A warm memory on a cold night

Story by kingy on SoFurry

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Just a little something I wrote a while ago when thinking about my ex. Interestingly enough this started out with me being depressed and wanting to write something dark, but hehe it came out much better this way

The male Fire Buizel sat on the cold hard floor of the dark lonesome cave and sighed, his tail flopping lifelessly on the ground. His ears folded back and his eyes drooping. His once soft fur was now filthy with dirt and matted. The only light coming from the dim flames emitting from the top of his head and from his arm fins, that barley even flickered enough to reach all off the walls of the tiny cave. A cold harsh wind blew flakes of snow in from the raging storm outside, but he didn't even notice the cold sting, even though his body shivered. No, his mind was elsewhere, his mind was in another time and place; a happier one, with memories much warmer then then the world outside.

A slight smile crept onto his face as he looked down at the image of himself looking all nervous and shy as he stood next to an adorable Mudkip who had a big bright smile on his face.

"Mmmm, that's the day we first met," he said quietly as he enjoyed the picture for a minute before his paw moved and he flipped another page of the book that sat in his lap and he smiled brighter at what he saw. This picture was of him and the Mudkip again. This time they were smiling brightly as they shook paws, and just below that was another picture of them hugging. "And there was the next day when they became friends."

The smile quickly grew more to one that was out of place on the otherwise sad looking Pokémon. And for an instant he thought it was real and he reached out to touch the Mudkip, only to feel his paw touch something far less warm and soft than he was expecting. He sighed again as the illusion faded into nothingness and turned the page again.

Once again the image in front of him brought back warm memories as he saw himself leading his new friend into the cave he just found hidden behind a waterfall. "Hehe, I thought for sure he would be freaked out by me asking him to live in a cave with me. I was so glad he wasn't, I was really lonely back then and really needed a friend to lean on." He didn't think it was real this time but he still reached his paw out and touched the photo. This time he smiled, though, as he held onto the memory for a few more seconds before slowly changing the page again.

This time his heart warmed up and a few tears leaked from his eyes as the picture he looked at was of them sharing a kiss. The memories of that day flooded his mind; they had just agreed to become mates and had just finished moving their beds together, when they looked into each other's eyes and got lost. And before he knew it, he was sharing his first kiss with his new love.

"James..." muttered the Fire Buizel hybrid sadly as a few more tears fell from his eyes.

He took a few moments to compose himself before turning the page once again. This time he giggled a little which might have been somewhat disturbing to anyone seeing a giggle coming from a creature in his current state. A few tears even still happened to leak from the corner of his eyes from before. But the poor guy couldn't help it. It was one of the sillier memories he had and it always made him laugh to see the look of the shocked Mudkip to see him popping out of the little refrigerator. He let himself have a few more giggles at it before changing the page.

This page quickly made him frown and a small growl emitted from his throat as he quickly slammed the book shut and lifted the book into the air to throw it across the room. But he stopped as his eyes closed and he slouched back against the rough wall, only flinching slightly as the rock cut through his matted fur and into his skin a bit. He took a few deep breaths before opening his eyes again, fresh tears pooled at the edges as he held them back. Taking another minute to try and compose himself he opened the book and slowly looked down at the picture.

What he saw nearly took his breath away. How could he still have these feelings after all this time? After all that had changed, how could he still feel the love of that day so strongly? He closed his eyes for a minute and he let the memory flood his mind.

"Come on!" giggled the Fire Buizel as he ran up the trail, almost pulling the Mudkip off the ground. The Mudkip laughed as he his warm furry Buizel friend pulled him along, not minding it at all.

"What's your hurry, Buizel butt? We have all the time in the world, you know."

Kingy smiled and blushed at the name. "Hehe, I know we do, my lovely Super Kip, but there is something special I want to show you!"

"Dawwww! That's sweet~ But don't you know by now that I already have something special? And best thing is I get to enjoy my special gift every single day!~" The Fire Bui stopped in his tracks and looked back at his special Mudkip with a big bright smile.

"J-James..." He moved closer to his best friend and wrapped his arms around him tightly. "God I love you, how did I ever get so lucky?" James smiled as he nuzzled his head into the Buizel's soft warm neck, giving his floatie a soft lick.

"I love you more and I'm the one who got lucky silly." Kingy purred as he felt the warmth inside of him grow by leaps and bounds. Oh god how he loved this sweet, caring, loving, and adorable Mudkip. He really didn't want to let go of him. But he wanted give him something special even more. So he let go after giving him one last tight squeeze and his nose a quick lick.

"Come on, my special gift, I really want to show you my gift."

"Okay, as long as your there with me I don't care where I am," James said softly as he nuzzled up close to his friend and wrapped a paw around him as he walked alongside him.

The words were even warmer to him than the kip's paw that wrapped around him. It was an intense yet pure warmth, one that started from his heart and slowly radiated out until he could feel it throughout his entire body. His paw slowly wrapped around his Mudkip as he drew him even closer, his tail wagging quickly behind him as he led them up to their favorite spot.

The two smiled as they came to the top of the trail together. They looked out over the plain with tall wavy grass, dotted with a few trees that provided nice shade on the hottest days, and a river cutting a path through the small field and falling over the edge.

In the evening a beautiful sight was rewarded to anyone who took the time to watch, as the valley below was cast in brilliant oranges and reds as the sun gave up its last rays of light for the day. They spent nearly every night up there, cuddling each other close and enjoying the sight, but more than that enjoying spending another day with each other, and sharing yet another special moment with each other.

This had always been their favorite spot; whether it was the beauty of it, the special moments they share with each other nearly every night, or just the fact that such a special spot was right above their home, they didn't know. And it didn't matter to them; all that mattered to them is that they had each other to share it with.

They looked at each other and smiled brightly before sharing a quick lick. "Hehe, now will you tell me why you are in such a hurry to get up here tonight? Don't get me wrong, l love being up here as much as you do, probably even more, but what gives?"

Kingy just shook his head as he smiled at the adorable kip. "No... But I'll show you! But... you have to promise to close your eyes!"

James giggled and grabbed the Buizel's soft furry tail. "Only as long as I get to cover them with this~"

Kingy giggled as he felt the warm paw grab his tail. He could feel the paw through each and every strand of fur as his friend stoked it softly, each stroke sending a pulse of warmth up to his heart where it was sent back out though out the rest of his body beat by beat. He sighed and relaxed his body falling forward into the Mudkip's and rested his head on his shoulder and whispered softly.

"Mmmm, you truly do have magic paws do you know that?"

"Hehe, that may be so, but every part of you is magical and amazing. Those pretty eyes of yours that sparkle every time I look into them, your fire that you use to protect me and keep me warm with at night. Hehe, not to mention it makes you look more adorable too." The buizel blushed at this and melted further into his kip's arms.

"God I'm so lucky to have you."

"Shush, I'm not finished yet.~ That cute little nose of yours, those adorable foldable ears of yours, this warm lovely tail that is just so lovely to nom on." Teased the Mudkip, giggling at how his friend purred as he stuck a tip of the split ended tail into his mouth and gave it a little warm suckle. "Oh, does someone like?"

Kingy blushed brightly as the Mudkip pulled more of his tail in and suckled a little harder, the kip's warm soft tongue flicking softly over the fur sending a shiver of pleasure up his spine. "Ohhh... Y-yeah I do~ "

The Mudkip grinned knowingly as he started to stroke his paws slowly down the tail as his tongue lapped eagerly at the tail inside his mouth. He murred softly as he played with it, enjoying the taste of the warm furry tail of his best friend in the world, but enjoying the pleasure it was giving that friend even more.

Kingy closed his eyes and blushed brightly, his breath coming out as long, hot, happy sighs as he had to fight to keep his tail from wagging too much in his loves mouth. James always did this to him, always doing whatever he could to be sweet and make him feel happy. And it only made him love him even more every time... But he also knew if he didn't stop him it wouldn't be long before this would lead to something else, and as much as he would have loved that right now, he really wanted to do what he came up here for. If he let it go on, the timing just would be wrong. He didn't want to have to wait another whole day. He had this planned this for a while now, but he had trouble in working up the courage.

A soft voice tried to cut into the Mudkip's mind but he couldn't really hear it, his mind was lost in the love he was feeling quickly build up within his body. It wasn't a new feeling at all to him, but it still amazed him how every day that love seemed to burn brighter and brighter, just as his Buizel's flames seemed to. "Mmmph," he mumbled around the tail in his mouth. "I lofe yew so so so much~"

"And I love you more sweetie, but could you stop for a moment? I really want to show you something special and I need to do it while the moment is just perfect, and if you keep going, then w-well... I'll end up showing you just how much I love you and it will be too late."

James blushed brightly and let the tail drop from his mouth. "Sorry love, I got lost in my love for you again."

The Buizel smiled and blushed. "It's alright my Super Kip, hehe. I get lost in my love for you all the time. And I'll make up stopping you later tonight if you want.~"

Another bright blush came across the Mudkip's face as he gave his tail another quick kiss. "Oh murr, please do.~"

"I will, anything you want my sweet.~ Just let me give you my gift first okay? And remember no peaking either!"

"Okay, okay," laughed James as he grabbed Kingy's tail and placed it over his eyes while closing them.

Kingy smiled and just let himself take in the adorable sight for a minute before slowly making his way across the field to a tree next to the river. He reached his small paw in to a knothole and pulled something out. "O-okay you can open your eyes now," he croaked in a shaky and nervous voice. He had planned this moment for so long, and now that it was here, he was scared out of his mind at what would happen.

James opened his eyes and moved the tail away from his face to see what his mate had gotten him. "Hmm? What's this?" He asked as he saw his love drop to his knees in front of him with his paws behind his back. The bright rays of the setting sun cast a warm glow over him.

"J-James," Kingy said shakily as he slowly looked up into his love's eyes and getting lost in them for a moment. "From the very first moment I met you I knew I really liked you, you were sweet, funny, caring, and loving. I was in a bad place back then and you didn't even know me, but you still picked me up and carried me on your shoulders and made me better. You spent hour after hour with me just talking to me, doing whatever you could to make me happy. Whether it's by showing me something funny, just being silly with me, or just simply spending your time with me, and it worked in a big way. My friendship with you quickly blossomed into something more, something much deeper. I quickly found myself loving you, but I was too afraid and shy to say it out loud to you, because I didn't think you could ever love me back, at least not in that way. But I think you always knew and before too long, I thought I could see some of that love coming from you, too. But that only scared me more in a way, I was so scared I was wrong and I didn't want to ruin what we had, so I just tried to not to cross any lines with you and to just take it slowly one day at a time." He took a moment to stop and catch his breath before continuing.

"Then the day came when you confessed your love for me and t-that day will always be the best day in my life I think. I never even knew I could feel so happy. I really thought my heart would leap out of my chest and shoot into space and explode into fireworks. I thought for sure my tails would wag right off! I just couldn't believe it! I mean, how could I get so lucky as to have the greatest kip in the universe love me? From that moment on, I began living for you, and from that moment on I began enjoying every possible second I could get with you. Because there really is nowhere else I would ever want to be." The Buizel stopped again to watch his mate's reaction to it, then smiled as he continued.

"I want to wake up every morning and feel your warmth snugged up on my chest, look down at your beautiful face and thank Arceus that I'm lucky enough to have you. Then be able to wake you up with a sweet kiss and enjoy breakfast in bed with you. To be able to hold you in my arms after a bad day, hugging you tight, telling you it will all be okay. I wouldn't stop there though, I'd pick you up and carry you to the hot springs we love and lower you in gently, as I climbed in behind you and held you tight and let your stress just melt away into love. I want to bring you flowers for no other reason than because I love you and I want to see you smile. That smile would lead to us dancing slowly, as I stared lovingly into your eyes and sang to you. I dream of just lying next to you in the grass at night and holding your head on my chest as we looked up at the stars, and I would whisper, 'they aren't as beautiful amazing or wonderful as you are, because nothing in this earth... no, nothing in this universe, even comes close to being as amazing as you are.'" Tears were leaking from Kingy's eyes now as he fought to keep his words understandable.

"A-and at night, after I sat you in my lap and fed you dinner, j-just because I love y-you so much..." The Buizel sniffed loudly and wiped his eyes with his tail. "I would look into that sweet face of yours and those eyes that sparkle brighter than the brightest star, and get lost in the amount of deep pure love I see in them, the love I see coming from you. I would know every night in my heart that this is right and that we were made for each other. Then I would carry you to bed, lay you down on my chest and wrap my arms around you as I lean in slowly and rub my nose against yours, and say 'I love you' and then press my lips against yours in a tender loving kiss, as we slowly drift off to sleep in each other's arms." By this time even more tears were flowing off the Buizel's face, but he somehow managed to keep his words understandable.

"James, I know we are already mates and I know we promised to love each other forever and ever. B-but I wanted to have something to show our love for each other, to show everyone just how much y-you mean to me."

Kingy pulled a paw from behind his back and pulled out a blue collar that was mostly simple, but in the front it had two small sparkling diamonds in it, and from the collar hung two heart shaped gems; a shining blue one and a bright orange one. The blue one was on top and the orange one being interlocked into it was hanging down from it. The Fire Buizel picked the heart gems up in his paw and showed them to the love of his life.

"You see, this top heart is yours, and the bottom one is mine. It forms an extension of your heart cause we are one. I got one for me, too," he explained as he pulled his other paw from behind his back to show a similar orange collar. The hearts were reversed on his, with his being on top and his love's forming the extension. "S-so what do you say love? Will you be mine forever and ever? If I promise to love you till the end of time, through sickness and health, through sadness, happiness, anger, and love? Will you promise to love me from every sunrise to every sunset if I promise to adore everything about you and never stop telling you I love you? If I promise to love you past the limits of time itself and never let anything or anyone ever come between that love, will you love me back just as much forever and ever...?"

Tears poured down James's face as he looked down at the sweet Buizel on his knees, pouring his heart out, oranges and reds from the sun's last light making him look even more beautiful than ever. He felt a deep pure love, the purest of loves he had ever felt pump though his veins as he leaned his muzzle down to his Buizel lover.

Kingy's eyes widened as James suddenly pressed his lips against his. His heart quickly started to beat faster as he kissed back, even as his tail moved up to wipe the tears away from James's eyes. The moment he looked into those eyes, he knew his answer. Not that he ever should have doubted it, really. But it still felt so good to know that he would wake up next to his love for the rest of his life. He deepened the kiss as he licked softly at his mate's lips, murring at the sweet taste of love. The love was burning brighter than ever inside of him, and his flames flared up brightly creating a bright glow around the pair in the darkening sky. Their paws fumbled shakily as they reached up and put the collars around each other's necks.

"I love you so very much, James," Kingy shakily spoke.

"I love you even more my sweet Buizel," James responded with a smile.

The cave was much brighter and warmer now as the Fire Buizel's flames burned brightly as he was curled up into a tight little ball. He was hugging the photo album to his chest, a warm smile on his sleeping face as he muttered. "No, my super kip, I love you more, and I promise to keep loving you forever. Even though things are different now, nothing can ever change how I feel about you; nothing will ever make the love die."