Shadow Falling

Story by ThatOneGuy15 on SoFurry

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Well, not very good, but i got bored and wrote stuff the other day

tell me what you think, though i doubt its any good

Blood poured freely from his side. He had dropped his short sword a while back, using a paw to cover the grave wound. He stumbled on in the dark, the moon full as full and bright as a morning sun. Twigs and rocks threaten to trip him repeatedly, trying to get away from the mongrels he had left behind. They didn't know the forest as well as he, however they were not bleeding to death either. His tongue lolled out of his maw as he panted, feeling as his strength ebbed away in gushes. He took his paw away and looked at the darkened, matted fur there before returning it to his side with a wince.

The ground started to wet his hind paws, coating them in moisture. His vision was starting to waver as suddenly he yelped, his foot slipping on a twig and causing him to loss him balance. He dropped to his knees, his arms holding him up shakily as he panted. The blood slowly ran down his skin and dropped away beneath him. He knew that this place would be his final resting place. His arms lost all strength as he slid down to the grass-plated ground beneath him.

His heart was slowing down and his thoughts grew sluggish. With great effort, he slowly used an arm and leg to flip himself to lie on his back. It had always been his wish to die valiantly in a battle he couldn't win, not be overcome by those religious monsters. He could still feel the blade as it slipped into his skin. Wheezing now, he continued to look up at the night sky, nothing more than diamonds embedded into black cloth. He continued to watch it until he closed his eyes, breathing out a sigh of resignation, his blood now in a small pool by his side.