To Hell and Back

Story by XD385 on SoFurry

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#13 of The Lost Element

I know what you are thinking. That I just woke up in bed next to my beautiful girlfriend. Tender little Fluttershy. Well... I am sorry to say that is not the case. I have just woken up and I was quick to notice something odd. When did Fluttershy's ceiling become...white?

The bed felt different too. I looked to my side to check on Fluttershy, but froze when I found she was not there. My eyes darted around the room. The simple walls. The windows that showed brick houses on the other side of the street. A television and my video game consoles. A terrible sense of dread hit me like a brick as I got out of bed and looked out the window. "This... This is a nightmare...."

I was not in Ponyville anymore. I was not even in Equestria anymore. I was back on Earth in my house. But was I happy to be back on the planet where I had been born and raised? No. Not in the least. I... Oh god, I...

I cannot even describe how I felt at that moment of realization. How did I get here? Will I ever be able to go back to Equestria? Was everything that happened in Equestria a dream? Do I even still have...

I froze as I recalled that I now have a cutie mark. As I normally sleep shirtless, my arms were completely exposed. I immediately looked down at my upper arms as I was filled with hope. But those hopes were immediately crushed. My elegant white cutie marks were gone.

The truth of the situation hit me harder than anything I had ever felt before. I collapsed to my knees and buried my face onto my bed's sheets. My cutie mark. My friends. My girlfriend... It was all a lie. Everything that happened to me in Equestria never happened at all...

From what I could tell from my parents is that I had been missing for exactly three weeks. I would rather not go into detail on what was said at the conversation. All I could tell them was that I had no memory of what had happened over the course of that time. I mean, really. Would they believe me if I said that I had been taken to a world where the dominant races are ponies where pegasi fly and unicorns can use magic? I would likely have been taken to an insane asylum if I tried to tell them that.

There was one other piece of equipment I own that may have held proof of Equestria's existence. My DSi game system. The pictures I took while there were probably still on it. Unless...they were never taken in the first place. I did not have the heart to turn it on and check. I was in enough pain already.

.....What can I really say about my time back home on Earth? Compared to life in Equestria, life on Earth is repetitive, dull, and quite frankly depressing. The colors of my surroundings are bland or muted while the colors of Equestria were always so vibrant and lush. Everything always felt so lively there. But here... It is enough to make me cry.

What was worse was being reminded just how tainted this world is compared to the apparent utopia that is Equestria. Everywhere I looked while browsing the Internet, I saw plenty of gruesome and unpleasant truths about the world. Ethnic cleansing in Sudan and Syria. Forest fires triggered by arson. Terrorist attacks in the Middle East carried out by a misguided Islamic cult. A global economic crisis with no end in sight. Whales being slaughtered in a Japanese bay. And a family murdered at a Christmas party by a father dressed as Santa Claus himself.

These constant reminders of the worst of my world only made me crave to be back in Equestria even more than I already was. I can distinctly remember muttering to myself, "These things never happen in Equestria..."

The only... I am sorry. I really do not want to talk about anything that happened. And besides, what is there to talk about? Dull bland uninteresting daily activities without my dearest friends by my side. Every moment was an emotional hell for me as I constantly craved to be with my friends and beloved again. Every night, I had to use heavy doses of sleep aids just to get to sleep. And even then, I would cry into my pillow first. I know I am not doing a good job of summing up my feelings and actions right now, but I cannot help that. I am devoid of inspiration.

However, there was one event that did lift my spirits. On the third day I woke up in my house, I found a peculiar sight next to my laptop. A rolled-up scroll. A red ribbon tied around the center was containing it. But who uses scrolls in this day and age? The only place I know of that still uses them is.....Equestria.

I shook my head. This was clearly a case of wishful thinking. I wanted to go back home to Equestria so badly; my mind was making me see things that I would only find there. I ignored the scroll as I got dressed and prepared to go to work. At the very least, focusing on my job would help keep my mind off of my emotional pain.

I came home hours later. I went to my room and took off my shoes to relax. But to my bewilderment, that scroll was still there. I decided to take a closer look to see if it was some sort of prank. To my shock, I recognized the golden seal on top right away. A round seal with a horseshoe relief.

I could hardly believe what I was seeing. But I began to believe more when I touched it to make certain it was not a mirage. Before I could open it to read its contents, I remembered the photos on my DSi. I quickly turned it on and went to the photo gallery. And sure enough, there they were. The photos I had while in Equestria.

There was the photo I had taken of Fluttershy when she was napping by the pond in the park. The photo of me standing beside Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. The photo Angel helped me take of me and Fluttershy kneeling beside the baby rabbits I helped gather up. There were many others as well, but one brought tears to my eyes. The photo Twilight Sparkle had taken of Fluttershy and I in the middle of a tender kiss and embrace.

My vision had become blurry as I was filled with an absurd amount of hope. These photos were all the proof I needed. My friends do exist. Everything that happened was not a dream. They are real!

My attention turned to the scroll that sat beside my laptop. Wasting no time, I slid off the cloth that kept the scroll curled up. But when I unrolled it... Wow. Just wow. The scroll dropped to the floor and continued to roll. The whole scroll was longer than my entire body. "Who the hell wrote this?"

I was tempted to start reading right away, but I froze at the thought of someone coming in and finding me reading this. Not taking any chances, I locked the door to my room and sat myself down in my chair. I started at the top of the scroll and began to read my way down.

"Dear James. I hope this gets to you. This is Twilight Sparkle writing to you. I hope you're all right. Three days ago, Fluttershy came to me asking if I had seen you. From what we found out, it seemed that you had disappeared into thin air. We tried searching for you and asking around, but..."

I paused for a moment as my mind comprehended the name I had read at the start. Twilight Sparkle. Never before was I so relieved to see that name. I literally had to go back and reread that line several times to make certain it was indeed from that brilliant purple unicorn mare. "Twi..."

I continued to read as my heart's pace began to quicken in anticipation. "We miss you, James. And we're constantly worried about you. Even though it's only been three days since you disappeared, things haven't been the same. Fluttershy still looks after her animals every day, but she seems...emptier now. She's listless and doesn't even seem to notice her own name being called at times. She's started spending more time with us, probably to help her feel better, but it's not helping very much. She seems lost without you. And to be honest...I think we all are a little more lost now that we've lost you. It's just not the same in Ponyville without you."

I read the paragraph over and over. Ponyville. My true home did exist. And... "Fluttershy... Oh, honey... I miss you, baby..." I had begun to tear up. I wanted to save the tears for after I had finished reading, but that probably would not be the case at this rate. I continued to read, eager to find out what else was in the message.

"Pinkie Pie... She still keeps that smile on her face and even cracks jokes as often as always. But there are times when her laughter doesn't quite sound authentic. Like she is forcing herself to smile. Sometimes she tells me she's going to throw you a huge party to welcome you back. I think that promise is the only thing keeping her hopes up. I've seen her depressed before. I hope you come home before she sinks that far."

"I've noticed that Applejack has not been bringing as many apples into market each day. I think her worrying about you has caused her to lose some of her usual gusto and passion while applebucking. She told me once that she always sees you in the morning when you're on your way to work and how discouraging it is to come into town and not see you at all. I know you and Applejack don't have the closest bond, but I want you to know that she wants to see you again just as badly as the rest of us do."

I could not hold back at this point. I took off my glasses, held my face in one hand for support, and cried quietly. My emotions spilled out in quiet sobbing and flowing tears. I cannot recall the last time I cried so hard at anything.

It took several minutes for me to calm down enough to continue reading. "I've caught Rainbow Dash lounging around town a few times. Or rather... I think the better term is sulking. She took the discovery that you had disappeared pretty hard. It took a lot of convincing for her to not run off into the Everfree Forest. She was sure that you went in there to visit Zecora, but ran into trouble along the way. I... I really hope that isn't the case. I know you've explored the Everfree Forest before. You know how to handle yourself out there. But in any case, Rainbow Dash misses you big time. She really wants to go find you, but she has no idea where to look. It's eating away at her from the inside. She'll probably perform a Sonic Rainboom just to get to you faster when she learns you've come home." I have no knowledge of what a Sonic Rainboom even is, but I assume it is some sort of aerial stunt Rainbow Dash had developed.

"I think Rarity has been losing sleep over worrying about you. She always seems less tidy than she usually is and she always has bags under her eyes. She told me that she always thinks of you whenever she looks at the bracelet you bought for her. She really misses your company and your occasional witty retorts. I want you to know that you really made a friend in her, James. She's praying for your safe return." My thoughts trailed back to Rarity. She was the first pony in Equestria to ever help me. She gave me a place to stay. She made clothes for me. She even wove that robe with real gold threads for me. All without asking for anything in return. How I want to see her again.

"I... I don't think I need to go into much detail about how I feel. The words above say enough. I miss you, James. I want you to come back. I love you, as I'm sure you still know. So you know just how shaken up I am by your absence. I..." I paused as I noticed some of the ink had been spread out from what I think was tears that had fallen on the scroll. "I want you to come home! We all want you to come home! We never knew what we really had until it was gone! You've been a great friend to us, James. And it hurts not being able to see and hear you anymore!"

I could literally feel the sheer emotion Twilight had put into her writing. My fingertips touched the scroll over where her tears had fallen. I continued the read on, trying to hold in my tears until after I had finished reading. "And it's not just us. Lots of other ponies have started asking about where you are. Diamond Tiara asked if she did something wrong that caused you to leave again. Mr. and Mrs. Cake are considering giving you a bonus when you return. Even Derpy has gotten worried about you. She says she always saw you at least once a day, almost like it was part of her daily schedule. And... Scootaloo. She's not the same tomboyish little filly I know."

I paused as I read the name of the filly who had become like a little sister to me. "We've been trying to hide the news from the girls so they wouldn't worry about you. But after the first full day, I think they started to catch on. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle certainly seem unhappy most of the time, but Scootaloo is just...depressed. I never knew it was possible for her to look that down about anything. If you need an example of how depressed she is... I haven't seen her ride her scooter at all lately. She has no drive left for anything. She misses you. Probably more than most other ponies. I know she'll be thrilled to see you again."

"I've been trying to ask Princess Celestia for help in locating you. But she seems to be ignoring every scroll I send to her. I haven't gotten a single reply. I don't want to think badly of our princess, but... I think she's hiding something. It's this feeling in my gut that there's something she's not telling us." I thought back to the day I first met Celestia and Luna and how they seemed to be unwilling to answer our questions regarding the obsolete law involving humans that had led me to leave Ponyville for two days. Was her silence linked to that day?

"If you're reading this scroll, it means that Princess Celestia was able to send it to you. And if she did, I think she also honored my other request. This scroll will probably return to Equestria in 24 hours after being sent to you. Before it returns, I have a favor to ask. Please include something in the scroll to show that you did receive it. Something that will set our fears to rest. A personal belonging, a note explaining where you are, anything. Just as long as it proves that you're alive. And don't wait. Wrap it in the scroll before it can return to us." There was a small gap between this and the next line of text. "I think I've said all I need to, James. I hope this reaches you. And I hope you're OK. If you do get this, just know that we're all thinking about you and praying for your safe return home. We love you, James. Please come home soon. Your faithful and eternal friend, Twilight Sparkle."

With nothing else to read, I let my emotions out. I honestly cannot remember how long I had been crying, but my eyes were quite sore by the time I regained my composure. The pain of knowing that I had been separated from my dearest friends was stronger than ever before now that I knew that they really do exist. But along with that pain came a glimmer of hope. If I could end up being taken away from Equestria, perhaps there is a way for me to go back.

I remembered the warning Twilight had mentioned in the scroll. I had to act quickly as I had no idea how much time was left before the scroll would return to Equestria. I grabbed the closest blank sheet of paper I could find and took a pen in hand. I began to write while still shedding tears.

"Twilight, this is James speaking. I got your message and I can't express how relieved I am that I know all the time we spent together was not a dream. I'm alive, but I'm far from OK. I'm back home on Earth, my home planet. And I don't want to be here anymore! I want to come home to you. I want to be with you and the rest of our friends again. Please, tell Celestia and Luna where I am. I want to go home! If anyone can get me back to Equestria, it's them. I'm counting on you. The sooner I'm back home, the better. Also, please tell Scootaloo that I didn't leave on my own. I don't know how I got here and, to be honest, I hate it here. Please don't wait, Twilight. This is like a living nightmare for me. I miss you all. Please... Please, help." I rolled the sheet of paper up with the scroll and slid the ribbon over it to hold it together. All I could do now was hope and wait.

Nothing of importance occurred the rest of the night. When I awoke the following morning, I found that the scroll had disappeared from my room. In somewhat better spirits than before, I got dressed and began to pack some extra clothes in a bag. I wanted to be prepared for my return to Equestria. That, and I wanted to save Rarity the trouble of making winter and summer clothing for me.

I put on a black t-shirt with a pair of gray sweat pants before sliding on a pair of durable black boots. I began to gather up my portable game devices, but not for the games on them. I wanted to bring some of Earth's culture with me to share with my friends. Namely various types of music stored on their hard drives. I packed my bag as much as I could and waited while playing a video game on my TV.

However, as the minutes went by, I began to once again wonder if my eyes had been playing tricks on me the previous day. Did I really see that scroll and write a reply to it? Did I really receive a message from friends who may not even exist? As my doubts grew stronger, I felt my enthusiasm fade rapidly. Unable to bring myself to even play, I turned off the console and television while holding my head in my hands.

"Why does the truth always hurt so much...?" I asked myself. But as I said that, a most curious thing happened to me. I felt the chair I was sitting on disappear out from under me as I fell flat on my back. "Woah! Where's my chair?!" I sat up, shaken by the force of the fall. "Where's my stuff?! Where's"

Something very peculiar had happened. I was not in my room anymore. I was outdoors. My bag was right beside me, but everything else of mine was gone. Where was I? This felt very familiar too. It was just like the time when I first ended up in...

I froze as I recognized the similarities. This was not just a case of déjà vu. I was probably in Equestria. The area around me bore a resemblance to the local park just outside Ponyville. Or was it the actual park? Regardless, I headed north. "If this is a dream, please don't wake me up."

Before I went very far, I froze. I remembered that my cutie mark had disappeared when I was back home. But since this area resembled a place in Equestria... "Maybe... It's here?" I muttered as I lifted my sleeve. To my delight, I found that the white dovelike design was once again spread over my upper arm. Of course, this also raised questions. Why was my cutie mark missing while I was on Earth? And why had it returned here? Is there something in Equestria's atmosphere that makes cutie marks visible that other worlds lack? I could not say for sure as I was uncertain if I was even back in Equestria at the time. I continued north, hoping to find more evidence of my current location.

I did not get far before the thatched roofs of humble buildings began to appear on the horizon. I quickened my pace, eager to see if it was indeed the place I was thinking of. When I drew close enough to see into the collection of structures, I felt my heart leap at the sight of the locals going about their business. Only they were not humans. They were something else entirely. Ponies.

My vision became blurred from tears. I could hardly believe what I was seeing. "I'm home..."

I slowly walked into town while looking around at my surroundings. The ponies around me stopped and stared in my direction. Were they really that surprised to see me? I did not have enough time to ask as I suddenly heard a woman shriek somewhere behind me. Just as I turned around, I was tackled to the ground rather forcefully. "Ow! That wasn't fun, Pinkie Pie!"

"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshyoucameback!!!" A familiar voice spoke very quickly while a familiar pink pony squeezed me in a tight and strong embrace.

I was slightly dazed from the force of the impact, so I closed my eyes for a moment... Wait. Did I really say 'Pinkie Pie' when I was tackled? With my eyes closed, I sniffed the pony's coat. She smelled of freshly baked sweet treats. I recognized the scent immediately. "Pinkie Pie?"

The pony released her grip on me and placed some distance between our faces. "You remembered me! I knew you'd never forget about... Uh, James? Are you OK? Your eyes look kinda watery."

The sight of my cheerful friend right in front of me was too much to take in all at once. Just days ago, I thought she did not really exist. And now she was right in front of me. "Pinkie Pie..." I muttered seconds before I broke down in tears and embraced her as tightly as I could. "You have no idea how happy I am to see you..."

Pinkie Pie rested her head on my shoulder and whispered as her voice began to break. "Don't cry, James. You're home now. And besides, you're gonna make me cry if you keep this up."

I sobbed heavily, unmindful of anyone who happened to be watching. "It was a nightmare... I hated being without you and the others... It's like I just woke up..."

My friend patted me on the back as she replied, "Then I guess that means you're gonna have really sweet dreams tonight. Sweet as the cupcakes I just baked!" But she then looked me in the eye with a concerned frown. "But are you OK? I've never seen you get this teary-eyed."

I muttered while still grasping her tightly. "I'm...getting better..."

Pinkie Pie let out a giggle as she also embraced me with her forelegs. "I'll stay right here for you until you're back up to 100%. Making ponies...I mean people smile is my specialty."

"Thanks, Pinkie... God, I missed you..." I squinted my eyes shut as tears streamed down my face.

"I missed you too, James... Things...just weren't the same with you gone." Pinkie Pie replied, her voice sounding even more depressed than the time I warned her of the dangers of diabetes.

"James...? James?! Whoa nelly, it really is you!" A familiar voice shouted in a southern accent as I heard the sound of wagon wheels and hooves clopping rapidly getting closer. "When'd ya get back?! We've been looking all... Uh, James? Ya'll OK there?"

Pinkie Pie looked up, as the owner of the voice was probably right behind me. "Give him a minute, Applejack. He really missed us. He said it was like a nightmare while he was away."

I felt a hoof pat me on the back tenderly. "Well, ya'll don't have ta worry about that anymore. Nightmare's over, James. Fer both of us."

I looked behind me to see the face of my dependable country friend looking at me with her big green eyes. "AJ..." I muttered before throwing my arms around her neck.

"Easy there, pardner. Don't go thinkin' I didn't miss ya too. Look. I even left my hat off fer ya since ya think I look better without it." Applejack replied as she embraced me with one of her forelegs. "My mornins' weren't the same without ya..."

I replied, "My whole days weren't the same without all of you..." I choked up and began to cry softly again, my face buried in Applejack's orange coat.

"Let it all out, pardner. I know we all shed a tear or two while ya'll were away." Applejack whispered into my ear. I managed to stop crying after a moment and stroked Applejack's blond mane. "I still look fine to ya?"

I nodded with a slight smile. "Yeah... You're looking fine with your mane completely exposed."

Applejack chuckled, "Now that's the face I was hopin' ta see. Always good ta see a smile on yer face, James."

I let go of my friend and looked back and forth at the two earth ponies before me. Pinkie Pie rubbed her eyes, probably wiping away a tear. I asked, "Not to change the subject, but are the other girls all right? And Fluttershy. Is she OK?"

The two earth ponies seemed rather hesitant to answer my question as they began to avert their eyes. Applejack spoke, "Depends by whatcha mean by 'OK', pardner. Fluttershy... Well... How do I say this... She's alive, if that helps."

Pinkie Pie frowned, "She's been a wreck ever since you disappeared. That's the best way I can sum it up. It just started out with her being worried, but it got worse over time. She's... Well, I think you better go see her right away. You remember where her cottage is, right?"

I nodded, "Just west of Ponyville, northwest of Sweet Apple Acres. Thanks for the heads-up." I climbed to my feet and asked, "I'll catch up with the others girls after I see Fluttershy. But don't tell them I'm home yet. I'd like to see the looks on their faces when I show up in person."

Pinkie Pie smiled, "Will do! And..... Oh yeah! I just remembered something! Gotta go! I'll see you tonight!" The pink pony dashed out of sight as she was clearly in a hurry.

"You think she has a party to set up?" I asked Applejack.

"Yup. That's the only thing she ever runs off that fast fer." She replied with a chuckle. She then smiled at me, "I'm gonna get goin' too. I reckon we'll be seein' each other again today. But if I don't see ya again, I'll stop by Fluttershy's place just ta say hi. All right?"

I nodded, "Sounds like a plan. See ya around, AJ." I then hurried in the direction of Fluttershy's cottage after snatching up my bag.

Quite a few ponies waved and said hello to me as I passed by. All I could do was wave in response as I was in a great hurry. But once I had reached the center of the meadow that separated Fluttershy's cottage, I paused for a moment to take in my surroundings. The air smelled fresh and clean. Only the sound of the wind and birds chirping filled the air, completely devoid of any mechanical noise or human activity. And all around me was the vast beautiful natural landscape I so cherished. Green grass, vividly colored flowers, and the vast row of trees that make up the border of the Everfree Forest in the distance. But I did not have to take it in for too long. Somepony needed me.

I hurried on ahead, finding Fluttershy's humble cottage right where I expected to find it. Everything seemed fine from the outside. At least until I noticed the animals that lived around it. They all seemed rather......gloomy. The place is usually bustling with activity, but it was disturbingly dull at the time. "Something's wrong here..." I distinctly remember muttering to myself.

I noticed Angel's doghouse...or is it rabbithouse? Anyway, I saw Fluttershy's personal pet resting at the entrance with a surprisingly unhappy expression on his face. Normally, he either looked annoyed or happy. But this time, he seemed very down. While I am fairly certain he does not think highly of me, I decided to approach him.

"Hey there, Angel... Remember me? James?" I asked as I got down on one knee.

The white rabbit looked up at me, probably having been too unhappy to notice my presence at first. When we locked eyes, I think I noticed him tear up before he...punched me? Well, it looked like a punch, but it felt like a light tap. Possibly a means of venting his frustration over Fluttershy's emotional distress during the previous three days. However, he then bounded up onto my leg and nuzzled me while holding onto my shirt. "Whoa... I thought you were really picky about who you like. Something happen?"

Angel bounded up the slope to the cottage's front door and pointed at it. I followed behind him and asked, "Is Fluttershy OK? Did something happen to her?" The rabbit tried to push me towards the door. Taking this as something that translated along the lines of 'Hurry, she needs you', I nodded and stepped inside the cottage.

The interior seemed just fine from what I could see. Everything was tidy and sorted. But what bothered me was just how quiet it was. If she heard the door close, Fluttershy would be quick to see who her guest was. The fact that she had not come running worried me.

I remained silent as I very quietly walked upstairs. I shifted my weight to the balls of my feet to minimize creaking with each step to avoid alerting Fluttershy. Assuming she was even home, that is.

When I reached the top of the stairs, I froze. Sprawled out on the bed was Fluttershy. She had her face buried in her forelegs while taking long breaths. I was quick to notice how unkempt her mane was, strands of hair sticking out all over it. But I also noticed my glasses on the bed in front of... Wait. My glasses?! No wonder everything was so blurry in the distance! It was the one possession of mine that had been left behind.

I did not want to just rush in while speaking in excitement. Nor was my mind prepared to do so. I tiptoed to the edge of the bed that Fluttershy had her back to and leaned forward. I wrapped my arms around the timid pegasus and whispered into her ear. "I'm home, honey. I missed you."

I felt Fluttershy tense up under me as she spoke. "Who's there... When did you get in here?"

"It's me, Fluttershy. It's James." I replied with a whisper.

Fluttershy slowly turned her head to look over her shoulder at me. Her eyes... What a sad sight. They were bloodshot and empty. However, as she stared at me for a moment, I saw a glimmer of life return to them. "Where... Where have you..." Fluttershy broke down into tears right in front of me as she stood up and leapt at me. I very nearly fell backwards from the force of her jump. I could feel her sobbing into my shirt uncontrollably. I could not contain my emotions either as I was now reunited with the girl I love. I too broke down into tears as I embraced the beautiful pegasus tightly.

The two of us paused as we felt something tap us. When we looked down, we found Angel holding up a box of tissue paper. "Thanks, Angel... I really need this." I muttered as I snatched one from the box.

"Me too... Thank you, Angel." Fluttershy said with a tearful smile as she yanked one from the box using her teeth. The two of us noisily blew our noses in unison. One was not enough as we both grabbed a second and used them up too. Angel then set the box down on the edge of the bed and ran back down the stairs, probably to give us some privacy.

"Feeling better, honey?" I asked quietly while stroking Fluttershy's mane.

Fluttershy had not yet stopped crying, but at least she was not sobbing uncontrollably like before. "I missed you... Where did you go?!" She sounded hurt as she whimpered, probably fearful that I had abandoned her.

I sighed as I tried to restrain my emotions. "I was taken back home... To my home world, that is. I have no idea how it happened, but..." I bowed my head as I let my tears fall some more. "It was hellish without you... I was even afraid that everything that happened was just a dream... I hated being there..."

I just sat there, crying softly out of sheer emotion. But I paused when I felt Fluttershy place her hoof on my hand. I raised my head to look at her. While she was still shedding tears, I noticed a slight smile on her face. "I hated being without you too... But you're home now, right? You're not going to leave again, are you?"

I replied as I held her in a tearful embrace. "No chance in hell... I know what it's like being separated from you now. And it's more painful than you'd expect. I'm staying."

I could feel Fluttershy place her forelegs on my back in an embrace of her own. "I won't let anypony take you away from us again... I'll protect you from now on, James... I can't imagine life without you anymore."

The feeling was mutual as the two of us cuddled together, not moving from the bed. I had been taken away from those I hold dear and now I was finally with the most precious person in existence to me once again. Fluttershy whispered, "Now that you're back home, can I get you anything? A snack? Maybe some apple cider?"

I replied with a smile as I dried my tears, "Some water will do right now." Fluttershy grinned brightly as she flew down the stairs.

While I waited for Fluttershy to return, I took the time to put on my glasses. Everything I saw became much crisper and I was pleased to see not even a scratch or smudge on the lenses. As I looked around, I noticed a green chest at the foot of the bed that I had overlooked before. I climbed off the bed and popped the lid open. Inside earlier journal entries.

"Fluttershy, you..." I muttered to myself as I took a closer look. There were only two or so stacks of paper, but I found that each set of notes for each individual day was stapled into separate stacks. I even found that the pages were listed in proper order from the start of the day to the end. I was tempted to read them, but I was interrupted by a tap on my shoulder.

"I got your water, James. I included a bit of ice too." I heard Fluttershy speak. I looked over my shoulder and found her with a wide glass of water resting on top of her head. I was thoroughly impressed by her sense of balance, as she was still airborne, giving me the impression that she had flown back upstairs with it on her head.

"Thanks, honey." I replied while taking the glass in hand and chugging the whole drink down. "Hoo... That felt nice."

Fluttershy nuzzled her face against mine. "Can I get you anything else? Anything at all?" She smiled brighter than I had seen in a long time. I could tell she was probably restraining her joy now that she had gotten all of her sorrow out of her system. After seeing how she acted when I mentioned getting a pet, I would not be surprised if... A pet?!

"Fluttershy, where's Angela? Is she OK too?" I asked, remembering the little white dove I had adopted some time before I disappeared from Equestria.

"Ooh, Angela! I forgot all about her!" Fluttershy gasped as she flew up to a birdhouse that was hanging from the ceiling. I watched as she lightly knocked on the side a few times with her hoof. "Angela, wake up! James is home!"

I saw a white dove poke its head out of the entrance. I held out my hand to her as it climbed out of the house. The dove looked at me for a moment before flying over to me and perching on my hand. She began to preen my fingers quickly and repeatedly, probably a sign that she had been longing for me. I gently stroked her feathers as I whispered, "I missed you, little angel." My pet cooed at my words.

"She really missed you too. I don't think she ate very much while you were missing." Fluttershy spoke as she landed beside me.

"Doves develop very close bonds, so I'm not surprised she would be like that with her friend gone." I replied while cuddling with the little white dove.

"Right, I almost forgot that. Well, is there anything else I can get you? Anything?" Fluttershy asked while watching my hand stroke Angela's head.

"I'm good... Actually, there's something I wanted to tell you. I ran into Pinkie Pie and Applejack in town, but I haven't met up with Twilight, Rarity, or Rainbow Dash yet. Would it be OK if I went to check on them so I can let them know I'm back?" I replied, remembering the rest of my friends.

Fluttershy frowned as she gestured with her hoof back and forth. "I... Well, I know they miss you. It's just only just came home... I want to spend more time with you..."

I understand why Fluttershy did not want me to go alone. She adores me and did not want us to be separated again so soon after being reunited. I smiled as I placed my hand on her shoulder. "Fluttershy. This evening, I'm going to come home. I'm going to take a shower. And I'm going to sleep in this bed next to you, just like all the previous times. OK?"

My words seemed to register with my girlfriend well as she smiled with a nod. "OK... I trust you. I'll be waiting for you." She then nudged me towards the stairs. "Now go. Go tell your friends you're home again. I know Rarity's eager to see you again."

I chuckled, "Yeah, I can imagine. Watch over Angela for me while I'm gone, OK?" I placed Angela on top of Fluttershy's head before bidding them goodbye and going outside.

Before I went too far, I turned and looked back at the cottage to see if Fluttershy was still watching. As expected, she was watching from the doorway with Angela still nestled on top of her head. I paused in my tracks, my eyes fixated on her face. I truly did not want to leave her alone after being apart from her for a few days. But at the same time, I knew there were others who wanted to see me. Gathering my fortitude, I waved at my girlfriend with every intention of returning soon. She waved back at me with a soft smile, Angela doing the same with a wing. I smiled as I turned and headed towards Ponyville.

I knew where to find Twilight Sparkle and Rarity, but I had always been in the dark as to just where Rainbow Dash lives. Even so, I decided to visit Twilight first as her home was closest to my current location. Along the way, many ponies waved or said hello to me. While I was rather flattered by the attention, it also made me feel wanted. Like Ponyville, and Equestria as a whole, is where I truly belong.

The familiar form of the local library came into view, as it was the largest tree in the entire town. I peeked in through the window once I had reached it, curious if Twilight was on the ground floor. She did not seem to be there, although I did see Spike sorting some books on a shelf. If anyone in Ponyville knew where I could find Twilight Sparkle, it would be him.

I ducked low as I entered the library through the front door. "Who?" I heard Owlowiscious hoot to my right.

"Not now, Owlowiscious. I need to get these sorted right." Spike replied, clearly thinking the owl was speaking to him.

I smirked, "Actually, he was talking to me."

At my words, Spike froze as he dropped the books he was holding. "That sounds like..." He then turned and looked my way with eyes opened wide. "Oh my gosh, you're back! Where'd you go?!" Before I could even reply, Spike gasped, "Oh man. Twilight! She's gonna flip! Wait right here, I'll go get her!" I snickered a little as I watched the baby dragon run up the stairs to Twilight's personal quarters.

Mere seconds passed before I heard the clopping of hooves right over me. A few seconds later, I saw a familiar purple unicorn look down at me from the top of the staircase. The instant we locked eyes, she dashed down the stairs and towards me with a panicked and even tearful expression. I lowered myself closer to the ground as I prepared for impact. The unicorn leapt into my arms and embraced me the best she could, sobbing quietly with her face buried in my shirt.

"Twi... Did you get my message?" I asked quietly while holding onto her, my hand stroking the back of her head.

She nodded without saying a word. I then whispered into her ear, "I missed you..."

My friend looked up at me with her intelligent purple eyes with tears streaming down her face. She gasped with each breath. "You... You already know how much we missed you..." She then closed her eyes as she held her head against my chest again. "I sent your message to Princess Celestia right away. Surely she and Princess Luna brought you home..."

I would not be surprised if they did, especially since I specifically requested that they do so. "I owe them one if they did." I then held Twilight in a tender embrace. "I'm home, Twilight. And I'm never leaving again... At least I hope I never leave again."

Twilight whimpered, "I hope so too... It just...wasn't the same without you..."

I sighed, "You have no idea what it was like for me... I was even starting to fear that everything that happened to me in Equestria was just an elaborate dream."

Twilight replied while slowly calming down, "That's...horrible... If you were just a dream, I don't know how I'd react... That would just be...crushing..."

"Twi... I want to give you something." I muttered quietly. I then raised her face and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Thank you for never giving up on looking for me. That note you sent just might've saved me."

That one kiss seemed to faze Twilight greatly as her tears suddenly stopped flowing while she blushed deeply. "Did you just..."

I smirked as I shook my head, remembering that Twilight had a huge crush on me not that long ago. "Just that one time, OK? I just wanted you to know how grateful I am for your efforts."

Twilight nodded with a smile as she dried her tears with the hair on her foreleg. "OK... I'm glad Fluttershy didn't see that... Oh! Did you see Fluttershy today? I told you how worried she is about you, didn't I?"

I nodded, "Fluttershy was the first person I went to see. Although Pinkie Pie and Applejack were the first friends I ran into when I walked into Ponyville. Where can I find Rainbow Dash and Rarity?"

Twilight spoke, "Well, you can't get to Rainbow Dash if she's at home. Her house is made of clouds, after all. But I know you can find Rarity at home right now. She hasn't been getting out as often after you disappeared..." She then smiled, "Oh, I know how to let Rainbow know you're back."

I watched as Twilight's horn was engulfed in a billowing aura as a blank scroll and writing quill levitated over to her. "Just a second... There." She muttered with a smile after jotting something down on the paper before rolling the scroll up. "Owlowiscious, I need your help. Please take this to Rainbow Dash."

"Who? Who." The little owl hooted as he fluttered over to Twilight and snatched the scroll up in his talons before flying out the window.

"You sure he can find her?" I asked, wondering if Owlowiscious could track the speedy pegasus down.

"He knows where all of our friends live. And besides, she's the only pegasus in Ponyville with a rainbow-striped mane and tail. She almost stands out as much as you do!" Twilight replied with a grin.

I smirked, "She'll probably get here in ten seconds flat once she reads that. Where should I wait for her?"

Twilight pointed to the stairs, "Head on up and wait on the observation deck on top. She'll notice you more easily up there."

"OK then. I just hope she doesn't freak out TOO much." I replied with a smirk as I went upstairs.

I climbed a ladder that was near Twilight's bed and found myself on the very top of the entire library, a telescope set up next to the railing. "Haven't been up here in a while." I muttered to myself as I closed the hatch I had just crawled through.

I decided to try spotting Ponyville landmarks and familiar faces to pass the time. The view was good, but part of my field of vision was obstructed by the very top of the tree that was taking up one corner of the balcony. My eyes scanned the ground first, trying to recognize any passing ponies. I noticed Bon Bon and Heartstrings walking alongside each other while seemingly lost in conversation. But I also noticed the unicorn would sometimes glance around. I will be the first to admit that my bond with Heartstrings is not quite as strong as with my six other friends, but I can safely assume she was looking for me.

The next pony I recognized was Big Macintosh hauling a cart filled with hay. His calm soulful eyes were half-closed, like every single time I had ever seen him. I tried waving at him to see if he would notice. A few seconds later, he looked in my direction. He surely must have noticed me as he stopped dead in his tracks while gazing in my direction with both eyes being wide open in what I assume was surprise. I waved at him to say hello as he did the same while showing a genuine smile. He then proceeded to go about his business, looking a little happier than before.

After a moment of not seeing anymore familiar faces, I looked upwards to see if I could identify any passing pegasi. The first one I saw was, of all ponies, Derpy Hooves. She was carrying a mail satchel over her shoulder as she flew along. Fortunately for me, one of her eyes happened to be looking in my direction as she suddenly stopped. If her eyes had been in a normal state at the time, she probably would not have noticed me to her right.

"Derpy?" I called out as I waved.

The wall-eyed pegasus mare flew in my direction at surprisingly high speed. "No way! You're back!" Taking me aback somewhat, she practically flew into my arms and embraced me tightly.

"Um... Derpy? What're you doing?" I asked, not expecting such affection from the local mailmare.

"Hugging you. I missed you, after all." She replied without moving her head from my shoulder.

I stroked her mane gently, "I read that a lot of ponies had started asking about where I had gone. Was I really that missed?"

Derpy pulled away from me and grinned brightly, "Uh huh! I was starting to worry about you after the second day of no sign of you! Are you OK? Where've you been?"

I replied with a shrug, "You wouldn't believe me even if I told you. Really, I have no idea how I ended up somewhere else. But I am doing better now that I'm home... Where I really belong."

My words seemed to make Derpy happy as she smiled warmly, "Aww... Well, I'm glad you're back home too. You really make things interesting since you're the only human in town. Oh! Almost forgot!" She then reached into her satchel and pulled out what seemed to be a blueberry muffin. "I saved one just for you! And don't worry about it being stale. I just baked it this morning."

Receiving a gift from a borderline stranger was rather shocking to me. But in hindsight, Derpy had always been a very hospitable mare and a surprisingly important part of my daily routine. I guess.....she really had become a good friend to me. "Thanks, Derpy... I really appreciate it." I spoke as I took the muffin in hand. But instead of eating it, I looked down at it for a moment.

"What's wrong? It's fresh! And you like blueberries, right?" Derpy asked, clearly puzzled by my actions.

I sighed, the muffin making me remember all of the ponies I had met who I had developed even a slight bond with since arriving in Equestria three weeks ago. Heartstrings, Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Zecora, Derpy, even Diamond Tiara... The list just keeps going. "Even when I got back, I wasn't even really aware of all I really had..." I threw my arms around Derpy and held her in a tight embrace. "Thanks for caring, Derpy... You're a good friend."

The mailmare smiled as she patted me on the back. "You don't have to cry, James. You've been a good friend to me too."

After a brief chat longer, Derpy looked towards what seemed to be a clock tower in the distance. "I think I better get back to work. Let's talk again soon, OK?"

I nodded as I unwrapped my muffin. "Absolutely. Take care, Derpy. And thank you again." I watched as my friend flew away before snacking on the gift she had given me.

A few minutes later, I resumed watching the skyline. But after a moment, I noticed what seemed to be something rocketing towards me. "Is that..." I muttered as I saw that it seemed to be a pegasus with a cyan coat. And judging by how fast it was approaching me... "Duck!"

I lowered myself sideways to take cover behind the railing just before the pegasus zoomed over the balcony. I looked back as the pegasus looped back towards me, flew over to me, and landed in front of me on the balcony. "Where the hay have you been?!"

I hardly had any time to react as the pegasus rushed over to me and squeezed me in a tight embrace. "I thought I was gonna start molting from how worried I was! Where'd you go?!"

I stroked her mane as I replied, "I... I was somehow sent back home. To Earth. I don't know who did it, but it doesn't matter now. I'm home, Rainbow Dash. And I'm never leaving again."

The rowdy pegasus mare looked at me directly. "You mean...somepony kidnapped you?"

I shook my head, "I have no idea. I went to sleep a few days ago in Fluttershy's cottage and woke up in my own bed back home the next morning. I never saw who did it. But I never wanna go back... I can't stand that world."

Rainbow Dash scowled, "Man, whoever did that must be a world-class dirtbag! If I ever get my hooves on the guy, I'll strangle 'em!" But she then frowned with a most sorrowful expression. "I was scared for you, James... I wanted to go find you, but I had no idea where to start looking..."

I held my friend in a gentle embrace. "You always were a loyal friend to me, Rainbow. Don't blame yourself. How about we change the subject? How've things been while I was gone? Pretty good?"

I was not expecting Rainbow Dash to glare at me. "Are you kidding? It was awful! We've all been worried sick about you! We had no idea if you were even still alive!" She then closed her eyes and bowed her head. "It was like one long bad dream... I thought it was never gonna end..."

I draped an arm across my friend's back and held her in a one-armed hug. "It was like a nightmare for me too. Every night, I prayed I would wake up to my next day in Equestria. It hurt waking up to find myself still there on Earth every morning..."

Rainbow Dash returned the favor by wrapping a foreleg around my lower back. "At least it's over, right? Nothing but good things will be happening now."

"I hope so..." I muttered. I then leaned against the brash pegasus and whispered, "I love you girls..."

I heard Rainbow Dash snicker for a moment. "Man, some things never change. Even after our time apart, you're still one big softy." But she then looked up at me and warmly smiled. "But that's one thing I like about you, James."

"And your brashness is something I like about you, Rainbow." I replied. The two of us chuckled together in unison.

"Come to think of it, did you meet up with the others? Scootaloo's been itching to see ya again." Rainbow Dash asked while looking up at me.

I replied, "I've met up with each of you except for Rarity. I'm gonna head over there right now." I climbed to me feet before opening the hatch that led back down into Twilight's house.

"Yeah, you better get to her fast. Rarity's a shell of a mare right now. Let's talk again today, James." Rainbow Dash waved as I climbed back down into the library before closing the hatch behind me.

"Did you meet up with Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asked as I climbed down the ladder.

"Yup. She probably would've taken my head off if she rammed me at that speed." I replied with a chuckle.

Twilight grinned as she walked over to me. "I think I already went into detail on how much she missed you in that note from yesterday, right? Now you need to go see Rarity. I know she's eager to welcome you back."

I got down on one knee and embraced my friend. "Then I'll get going right now. I'll see you again soon, Twi." I hurried down the stairs and out the front door while waving goodbye to Spike and Owlowiscious.

I know that Rarity lives at the southeastern corner of Ponyville, so I made my way in that direction. When I arrived at that elegant house, I did not find anything out of the ordinary on the exterior. But the interior was a different story as I looked through the window. Numerous badly made or unfinished dresses were scattered all over the main room with various fabrics and mannequins as well. I could see the beautiful white unicorn mare standing before one such mannequin with a sheet of paper floating beside her. However, her mane was somewhat messier than usual. I wanted to reach out to her, so I immediately entered the boutique.

The bell that hung over the door rang the instant I stepped inside. I expected Rarity to turn and face me immediately, but she raised a hoof and waved it in my direction without looking. "I will be with you in a moment..." Her voice lacked the usual enthusiasm I knew her for. "Thread by thread... Stitching it to... It doesn't help anymore... I just...can't get into the zone when I'm so overcome with worry..." She then raised a hoof to her forehead and looked up in an unnecessarily dramatic fashion with her eyes closed. "What must I do to find you, dear friend?! Where have you gone?!"

I decided to step in and walked in front of her while looking down. "You can start by opening your eyes, Rarity."

Rarity's eyes sprung open abruptly as she looked at me while I looked down at her. "Is this a mirage...? Some cruel joke? Surely this is just the result of wishful thinking."

Seeing that she was not entirely certain if I was real, I got down on one knee and held her hoof in my hand. The hoof that held the silver bracelet I had bought for her weeks ago. "This bracelet is just as spotless as the day I purchased it. Have you been taking good care of it, Rarity?"

I think it was at that moment that Rarity came to realize that I was not an illusion. "James... Darling, is that you...?" She reached out and touched my face with her hoof. I merely nodded in response. Her eyes began to pour tears as if out of nowhere. "You... You came back..." She then threw her forelegs around me in what I think was the tightest embrace I had received all day.

"Rarity, I'm...oof!" I grunted as I felt her squeeze me. Despite lacking the muscle of an earth pony, Rarity felt like a boa constrictor with how much pressure she was putting on my body.

"I've been longing for you to return for so long... It feels like it's been weeks since I last laid eyes on you..." Rarity sobbed as she held onto me. She was do I say...overly dramatic in her use of words. I can understand that she missed me. Lord knows I did. But this seemed a bit much.

"Rarity, it's OK now. I'm here." I muttered quietly, hoping I could get her to stop crying.

I felt Rarity release her grip on me as she pulled back and looked up into my eyes with tears streaming down her face. "You don't understand... You were a source of inspiration for me... I always cherished..." She then closed her eyes and pleaded, "Hold me..."

I did as I was told and held the beautiful unicorn in my arms as she fell into my grasp. I sat on the floor as I turned her over while holding Rarity's head up. I constantly stroked her mane slowly to calm her. "Were you really hit that hard by my disappearance, Rarity?"

The beautiful unicorn looked up at me as I rested my hand over her right hoof, my fingers draped across the bracelet I had given her. "I felt like I had lost something important, darling... Like I did not know how important it truly was until it was gone. The first day without you was just worrisome. But the following days were when reality gave me a slap to the face... Tell me. Did you deliberately leave us?"

I frowned; rather disheartened to think that one of my friends, perhaps even my dearest friend would ever consider that I would abandon them. "You should know better than that, Rarity. I love this world and I love my friends. I hated being where I was before I returned. I don't know how I was taken away, but I hated every minute of being away from you." I then rested my head by her face and whispered, "I don't know what I'd ever do without you girls... You're the best thing to ever happen to me."

Rarity closed her eyes as she replied, "We are...? I... I never should've doubted you. You never showed any signs of being dissatisfied with Ponyville or the ponies living there..." She then looked up at me with a tearful gaze. "Can you ever forgive me?"

Her expression was so sorrowful, I felt sorry for her. I smiled warmly and embraced Rarity the best I could. "I do, Rarity. And...I'm especially glad to see you again."

After a moment of the two of us just silently cuddling, Rarity spoke up. "Darling... You say you did not enjoy being away from us?"

"Not at all. And I hated the world I was in when I was away." I replied, trying to enjoy her company the best I could.

"If you were so uncomfortable there, then compensation is in order! Come, let us hurry to the spa! It will be my treat." Rarity spoke with a smile as she climbed to her feet.

This abrupt offer caught me by surprise. "Wait a sec... You mean as in me visiting the spa for a treatment? I thought it's supposed to be me treating you! And do they even accept human customers?"

Rarity smiled, "I really do not see why they would not. But please, I insist. You've been through a great ordeal and I intend to help you relax. Shall we?" She extended her right hoof to me to help me to my feet.

"Well... If you insist." I replied as I took hold of her hoof. The two of us left Carousel Boutique together. But not before Rarity placed a sign on her front door that read 'Out to lunch'.

It had been a while since Rarity and I last walked together alone. Not since we were still living together. It felt refreshing to be in the presence of my beautiful unicorn friend. "I missed your company oh so much, darling." Rarity spoke as she looked up at me.

It was then that I got a good look at Rarity's face. She truly was a wreck. Bloodshot eyes and dark spots under them marred her face. "You look like you've been through a hard time..."

Rarity nodded, "Yes, I have... I could hardly sleep at all while wondering where you were. I will surely sleep soundly tonight..." She let out a yawn, a clear sign of her exhaustion. "I am so indeed looking forward to closing my eyes and drifting off to dreamland... But not just yet. I'll wait until tonight."

We reached the spa without incident, Rarity leading me inside. "Good afternoon, Lotus! The usual, please!"

I immediately recognized the pink-maned blue pony seated at the front counter as my employer. She glanced up and gasped, "Mr. James! You're back?!" Before I could even reply, she stood up and rushed into the main room. "Come on in! We have no customers right now!" She called out in her heavy accent.

Rarity looked up at me with a smile. "There was a bit of an uproar at the spa when you disappeared. Quite a few ponies who have come to adore your massages were very displeased by your absence."

I scratched the back of my head. "Maybe somepony should invent a device that mimics a human hand. That would probably sell well."

However, Rarity giggled, "But that would put you out of a job! And I would much rather receive a massage from you than from an imitation!"

Our first stop in the spa was the sauna. Rarity had put on her personal robe and had her mane wrapped up in a towel. As I had no other clothing with me at the time, I wore a towel around my waist with my boxers underneath. I breathed deeply as Lotus poured water over the heated rocks in the wooden room, the air being filled with cleansing steam.

I noticed that Rarity's eyes were trailing over my body. She soon smiled, "I see that you've slimmed down somewhat since you first arrived in Ponyville, James. Have those daily trips to Sweet Apple Acres been paying off?"

I nodded, "I guess so. And it helps that I do a lot of walking everyday. Not to mention the Equestrian diet is really healthy."

As I began to sweat heavily from the steam in the sauna, I began to ponder if ponies could sweat too. Especially since Rarity had coated herself in a robe. "Rarity, are you sweating as much as I am?"

The beautiful unicorn replied with a smile. "I know you can't really tell through my coat, but I am. I mean really, what would be the point of using a sauna if you had no pores to use?" The two of us chuckled in unison.

Once we had emerged from the sauna, I watched as Aloe coated Rarity's face with that goopy green facial cream before placing a pair of cucumber slices over where her eyes are located. "This will get my face looking just as fabulous as before." Rarity spoke with a smile. I too was hopeful that the facial cream would be enough to get rid of the bags under her eyes.

We were then led over to the massage tables. It was there that I saw my workmate, Quake. She is a rather androgynous-looking mare with an unusual muzzle structure and a muscular build, even by earth pony standards. Her eyes are a dark shade of blue while her coat is a light tan. Her mane is a dark blond with lighter streaks and is parted into two banes at the forehead. She almost always seems to have a stern expression, which gives me the impression that she is comparable to a tough Russian woman. She never says much, but she has taken well to me becoming her new workmate over the past few weeks. Regardless, her expression did not change much when she saw me for the first time in three days.

"I would like to use Quake's services today." Rarity spoke as she climbed onto a massage table while feeling around. She then lied down with her head resting above her forelegs. Quake then began to roughly massage the unicorn with skillful rapid poundings with her forelegs. Where I specialize in precise gentle massages, Quake completely outclasses me in performing rougher types of massages.

"Right here, James." Lotus motioned for me to climb atop an empty massage table.

"OK..." I muttered, having never actually received a massage before. Once I was lying facedown on the table (with my legs curled as it was somewhat short for my size), I felt Lotus press her hooves onto my back. "Lotus?"

"Just be still. I know what I'm doing." I heard my employer reply. I remained still as I rested my chin on my arms. I expected her hooves to be hard and uneven, but their surfaces were very smooth and slid across my skin flawlessly. I sighed as I felt her apply pressure where needed. As I had never received a massage before, I cannot effectively describe how it felt. But I felt much more relaxed afterwards.

The next part of the spa visit was a dip in the hot tub. As I did not bring my swim trunks with me, I had to request everyone to look away until I had undressed and submerged myself in the tub. The tub was not very deep at all, but the water level was just the right height once I had sat down. The bubbling water was just under my chin.

"I am going to have to cut our visit short to this, Lotus. James only just got back and I know he still has plenty more faces to see." Rarity spoke as she too submerged herself in the water. Lotus nodded with a smile as she rubbed Rarity's facial cream off with a wet towel and removed the towel that was wrapped around her mane before departing.

"Do I look any better now, James? I could hardly look at myself in the mirror this morning." Rarity asked as she turned to face me.

I could hardly believe how much that one facial treatment improved Rarity's looks. The bags under her eyes were gone and the eyes themselves were hardly bloodshot. Her beautiful indigo mane was also back into its perfectly curled and kempt style. "Now there's a face I've been wanting to see for a while."

Rarity smiled, "Oh, darling... I was worried my face would revolt you. Has it really gone from hideous to fabulous that quickly?" She batted her eyelashes at me immediately afterwards.

I reached out and caressed Rarity's chin. "You're always beautiful, Rarity. But now there are no imperfections to be seen."

Rarity seemed to hesitate for a moment before moving over to me and placing a kiss on my cheek. "I missed your voice, James. And your compliments." She then leaned against me while resting her head against my shoulder. "There are times...when I even think you are a prince."

I draped my arm across the beautiful pony's back and gripped her shoulder, "I'm nothing like a prince, Rarity... I'm just a commoner."

However, Rarity looked at me out of the corner of her eye. "But you certainly have the heart of one. I actually met a prince once. And you are ten times the prince he is. Perhaps even a hundred times."

That was quite a bit of praise to take. Me being more of a prince than an actual prince? What kind of lout of a prince could possibly be below me? "What kind of prince is below a lowly commoner?"

Rarity frowned, "One whose only royal quality is being a royal pain. If we are fortunate, he will not be attending the Grand Galloping Gala this year."

I decided to not inquire further about this supposedly despicable prince Rarity was referring to. Hoping to change the subject, I tried asking a question. "Well... How have things been while I was gone? Make any new dresses?"

Rarity surprised me with a glare. "Surely you jest. I could hardly work or find inspiration while overcome with worry." But she then smiled just slightly, "But now that I know you're safe and sound, I'm already getting some new inspiration. I know just how to add a little something special to those gowns I was commissioned!"

I smiled at Rarity's enthusiasm. "No wonder you're the fashion queen of Ponyville. Your inspiration isn't easy to keep down." The two of us chuckled together.

Once we had soaked in the hot tub long enough, I climbed out and put my clothes back on after drying myself off. I looked back at the hot tub and found Rarity still soaking in it. "Will you be getting out soon?"

My friend replied, "Oh, I think I will soak in here a while longer. I need the relaxation after all those nights with little sleep. But don't worry! I have no intention of falling asleep here!"

"You better not or you'll drown." I retorted with my arms crossed. "But anyway, I'm gonna go take another look around Ponyville. I want to make sure all my friends know I'm back."

Rarity smiled with a nod. "Then I must recommend you go see Sweetie Belle. I think she and her friends are at their clubhouse right now."

I was about to reply when I paused. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and..... Scootaloo. My little sister. It was at that moment that I remembered the note Twilight Sparkle had sent me that explained what had been happening with my friends during my absence, including the filly who had become like a little sister to me. "Right... The girls... I'll see you later today, Rarity." I waved goodbye and headed on out the door and towards Sweet Apple Acres.

I paid little heed to anyone around me on my way to the local apple orchard. Upon reaching the farm, I found Big Macintosh Three bushels piled high with apples on his back. I swear that guy is built like a tank. Even by earth pony standards. Regardless, I waved as I drew near. "Hey there, Big Mac. Ya miss me?"

The red stallion turned my way and smiled, "Eyup." I instantly almost snickered at his use of a single word.

"Well, how's Apple Bloom? She all right?" I asked, wondering how his little sister had been during my absence.

Big Macintosh replied, "Not too good. She's over at the clubhouse if ya wanna say hi."

"I think I'll do that. Thanks, Mac." I said with a smile as I continued on my way.

As I had not visited the clubhouse in a few days, I was somewhat lost on where to look. But after around twenty minutes of wandering, I located it. The very same tree house I had seen before. But as I approached it, I noticed something above it I had overlooked until that moment. "Has that always been there?"

Jutting above the tree branches was what seemed to be an add-on to the clubhouse. A small room with a steeple roof that had a triangle-shaped flag on top waving in the breeze. And jutting out of the window was a telescope. "An observatory? Must be Apple Bloom's doing." I muttered to myself as I walked up the ramp to the front door.

I peeked through the heart-shaped peephole in the door to see if the three fillies were actually inside. I smiled when I found the three huddled around a chart of sorts. But neither of them seemed happy. "OK, I think we should take matters into our own hooves. We're not getting anywhere just waiting for him to come back." Sweetie Belle spoke while moving her hoof over the chart. From where I was standing, it kind of resembled a map.

"Same here. And we just might get our cutie marks if we try out bein' detectives." Apple Bloom replied while looking back and forth at the map. At this, I decided to try sneaking up on them. I opened the door silently and stepped lightly before taking a seat right behind them. They all had their backs to me, so they did not see me coming. I also had to be careful to mind my head due to the low ceiling.

"Yeah... Find him... You think he really did get lost in the Everfree Forest?" Scootaloo spoke with a shockingly reserved tone. I had never heard her sound so...down before, and it kind of hurt to hear her like that.

Before they could discuss the operation further, I decided to speak up. "That won't be necessary, girls. But I am flattered that you would go through the trouble of tracking me down."

At my words, the three fillies froze. They then stiffly turned their necks until they were looking back at me. I waved with a smile, their faces frozen in shock. "Are we seein' things?" Apple Bloom asked with a bewildered gaze.

Scootaloo did not even bother offering a retort as she leapt at me. I caught her in my arms and held her in a gentle embrace. "He feels real enough for me..." Scootaloo muttered as she nuzzled my chest.

I watched as Sweetie Belle walked up to me before poking me with her hoof. "He's real! Apple Bloom, James is home!" The unicorn filly then nuzzled against me while trying to hold me in an embrace.

"Make some room!" Apple Bloom called out as she too glomped me. The force of an earth pony tackling me was enough to knock me to the floor.

"Oof! Ease up, girls!" I groaned as I hit the floor with all three fillies on top of me.

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were grinning from ear to ear as they cuddled with me. But I was quick to notice that Scootaloo had a most sorrowful expression on her face. I was hardly surprised, judging by what Twilight had told me in that scroll from the previous day.

"Um... Girls?" I whispered to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle while pointing to Scootaloo, who seemed to be unaware of us as she had her eyes closed. The two fillies looked at each other and nodded, probably understanding that the two of us needed a moment alone. They then left the clubhouse and closed the door behind them.

"Are you feeling better, Scoot?" I asked quietly while stroking the little filly's mane.

She gritted her teeth while squeezing tears out of her eyes. "Twilight told me you were taken away by something. Are you home for good now?"

I nodded, "Yeah. No way am I leaving again. If something tries to take me away, I won't let it."

The pegasus filly tightened her grip on me. "I missed you..."

I stroked her little head as I smiled. "I missed you too, sis. I hope your parents didn't get onto you about your depression."

For some reason, Scootaloo averted her eyes at those words. "Yeah... I managed to keep my depression hidden from them by keeping up a smile..."

"Since I just got back, may I meet them?" I asked, curious of what her parents are like.

Scootaloo paused a moment before looking up at me. "James... I need to tell you something important... But you need to promise to not tell anypony about this." She then looked me directly in the eye, "I mean it. Not a single pony! Not a single dragon! Not even a single zebra! You can't tell this to anypony!"

I leaned back slightly, "Jeez, OK. I promise I won't tell a soul."

I watched as Scootaloo took a deep breath. "OK... The truth is... About my parents..." She paused for a moment as tears began to stream down her face. "I don't have any parents!"

It took a moment for my brain to process what she had just told me. "You don't... You mean... You're an orphan?!" I felt a slight chill flow through me at this revelation.

"I'm sorry for not telling you... I just hate it when ponies look down on me... The only ponies who know are ones I can trust with my life..." Scootaloo spoke while looking down, her tears falling to the floor.

"Well... Who DOES know about that?" I asked, wondering who she trusted most.

"Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle know. And Derpy knows since she brings mail to my place almost everyday. She promised to not spread the word though. And the mayor knows too. But that's only because she has to keep track of everypony in town. And now you know..." Scootaloo replied while averting her eyes from me.

I gently rested my hand on her head. "Where do you live?"

Scootaloo replied as she wiped her tears away. "In a little shed on the east side of town. It's really small, so it's OK for a filly like me." She then asked, "Do you hate me for lying to you about this for so long...?"

I sighed as I comprehended what I had been told. I never once imagined that Scootaloo had always been an orphan. I was naturally curious if she had any memories of her parents. Did they die? Was she abandoned? Did she never know them? "It's OK, Scoot. I really don't blame you for keeping that secret from me."

She looked up at me after a moment of hesitation. "You...really don't mind?"

I nodded with a slight smile. "I can't comprehend the kind of emotional pain you've gone through. It's no wonder you always act tough. It's to hide your suffering." I then held her in a tender embrace. "I can't leave you alone now that I know you're totally alone. Would you like to come live with me?"

Scootaloo's eyes brightened instantly. "You mean it?! Really?!"

I nodded, but then put my finger on her nose. "Yes. But Fluttershy has to give us the go-ahead first. It's her house, after all."

The pegasus filly jumped straight up and flapped her wings rapidly, remaining airborne for a brief moment as she grinned brightly. "You're the best big brother I could ever ask for, James! I'll go ask Fluttershy right away!" She then landed and leaped at me, placing a kiss on my face while just narrowly missing my mouth. "See ya later, James! I'll come find you once I get her answer!" I watched as she ran out the door. "C'mon, ponies! We need to go see Fluttershy!"

"What about?" I heard Apple Bloom ask.

"It's really important! I'll tell you along the way!" Scootaloo replied as I heard the sound of their hooves clopping growing more distant.

"OK then! We're right behind you!" I heard Sweetie Belle reply just before they went out of earshot.

Now that I was alone, I decided to check out the observatory that I had overlooked until this day. I climbed up the ramp that led to the highest point of the clubhouse. Once I was just outside the observatory, I found I was quite a ways off the ground. What a view! "Man, Apple Bloom really has a knack for craftsmanship. Not easy making something this tall." It actually bothered me how she had not ever once considered that her skill in construction and repairs is a talent she has.

I looked around, impressed by my field of vision. I could plainly see the barn of Sweet Apple Acres from my location and could even see part of Ponyville in the distance. Of course, I could only see so far with my own eyes. I then ducked inside the observatory to see if I could use the telescope.

The observatory was very cramped compared to the clubhouse. But that was to be expected for someone of my size. But there was another problem. The telescope was too low to the ground for me to effectively use. "Better be careful here..." I muttered as I tried lifting it from its stand. It came off without any trouble once I had removed the screws from the sides.

I stood just outside the ramp and held the telescope up to my eye after removing my glasses. I felt like a pirate standing in a ship's crow's nest. "Arr... What does James the Red spy through his spyglass today?" I spoke while imitating a pirate's manner of speech. "Avast! Three fillies and a pegasus off to starboard!"

I could see the Cutie Mark Crusaders standing just outside Fluttershy's cottage while Fluttershy herself was standing just outside the door. Of course, I could not possibly hear them from my current distance. But I could see Scootaloo speaking first. Fluttershy reacted with a truly shocked expression, more than likely a response to Scootaloo revealing that she is an orphan. The other two fillies seemed to speak up too, but what they said is a mystery to me.

Scootaloo once again said something to Fluttershy, after which Fluttershy nodded with a calm smile. Fluttershy then gently nuzzled Scootaloo while speaking something. Right after that, all three of the Cutie Mark Crusaders jumped and seemed to cheer as they began to hop around Fluttershy in an identical fashion to how Pinkie Pie occasionally hops about. I smiled as I was very sure that Fluttershy had given Scootaloo the go-ahead to live with us. "Well done, sis. Well done."

Just as I was about to take my eye away from the spyglass...drat, this pirate lingo is slipping into my writing. In any case, Rainbow Dash suddenly dropped in on the scene. Scootaloo, as expected, greeted her role model happily and even shared a hoof bump with my athletic pegasus friend. Rainbow Dash then proceeded to say something to our friends. All four of them nodded and began to head towards Ponyville as a group. However, Scootaloo ran on ahead.

"Well, this is curious..." I muttered as I focused my gaze on Rainbow Dash. Once the other four ponies had crossed the stream that was just outside the cottage, Rainbow Dash took to the air and began to fly towards Ponyville. I adjusted the lens on the telescope to zoom out so I was less likely to lose sight of my speedy friend. I watched as she flew above Ponyville and began to descend as she neared Sugarcube Corner. I could not see below the roof as other buildings obstructed my vision, but it was highly likely that she had gone inside the confectionary upon landing. "Is the party ready?"

Certain that my friends were on their way to Sugarcube Corner as well, I decided to go on ahead and rendezvous with them there. I secured the telescope back onto its stand inside the observatory before returning the lens to its previous setting and putting my glasses back on. I then descended from the treetop as quickly as possible. But before leaving the balcony, I took one more peek inside the clubhouse. Hanging from the wall was a large red cape with a large Cutie Mark Crusaders emblem on the back. "Hang on... That's mine!"

I recognized the cape as my own and went inside to retrieve it. "Thanks for hanging onto this for me, girls." I muttered to myself as I tied it around my neck. I then went outside the clubhouse and jumped the railing like I did on the day I first received that cape. "Hang on, girls. Don't start the party without me." I then took off in a run with my arms trailing behind me and out to my sides in a more heroic manner. Perhaps I was just so psyched to be back home, I could not honestly say.

I ran for a surprisingly long time for my standards. I must have been in better shape than I thought. By the time I had reached the main area of Sweet Apple Acres, I was only moderately exhausted. But there was something wrong. "Um... Where's Big Macintosh? And AJ?" I was certain I would bump into at least one of the Apple siblings once I got there, but neither was there to be seen. "Are they both at the party?" I shrugged my shoulders and ran towards town.

Like the previous times I had worn my cape in town, I drew quite a few stares from the other ponies who were going about their business. I decided to slow my pace to a walk to avoid drawing more attention to myself as I am still not comfortable being the center of attention. But I had hardly been walking for five minutes before I heard a familiar voice call out. "James! Wait up!"

I turned and found Scootaloo running towards me with a scroll of sorts in her mouth. "Hey there, Scoot! What's up?"

She held out the scroll to me as it unfurled with the top hanging from her teeth. "See for yourself! Here, I brought a quill!" Sticking out of her mane was a feather that was likely an ink quill.

I took the quill in hand and took a closer look at the scroll. "Signed by both parties... Becomes the foal's legal gua..." I paused as I read the scroll over again. This was not just a scroll, but also an adoption form.

Scootaloo looked at me with her big pleading purple eyes. "Are you gonna sign, big bro?"

This was it. One stroke of the quill and Scootaloo would officially be my little sister. But at the same time, I was uncertain if I was prepared to be her guardian. I suppose the role is not necessarily a parental role as we had both come to view each other as siblings and nothing more. After a moment of contemplation, I smiled as I wrote my name down on the line. "You bet I am."

As I placed the quill back into her mane, I noticed Scootaloo tear up just slightly. "So... We're really family now?"

I stroked her mane slowly. "Once you take that back to where you got it, I think so." Scootaloo then leaped into my arms and held onto me for all she was worth. "Easy there, sis. Others are watching..."

However, Scootaloo grinned, "I don't care anymore! This is a dream come true! I finally have a family!" I shrugged my shoulders as I stroked her back, rather flattered by just how exhilarated she was by this.

"OK, Scoot. Get down. I need to get over to Sugarcube Corner. Something's going on there." I spoke as I pried the pegasus filly from my torso.

"Yeah, I know. Rainbow Dash told us back at Fluttershy's cottage. I'll take this back to the town hall and see ya there! Later, James!" Scootaloo beamed at me before snatching the adoption form up in her mouth and running off.

"Scoot... You're just so precious." I muttered to myself as I continued onward to Sugarcube Corner.

I wasted no time in reaching Sugarcube Corner. I was expecting to find the place filled with customers, but paused when I found a familiar sign hanging from the front door. It read 'Closed For Private Party'. "Already? It's only been a few hours since I got back!" I exclaimed, amazed that Pinkie Pie could set up a party so quickly. But then again, I am sure she is the ONLY pony who could quickly set up a party on a whim.

I stepped inside the bakery, finding the entire place decked out for a party. A cake and a variety of baked treats were spread all over the place. But with all these party staples scattered everywhere, there were absolutely no partygoers to be seen. I then turned my gaze towards the stairs that led upstairs into the loft, remembering my own welcoming party from my first day in Ponyville. I was certain that my friends were waiting for me upstairs, so I began to climb the stairs.

"Girls, I know there's a party waiting for me up here! So there's no need to surprise me!" I called as I climbed the stairs, sure that all six of them were up there.

Just as I reached the top of the staircase, I heard Pinkie Pie groan to my left. "Oh, come on! Was it really that obvious I was getting a party ready for you?!" I heard my other friends chuckle in unison, but I also noticed a few other voices mixed into the crowd.

"What the..." I turned to face my friends, but those six wonderful mares were not the only ones who were there. Mixed in were a handful of other ponies. They included Big Macintosh, Heartstrings, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, Derpy, and even...Zecora?! "What is all this?"

Mr. Cake spoke, "Even Pinkie Pie couldn't set this party up this quickly. So we helped out too. Right, honey bun?" He winked towards his wife with a smile.

"Oh, yes. We had to work fast to get this set up in time. And it's only reserved for you and your friends, dearie." Mrs. Cake spoke with a wide grin.

Zecora spoke to me with a smile, "It was a worrisome time for us all, dear friend. But we waited patiently for your departure to end."

Heartstrings spoke next. "We were all wondering where you ended up. When I caught word of your return, I hurried over here right away! Right, Big Mac?"

As expected, the relaxed red stallion replied with a calm smile. "Eyup."

Derpy then asked, "So, you feeling better? Or you need some more of my homemade muffins? I brought blueberry!"

My eyes scanned the guests. I had all but forgotten that my six friends were not the only friends I had. Over the course of the last three weeks, I had bonded with other ponies as well. I had more friends than I even knew. And now, we were all together again. My vision became blurred as tears began to build up in my eyes. "Gimme a minute, please..." I spoke as I removed my glasses and held my face in one hand while gritting my teeth.

I heard Pinkie Pie speak up. "James, you don't have to cry! This is a party! You smile at parties! See?" I looked at my jolly pink friend as she grinned brightly. However, I noticed that she was beginning to tear up despite her beaming face. I think I was not the only one who noticed this as my other friends were looking at her too.

"See? Just smile... When in doubt, smile..." Her voice began to break, as if she was struggling to not cry. This resistance did not last long as she suddenly frowned for about two seconds with her mouth quivering. We all took a step back as she suddenly burst into tears, literally crying a river of them! "Bwaaaahaaaa!!!! I can't help it!"

The weeping pony came running over to me while still crying a river of tears. This reaction was extremely out of character for Pinkie Pie, who I had come to view as being immune to all forms of sorrow. I managed to drop down low at the last second to catch her in my arms. "I saw all my friends everyday! But you were the only one who wasn't there! It was like I lost a treasure I'd been holding onto forever! I missed you so much!" Pinkie Pie continued to sob loudly into my shoulder as my other friends looked on, clearly unsure of what to make of this outburst.

I was not certain if I should back away from or comfort Pinkie Pie. But I did not have time to decide my next action as Rainbow Dash trotted over to us. "Make some room, Pinkie. You're not the only here." One by one, my five other best friends surrounded me and held me in a tearful group hug. My eyes scanned each of them, as their faces were mere inches from mine. Their eyes were pinched shut, a trail of tears flowing down their faces. I found that there was not a dry eye in the room as the other five guests looked on with a tear or two in their eyes. Even the usually stoic Big Macintosh seemed to be holding back tears. Although it is hard to hide tears with eyes that big.

I noticed out of the corner of my eye a rather amusing sight. The three Cutie Mark Crusaders poked their heads up behind the railing of the stairs one by one, starting with Apple Bloom and ending with Sweetie Belle. But before any of them could speak up, Mr. Cake spoke. "I think we should give them a moment. Come along, everypony." I watched silently through squinted eyes as my employer led his wife and the rest of our guests downstairs, leaving me alone with my dearest friends.

It had become so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. I wrapped my arms around my friends the best I could, holding them close to me, as they still did not let go of me. I wanted to say something, but I could not find the right words. But then again... I see now that words were unnecessary at the time. We had been forced apart and only at that moment were all seven of us reunited again. Feeling all six of my most wonderful friends, who came into my life less than a day after I arrived in this strange yet amazing world, around me once again made me feel.....complete. Now that I had gone without them for a time, I had come to understand what they really mean to me. "You girls...mean the world to me..."

The six mares said nothing, but they responded by tightening their grasp on me. Unfortunately, our time together did not last much longer. A moment later, we all jumped slightly at the sound of the doorbell. "What horrendous timing! Just as we were starting to reconnect!" Rarity groaned with finesse.

I shrugged my shoulders. "It's cool, girls. Let's just focus on the party and have a good time together. As friends. Now, if you'll excuse me..." I stood up and rushed down the stairs, curious of who had come knocking.

"Sorry, but unless they're a good friend of... Oh, James! Just in time!" Heartstings, or rather Lyra, spoke up as I reached the bottom of the stairs. "Somepony's at the door. Since this party's all about you, you should decide if they're allowed to come in."

"OK then." I replied as I approached the door. We already had quite a few attendees at Sugarcube Corner by now. Who else would want to attend?

I opened the door, expecting find maybe Bon Bon or Aloe and Lotus. But my expectations were blown clear out of the water when I laid eyes on who was standing outside. "Wha... Your highness?!"

Standing before me was none other than Princess Luna herself. There was an audible gasp behind me as the rest of my friends dropped to their knees and bowed. However, the beautiful princess of the night raised a hoof and spoke, "Please stand. There is no need for the formalities." She then directed her attention to me and frowned with what seemed to be a gaze of worry. "My friend... Are you well since returning to Equestria?"

I dropped to one knee and bowed my head, wanting to show respect to the charming princess. "Things have been improving rapidly for me since I got back. And wasn't it was you and Celestia who brought..." I paused as I felt Luna place her hoof on my shoulder. Her expression still seemed rather remorseful. "Your highness?"

She shook her head, "Please do not call me that. You are my friend, James. And friends do not use formalities to address each other. What is more..." She then directed her gaze to my other friends. "I need to speak with him in private. If it is not too much trouble, please leave us."

Mrs. Cake smiled, "Absolutely, your highness. But please don't keep him for too long. The party can't get started without him." She then turned to face our other guests. "Let's head on back up, everypony." Luna and I watched as they all climbed the stairs and out of sight.

Luna spoke with a reserved tone as she motioned me towards a chair. "Please make yourself comfortable, James. I need to discuss something important with you."

I chose to take a seat on the counter, as it was more convenient for me at the time. "OK... So, what's up?"

The princess of the night continued to frown as she looked at me. "First of all, I feel it is time for you to learn the truth. Celestia and I discussed this and feel you have every right to know how and why you are here."

I felt a slight chill for an instant as I began to feel uneasy from mild anxiety. "Uh... I'm not in trouble, am I?"

Luna shook her head, "Not at all. But first..." She then bowed her head slightly. "Your appearance in Equestria was not due to chance. Even though we claimed ignorance at our first meeting, the truth is that Celestia and I brought you to this world."

It took a brief moment for my mind to comprehend what she had just told me. "You mean..." I felt an immense sensation of gratitude as I came to understand that the royal sisters were responsible for bringing me to this wonderful world. "You did this for me?"

However, Luna raised one hoof. "Do not thank us just yet. As we were the ones who brought you to this world, we are also responsible for sending you back to yours."

I remained silent as I listened, wanting to know why I was forcefully sent back to my homeworld. "You had been in this world for a while when Celestia proposed that we send you back to your own world for a short time. No more than a week. It was a test to for you to choose which world you would rather stay in." But Luna then bowed her head further. "...I was against it. I did not want to see you leave."

This revelation disturbed me. I had always trusted Celestia and Luna, as they are the wise rulers of Equestria. But they had lied to me at our first meeting and even put me through an emotional hell by sending me back to Earth against my will. However, I still asked, "Then why did you bring me back earlier than planned? I was only away for three days."

Luna replied, "Twilight Sparkle asked us to deliver a message to you if we knew where you were. We could not tell anypony that we had sent you away, but we still sent the message to you. When it returned to Twilight after 24 hours as a means to see if you would write a reply, there was a message of your own wrapped inside the scroll. Twilight sent that message to us. When Celestia read just how miserable you were, she decided that we should bring you home right away." She then asked with a truly remorseful gaze, "James... Did we make a mistake by sending you away?"

I replied honestly, "Yes... That was a mistake. I hated every minute I spent on Earth." Luna averted her eyes, clearly ashamed by her actions. But I then approached her and rested my hand on her shoulder. "But you brought me to this world in the first place. I'm grateful for that."

The princess of the night looked up at me. "Forgive me... I do not want you to hate me..."

I dropped down on one knee and embraced my friend. "I don't... But now I know it was you and Celestia who brought me here." I then whispered into her ear as I tightened my grasp on Luna. "Coming here was the best thing to ever happen to me. Is there anything I can do to repay you, Luna?"

Luna muttered, "I... I do not know... I feel as if I'm in no position to demand anything..."

I then smiled, "Then may I ask you to stay for my party?"

The beautiful princess glanced up at me. "A party? I'm not sure if I... I think I have some duties to tend to... I mean it would be a breach in protocol for a princess to attend a simple house party..."

This did not faze me as I held her hoof in my hand. "Please, Luna. Only my closest friends are invited. And you're my friend, aren't you?"

She paused for a moment while looking down at my hand. "Yes..." Luna then looked at me and smiled. "Yes... You are my friend. My first true friend, at that. I would be honored to attend."

However, as I climbed to my feet, Luna spoke, "But... I still need to tell you one more thing, James... It's about why you were brought here to begin with."

Once again, I felt some anxiety come over me. "Oh... All right then. I'm listening."

Luna explained in an uneasy voice. "The truth of the matter is... Humans have existed in Equestria before. Long ago before the rise of Nightmare Moon."

I nodded, "I... I kinda already knew. Zecora filled me in on some old legends from her homeland that mentions them." I had also heard testimony from the ponies of the cursed Sunny Town as they had claimed to have personally met humans in the past, but I felt that mentioning them to Luna would be a very bad idea.

Luna showed some surprise to my insight, but continued speaking anyway. "I would rather not go into the details, but at one point my sister and I had no choice but to banish Equestria's human population to distant worlds." She then bowed her head with a rather unnerved expression. "Please... Do not ask me the reason. It was a time I would rather not remember..."

As I thought. Something truly awful must have happened for all humans to have been exiled from Equestria. Minding what I was going to say, I asked, "Did they...kill anyone?"

To my relief, Luna shook her head. "Thankfully, no. They did not truly harm us. But still... I do not wish to recall that event..."

I chose to not inquire further about the truth involving Equestria's past. After regaining her composure, Luna continued to speak. "Celestia and I felt that after how much time has gone by since those days, it would be a good time to start over. So we searched for a human to bring into this world who would view us ponies as equals."

I listened silently, waiting until the end to ask questions. "There were many like you, James. More than we expected. Humans with open minds who can comprehend creatures besides their own kind being capable of sentient thought. In the end, it was a very difficult choice. But we ended up choosing you."

I began to suspect this reason was why she and Celestia had personally come to Ponyville to address my temporary departure into the Everfree Forest almost four weeks earlier. They likely wanted to try to locate me to bring me home to insure I would not fall victim to one of the forest's more dangerous creatures. I felt a slight bit of gratitude in my heart as I considered this.

Luna then bowed her head, "That is why you are here. To improve Equestria's view of humans so that one day, humankind may live alongside us ponies again in harmony. But...if you wish it, Celestia and I can send you home."

I actually felt rather honored that of all the humans on Earth, I had been chosen as an ambassador of sorts for humanity. In response to Luna's question, I smiled and placed my hands on her shoulders. "That won't be necessary, Luna. I'm already home."

The beautiful royal pony looked up at me with a mildly surprised expression. "You now view Equestria as your true home?"

I replied, "Compared to Earth, Equestria is...well...heaven. Only I didn't have to die to get here." I then frowned as I pleaded, "But in all honesty, please... Don't ever send me back."

Luna reared up on her hind legs and embraced me tightly. "Perish the thought, James. This is where you have chosen to stay and we shall respect your choice. And... I wouldn't have it any other way."

As off topic as this is, I suddenly felt the need to ask a question that had been gnawing at me in the back of my mind since the day I first met the two royal sisters. "One question, Luna. What exactly do I call you? A winged unicorn or a horned pegasus?"

I heard Luna suppress a laugh in response to my question. "That's a new one! But in all seriousness, the ponies of our race are called alicorns."

Alicorns? Somehow, I am amazed that I never once suspected that. "I'll have to remember that one. But anyway, shall we get that party started?"

Luna nodded with a smile. "Lead on, James. I shall follow." I then walked up the stairs with her a short distance behind me. However, she then spoke quietly. "One last request, James. Do not reveal what I just told you to anypony. It's too soon for them to know about the past." I nodded in silence, respecting her choice.

As I reached the top of the stairs, Pinkie Pie spoke up. "Hey there, James! Who was at the door?"

I replied with a smile, "Let's just say we have a very special guest this evening." I then stepped out of the way to allow my friends to see Princess Luna reach the top of the stairs.

Once the princess was in full view, my six closest friends immediately bowed. Twilight spoke, "Princess Luna! We weren't expecting you! Is Princess Celestia with you?"

Luna raised her hoof and smiled, "There's no need to bow, my subjects. I am merely here to welcome back my most dear friend. I am, like you, a simple partygoer." Once our friends had returned to a standing position, she added, "And no, Twilight Sparkle. Celestia is not able to attend. But she does give all of you her warmest regards."

Before anyone else could say anything, some calm gentle music began to play from a phonograph. "We've waited long enough for our friend to come home! C'mon, let's party!" Pinkie Pie beamed as she stood near the phonograph.

As the partygoers began to go about enjoying themselves either way they could, the Cutie Mark Crusaders immediately assaulted me with a group tackle. I very nearly fell down, managing to sit down in a chair with all three fillies piled onto me. "Great news, James! Fluttershy said it's OK!" Sweetie Belle spoke while looking up at me.

I smirked, "I know. I saw you three prancing about like deer."

All three gazed at me with baffled expressions. Apple Bloom then spoke, "Ya saw us?! How'd ya manage that from... Ooooh, I get it. Ya used the telescope in our observatory above the clubhouse, didn't ya?"

I replied with a pirate's accent, "Arr, that I did, ye little fillies. Nothing hides from James the Red's one good eye. That spyglass let me keep an eye on ye from the safety of me crow's nest."

Scootaloo snickered, "Hey, that gives me an idea! Maybe we can use the observatory like a crow's nest!"

Sweetie Belle then smirked, "Don't you mean a chicken roost?"

For one reason or another, Scootaloo was flustered by this remark. "What's that about chickens?!"

I decided to step in before an argument could break out. "Easy, girls. This is a party. Let's just have a good time, OK?"

Scootaloo nodded, "Yeah, right. A party." She then asked, "James... Could you let Rainbow Dash know being an..."

I nodded, knowing exactly what she was getting at. "OK. And I'll make sure she promises not to tell anyone. Right?"

My little sister nodded with a smile. "Right." I then patted the three fillies on their heads and walked over to Rainbow Dash, who was helping herself to a cupcake.

Before I could say anything, Rainbow Dash spoke up as she turned to face me. "Hey there, James! Nice job on helping make this new recipe!"

I smiled as I replied, "Glad you like it, Rainbow." I waited until she had finished eating the cupcake before motioning for her to follow me into a corner. "Rainbow Dash, I need to talk to you over here. It's important."

The rainbow-mane pegasus followed me without a word. As she drew closer, I raised a finger to my lips to signal that I wanted her to keep her voice down. She then muttered quietly, "OK, what's the matter?"

"It's about Scootaloo." I replied with a whisper. Rainbow Dash's eyes glanced over at the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They were busy snacking on cake. I then asked, "Did you know she's an orphan?"

Rainbow Dash stared at me for a moment before bursting into laughter. I stared at her all the while until she stopped and asked, "Really?" I then glared at her to show that I was quite serious about what I had said. She then muttered, "You're...serious?" When I nodded, Rainbow once again glanced over at Scootaloo before looking back to me. "No... I never knew. How'd you find out?"

I replied, "She only tells a few people she knows very well. She thinks it's OK for you to know too." I then gave Rainbow Dash a very stern glare. "Don't you dare tell ANYONE about that though. If word gets out that Scoot is an orphan, there's no telling what it might do to her social life."

I was expecting Rainbow Dash to start poking fun at Scoot as a means to mess with her. However, my brash friend bowed her head slightly and spoke, "I promise... Dang, I never knew Scootaloo had it that rough. But is she really without a family at all?"

I smiled as I looked over at Scootaloo having fun with her friends. "Not anymore. On our way over here, she caught up to me and had me sign an adoption form. She's my little sister now."

For a moment, Rainbow Dash merely stared at me with a blank expression. But she then smiled, "Wow... Really? You and Scoot are big bro and little sis now?" When I nodded, she patted me on the shoulder with her hoof. "You'll be an awesome brother for her. Hay, you'll be an even better sibling for her than I'd ever be. When does she start living with you?"

I replied, "She moves in with me and Fluttershy tonight. Once the party's over, she'll go pack her bags."

Rainbow Dash then surprised me with a sudden embrace. "You be good to her, James. She's a good kid." I nodded while hugging her back.

As I headed over to the table to get some cake and punch, I noticed Zecora helping herself to some muffins. I was still rather surprised to see my zebra friend at the party, as she does not come into town very often. And even then, I had only visited her a few times since meeting her.

"Hey there, Zecora. Glad you could make it." I spoke as I approached her.

My zebra friend turned to me and smiled, "As am I, my friend. I'm pleased that our previous time together was not the end."

The last time I visited Zecora before this day was to retrieve some tea for Twilight Sparkle. "Have things been problematic for you in the Everfree Forest?" I asked, wondering if she ever has trouble with the more wild types of fauna.

Zecora smiled, "Not at all. I tend to blend in well. When I am about, the creatures can almost never tell." I admit I have come to adore her constant rhyming.

"Sounds like stealth is your strong suit. But do you come to Ponyville often?" I retorted while snacking on a cupcake.

"I try to frequent Ponyville whenever I possibly can. And besides, remaining under the cover of those trees isn't good for ones' tan." I chuckled under my breath, starting to wonder if Zecora was putting conscious effort into forming rhymes as she speaks.

"Yeah, the canopy of the Everfree Forest is pretty thick in most spots. It's especially spooky at...night..." I spoke, but I then remembered something from the second night I spent in the Everfree Forest. There was one friend of mine I had all but forgotten about. Someone who I still wanted to help. "Mitta..."

Zecora seemed to notice me mutter that name. "Is something troubling you? Is it that the guests here are too few?"

I nodded with a frown as my eyes scanned my surroundings. "Yeah... One or two I was really hoping to see... But I can't really tell you who they are just yet."

My friend nodded in understanding. "I see. But if they are your friends, do not fear. They will remain close to you, even when they are not near."

She did not need to explain that to me. Even when I was back on Earth, my feelings for my beloved friends in Equestria did not weaken. They were still close to me regardless of how far apart we were at the time. And even now, my desire to help save Mitta from her curse had not changed. "You're right..."

Zecora then nudged me with her muzzle. "Anytime, my friend. But do not let me keep you. Surely you have other friends here who missed you as much as I do."

I nodded with a smile as I scanned the area. "Thanks, Zecora. Let's talk again before the party ends." I then set my gaze on Heartstrings and headed over in her direction.

"Afternoon, Heartstrings... Or was it Lyra?" I asked, not sure of which name she prefers to be called by.

The unicorn turned to face me and smiled, "Either will do. In any case, what's up? You happy to be back?"

I nodded, "More than you know. I hated my time back on Earth."

Heartstrings smiled, "Well, you're home to stay now, right? And... Hey! That reminds me! I have another question about your world!"

Of course. Ever since meeting me, Heartstrings.... Oh fine, I will refer to her as Lyra to conserve space and ink. Anyway, her interest in humanity has only deepened since meeting me. Almost every time I see her, she has another question for me. "Uh... OK? What's on your mind?" I asked as I took a seat by her.

She replied, "I know you said that Earth is a horrible place to live in and that most humans are absolutely awful. But are there really no redeeming qualities about that place?"

Redeeming qualities. Something I had not thought about when I first met her. Earth may be overrun with hate, greed, and war, but...yes. I suppose there are some qualities about it and humanity that spare it from being a perfect hell. "Well... I guess there are some good things about it."

Lyra's face brightened up instantly. "There are? Can you name a few?"

I began to explain while choosing my topics carefully. "I guess the first thing I can point out is technology. Humans have developed all sorts of vehicles, electronic devices, and many types of gadgets that make daily life easier."

Lyra smiled, "That sounds interesting! Can you name some?"

I decided to name just one from each category. "For the electronics, we have computers. Think of them boxes that connect to a screen with a keyboard. It... Actually, I can't explain it too well. But you can find them everywhere today. As for those everyday necessities, there's stuff like... Oh right, escalators that are basically moving stairs that carry you along. And for vehicles, they have airplanes. Basically big metal flying ships that can carry lots of people at once. They've even made vehicles that can fly into space."

My explanation caused Lyra's expression to brighten in fascination. "They have things that can carry you into space?! If we had something like that, maybe we could've gone to the moon and brought Princess Luna home a long time ago!"

I smirked, "Funny you mention that. Around forty years ago, some people actually landed on Earth's moon using a type of spacecraft."

Lyra gasped, "So they've already visited other planets?! Maybe someday they'll be able to come to Equestria!"

I shook my head, "Maybe... But at the current rate of progress they're making on space travel, that'll take a very long time. The moon is the furthest away a human has ever gotten from Earth."

My unicorn friend grinned, "Well, it sounds like Earth has lots of cool stuff! Is there anything else about it that's not a bad thing?"

I nodded, "There are lots of different sports. Those tend to bring people together since it's all about friendly competition. We've got soccer, baseball, volleyball, hockey, football, as well as many others. Does Equestria have anything like that?"

To my surprise, Lyra nodded, "Actually, yeah! But instead of football, we play hoofball."

I smirked as I rolled my eyes, "Why am I not surprised?"

Lyra then asked, "Well, that's a lot of fun things your world has. But has humanity ever done any really good things for each other? Or has it been nothing but awful terrible things?"

This question had me think carefully for a moment. While there is indeed a great deal of evil in my world, there have been some high profile incidents of good will. And there was one such incident that stood out in my mind. "Yes. They have done some good things. I can tell you about one."

My friend smiled, "I'm all ears."

I then explained, "Not that long ago, there was a massive earthquake in the island nation of Japan that triggered a catastrophic tsunami."

"Tsunami?" Lyra asked, clearly not familiar with Japanese terms.

"Tidal wave." I retorted, using the more common term for it.

"Anyway, a lot of people died because no one saw it coming. Entire seaside towns were washed away. Those who did survive the ordeal were left homeless. And that's where things started to get better." I went on. "Nations from all over began to pour in supplies and aid of all sorts. I even saw a video once showing the aftermath and the people of Japan voicing their gratitude. Gotta admit, it actually choked me up."

Lyra was silent for a moment. She then asked, "So, there really is some good in humanity?"

I nodded, but crossed my arms as I bowed my head. "Don't get me wrong. Humanity still has mountains of sin in its past and those mountains keep getting bigger by the day. But incidents like that do give me some hope for my kind."

I was surprised as Lyra embraced me. "I know I have hope for humanity. After all, you're a good person. Who's to say other humans can't be nice like you?"

I embraced my friend back. "Yeah... But I'm still staying here. Even if there is hope for my world, I still prefer being in Equestria."

"I'm glad to hear that. It's been fun learning from you." Lyra spoke as she nuzzled me. She then pointed at Derpy, who was browsing the selection of treats. "Why don't you go talk to Derpy? She's been looking forward to you coming home too."

"I think I'll do that right now. Let's chat again before the party ends, Lyra." I petted her on the head before heading over towards the local mailmare.

As I drew closer, it seemed that Derpy was having trouble deciding on what to eat first. "Um... Should I stick with muffins or try the cupcakes?" She moved her head back and forth with her mouth open, clearly unable to decide on what to eat first. Suddenly, she grinned as she grabbed one of each in her ankle joints. "Ah, what the hay? I'll take both!"

I took a step back as she tossed the two pastries upwards and held her mouth wide open with her eyes closed. However, instead of falling into her mouth, the muffin and cupcake fell bottom side-down onto her closed eyelids. "Huh?" Derpy then began to 'look' around with the two snacks apparently affixed to her face. "Whoa! Muffin vision in my left eye and cupcake vision in my right! The world looks so yummy now!" I merely rolled my eyes as I shook my head. Derpy Hooves is, and always will be, a truly loveable little 'derp'.

After a moment longer, Derpy licked the two pastries right off her face and devoured them both at once. I still have to wonder if it is normal for a pony's tongue to get that long. "Mmm... Yummy... Huh? Oh, hi James! You were looking really tasty a second ago!"

I winced, suspecting that her 'cupcake and muffin vision' may have been real. Considering all of the unexplainable supernatural things that occur in Equestria on a daily basis, it would not surprise me if it were. "Don't even think about eating me, please. I just got home." I replied with my hands held up.

The goofy pegasus smiled, "I'd never do that! We ponies are strictly vegetarians!" However, she then held out a muffin to me. "But now that you're here, take this. I made it just for you."

It seemed to be an ordinary blueberry muffin with a thin layer of sugar sprinkled on top. As I took it in hand, Derpy's expression brightened. "I made it with you in mind. I hope you like it."

I looked down at the muffin before looking back at Derpy. This simple display of affection from a pony I do not frequently interact with deeply touched me, even though she had already given me one earlier that day. After a moment more, I dropped to my knees and embraced her. "Don't ever change, Derpy... You loveable little derp..."

"Dawww, you don't have to get all sentimental on me, James." Derpy replied as she wrapped her forelegs around me. "But still... Don't ever change either."

"All righty, ponies. Time fer a little somethin' special!" I heard Applejack call out as she came to the top of the stairs. Resting on her back was a wooden barrel that was almost her size.

Before I could even ask what the barrel was for, I noticed Rainbow Dash staring with her mouth hanging open at the barrel. "Applejack... Is that...a barrel of your special brand of cider?!"

Big Macintosh answered Rainbow's question for her. "Eyup."

Applejack grinned, "Sure is! Just because we make and sell barrel after barrel of it durin' Cider Season doesn't mean we don't keep a few barrels 'round fer special occasions or ourselves. And today definitely counts as somethin' special."

Rainbow Dash suddenly cheered, "YES! I'm gonna make up for all those wasted hours waiting in line by chugging as many mugs as I can! I'm first in line!"

However, Applejack replied as she set the barrel on the drink table. "Not so fast, Rainbow. James is the real guest of honor, so he gets ta try it first."

Luna then asked, "I've heard tell of this Sweet Apple Acres cider. Is it as fabulous as claimed?"

Pinkie Pie replied with a bright smile, "Oh, you haven't lived until you've tried this! It's like ambrosia for the soul!"

Ambrosia? Seriously? I have never once tried cider, so I was rather curious. However, I grew suspicious as I saw Applejack attach a hand pump to the end of the barrel. It strongly brought to mind the types used for different beers in bars, leading me to suspect that her cider is of the hard variety. "Um... That isn't alcoholic, is it?"

Applejack replied, "Oh, ever so slightly. One mug ain't gonna hurt ya. It'll take a lot fer ya to get tipsy."

Mr. Cake then spoke up, "If that's the case, all the fillies should come with me for refreshments. This way, girls."

Sweetie Belle smiled, "OK! I hope you have sarsaparilla!" The three Cutie Mark Crusaders followed my employer downstairs as I approached the barrel of cider.

"OK... So, I get the first mug?" I asked as Applejack filled a tankard with the golden beverage.

"Sure do! Drink up, pardner." She then handed me the wooden tankard.

Now, I confess I have never once consumed alcoholic beverages before. Aside from drinking small amounts of wine at mass, but that is beside the point. The room became quiet as the partygoers watched. I shrugged before taking a sip.

Wow. Just wow. The flavor was... Actually, I do not think I will ever be able to describe the flavor of this cider. It was cold and went down smooth with a strong apple aftertaste. But it did not feel like juice. I noticed a slight tingle and a noticeable warmth at the back of my throat at first, probably from the alcohol content, but it was not enough to make me feel uncomfortable. "Dang. Now I know why you want this stuff so badly, Rainbow."

My brash pegasus friend smiled, "And now that you've had your share, it's my turn for some!" She swooped right over to the barrel as the rest of the partygoers formed a line.

The faces of the ponies as they drank the cider were rather entertaining to behold. They were usually varying expressions of bliss or delight. I was especially entertained by the expression Zecora made once she gulped some down. Her eyes rolled back in her head for an instant while a rosy blush adorned her cheeks. I never once imagined I would see the sage-like zebra mare look so...intoxicated. Or maybe it was just a flavor rush.

I leaned against the wall while watching the other partygoers mingle. Luna then walked up alongside me with a tankard of cider floating next to her and asked, "Is this your first time drinking hard cider?"

I nodded, "Actually, it's my first time drinking any form of cider. And my first time drinking a hard beverage. Although I gotta admit this doesn't taste like it contains alcohol."

Luna chuckled lightly before replying, "Take care to not drink too much. This is a day we all want to remember. I would prefer it if neither of us drink ourselves under the table."

I smiled, "I agree with you on that completely. I don't wanna forget what happened this day." However, just after I finished my serving, I felt a familiar need. "Excuse me for a minute, Luna. I need to use the restroom."

"Take your time." The princess replied. I will be right back. No need to bring my journal with me.

Hi! Pinkie Pie here! Just saying hello to whoever's reading this! What's James even writing? A report for Princess Celestia?

Ooooh, I get it. He's writing a journal! Fluttershy told me about these. Hmmm... Wow, he's really good at these. Just look at all that detail!

Anyway, hey there, ponies! We're all having a great party here at Sugarcube Corner! It's a party to welcome one of my most special friends back home! In case you don't know, it's James!

Now this guy has been a really great friend! I remember just bumping into him out of nowhere 3 weeks ago. I knew right then that I had never seen him before. I mean, really! He was the first human I ever met! So I just HAD to throw a party for him! We bonded really fast at the party and he's been with us ever since! Well... Until 4 days ago, that is. He just disappeared overnight without a trace. I was even wondering if he was just a dream I thought up. But nope! Here he is! Back in Equestria safe and sound!

I was so happy to see him, I couldn't contain myself! I grabbed him and gave him the biggest hug I could! But... I just remembered how he was when he saw me. The poor guy was crying. When I think about it... Awww, how precious am I to him for him to cry after seeing me for the first time in 4 days? He's a total sweetheart!

James has been a total blessing to my friends and me. After spending 3 weeks with him, I can't imagine life without him anymore! I don't even know how he got here! But if I ever meet the one who brought him to Equestria, I'll give them the best cupcakes they've ever tasted!

Anyway, everypony's really happy to have him back! This party was just meant for his closest friends like us, but I invited everypony else I could think of who's pretty close to him. There was Big Macintosh, Heartstrings, Zecora, Derpy Hooves, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and even Mr. and Mrs. Cake! And guess what? Even Princess Luna showed up! And... Uh oh. Looks like Rainbow Dash is trying to get more cider. I know that stuff is awesome, but we've only got so much to spread around this time! Let me go see if I can distract her with some punch.

OK, here I am! That went over well. Oh wait! I just remembered that I didn't properly introduce myself! I'm Pinkie Pie! I'm the pink pony with a poofy mane who's friends with absolutely everypony in Ponyville! I work at Sugarcube Corner and baby-sit the Cake couple's foals when I can. I also like to come up with songs in my spare time. But more than anything, I like to make my friends smile. And... Huh?! Oh, my Pinkie Sense is tingling! Let's see... Ears twitching, but not flopping... Ooh! That means someone's going to be clopping pretty soon! But clopping to what?

Oh, right. Some of you might not know what 'clopping' even is. Well, you see, clopping is what they call...

Oops! I hear James coming back up the stairs! I better get going. But it's always nice to put my thoughts down on paper! So long! And keep smiling!

All right, where was I...wait. Where did all this extra text come from? This is not my handwriting!

Oh, I see now. Pinkie Pie decided to jot down some things while I was away. Hmm... Well, she certainly thinks highly of me. Heh, just like she cannot imagine life without me, I certainly cannot imagine life without her either. Not a day goes by without her making me smile or laugh in some way.

Hardly five minutes after I got a second serving of Applejack's cider, I heard her in an argument with Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow, you've already had four servin's of that cider. Don'tcha think you've had enough fer one day?"

Rainbow Dash, like most times I have seen her, was airborne with her wings flapping in a steady rhythm. However, I noticed that she could not stay in one spot and was constantly drifting back and forth ever so slightly. I also noticed a rosy blush on her cheeks. "Oh, c'mon, AJ! Just look at Derpy! She's had four servings too and she looks just fine!"

My gaze turned towards Derpy as she chugged down a tankard of cider. She let out a sigh once she had finished. But I was in for a surprise when she opened her eyes. They had gone from being...well...'derped' to looking completely normal. It was as if alcohol had the exact opposite affect on her as on other ponies. She glanced around before smiling, "Wow, when did everything get so clear?"

"Ya see?! If she can take it, so can I!" Rainbow Dash spoke while pointing at the mailmare.

"Ugh... Fine, fine, help yerself." Applejack replied in defeat.

"Don't worry about me, Applejack. I promise I'll stop at my sixth." Rainbow Dash said with a smile as she started to chug down another serving of cider.

"What is that stuff? Gold for the tongue?" I muttered, finding that Rainbow's cravings for the cider seemed to border on obsessive.

I watched as Pinkie Pie danced alongside Heartstrings and Zecora. I must admit Zecora's style of dancing was very exotic to behold. Somewhat slow and mystical, but what would you expect from a nomadic beauty like her? In my eyes, her style of dance stole the show.

Big Macintosh took a seat beside me with a tankard of cider being held in his ankle joint. "How were things while I was gone, Mac? Was AJ and little Apple Bloom doing OK?" I asked, curious of how the burly red stallion handled my absence.

He replied with a slight frown, "Nnope."

I then asked, "Well... What about you? Are you glad to see me again?"

Big Macintosh smiled, "Eyup."

"It's good to have you around, Mac. Your presence is very refreshing." I spoke while patting him on the shoulder. I then asked, "Ya know... You're always really quiet when you're around other ponies. Are you shy?" I can completely relate, as I tend to be uptight when around people I do not know well.

The laidback stallion nodded, "Eyup..."

No wonder he is always so soft-spoken. It is not because he chooses to say little. He is simply too shy to bring himself to talk much. I then asked, "Well... Are you shy around me?"

I saw Big Macintosh give a slight smile as he replied, "Nnope."

"You're pretty cool, Big Mac. We friends? And you don't have to say much if you don't want to." I smiled as I held out my fist for a brohoof.

"Eyup." He replied as he bumped his hoof against my fist.

Out of nowhere, I heard Applejack call out. "Dang it, Rainbow! I told ya six servin's was too much fer ya!" I looked over at the farm pony, who seemed to be looking up with an irritated expression. When I too looked up, I think my jaw dropped. Tangled in the ribbons that hung above the floor was what seemed to be a drunken Rainbow Dash.

"Whaddya mean six was too much? I'm just fine! Besides, lookit all these vines! I'm just like Daring Do now!" Rainbow Dash replied with a slightly slurred voice. And...yeah, she must have been drunk. She was wearing a pink snack bowl on her head. "And so the adventurous Daring Do's parachute malfunctioned and got tangled in vines as she descended through the canopy! What would be the best way to get outta this?"

I noticed Twilight approach me while looking up at Rainbow Dash. "Daring what now?" I asked, not knowing who or what this 'Daring Do' character is.

Twilight looked at me out of the corner of her eye and spoke, "She's the main protagonist of a series of adventure stories that Rainbow Dash loves to read. I can give you a copy of some if they interest you."

I shook my head as I replied, "I'm more concerned with getting Rainbow back down here." The rainbow-mane pegasus was still hanging in the ribbons, looking utterly oblivious to what was happening. But as I observed her for a second, I looked down at my tankard of cider. I had already consumed one and this one was now half empty. I was feeling just fine at the moment, but I certainly did not want to run the risk of ending up like Rainbow Dash. I might end up getting taped to the ceiling or worse.

I suspect Twilight may have noticed my hesitation in drinking the remaining amount of my cider. "You gonna drink that?" She asked, probably having developed a taste for that delicious drink.

My eyes glanced at the face of my unicorn friend before looking at my drink. I then held it out to her and replied, "Knock yourself out." Twilight grinned thankfully before using magic to lift the tankard out of my grasp before chugging it all.

"Just leave it to me! One shot from my party cannon oughta get her down!" Pinkie Pie called out as she pushed a... Good lord, was she really going to use that thing?

"Pinkie Pie, I know that thing is far from being a weapon. But is it really safe to directly shoot somepony with it?!" Rarity gasped as Pinkie Pie took aim with an old-fashioned cannon that was almost the same size as her own body. The barrel was almost the same shade of blue as Rainbow Dash's coat while the wheels at the back had pink rims and purple centers with a white flower emblem in the middle.

Pinkie Pie took a moment to adjust the cannon's aim while replying to Rarity, "Of course it is, silly! It might be a cannon, but all it does shoot is good clean fun!" Once the end of the cannon was properly aligned with Rainbow Dash, who was still just as oblivious as a moment earlier while she was just hanging upside down with her eyes rolling around in her head, Pinkie Pie called out, "Don't move, Rainbow! I promise this won't hurt a bit!"

Rainbow Dash muttered, "Oh no...! The evil Uhitzol is about to fire his cursed spear gun at our hero! Can Daring Do escape in time?!" .....OK, I have no idea if I even spelled that name correctly. Maybe I should read the book to get an idea of how to spell that villain's name.

I watched as Pinkie Pie pressed down on the cannon's fuse like a button. But when it did not fire, she gave the cannon a slight nudge. "Oh, come on! I know I loaded it with...EEK!" Pinkie Pie shrieked as it suddenly misfired. Fortunately for me, the cannon was not particularly loud. Only about as loud as those shirt launchers that you might see during breaks at a hockey game.

The cannon was knocked off target when Pinkie Pie nudged it, causing the cannon to point at Zecora at the time it misfired. A puff of yellow smoke engulfed the zebra for a moment. However, when the smoke did clear, my zebra friend looked like she was decked out for Mardi Gras. She was wearing a flashy headdress with plastic beads and a flowing dress with a floral pattern that sported green, gold, and purple colorations. She then exclaimed with a bewildered voice, "I do not believe I have ever seen such designs of purple, gold, and green!"

The recoil from the cannon caused its mouth to point in another direction before Pinkie Pie could stop it. When the cannon fired again, it was pointing at... Oh jeez, Princess Luna?! The cloud of smoke that engulfed her upon being shot was red. When the smoke cleared..... Really, Pinkie Pie? A Santa Claus coat and hat? No, I am not joking. That is exactly what she was wearing. Luna seemed to be unamused by this as she rolled her eyes. "A Santa Hooves outfit? I believe you may have that cannon set to the wrong type of party."

It seemed that the Cutie Mark Crusaders had come back upstairs to join the party as I found the three of them lined up in a row while watching the mayhem unfold. Once the cannon pointed in their direction, it fired three times in quick succession as it shot all three of them in a row. Strangely enough, each of the three fillies was engulfed in a differently colored cloud of smoke. Apple Bloom was covered in a fiery orange cloud, Sweetie Belle was engulfed in a lime green cloud, and a light blue cloud surrounded Scootaloo. Once the smoke had cleared, I found that the three fillies were each wearing a different kind of hat. Just hats. But for some reason, the three types lined up seemed strangely.....familiar.

Apple Bloom was wearing a sombrero, Sweetie Belle was wearing what I believe was a boater hat, and Scootaloo was wearing a light blue sailor's hat. "What in tarnation are these for?!" Apple Bloom asked as she tried to balance out her hat. It seemed to be a size too big for her.

"Well, at least it didn't put me in a chicken suit." Scootaloo replied with a grin.

However, Sweetie Belle smirked at the pegasus filly. "I know. You look more like a duck now."

"Oh, shut up!" Scootaloo shouted at the unicorn filly... Wait. A duck? In a blue sailor hat? And two others in a sombrero and a boater hat... Oh my god...

I am not sure if it was because I had been loosened up a bit from consuming small amounts of alcohol, but I burst out laughing to the point where I fell on the floor. If there is anyone reading this who knows why I found their appearances to be funny, congratulations on recognizing the similarities.

My laughing was interrupted when I suddenly felt a burst of wind in my face. I then noticed that I was covered in a plume of white smoke. "What the..." I muttered as I stood up. Strangely enough, it felt like there was something on my head. When the smoke began to clear, I found myself draped in a...white tablecloth? And on my head was a.....lampshade. A freaking lampshade!

"Really? A lampshade? On me? Since when am I the life of a party?!" I grumbled, knowing I was not nearly loosened up enough to be worthy of this particular headgear.

"I think you look kind of cute in it, James." Fluttershy spoke as she hovered near me. I merely rolled my eyes at her claim.

"OK, no more games! Rainbow Dash is going down!" Pinkie Pie shouted as she pounced upon the cannon and adjusted its aim. A second later, the cannon fired and hit Rainbow Dash right in the chest in a flurry of confetti. The drunken pegasus was torn from the ribbons that bound her and fell onto Applejack's back with a yelp.

"Ya'll fine now, Rainbow?" Applejack asked as our friend hung over her sides.

"Ugh... Make the world stop spinning..." Rainbow Dash grumbled as her eyes rolled around in her head. While still clearly drunk, it seemed she had been knocked out of her stupor for the most part.

With a sigh, I approached her and helped my friend to a standing position. Right after that, I removed the snack bowl from her head and placed my lampshade on her head. "Huh? A lampshade? What's this for?"

I replied, "You deserve this more than me."

The party continued without a hitch, although Luna removed her Santa outfit out of preference for her usual regal attire. That, and it was far too hot out for that kind of clothing. However, Zecora had taken a liking to her flashy new dress and chose to hold onto it. And lastly, Applejack was making certain that Rainbow Dash did not get anymore cider for the remainder of the party.

Later during the party, I happened to notice a billowing pale blue aura surrounding Luna's horn as she mingled with the guests. It was not unusual to see it while she was levitating something, but the aura seemed larger than usual and there was nothing floating near her. I waited to catch her alone before approaching her.

"Excuse me, Luna. What kind of spell are you using now?" I asked once standing next to her.

The princess of the night looked up at me and smiled, "Oh, you noticed? I'm just fulfilling my primary duties right now. It takes a bit of time to raise the moon."

I paused for a moment as I tried to comprehend what she had just told me. "You mean... You're raising the moon... As in right now?" When Luna nodded with a smile, I raised my voice just slightly. "But... That has to be a challenge! How're you doing that without looking like you're even focusing on it?!"

Luna chuckled as she replied, "When you've been raising and lowering the moon for as long as I have, it becomes second nature to you." My eyes traced over my regal friend. It was impossible for me to fathom the sheer amount of magical power this beautiful alicorn possesses. Could it be that she is...a goddess?

The one last thing we did before the party ended was take pictures using my DSi. Each of the photos differed as they all contained me with one or more of the guests. One involved me arm wrestling Big Macintosh. And...good god. The instant we started, I was sent falling over the edge of the table. His strength is godly. The image depicted me almost completely out of the shot at the bottom of the screen with Big Macintosh showing the most expressive face I had ever seen on him to that day.

Another depicted me wearing one of those foreign masks that Zecora owns. It seems she brought it along for kicks. The photo we took together showed me wearing the mask while striking a pose with my arms and legs in angular positions while Zecora posed on her hind legs beside me.

Lyra was in the next one. True to her fascination with humans, she was standing on her hind legs while leaning against me with her forelegs crossed. She was making a big toothy grin while I rolled my eyes at her attempt at imitating a human.

Next was Derpy Hooves. That loveable little airhead was airborne next to me, each of us wearing a muffin on our heads. Her eyes were just as derped as before while I was trying to not laugh.

The next photo showed me with beautiful Princess Luna. Her horn was still engulfed in that blue aura at the time, probably because the moon was not yet in its proper orbit. She had reared up on her hind legs so that her height was closer to being the same as mine. Her forelegs were resting on my arm as I held her up. The two of us were smiling together, my spare hand resting on her hoof.

The next picture always makes me smile when I look at it. It showed the Cutie Mark Crusaders with the smaller members standing at the front with the tallest standing at the back. All four of us had serious expressions while wearing our trademark capes. But despite our stern glares, each of us was smirking.

The final picture is arguably my favorite. It was taken when my six closest friends and me were gathered together for a group shot. Fluttershy was hovering next to me while nuzzling me while.... Well, to be honest, it looked like the others were doing their best to keep Rainbow Dash still for the picture. It still turned out fine, but that goofy pegasus really stole the show in that moment.

Once it was completely dark out, we all decided we had partied long enough and that it was time to head home. "Thanks again for attending, everypony. We hope to see you all again real soon!" Mr. Cake spoke as we all made our way downstairs to the front door.

"A truly memorable party from beginning to end. May we meet again soon, my friends." Zecora spoke as she headed off into the night. One by one, all our other guests said their goodbyes and headed on their way. However, Scootaloo looked up at me just before going outside.

"I'll go gather up my stuff. Wait for me, OK?" My little sister spoke as I stroked her mane. She then ran outside and out into Ponyville. I was still left wondering exactly where she lived.

Aside from my six closest friends and myself, Luna was the last to leave. "I'm glad I stayed for this party. I enjoyed every minute of it. Well... Maybe every minute except for when I was forced to wear that red and white hat and coat combo..."

I chuckled, "I think you actually looked really good in it." Luna rolled her eyes at my claim.

"In any case, I must return to Canterlot. But we will be seeing each other again, won't we?"

Fluttershy nodded with a smile, "It would be lovely if you could come and visit now and then, your highness."

Luna smiled, "Is that so? Then I believe I shall be planning some more visits very soon." She then began to hover as she took to the air. However, she then whispered into my ear, "I will relay your words to Celestia as soon as I see her."

I muttered back as we embraced each other for a moment, "Thanks, Luna. And give her my thanks for bringing me here in the first place." Me and my friends then watched as the beautiful princess flew into the night sky, her silhouette perfectly visible against the glow of the full moon.

"Are you certain you will be fine getting home, Rainbow Dash?" Rarity asked as we stepped outside.

"Ye...yeah... I'll be fine! I think the worst is over now... Hic... But I think I'll stay grounded until I can fly straight." Rainbow Dash replied, still clearly intoxicated from chugging one too many tankards of hard cider.

"Just make sure you drink some water before bed. Otherwise you'll wake up with an awful hangover." Twilight Sparkle added, almost sounding like she was speaking from experience.

"That was one swell party, Pinkie! Thanks fer the invite!" Applejack spoke as she looked over at Pinkie Pie, who was standing at the doorway.

"Don't thank me! Thank James! There wouldn't have been any point in throwing this party if he never came home!" She replied with a toothy grin. I snickered as I averted my eyes. I do not think I will ever get used to being the center of attention.

We all began to walk in separate directions, but I felt myself stop after several steps. Fluttershy went on ahead for a few more before she noticed I had stopped. "James? Is something wrong?"

I had turned my back on my friends and we were walking away from each other. The unpleasant memories of being separated from my friends for three days straight began to surface as I became fearful that I would not see them again after tonight. But when I looked over my shoulder, I was surprised to see that they too had stopped dead in their tracks. All five of them were looking in my direction with worrisome expressions.

"Hey... James. We're gonna see ya tomorrow, right?" Rainbow Dash asked, her voice still slightly slurred.

"Yeah... I'll definitely see you all again... But will you be here tomorrow?" I replied.

To my surprise, all six of the mares swarmed me and embraced me in a tight group hug. "You bet we will. Just...please don't ever disappear again." Twilight spoke with a pained voice.

I merely nodded in silence as I wrapped my arms around them the best I could. "Nopony can ever replace you, darling. Please don't ever leave us again..." Rarity muttered as she nuzzled my face.

"I won't, girls... I... I just can't imagine life without you..." I muttered in reply. "You were right, Twi. You don't know what you have until it's gone. And I learned just how much you girls mean to me."

Applejack smiled, "Likewise, pardner. You'll always be welcome in Ponyville."

Pinkie Pie then grinned, "OK, we better let James get home. He's bound to be tired after three whole days of no sleep! I know I hardly slept! Had to chug around ten pots of coffee to keep going!" I snickered at that revelation. I always thought coffee was too strong for the likes of Pinkie Pie.

"Don't worry. We'll see each other again tomorrow. Shall we go home now, James?" Fluttershy asked while looking at me.

I nodded, "Sounds great, honey. Good night, girls. And thanks for the warm welcome back." The seven of us bid each other goodbye and began to head home. Except for Pinkie Pie, that is. She simply went back inside Sugarcube Corner.

"Man... What would I do without you girls..." I muttered as I walked to the western edge of Ponyville with Fluttershy by my side.

"Try not to think about that anymore, James. You're home now and you're never leaving again. Right?" The timid pegasus replied while looking up at me.

I looked up at the night sky, feeling the calmness of the cool evening winds soothing my mind. "Yeah... Never again..."

The walk home was fairly uneventful, as most of the ponies in town had gone home for the night. However, once we had reached the meadow that bordered our cottage, I froze as I felt Fluttershy drag the tip of her long tail against my chin. "Uh... Honey?"

I suspect Fluttershy was not even entirely aware of what she had done since she stopped in her tracks. "Uh oh... Did I just..." Her tail was still raised, the tip still held against the underside of my chin. Her face turned red as a beet.

"Yeah, you did... I didn't know you could be this flirty, Fluttershy." I replied, feeling rather warm from a spike in body temperature.

She proceeded to partially conceal her face behind her mane. "It was kind of out of instinct... It's just that I' heat..."

My eyes opened wide at those words. "You' heat?"

Fluttershy nodded, "Yes... I never had any problems before, but when I'm around's a little harder to restrain myself..."

"Well... What is it you really want to do?"

She began to walk a little faster with her tail still raised high enough to reach my face. "I... I don't know... My mind is kind of a mess. I'm not sure what to focus on..." However, even though Fluttershy was very indecisive at the moment, it was very obvious what her body wanted. Her tail seemed to be raised without her knowledge, giving me a perfect view of her needy vulva.

"Um... Fluttershy? Lower your tail before someone sees..." I muttered loudly to get my lover's attention.

Fluttershy was quick to respond to my words as she lowered her tail right away. "I'm sorry... Did anypony see that?" I shook my head. We were a good distance from the edge of Ponyville by now. "Phew... I wish my body wouldn't do that..."

I then spoke, "You know, you don't have to restrain yourself around me when we're alone."

"You really wouldn't mind? My instinct's are telling me to do some...very naughty things to you right now..." Fluttershy replied with a sheepish tone.

I nodded with a smile, "I don't mind. Couples shouldn't be afraid to do naughty stuff together. It's actually completely normal, to be fair."

After a few seconds of thought, Fluttershy nodded. "OK then. I'll be true to myself once Scootaloo's in bed for the night. I...really wouldn't want her to walk in on us or anything."

Speaking of Scootaloo, I started hearing a familiar motorized buzzing noise just as we reached the edge of Fluttershy's property. "Here comes the little speed demon now." I spoke as I turned around. Coming towards us was Scootaloo on her scooter. And being dragged along behind it was...whoa. That is quite the wagon.

"Hey, guys! Thanks for waiting for me!" Scootaloo spoke as she slowed to a halt. The wagon that was being pulled behind her was probably five times bigger around than the scooter itself. Piled onto it was a small bed, a wardrobe, and various other odds and ends. "I packed up ALL my stuff! Where do I unload it?"

Fluttershy took a moment as she observed the pile of stuff packed into the wagon. "That's...uh...quite a bit of stuff you have..."

"Yup! I've got my bed, my cabinet for my stuff, my sofa, everything!" Scootaloo replied. It seemed that the bulk of the cargo was the bits of furniture while the smaller objects were contained inside the wardrobe or cabinet. In all, she really did not have all that much.

"Well, let's get you inside and settled in. Come on, Scoot." I called as I led her and Fluttershy up to the front door.

Unloading and putting in Scootaloo's furniture was actually fairly easy for me due to their small size. One of the side rooms had plenty of extra space, almost as if the only thing missing for it to be considered a guest room was the bed. By the time we finished, Scootaloo seemed rather drowsy.

"You ready for bed, Scoot?" I asked, noticing my little sister's partially closed eyes.

"Nah, I'm wide awake. I can still..." She replied before pausing to let out a long yawn.

I crossed my arms while smirking. "I think you're just in denial. Come on, it's time for bed." I picked the little tomboy up in my arms and set her down in the bed.

"I'll go get your shower ready for you, James. And good night, Scootaloo." Fluttershy said with a smile as she left the room.

"G'night, Fluttershy..." Scootaloo replied with a yawn.

Once I had tucked my little sister in for the night, I kissed her on the forehead. "Sweet dreams, Scoot."

However, as I stood up and turned to leave, Scootaloo spoke up in a groggy tone. "James... Wait a second..."

I turned around and kneeled next to Scootaloo. "Yeah?"

She looked at me with an endearing gaze. "I know you're my big brother now, but I feel like I really need to tell you this..." I froze as she placed her hoof on my hand. "You're...the closest thing to a dad I ever had."

I said nothing for a moment as I took in those words. I had never once thought of myself as a father figure to anyone. But...really? A father? "I love you, James... You'll always be my big brother, no matter what." She muttered with a yawn as she drifted off to sleep.

Tears began to build up in my eyes, forcing me to wipe them away. I then leaned in close and placed another kiss on Scootaloo's cheek. "I love you too, Scootaloo. You'll always be my cute and cool little sister."

Since it had gotten late, I decided to wash up before bed. It had been an emotionally tiring day for me. Half of it was spent on Earth with the other half back in Equestria. When I reached the top of the stairs, I found Fluttershy reading through what seemed to be more of my older journal entries. I decided to leave her be while I headed into the bathroom to bathe.

There was a cloud of steam lingering in the room. I suspect Fluttershy had let the water run to warm up before turning it off. Eager to get clean, I undressed and sat down in the tub before turning the water back on.

As I expected, the water was at the right temperature the instant it started flowing again. "Thanks, Fluttershy." I muttered as I pulled the shower curtain around the tub.

"You're welcome, James." A voice spoke a moment later.

I did not even hear the door close. How did Fluttershy sneak in? "Honey, is that you?" I asked while pulling the curtain open again. Sitting right next to the tub was Fluttershy. Only that gaze she was giving me was.....very out of character for her. "Um... Fluttershy? What's with the stare?"

There was a noticeable blush on my lover's face as she gazed at me with an amorous expression. "Oh, there's nothing wrong, dear. I'm just being myself." She then stepped into the tub and rested on top of my torso. That would have been relatively normal, but I shuddered as I felt her long tail starting to rub against my crotch.

"Fluttershy... What are you doing?" I asked finding this straightforward approach to be very odd.

She smiled warmly with her muzzle being an inch from my nose. "I'm just following my instincts like you suggested. And besides, I really don't feel very shy when I'm with you."

"Does that mean I should call you Flutterbold when you're in heat?" I replied. The two of us chuckled in unison.

Fluttershy continued to tease my crotch with her tail as I slowly gained an erection. "Fluttershy... You do know what might happen if we do this while you're in heat, right?" I asked, wanting to make sure Fluttershy knew what she was getting herself into.

She rested her head against my chest and smiled, "Of course I know. And I really want this." She then kissed me on the cheek, "I need you, James. Will you help me?"

I was still getting used to this behavior, so Fluttershy's words came off as somewhat awkward for me. "Honey... I think the pheromones are getting to you."

Fluttershy merely smiled, "No. I'm still me. It's just that we're alone... And you're the only person I can really open up to like this. I'm only getting this...flirty...since I feel 100% comfortable around you. And besides that..." She then pressed her nose against mine in a traditional equine 'kiss'. "I love you."

At this display of affection, I kissed Fluttershy on the cheek. "I love you too, honey. But...are you absolutely sure about this?"

My lover smiled with a blush, "I'm...very sure. If I'm with you, I feel like nothing can go wrong. But are you ready?"

I took a moment to ponder this. If Fluttershy and I were to mate now, she would likely become pregnant. Am I ready to be a father? What will our child even look like? But despite these uncertainties, I felt like I could handle it as long as I had my lover with me. "I think so... Just as long as I have you, that is."

I froze as I felt the familiar sensation of Fluttershy rubbing her vulva against my manhood. "Whatever happens... We'll face it together." She whispered to me. As I placed my hands on her sides, she slid backwards while taking me into her.

"Whoa... Fluttershy, you" I am not certain if it was just me, but her insides felt extremely warm. Was it because her heat cycle literally caused her internal body heat to rise? Regardless, the intense heat of her needy body only seemed to add to my pleasure.

"Let's take it slow, James..." Fluttershy whispered with a faint smile. I held onto her sides as she slowly began to move herself back and forth, my length filling her passage with each backward movement. Moments later, her wings spread open in an impressive wingboner. I could see them twitching every few seconds, even while being soaked with water.

I closed my eyes for a moment as we mated. Wait... This is more than just mating. We are breeding. Creating a new life. it even possible? A human and a pony? Would our genes work together? Granted, the ponies of Equestria are almost nothing like the equines of my world, but still... Is it possible for a human and Equestrian pony to reproduce together?

Now, I will be the first to admit that I do have something of a pregnancy fetish. But only when it applied to human women. But even so... I tried to imagine in my head how my girlfriend would look if pregnant with my child. I could see her... That beautiful pegasus mare smiling so brightly. She seemed so happy about something, but what?

It was then that I saw it. That large bulge in her belly hanging between her hind legs. It was so big... Bigger than a human woman's. Or did it just seem bigger due to Fluttershy's smaller frame in comparison? Either way, she seemed to have a lovely glow to her. I was tempted to reach out to her and try to feel her belly. Sadly, I could not as all I could feel was Fluttershy's wet coat against the palm of my hands. But I was still able to focus on the scene in my mind.

Fluttershy smiled warmly as she lied down on her side and showed a perfect view of her underside. Her belly looked so round from below. And then... I saw it. Her belly shook... There it was again. I could distinctly make out the indentation of something pushing against the walls of her womb from the inside. It was then that I saw and heard Fluttershy speak, "It's ours."

I opened my eyes as I think I felt a single tear building up in each one. "James... Are you OK?" Fluttershy asked, her strong cyan eyes looking down at me as some tears had started to build up in them as well.

"I think I saw it... You were carrying our foal." I replied honestly.

Fluttershy blushed even deeper at my words. But she then asked, "Was I...beautiful?"

I placed one hand on her hoof. "Like a goddess. And I heard you tell me that it was ours."

Even though her face was all wet, I could still make out her tears as they cascaded down her face. "I love you, James..." She then leaned in close and kissed me deeply, her tongue reaching out to touch mine. I held her in a gentle embrace, her body still moving back and forth as she kept taking my length into her.

I lost track of time as we kissed. Ten seconds became ten minutes as we kissed. By the time we broke the kiss, I could already feel a familiar pressure building up inside me. "Fluttershy, I'm almost there... Are you sure you're ready?"

My beautiful lover nodded with a tearful smile, "I' ready. Please... Inside me..." I began to buck my hips upwards into Fluttershy in a joint effort to induce an orgasm for us both. As usual, Fluttershy was the first to finish as her eyes rolled back in her head as she gasped loudly, her inner walls beginning to spasm around my length.

I could not hold out any longer. Groaning my lover's name, I pushed up into her as deep as I could. A second later, I felt it. My length throbbing as I filled her needy womb with my sperm. Out of all the lovemaking sessions we have had up to this point, this one left me feeling the most satisfied. And I know why. If luck is on our side, we will soon have a foal on the way.

"James..." Fluttershy muttered as she looked up at me with her head on my chest.

"Yeah, honey...?" I replied, panting just slightly in the afterglow.

Fluttershy brought her hoof to my face and smiled once again while still shedding tears. "I blessed to have you as my stallion... I'm so happy to have you home again..."

Despite using the wrong word to describe me, I was touched by Fluttershy's gratitude. And I was equally grateful to have her in my life. "No, Fluttershy... I'm the one who's really blessed. Because I was brought to this world to be with you."

"I wish I knew who did it... I want to thank them... At the very least, let's invite them to the wedding once we decide on a date..." Fluttershy replied as she rested her head just under my chin.

"Same here... I owe them more than they know." I muttered while stroking my lover's mane. Of course, I knew that it was Celestia and Luna who brought me to Equestria in the first place. But since Luna had requested that I do not spread the word, I chose to keep quiet about it.

What a day... My day, or rather the previous three days were a total nightmare for me. The first half of this day was no better, but... I finally realize just what this world means to me. Being separated from those I hold dear has caused me to rethink what they mean to me. And to be completely honest...

My friends and my lover mean everything to me.

Words cannot describe my gratitude towards Luna and Celestia for bringing me to this paradise... Well... Maybe not so much. Equestria may be far better than Earth, but it is still not without its share of drama and conflict. But compared to the constant wars and crime of Earth, the conflicts of this world are petty playground arguments.

I am writing this in bed with Fluttershy sleeping soundly beside me and with Scootaloo sleeping downstairs. I lost so much three days ago. But I gained so much more once I returned home. I now truly do have a little sister and my bond with my friends has only been strengthened. And maybe, just maybe, Fluttershy and I will be having a foal in several months.

At least I hope we do. I still have my doubts that we are all that compatible. Humans and ponies are vastly different. Our genetic compatibility is probably fairly low. But... I think it is possible. I want to believe it is possible. And if this attempt resulted in failure, then we can simply try again once Fluttershy's heat cycle returns. But even if starting a family together proves to be impossible, it will not change my feelings for Fluttershy. She is, and always will be, my angel.

All right, this day has been very tiring for me and I am eager to get to sleep. Although I am still looking forward to my days ahead. What will happen at Nightmare Night? And what will the Grand Galloping Gala be like? I have only been in Equestria for a little over three weeks at this point. And I am looking forward to spending the rest of my life here.

Wait... My eyes just scanned past the window right next to the bed. I can see the Everfree Forest out there. Somewhere out there is Mitta, more than likely still trapped under the curse of Sunny Town. And even further in is..... "Nightmare Moon."

I had all but forgotten about the beautiful princess lingering in the castle ruins deep in the forest. I can remember her tears when I tried to show her appreciation for her calm and beautiful night. "I'll be back, Nightmare Moon. Please be patient." I muttered quietly as I gripped my pillow in one hand.

That is all for tonight. I must... Hold on. I need to hide this journal entry and all of the previous ones that mention my encounter with Nightmare Moon. If anyone catches wind that she is still alive, there is no telling how Celestia and Luna will react. I know the schoolchildren and Cheerilee will not spread the word since I explained that she had in fact protected me, but it is best to be safe.

All right, no more stalling. I am exhausted and want to join my beautiful lover in sleep. And please... Please...

"Let me wake up in this bed. Let me be in Equestria when morning comes..."

Please, do not send me away again... I cannot bear it a second time...

My friends. My love. Please know this. I love you all more than you know. You are all my little ponies. My irreplaceable friends. Thank you for welcoming me into your world. And thank you for teaching me the magic of friendship. I will repay you all someday. But not right now.

Because I need to sleep. Sweet dreams, everypony. And thank you again.