The Tribe: Prologue

Story by AlmeirGrayscale on SoFurry

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#1 of The Tribe

First story, ever posted. I love grammer nazis, being mostly one myself, but we all miss things. I do most of my stuff via mobile, my computer being.. (this an adult site right?.. I can use language. If your to young for this language then you defiantly not old enough for this story) my computer is a piece of crap so it's hard to do some of this stuff. If you didn't get it before.... 18 and over.

In the middle of the rainforest, Zach stood watching the sunset through the break in the canopy. He swung himself down from the tree branch he was on. His front paws catching the rest of wolf body from face-planting. He was thin, not in the 'but defined' way, just thin.

'Crap', was the only thing to go through his mind as he relinquished his biggest source of light. He was about twelve hours of walking, considering that's how long it took to get here, away from base camp.He had gone shoeless, they're not the best for digitigrade paws, and his feet were killing him. The humid air causing his shorts to stick to his white fur, his shirt already off and hanging on his backpack.

He was going to have to do laundry when he got back. He, kinda, felt bad that he was worrying the camp with his thoughtlessness. But who could blame him? He was in the Amazon, in the heart of Brazil. On a trip with his fellow zoologist-in-training.

Following the path of destruction that his feet had left behind, Zach decided to pull the lantern out of his bag and light it. When the thing finally decided to light, he returned to his journey back. The area around him bright, but beyond his circle of light, things seemed a tad shade darker.

A pair of eyes appeared in the gloom, causing Zach to jump, as they stared at him. A sigh of relief escaped him when he heard the sound of a non-anthro monkey from that direction. Picking up his pace, he continued to jump at every little movement or sound he noticed.

"If I go on having an heart-attack at everything, I'm not going to be able to make it to camp," the young wolf muttered to himself, slowing down as to not becoming exhausted. "Why did I decide that going exploring alone was a good idea?" he asked out loud for no particular reason.

"I hate being alone out here too," a voice above his triangular ears commented. The wolf spun around becoming a white blur before facing a dark reptilian muzzle looking down on him. Eyes a light grey-blue and a smirk that spoke of untold intentions.

"What do you say we 'explore' somethings together?" the dark gray dragon (Zach now seeing the tip of his wings behind his shoulders) asked, his smirk growing wider and more sinister. The dragon then extended his claw towards Zach.

Zach, finally looking down from the face a foot above his 5' 3'' frame, saw the muscle on the dragon's naked torso, trailing down his arm, to the sharp talons, which looked like they could rip him in halve at any time. "Sorry, I don't hangout with strange scalies," the wolf stammered while backing away slowly.

"Just scalies? Don't you think that's a little speciest?" the dragon chided. Taking a step forward, pressing Zach's face up against his muscled chest. The dragon wrapped an arm around the wolf, removing any air between them. Zach realizing that more than the torso of this dragon was bare. Another arm went up to caress the white furred muzzle, forcing Zach to look into the dragons eyes, which seemed to flash for a brief second. The younger male felt his mind start to numb, fogging as he started to press him self to the wall of muscle. Zach felt the claw wrapped around him start to play with his ear, "we don't have to be strangers. My name's Thornian, Thornian Grayscale," his voice thick as honey. The wolf trying to feel as much as he could of his new 'friend'. "Now how bout you kneel and have fun with my co---," stopping mid-word with an annoyed expression on his face. The canine, mind clearing to it's previous state, slowly pulled himself back. Just mentioning that organ seamed to jar the control Grayscale had. The dragon, voice dropping to a controlled whisper, "You really shouldn't be out here on your own," squeezing the wolf back to his chest.

"Thanks, but I'll take my chances, don't really enjoy your gender," the wolf, fully clear minded (Or as much as it were before), disengaged from Thornian and spun around, taking off, to look for his trail again.

"HEY, get back here!" Thornian snarled before Zach heard stumbling and felt claws dig into the right strap on his backpack, before breaking, bringing all the wait to his left shoulder. Realizing he still had the something in his paw, he threw it before thinking 'CRAP, that was my lantern!'

The footsteps then spend up, only to end with a crash, like someone tripped in the foliage. "Are you trying to set this place on fire?!"

'The dragon probably dove to catch it, good that puts more distance between us,' the wolf thought dodging tree trunks, as the lantern was put out, banishing all light but the few and very far between beams of moonlight.

After running for a while between the trees without a sound of footfall behind him, Zach slowed down to conserve energy. He wasn't really able to keep going but he really didn't want to stop. His shorts were sticking to his fur worse than the dirt was. Suddenly the sound of wings filled the air, Zach turned around. 'That dragon is persistent.' Adrenaline pumping through his veins once more, the wolf ran. When the white lupine discovered Thornian was gaining on him, all Zach could do was launch his backpack at the approaching lizard.

Thornian twisted himself in mid-air catching the bag before being knocked out of flight. "What's in this thing?" was all Zach heard echoing through the night.

The wolf ran for about an hundred meters before tripping from exhaustion. Zach just laid on the ground to tired to move, to tired to care if that dragon with perfectly defined muscles and striking eyes caught up to him. 'Wait, what the hell am I thinking? I don't like males. Even when I was trying to experiment back at the university, I was never excited by them.'

'HOLY SHIT! Do I have a boner thinking about him? I have a girlfriend! I need to get up and get to camp, I'll think about this later.'

The wolf barely got up, dirt now covering his entire body, and started to head in the direction he thought his camp was in. Hi feet sore from his previous running. All he could think of was the dragon and why it stopped chasing him.

Out of nowhere, the bush next to him erupted, as a flying mass came out of it. The two bodies collided and fought for dominance, until Zach found himself with his shoulder pinned under a cheetah, who had slightly too much muscle to fit the stereotype.

"¿O que você está fazendo no meu território?" the cheetah shouted Portuguese in his face before laying down on him, pressing a stick up against his stomach, that probably got caught during the tumble. A stick as thick as a soda can and just happened to have barbs and liquid on the tip, gaining in volume by the second. "Oh, não importa, ¡Acho que isso significa que o gatinho começa a brincar com o lobo mau! ¡Bem, eu acho grande e mau são ambos fora de questão!" the feline whispered in his ear before laughing hysterically, rubbing 'it' all over Zach's stomach.

The wolf's fight renewed itself as white furred paws pathetically tried to punch the spotted fur of his Brazilian 'captor'. The canine started to struggle his entire body, rubbing the 'random stick' across his belly fur, making the cheetah let out a small moan. A paw connecting finally striking something other than muscle, the yellow predator raising one of his paws to his cheek.

Zach, now having a free arm, pushed against muscle, slowly escaping the cheetah. The cheetah realized this and grabbed his captive's hands, holding them above his head. Due to the canine's struggling the feline was sitting lower on the body underneath him. He decided to take advantage. Bending his waist so that his 'I might as well get used to this', 'COCK' into the pant leg of the wolf's shorts.

Zach lowered his head in defeat before mumbling, "Maybe I should have stayed with the dragon, at least he spoke English."