer before I had a chance to even open my mouth. I loved getting some time away from other furs to be able to spend time with him like other couples get to.

"Sure," I pushed my glasses up my snout, "I wouldn't mind the fresh air."

After finishing lunch we got up and left the cafeteria, heading down the hallway to get outside. The autumn breeze that hit me as soon as I stepped through the door was refreshing; not warm, but not cold either. The ground was already covered in leaves and they crunched with each step a fur took. Kevin and I walked around the school until we got to a relatively secluded spot between the gymnasium and the back entrance for the cafeteria. It was a path people rarely walked so it gave us a chance to just enjoy each other's company without having to worry so much about what we say.

I plopped myself down on the grass, crossing my legs and leaning back against the brick wall of the gym. The cold stone sent a chill up my spine but it faded quickly. Kevin moved close to me and gave me a quick peck on the cheek, which made me blush. I sighed, lamenting that I could not enjoy such things on a normal basis rather than sneaking around.

"Are you ok?" Kevin caught on to my discontent, but I just shrugged it off and gave him a wry smile.

"Yeah, everything is fine," I lied, preferring to not get into a discussion we'd had several times before.

We talked a bit about what we would do for the weekend. Kevin wanted to see the new Cloverfield movie that had came out last Friday but I honestly wasn't in the mood for something like that. Most likely it would be like most horror movies and either have creepy things, stuff jumping out at you, (or both!) and I don't do very well with that sort of thing. Plus I tend to be woken up in the middle of the night by nightmares of being horribly disembowelled or in the case of the last Zombie movie I'd seen, eaten. I didn't need a monster movie to add to that.

"Maybe, we'll see." I told him, "I don't like horror movies, they screw with my head afterwards. If you hadn't noticed, fantasy and action are more my thing."

"Yeah I know, but I doubt it'll be that bad," Kevin replied.

I gave him an incredulous look, "'re aware I've been keeping up with all the hype on the Internet right? It's filmed in first person like the Blair Witch Project, how couldn't it be bad?"

The bull scratched his head and looked away, searching for an answer he probably wouldn't ever find, "Umm...I'm not sure."

"Exactly. So like I said, we'll see how things play out. I'd prefer to not see another horror movie in my lifetime but I'll see about going to it," I said before he could come up with something else to say, then added, "if only for you."

Kevin reached around my head and pulled me in for a hug, "You're sweet luv."

I moved into his embrace and just sighed. I knew it was risky on school grounds, but no one ever came by this side of the school because of the lack of shade. In fact, the sun was almost in my eyes. Oh well, at least I get a hug out of it. I sat there in his arms for a few minutes before we heard the warning bell.

"It's time to go hun," Kevin said, disappointed.

"Yay...time for gym class," I muttered sarcastically in response, getting up and brushing myself off. I felt a hand patting my back and moving down to pat me on the ass, causing my tail to twitch a little.

Kevin grinned and said, "What? You had a bit of dirt on ya."

"Dirt my fuzzy butt. You just wanted to cop a feel, you sneaky bull you," I stood up on my toes and gave him a quick kiss before moving on ahead of him. "Come on, don't want to be late do we? Coach is a real hard ass."

We headed back inside and down the hall towards the gym. I couldn't put my paw on it, but something seemed off. A few people were giving us some strange looks and some of them were even giggling. I wanted to ignore it but it seemed so out of place. I knew I wasn't all that popular but I had never had that happen before.

"Umm...Kevin?" I started, and he nodded before I could continue.

"Yeah, I noticed too."

I did my best to ignore what was going on and continued walking. The bell rang just as we entered the gym. Only a few people were changed and awaiting the Coach to come and give us our instructions for the day. They didn't really pay attention to either of us and considering how people were acting outside I was grateful for that. We quickly got changed and went back out. As I stood there waiting for the teacher, I caught the sound of footsteps approaching from behind me. With Kevin standing beside me, I knew it couldn't have been him...and my mind went to the worst possible thing.

"Billy..." I scowled, "What do you want?" I wasn't in any mood for any of his crap today.

"My, my. Aren't we the angry little queer? How'd you know it was me, do you have some obsession with me?" the bear said.

I spun around and stared him down. I was really getting sick of him hounding me every school day for the last 4 months. "Obsession? I wonder if you're the one who's obsessed, considering you bug me every day."

"Just making sure you know your place, fudge-packer," he sneered, pressing his index finger to my chest and giving a slight push. I wasn't going to let him have the satisfaction of shoving me around so I resisted.

"For the last time, I'm not a-"

Billy threw his head up and burst out laughing, "Cut the shit pig. My girl Heather says she saw you getting all cuddly with your cow here."

I think my skin went pale at such news, if I could even see it underneath my fur. This was the last thing I wanted people to know, and even though I could try to explain away checking people out in the change room as nothing more than a quick glance around, I certainly couldn't explain this. Was this what people in the hallways were looking at us about? I looked to Kevin for help but he seemed at a loss to...and I wasn't sure what to do either, so instinct seemed to have taken over for me.

"Whu-what do you know!? You're just some stupid insecure jock." I blurted. I realized I was not only losing control of the situation, I was losing control of my ability to stop myself from reacting emotionally. My fists were beginning to tighten at my sides, and it actually hurt a bit but I didn't care. I could feel the anger boiling up inside of me.

"Insecure?" Billy laughed, and although he was trying to stay confident, I caught a slight change of pitch in his laugh. He was getting nervous. "What makes you think that?"

"'cause I'm betting you're some closet homosexual who can't deal with his feelings of other men and wants to make everyone else feel miserable as some pathetic sort of self-defence." Ok I admit it, I've read up on some psychology. When you have no friends, you have plenty of time to read all sorts of stuff on the Internet.


"Just get lost," I told him, turning my back to him and walking away. It probably wasn't the best way to handle things but I had to get it off my chest. I was tired of being picked on, and I wanted to fight back.

I heard him growl and holler, "Why you...!"

"GARRO!" I could hear Kevin shout, but I'd already anticipated this. The same situation had happened many times before when I let my mouth flap uncontrollably.

I stepped to the side and a fist flew past me, almost clipping my ear. Despite the fact that his punch came from a much higher height than normal, I reached up instinctively and grabbed Billy's wrist, pulling him towards me and kneeing him hard in the stomach.

"Zakennayo! (Don't fuck with me!) I am DONE being your verbal punching bag. All the insults, and all the bruises you've inflicted upon me...Did you expect me never to do anything about it? To remain silent all the time just because you're some stupid jock that won't get what he deserves? I'm going to turn you into MY punching bag!" I lost myself in the moment and before the bear was able to recover himself and get up, I kicked him in the sides. "How's it feel, Billy? How's it feel to be brought down by someone and not allowed the chance to get up or get away? Do you like feeling helpless?" I felt like a volcano, all the bottled up emotions I'd been keeping subdued because I didn't want to cause trouble, all the pain I'd felt because of that bear...I snapped. I was no longer the stoic boar I was just moments ago. I was a raging maelstrom of emotions.

"Please...stop," I heard Billy beg through sobs.

"Stop? So all those times I begged you to stop, why didn't you? Was it easier to beat up the gay nerd than to just admit that you have feelings for other men?" I stopped my barrage of kicks and let him stand up...only to hit him with a right hook that sent him spiralling to the floor once again.

"My god..." I think it was Kevin that said that, but I didn't care; my lust for revenge had taken over. I didn't even notice the dozens of eyes that were watching the horrible spectacle.

"HEY! GET OFF HIM!" a pair of strong hands grabbed me and pulled me away from Billy. His nose dripped with blood and he clutched at his sides. "What the hell is wrong with you Tsuki?"

I struggled for a few seconds before I realized it was over. I slumped my shoulders and looked at the bear that was writhing on the floor. "...what have I done?" I took a look around the gymnasium and I could see the looks of everyone in the room, Billy's friends included, that had simply stood there and watched. No one had bothered to move to stop me. Everyone had this horrified look plastered on their faces.

A pair of teachers rushed over to help Billy while the person dragging me (whom turned out to be the Coach) took me to the principles office.

"Kevin!" I called out as the bull came running up to me. "Don't hate me for what I did..."

"We can talk about this later, ok?" he gave me a look that told me he wasn't going to go anywhere just yet, and considering circumstances it alleviated some of the weight on my shoulders.

"Stay here and DON'T MOVE!" The Coach set me down on a chair outside the office and strode off back to the gym. The Vice-Principle, an old greying badger named Mr. Pryce motioned for me to come into his office. Kevin followed but was stopped by a door slamming in his face. I looked out the small window in the door and he gave me a worried look.

"Sit down." Pryce commanded, and he pretty much shoved me down into my seat so I had no real choice in the matter. He pulled up a file on his computer and spun the monitor around so I could see it. "Garro Tsuki...straight A student, clean record, and has never been in my office before." He pretty much summarized the rather bare page I was looking at. "Now tell me, what in the world would compel such a good student to physically assault another?"

"He...he deserved it..." I stammered. I didn't feel like explaining my situation to him.

"No student deserves that."

I turned and looked him in the eyes, glaring at him, "Really?" I took a quick glance around his office and notice a few sports trophies on the walls, then cast my gaze back onto him, "What would a former jock know anything about who deserves what? Did you pick on the nerd too in school? Or were you a good little boy? Nah, it's probably the former. When has a jock ever shown someone a hint of kindness? They're too afraid to look like less of a man."

He gaped at my outburst, and I shrugged in an attempt to display my indifference to the situation. "Can I talk to someone else? Someone who won't take the side of the brain-dead football player?"

I could see the red forming underneath his skin, "Get out before I lose my temper."

I shrugged again, "Whatever. Looks like I struck a nerve..." was all I said before I talked out of the office. In reality, I knew I was digging myself a deeper grave but I just didn't care. I wasn't going to just take the punches and shrug them off afterwards. I wanted to get rid of this emotional burden. When I looked outside the office, Kevin was nowhere to be found and I was a little disappointed. Did he run off on me?

The P.A. system beeped and I heard the Pryce over the intercom speaking through gritted teeth, "Would Ms. Warren please come to the office," than, almost as an after-thought, "immediately!"

To my relief, Kevin came back carrying our backpacks, "*huff* Sorry, I ran back to get your stuff."

My disappointment was replaced a feeling of relief. I was worried my outburst would scare my boyfriend of only a month off...but the kind gestures he'd shown me over the last couple of minutes told me that he still cared for me.

"Th-thanks..." I took my backpack from him and set it down at my feet. "I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it, ok? I'm not going anywhere," Kevin reassured me.

"You really mean it?" I asked, and I could feel tears start to well up in my eyes.

Kevin gave me a small smile and said, "Of course. I'm happy that you stood up for yourself for once...and while I don't think it was the best way to handle it, I think that it's a lot better than what could have happened. We don't need another school shooting in the news right? I bet you got your point across to him, and hopefully he'll leave you alone now."

I sighed. He was right. "I hate fighting...why did I do it?"

I was hoping Kevin would have time to answer but as he opened his mouth to speak a female fox, wearing a simple tan suit with a white undershirt, walked into the room and I recognized her as one of the school councillors, Ms. Warren. She opened the door to the VP's office and didn't even bother to knock before walking in.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" she asked and I could hear him grunt.

"Deal with that over-confident child out there. He assaulted another student and he won't speak civilly to me so it's your problem now," was all he said.

Ms. Warren stepped outside, now carrying a folder and looked down at me, "So which one of you has that badgers fur on edge?"

"Um...that would be me, miss." I stood up, but didn't bother to look at her. I was beginning to feel ashamed of what I had done, which often happened after I'd had an outburst.

"Come, let's go to my office and we can talk in private."

I motioned towards Kevin, "Can my friend come along too? I want him there" I didn't bother to ask Kevin if he wanted to tag along, but a part of me knew he wouldn't say no. I looked up at him and he gave me a wry smile.

"I suppose that will be alright. Now come along."

We walked out of the office and down the hallway. The councillors had their offices at the other end of the school, so we had a bit of a walk before we got there. We spent most of it in silence, and I was worried more about what Kevin now thought of me rather than what was going to happen to me after all this was dealt with. I've heard that you tend to put the person you love first above all else and I suppose that it's holding true here too.

"Please, have a seat," Ms. Warren said, in a more kind way than Pryce had said. "I had to cancel the rest of my class and let them go early because of this. It's never good when Mr. Pryce says something like that over the P.A."

"I'm sorry Ms. Warren," I replied.

"Call me Natalie...I prefer having a first name basis with my students. And you two would be?"

"G-garro," I was nervous as hell.

"Kevin," the bull said.

"Now, let's see what's in this folder Pryce gave me..." she opened it up and quickly rummaged through its contents. "Huh, the perfect student. Who ever you hit must've done something to really make you angry."

I let my head hang, mostly because I was ashamed of myself.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to judge. I want to do my best to help, that's what I'm here for after all. So, can you explain to me what happened? Preferably form the beginning."

The beginning huh? So I told her everything. About how from day one Billy had been tormenting me and at times assaulting me when I was off school property. How he I'd never had even a single day's relieve from his torment, how his girlfriend caught me and Kevin, then blabbed it to several people in school, Billy included. I even told her how he broke my glasses just a month before, when I met Kevin. Most especially though, I told Natalie about how all he'd gotten from the Phys. Ed Coach was a slap on the wrist. I even told her why I wouldn't tell Pryce anything and why I gave him a hard time about it. Throughout our entire talk Natalie was writing on a small clipboard she'd grabbed earlier.

"My, my. Quite a long story...I guess Billy had this coming for a long time didn't he?" Natalie said after I'd finished talking. "So you two are a couple then huh?"

I blushed, and I could feel my face get hot. She must've taken notice of the red on the inside of my ears because the fox assured me she wouldn't tell anyone and that our secret was safe with her.

"Now, while I don't condone the actions that you've taken against him, I don't hold you entirely at fault for what you did. He did incite you, but at the same time, you do need to realize that only you are responsible for your actions." I nodded as Natalie explained this to me. I was well aware of what I had done, and it happened only because I couldn't keep my anger in check. But after bottling it up for so long, it was bound to happen anyways. I was pretty much a walking time bomb, and thinking back to it now, it was probably for the best. As Kevin said, we don't need another school shooting.

"So, what happens now?" Kevin asked.

Natalie looked as if she was lost in thought, "Well, I don't want to suspend a good student, but I think that might be what I'll have to do, unfortunately." She seemed to be disappointed with saying that though, "Sorry, but you must understand that it's standard procedure."

"I probably deserve worse, but I'm glad that at least you listened to me with an open mind. I would like to say it wasn't worth it, but in all honesty it was. I'm glad I could give him the karmic retribution he so deserved for such a long time," I said. Kevin placed his paw on my shoulder and squeezed gently.

"You're free to head home, and I'll try my best to just keep this between you two and myself,"

I was a bit surprised, "You're...not going to tell my father?"

Natalie smiled, "I see no reason to, and I doubt you want him to know what happened, especially why it happened."

I was surprised by her kindness, but not ungrateful, "Thank you, so much." I bowed low as I said that, a custom that I'd retained from Japan whenever I was talking to someone with more authority that I respected. Kevin was already waiting by the door, holding it open to let me go out first.

"By the way, time please come and talk to me ok? My office is always open unless I'm with another student, and if I'm not here you can just slip a note under my door and I'll call you over the P.A. so we can talk. Whenever you need it ok?"

"Ok, I appreciate the offer," we left her office and I let out a sigh of relief.

There were still a few minutes before school would be over and I just wanted to leave as soon as I could. I figured that it would be best for us to leave before all the other students got out. I suggested that to Kevin and he nodded in agreement.

"Let's go to my house. My parents won't be home so we'll be able to have some alone time." The bull put his arms around me and gave me a quick hug before we started our trek home.

=== === === === ===

I'd been to Kevin's house once before. For whatever reason, he never really wanted to come here and he didn't speak of his parents at all, except to say that they were not home. His home was sparsely furnished, and I'd imagine it would be with a family of bulls. The floor has a simple grey carpet in the living room that extended to every room in the house. A pair of leather sofas was in the room, facing away from the window and towards the TV.

I plopped down on the couch, leaving my backpack near the backdoor when we walked in. It felt good to relax after such an emotionally exhausting ordeal. If my dad wasn't going to find out about what happened, I wondered how I would explain what I was doing everyday.

"Are you ok? You seem to be lost," Kevin took a seat beside me, close enough that our legs touched.

I let out a sigh, "I am. I'm not sure what to think of everything that happened today. I mean, I don't know what I'm going to tell my dad, I'm not sure what's going to happen when I go back to school," I turned to look at him, "and I don't know what you're thinking right now...I'm scared that you're going to leave me..." I didn't want to start crying now, so I was trying to hold it back. The thought of Kevin leaving frightened me. I knew I loved him, even if I had yet to say it to him, and I didn't want to be without him.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going to leave you just because you hit someone...especially considering he deserves it," he added, and I knew that he was trying to make me feel better. And it was working.

I leaned over into him, placing my head against his chest and listening to his heartbeat. It was kind of soothing and I found myself drifting off to sleep shortly after.

=== === === === ===

I woke up a little while later. I'm not sure how much later, but the sun had already begun to set so it must've been around 6 or 7. I took in my surroundings; the room was painted a pleasant green on the lower half of the wall with a sky blue (with some clouds) on the upper half, and it made it look like I was in the middle of a meadow. There was a large bookshelf with a collection of comic books, and another bookshelf beside that stocked with DVDs and game cases. A TV to the side had every current system hooked up to it with controllers littering the floor. I recognized the room immediately as Kevin's, and wondered when he'd moved me here.

I could smell something wafting into the room through a small crack in the door. It smelt good, and very familiar, but I couldn't put my paw on it. I moved to get up and as I touched the floor, I could feel my "morning wood" straining against my boxers...Hey! When did he take my pants off! Sly bull...

I grabbed my neatly folded jeans off the floor and put them on, although my hard-on was making that a bit difficult and uncomfortable at the same time. I searched around for my glasses and found them on top of the nightstand next to the bed so I snatched them up quickly and put them on. I peaked outside of the room and I could hear the sound of someone in the kitchen: the tapping of a spoon, a pot being placed on the stovetop, dishes clattering as they were stacked next to the sink. All the rooms were pretty much dark and unoccupied as I past them down the hallway. The floor didn't make a sound as I crept towards the hallway. Sticking my head around the corner after so slowly so I wouldn't be noticed, I saw Kevin in the kitchen cooking something. I thought it looked really cute that he was in the kitchen cooking something.

"Hey, what're you cooking?" I said as I stepped around the corner, and the bull nearly jumped out of his fur.

"Oh, scared me there," he put his hand to his chest and breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm just cooking something I came up with. I'm hoping it's something you'll like."

Kevin motioned towards the pot that was on the stove and I moved over to look inside. There was some sort of soup base bowling with ramen noodles in the pot and a few veggies floating in it.

"We had some packages of Mr. Noodle so I used the noodles along with some chicken soup broth I'd found in the cupboard to cook them in. It should be just about ready, but I'm not sure how good it will be..." he trailed off and seemed to be so unsure of himself.

"Well if you cooked it, I'm sure I'll like it," I pulled myself into the bull, pushing my still hard cock against him and kissed him. My tongue entered his mouth without resistance and we stayed locked like that for several minutes while our tongues intertwined in our mouths.

Kevin pulled away and said, "I think suppers done. We can eat and then we'll have you for desert." He accentuated his point by tapping me on the nose playfully.

He dished out the soup / noodle...stuff (I'm not even sure what to call it) but none-the-less it turned out to be very good, a nice balance of chicken and vegetable flavour. We ate in silence, mostly because neither of us wanted to stop to talk while stuffing our faces. I'm still a boar after all...

My spoon clinked as I put it down in the empty bowl, licking my lips. "Man that was good. I didn't know you could cook."

Kevin chuckled, "I guess I'm just full of surprises huh?"

"Now, how about that desert?"

He gave me a worried look, "Are you sure you're up for it? I mean it's been a pretty emotional day for you luv."

"Goshinpainaku. (Don't worry!) I'm fine, really." I got up and strode over to him. I moved behind his chair and wrapped my arms around him then leaned over, nibbling on his ear. "Besides, I want it."

"If you're sure...let's move to my room ok?" Kevin took my hand and lead me to the bed room.

As we stepped inside I shut the door behind me, and looked up to see he was already stripping down. His well-toned muscles flexed and rippled with every move he made and it was really turning me on. My tail flicked uncontrollably in anticipation. I moved towards him as I took off my own clothes, revealing my ample belly and raging hard on. I got onto the bed with him and leaned forward for another kiss. His arms snaked their way around my body and pulled me closer until our cocks were throbbing against each other. A moan escaped my lips at the sensation I was feeling and pre began leaking from the tip of my shaft.

Kevin lifted me with his powerful arms while we continued to kiss and he laid me down on the bed. He broke the kiss only momentarily before he went to work on me. I watched as he moved down my body and took the time to circle my nipples with his tongue, eliciting several small groans from me. He continued his way down, kissing my body as he went. I writhed beneath him as I revelled in the attention he was giving me. When Kevin reached my cock he grabbed it with his hand and moved even lower until he was able to lick and suck at my balls. His hand moved torturously slow up and down my cock, and I wanted nothing more for him to hammer down on it and make me cum...but I was enjoying this far more. I loved to be teased, to be denied my release. It makes it so much better.

Much to my disappointment, Kevin eventually stopped pleasuring me. However, it didn't last long as he removed his hand and engulfed my entire cock within the warmth of his mouth. His wide tongue swirled around the tip as he bobbed his head up and down my cock. I was glad we had the house to ourselves because I couldn't control myself as I moan out loud. The suction he had around my cock felt so good and the way his tongue lapped at it was quickly bringing me close to the edge. I wasn't sure how much longer I would last, and there was one thing I wanted more than anything else right now...

"C-careful (gasp) I won't last too much longer...oh god..." I managed to say between pants, "P-please, stop...I want to feel you inside me"

Kevin looked up at me and released me from his mouth. "Are you sure? We haven't done that yet and...I don't want to hurt you."

"I've never been more sure about anything. I know it might hurt but I know how good it's going to feel. Do you have any lube?" I asked.

Sure enough, just like me, he had a tube of lube inside the drawer of his nightstand, except this stuff was silicon-based. "This should do it, and it might make things a lot easier on you than that water-based stuff you use at home." Kevin moved to get behind me. "How do you want to do this?"

I was already on my back, and this was something I wanted to see. "Like this is fine, I want to see you pounding my ass." I lifted up my legs until Kevin could get at my virgin hole. I heard no further protest from him, and he lubed up his fingers.

The first finger he put in didn't hurt much, and in fact it wasn't nearly as thick as when I use two fingers. I told him to move to a second one and he did. This time it hurt a little more and he had to take it slowly. When he got his two fingers in as far as he could he started moving them in and out to open me up.

"Do you want a third?"

"No. I want that monster cock of yours,"

Kevin proceeded to apply a generous amount of the lube onto his dick, and I heard his breath catch as the cold stuff touched him. He scooted forward on his knees and lined his cock head up with my hole, then thrust forward ever so slowly. I let out a grunt of pain and he stopped.

"Do you want me to pull out?"

"No, just...(pant) just hold it for a second, ok?"

We stayed like that for a bit before I told him to continue, and even though it hurt I managed for him to get his entire cock inside of me before I had to tell him to hold it for a second. Once the pain was gone, I could feel only fullness. I was content like this, and I wished he'd never have to pull out. I gave Kevin the go ahead and he began sliding out slowly until he almost popped out. He didn't take his re-entry as slow as he pistoned back into me, causing me to groan in both pleasure and pain. I writhed as he stuck me with his pole, but was loving every moment of it. He gradually began to pick up the pace, pulling out then thrusting back in faster with each passing second.

My own cock was bouncing back and forth as he was pounding my ass, and it was leaking more pre than it ever had. It trickled down the side of my shaft and down the cleft of my ass as it began to coat Kevin's cock, making it even easier to mount me.

"Oh...oh god...Is this (pant) what you feel when (gasp) I'm fucking you?" I panted.

"I was (grunt) just thinking the same (pant) thing,"

I could feel my climax quickly building, and knew I wasn't going to last much longer. The probing of my prostate was making me wild, and eventually I just went over the edge. I wanted to warn him, but I couldn't...I was lost as stars exploded in my eyes. My cock erupted harder than it ever had, spraying the headboard behind me with my cum and whipping around to shoot Kevin in the chin. My ass clamped down on him and I could feel his cock throbbing inside of me.

"Oh...oooh! Nnngha!" Kevin groaned loudly as he unloaded himself inside of me. I could feel each pulse as his cock fired jet after jet of cum at my insides. I didn't know he had so much in him, but as he was coming he kept thrusting into my ass.

Before I could react, Kevin lifted me and literally turned me over while he was still buried inside of me, until I was laying on my stomach. He moved and then collapsed to my side, forcing me to turn over. We laid there for several minutes, his cock the only thing stopping the cum from leaking out of me.

"So...(pant) what are we going to do, now? You still got to deal with your dad." Kevin said, exhausted.

"Na..nah, some other time...right now I just want some more sleep," I was slowly drifting off to sleep. "That felt amazing, I can't believe I took the whole thing."

"I know, it was great."

"I love you," I finally told him, and I meant it. Not just because of the sex, but because of everything he'd done for me today. He seemed hesitant at first, but then he chuckled weakly and replied.

"Yeah, I know...I love you too." Kevin kissed me on the back of the head before we both drifted off to sleep, with his cock still buried deep inside me.