Carnal Combat II, Part IX - Prayer for the Dying

Story by Emerson on SoFurry

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#9 of Carnal Combat II

Carnal Combat II

Episode IX - Prayer for the Dying



Disclaimer: This story contains graphic sex between adults. There's likely to be bondage, hardcore sex, softcore sex, tentacle sex, ninja sex, ninja beatings, ninjas beating off, and other unspeakable acts. If you are not of age to view this stuff, or if it might make you cry, please don't read it. Thanks.

Suki sat there in the mud, cold and naked, hugging herself as the rain soaked her to the bone and bit at her skin like chilled needles. The rain had returned, like a lingering omen, after the fight, washing away blood and cum and the sweat of the survivors. They may have won, but it was just a single battle. The future was never more uncertain.

The rabbit stared at her feet and pulled her knees up to her chest, squeezing them to her breasts as she tried to slip away from reality. It was hard to do, because every time she seemed ready to drift away and leave her body behind, she would hear it: That maddening, incessant pitter-patter of rain drops crashing into the muddy ground.

She was vaguely aware of the presence of others, skittering around her. Some were friends, some were strangers, and some had once been enemies. It didn't matter now. Now, everyone was in the same boat. They were many Houses, but they would have to act as one. It would be, perhaps, the only hope.

Unable to break from the grasp of the present, Suki looked up hesitantly. She saw Hitomi, just as naked as she was, grabbing blindly at M's arm. The fox - again, nude - was leading the helpless mouse to shelter under a make-shift tent that someone had managed to keep vertical, but M looked just as weak and exhausted as everyone else.

While her eyes swept the empty plain they had been left in, Suki could make out a few figures off in the distance, lingering in the mist that the cold rain stirred up. She shivered again and hugged herself tighter, wondering how things had ever become so desperate, so fast.

* * *


If the atmosphere in the little courtyard was heavy, then that of the Throne Room itself was nearly unbearable. Daichi could almost feel weight on his shoulders as he passed through the heavy wooden doors and into that inner sanctuary.

The room no longer resembled a butcher's shop, as it once did. Now it was clean and quiet and pristine, without even the slightest hint that anything more nefarious than a late-night rendezvous had ever occurred there. The guards were gone and the only torches lit were the ones along the main path, heading up to the dais on which the Grandmaster's throne sat.

The fox expected to find Adonis seated in that throne, basking there, smug and sure of himself. Instead, he found Adonis standing at the base of the dais, with his large paws folded calmly behind his back. The dragon stared him down coolly, dipping his head in the smallest of greetings.

"Daichi, of the House of Stone. Chosen son of your House, in fact. Your father and mother are quite influential, are they not?"

"So I'm told," Daichi said, cautiously approaching the dragon. "Politics and socializing were never my strong suit."

Adonis smiled faintly. "And in that, my friend, we are very much alike. I never cared for politics. Political power is but a veil. It can come and go with the whim of the masses, the mindless masses. It really isn't power at all, just a very boring act that old men seem to enjoy masturbating to. No, true power lies in dominance, in asserting your pure will over another and commanding them through strength and sheer tenacity."

"Mind over matter," Daichi said with as smirk.

Adonis' eyes widened, as if Daichi was the first to ever understand him. "Precisely!" He bellowed, clapping his large paws in pleasure. "I suspected you might understand, Daichi. You see things quite clearly, perhaps too clearly at times."

As Adonis spoke, Daichi noticed that the dragon was wearing a large steel gauntlet on his right paw. The fingers ended in sharp metal talons, and a single brilliant gem seemed to pulse with life on the back of it.

Adonis smiled and flexed those steel-tipped fingers. "Ah, this. Yes, this is a very useful tool. I recently explained it's use to your friends, those lovely ladies. I call it the Godhand. Would you care to hear about it?"

"Actually, I'd rather get to the point of all of this," Daichi said darkly. "I didn't come here for idle talk or philosophical debate. You kidnapped my friends, murdered the Grandmaster, and asked me for a fight. Here I am, Adonis. Let's see what you've got."

Adonis' face darkened, but only for a moment. "Straight to the point - that's something I admire, actually. You seem to always want answers, all of you. Well, if you want to understand my intentions, you need to know my entire story. I suppose I should start by thanking you for your services at the previous Tournament."


"The previous Tournament, last year," Adonis said, grinning wide. "You made all of this possible, when you defeated Nobu Ra' Chi. While I wish I could have been there personally, in the end his death was my salvation."

"How does Nobu Ra' Chi have any bearing on you, Adonis?" Daichi asked the question, but he was quickly starting to come to a revelation that made his blood run cold. He didn't want to hear the answer, but he asked that question anyhow.

Adonis smiled, turning his face to the side, running a steel-claw along his jaw. "Don't you see the resemblance, my friend?"

Daichi took a step back in shock. "'s you. Nobu. But..."

Adonis cut the fox off with a giant, rumbling laugh. "Me? Nobu Ra' Chi? Why, that's just about the most insulting thing I've ever heard. Honestly, Daichi, I gave you more credit than THAT."

The dragon smiled coldly and bowed in mock respect to the fox. "Allow me to introduce myself properly. Arrigan Adonis as served me well, but I see no need for further deceit. My proper title would be Nobu Chao Heng."

The revelation washed over Daichi like a cold, dark wave. "A son," he said, narrowing his gaze at the newly-named dragon.

"Unfortunately," Chao Heng said. "While I hate to admit blood ties to that old fool, there's the truth of the matter. I expect that you'd like that explanation now?"

"I expect so," Daichi said.

"I was born to Nobu Chao Heng, that you know now. Chao Heng is a matter of public record, in fact. So is the record of his execution for treason and murder. Of course, that was just a ploy on my late father's behalf. He was weaker then, less willing to take a life - especially the life of his only son. He wanted me to follow in his path, to become a leader in the House of Shadow. I cared little for such rot. I wanted to be a great warrior...a difficult thing indeed when there are no wars to fight. I made a move to start such a war, though I will admit now that it was a foolish thing to do. I executed one of the sensei and attempted to blame it on assassins from the House of Light, but I was quickly discovered, tried, and sentenced to death.

"My father, however, quietly held a private council and had my sentence commuted to exile. Public record states that they executed me many years ago, but I was actually cast out and sent to wander the land. There, I found a rather large camp of exiles that I was easily able to bring under my leadership; most of those camps were made up of thieves, drifters, and malcontents and were not a challenge to exert dominance over.

"There, I waited and planned for the future. Not revenge, oh no - that's the sort of petty thing that might motivate anyone. I planned instead for a future where I would bring all Houses together, one by one, under my rule, crowned as their great warrior king.

"The first step was to obtain the means to do so. My father had trained me well in both Combat disciplines and in sorcery, and these skills served me well. Are you familiar with Focusing Spheres?"

Daichi nodded, listening intently to the story the dragon had to tell. "I am. They collect the sexual energies that permeate the lands, and basically bleed it back out slowly into the Arena they bless."

Chao Heng smiled. "Bleed it out...I rather like that description. You're quite right, though. I knew that these spheres would afford me great power. Stealing one would almost assuredly reveal my hand too soon. So, I sent my spies out, and they returned to me with the closely-guarded secret I needed: The name of the family line who had crafted these spheres for generations.

"With that information, I was able to find one of these family members. He was quite susceptible to hypnotic suggestion, and I learned his family secrets without him even knowing it. Then, I began to craft the Godhand, altering the alchemical and mystical skills to create a unique sphere that would gather and store the energies instead of, as you so eloquently put it, bleed them out.

"Then I came upon a problem. The Godhand seemed to be useless until I could give it a full charge of energy. I tried many things - Combat with my servants, orgies - but it was like trying to fill an ocean a drop at a time.

"I had almost given up hope when one day a tiger came to our camp. Khan Lei brought some most interesting news with him: My father, Nobu Ra' Chi, had been slain at the Tournament. I immediately saw the potential in this.

"A few nights later, I had several of the mediums in my camp perform a very difficult ritual, usually used to summon spirits from the afterlife for the purpose of communication. I had other intentions, of course. I summoned the soul of my father, feigning sadness over his death and a desire to restore him to glory. Predictably, his spirit was eager to help, in exchange for a new body to inhabit. To do this, I explained that he would need to teach me his last secret: How to manipulate and control souls themselves. He taught me, naturally, over the next few weeks, slowly letting me absorb his knowledge. Once I had absorbed it all, and had command over the power that was once his, I tested consuming his soul, right then and there."

Chao Heng smiled in an almost trance-like manner. "You should have heard him scream as I did so, obliterating him from existence. It was a unique form of vengeance."

"I thought you weren't about revenge, Chao."

"I'm not. It was merely a satisfying byproduct of my primary goal. Once I had his soul, and his power, I pushed forward. I gathered my servants and blessed them, if you will. Kalli, Wraith, and Khan. Then, I came to the Hall of Combat and gained status as a House, so that I could enter the Tournament."

"But winning was never your goal," Daichi said, beginning to understand. "You just wanted to get the Godhand into the hub of all the sexual energy you could possibly want."

"So very clever," Chao Heng said. "Now, you understand. Each victory I achieved charged the Godhand tremendously. The girls I captured, they acted as temporary sources of power, keeping the charges fresh and strong. I estimated that I would need three full charges to unlock the Godhand's potential. I have achieved two of those charges already."

"I won't be giving you that third one, Chao Heng," Daichi said, taking a Combat stance. The dragon's story had made it clear just how much would be riding on this fight.

Chao Heng took a stance of his own, and smiled madly. "FIGHT."

* * *

M and Suki walked out into the main Courtyard, their smiles long since faded. Like Ruin, M had first tried to check the Throne Room, but found it locked tight. That had told him all he needed to know; they were too late, and Daichi was now facing down Adonis.

Outside, the sky had taken an ominously darker color, like black scorch marks on cold gray steel. Clouds were strangling the sun, casting a dead, colorless light down onto the earth and stone that made up the Hall of Combat.

In the Courtyard sat all of the remaining Combatants, including a rather weary-looking Kassidy. The once-missing girls were there as well, clothed and looking none-the-worse for wear.

"It's about time you joined us," Spectre called out. "What kept you?"

"Just a little distraction between me and my clothes," M said, patting Suki's bottom as the rabbit headed over to check on her friends. The fox noticed Alexandros sitting there, talking with Ruin, and he joined them.

"Daichi?" He asked. Alexandros nodded.

"He's facing down Adonis now," Alexandros said. "I know nothing more. I am blind to whatever is happening beyond those doors."

M perked an ear, suddenly hearing what seemed to be a crowd somewhere.

"The guests," Ruin said, as if reading M's thoughts. "The guards evacuated them, and convinced many to return to their Houses, but quite a few refused to go. They're camped outside the front gates, expecting to be let back in once this is all cleared up."

"Stubborn bastards," Spectre growled, joining the trio. "What were they told anyhow?"

"That one of the Combatants went mad, and posed a danger until he was negotiated with," Alexandros said. "The truth, more or less."

"Be ready, my friends," Alexandros said, standing up as he addressed all of the Combatants. "Regardless of the outcome of the battle, I sense that there will be need for all of us to face Adonis and his minions once more. He will not cease his aggression easily even if defeated, and if he wins, we must do our best to stop him."

* * *

Daichi knew that he was at a disadvantage against the large dragon. The size difference was certainly a problem, and he expected that Chao Heng had mastered at least one discipline, giving him skill to put behind his brute strength.

What really worried the fox, however, was that if he was to defeat the dragon, he would have to avoid ANY sexual contact whatsoever. That would only feed the Godhand. Daichi would have to knock the dragon out...and that would be difficult.

However, this wasn't Combat. There were no watchers hidden away, observing the match. There would be no penalties. He could fight as dirty as he needed too.

Chao Heng, however, seemed relaxed and certain. As far as the dragon was concerned, this was just a final trial on the road to his ultimate goal. A mere fox, one already at conflict with himself, would pose little danger.

Daichi threw a fast, hard low kick at the dragon's closest calf. His ground skills would be wasted on the larger opponent, and so Daichi decided he would cut the dragon down to size, striking at his legs to hobble him.

Chao Heng took the leg kick in stride. When the fox threw another low kick the dragon was ready, sweeping his own leg out to catch Daichi's far leg, knocking the fox flat on his back.

Daichi landed with a hard thud, but moved quickly. Before Chao Heng could capitalize on things, Daichi rolled back to his feet, but he surprised the dragon with an immediate counter-attack. The fox shot in fast, driving his shoulder into Chao Heng's stomach. When the dragon doubled over in shock, the fox hooked his paws behind the dragon's knees and pulled, dropping Chao Heng onto his back in a perfect takedown.

The fox wasn't foolish enough to try and mount the large dragon, though. Instead he leapt up and threw a hard kick at Chao Heng's head.

The dragon was fast. He caught Daichi's ankle just seconds before it would strike his head. "Not a very honorable move," Heng said, grinning. Then he yanked at the fox's ankle, throwing him across the room by his leg as if the fox weighed nothing.

Daichi crashed into the throne hard, howling out as he slammed against the hard wood. The fox tumbled off and onto the floor, where he tried to get back up.

Heng was on him in an instant. He grabbed the fox's tail and tugged it up, grabbing Daichi's pants with his free paw. Then Chao Heng ripped them off in one tug, shredding the fabric. A single slap was placed on the fox's bare ass, and then the dragon kneed him hard in the side.

Daichi grunted in pain as he was slapped and kneed. He was in shock over the dragon's strength; this was not natural. Clearly the Godhand was supplementing his power even as the fought.

A sudden kick to his chin flipped the fox over onto his back and sent a tooth flying out of his mouth. He saw stars instantly.

The dragon straddled his waist and started to shower punches down on him. Each one felt like thunder against his face. Daichi struggled futility under Chao Heng, feeling the fight literally beat out of him. As blood started to pour from his nose, the fox felt a strange calm come over him, almost a drunkenness.

He knew that Heng was beating the resistance out of him. Once he was unable to fight back, the dragon would likely fuck him, finish him, and march out victorious. He would be a danger to the world, and too Daichi's friend. So why did the fox seem peace?

As Chao Heng dragged him back up to his feet, a voice seemed to speak to the fox.

This is your fire. This is your forging.

Chao Heng hooked his arms under the limp fox's, and secured his paws behind the fox's neck for a tight hold that brought the fox's bare ass against his crotch. Daichi moaned as energy started to swirl around him.

This is your trial. This is your test.

Chao Heng smiled as the fox stopped struggling. He had won. The dragon spared a bit of the Godhand's charge, surging a jolt of pure pleasure into Daichi. The fox howled and arched his back, feeling his sheath stir. Moments later he was hard as a rock, precum dripping from his tip. The dragon, still holding him, straightened up and lifted the fox off his feet.

This is the beginning. This will not be your end. Do you understand us, Daichi?

"I understand," the fox whispered, unheard by Chao Heng. The dragon's cock had started to firm, and was now sliding between the fox's ass cheeks, the tip nudging under his tail. When he thrust, spearing into the fox's ass and impaling him on his dick, Daichi groaned out louder.

Chao Heng fucked Daichi hard. He pounded the fox's ass, growling as his victim bounced limply off of his hips, legs dangling. Daichi's cock bounced too, slapping off his bare belly, flicking precum into the air.

The world needs to change. The change will start with you.

The dragon plowed Daichi's ass, grunting as he pounded into the fox. He was surprised by the fox's stamina; most fox's were easy to bring off, especially with the sort of power that the Godhand was surging into him now. Still, it was only a matter of time.

Daichi felt that calm, that peace, overtake him. He understood now. With that understanding washing over him, he let go.

Chao Heng roared in triumph as the fox suddenly started to cum, blowing his load in thick, white gobs through the air. His orgasm was intense, triggering a surge of energy unlike any that the dragon had felt since coming to the Hall of Combat. Chao Heng laughed madly as he felt the Godhand siphoning that energy, sucking it into itself.

"FINALLY!" He roared, tugging Daichi's climaxing body off of his cock, dropping the fox to the floor. Chao Heng stared at the Godhand in amazement, not even aware that his own erection was spurting into the air as he watched his gauntlet pulse with power.

After all his years in exile, after all his planning, after everything he had endured...he had finally won.

Nothing, no one would stop him now.

* * *

"Get the hell out of here! Go on!"

"No! We will not leave! We are guests of the Grandmaster and only he may send us away!"

Suki rubbed her temples. The rat she was exchanging words with stood far below, glaring up at her from the ground. The rabbit stood on the ramparts of the front gates, trying to convince the evicted guests to stop camping and go home. They were being mighty stubborn.

"Leave them be, for now," Alexandros called up to the bunny. "You'll only waste your breath. They don't know how dire the situation is, and we'd only have a riot on our paws if we told them."

"So let them riot. We've got a pretty thick gate between us and them. They can cry all they like out there," Spectre said.

"We do have some responsibility to them," M said. "Though, if they get any rowdier, I'm going back to the kitchens to get a few buckets of cold water and..."


Everyone grew silent and turned to look across the Courtyard, at the doors leading into the Hall. There was the sound of wind, and the sound of some of the guests complaining loudly. They all looked to one another nervously.


The Courtyard shook with the second sound. Suki scrambled down from the outer wall while everyone else moved quickly to their feet, facing the doors. Alexandros took the front, holding his staff calmly before him.

Suddenly, the doors shuddered once, twice, and then exploded outwards, splintering in the center as they swung open with crushing force, nearly tearing off their hinges as they struck the outside of the building.

Adonis strolled out, looking larger somehow, more intimidating. He stood at the top of the steps, glaring down passively at the gathering standing before him, with one taloned paw clad in a glowing steel gauntlet, and the other holding something red-and-white.

"Daichi," Rhane gasped, trying to push past Ruin to get to the tod fox. Ruin grabbed the vixen firmly and shook his head.

Daichi looked broken; his body twitched, and only the shallow rising and falling of his chest hinted that he was alive. Adonis dropped the fox's beaten body to the ground, and stared at Alexandros.

"Ah, errand boy. I hoped you'd still be here. Trouble contacting your beloved Masters for help, 'eh?"

"Step away from Daichi, Adonis," Alexandros said, steadily. "Let his friends tend to him, and you and I"

"Talk?" Adonis laughed, nearly throwing his head back as he did. "There's nothing to talk about now, old one. I am complete. Despite all your best efforts, I succeeded."

"Not yet," Alexandros said, twirling his staff around into an offensive position. "There are still those who would stand against you."

Adonis looked bemused. "Who? You, a powerless messenger? Perhaps your mortal students? Please, spare me the heroics. You know the truth now. Your gods have fled. They sensed my potential. They knew my plan. The moment I defeated this 'champion' of yours, they left their thrones and hid. They know that they are next."

The dragon smiled then, his grin curling at the corners. "Since I can see you don't quite believe me, I'll let you see for yourself."

Adonis gestured at Alexandros with his paw, the one clad in the glowing gauntlet. The dragon held his palm up, and then slowly squeezed his fingers inward.

Alexandros reacted immediately. His eyes opened wide as he began to shake, his staff trembling in his paws. Ruin, Spectre and the others watched as Alexandros began to glow and shimmer, levitating off the ground in a brilliant ball of white light. Suddenly the light exploded, blinding everyone for a moment. When the opened their eyes again, Alexandros was gone. His staff lay smoldering on the steps, and Adonis stood there, smiling.

Spectre took a deep breath. This is it, he thought. Time to do, and likely die. He wouldn't make it easy though. The skunk stepped forward.

"You're going to have to do that to every one of us if you want to pass," the skunk said, trying to hide the fear in his voice.

Adonis smiled again. "No, I won't. Your fates don't concern me any longer. Now, if you'll excuse me..."

The dragon suddenly lurched over, holding his midsection as if he were in tremendous pain. His body began to shake, and the talons on his hindpaws cracked the stone under them as they started to dig in.

Spectre saw an opportunity. He looked to M, and the fox nodded. Drawing a dagger from his belt, he tossed it to the skunk. Spectre caught it and braced himself, and then he ran forward at Adonis, brandishing the blade in the air.

Seconds before Spectre could drive the blade home, Adonis suddenly lurched back up, roaring a mighty roar as his body arched. The gauntlet exploded with power, and a shimmering pillar of light descended from the sky, striking the dragon. A deafening boom exploded through the air and the Hall of Combat shook.

The last thing Spectre would remember was the force hitting him square in the chest, sending him soaring backwards and into a screaming Rhane.

* * *

Suki awoke suddenly, as if snapping out of a deep slumber. Wherever she was, it was dark, and it was silent, and the air smelled bad. It made her think of a hot, old hut that had seen too many cold winters and not enough thorough cleanings. Is this death? she thought. Hostess, I'd like to make a complaint....

The rabbit made an effort to move, but was stopped by a sharp, searing pain in her side. She nearly screamed, and a quick feel with her paw told her that not only was she quite alive, but something was sticking into her side, and there was a warm, sticky substance there that could only be blood.

Her concern about what was rudely stabbing her was quickly overcome by the realization that while she wasn't dead, she might wish she was; the darkness and silence and cramped quarters suggested that she was buried alive.

Suddenly the last moments before she lost consciousness came rushing back to her. Adonis - no, Chao Heng - has summoned a force both fierce and terrible, and the entire Hall of Combat had shook. Then there was nothing. He had brought the Hall down on their heads.

Suki tried to fight back her fear before panic could rob her of her ability to reason. She gritted her teeth as she started to move, trying to find a way out despite the pain in her side. I will slit my own throat before I waste away down here...

As if in answer to her thought, a muffled voice called out her name. She yelled back, and then she saw a sliver of glorious light break through the darkness. Delicious, clean air followed as someone unearthed her, showering the rabbit with warm air. Rain followed, spattering refreshingly on her face.

A strong paw grabbed her wrist and pulled her up gently, making the rabbit wince as something slid out of her side. Selena pulled her out of her small tomb, and helped her to her feet.

"I've found Suki!" Selena called out to someone, but Suki wasn't paying attention. She was staring in disbelief at what she had been brought out to.

The Hall of Combat was gone, demolished, utterly annihilated. What was once a magnificent temple and home was now a tall pile of rubble that spread out for acres. Twisted metal, broken stone, and shattered wood covered the ground like a bizarre lake, while small fires dotted it, threatening to engulf it if not for the light rain dampening everything.

All around her she could hear weeping and screaming, and the cries of rescuers searching for survivors. Some of the survivors were digging more survivors out of the rubble, while others were carrying lifeless bodies. Down at the base of the rubble was a small encampment, where the living were being brought. Suki could not see where the dead were being ferried.

"Stay with me, girl," Selena said, slapping Suki's cheek firmly. Suki startled, slipping back into the present.

"Who...who else..."

"I don't know yet. Spectre for sure, and I think I saw Ruin earlier. And now you." Selena carefully led Suki down the rubble, towards the little camp. She held her paw against Suki's side, stopping a flow of blood that was matting down the rabbit's brown fur.

"I can help," Suki said absently, almost dreamily.

"No, you can get helped," Selena said. "You've got a nasty wound there. If the healers say you can help, then come find me."

Suki nodded numbly, watching Selena head back into the debris.

Hours passed. The light rain that Suki had emerged into helped a little, keeping the fires from burning out of control until enough survivors were available to extinguish them. In the meantime, the search for the living continued.

Selena was relieved to find Ruin alive and well, digging out the injured and the trapped with the aid of a battered-but-functional Rhane. Selena herself found a few survivors, but more dead; the dead she marked for retrieval later.

Eventually Suki joined her. "They found Hitomi," the rabbit said. "She's alive, but hurt."

Selena nodded, and then looked at the bandages wrapped around Suki's midsection. "You're okay, then?"

"Yeah. It looked worse than it was."

As the night wore on, and the rain drove on, the rescuers began to come back down and rest. Kassidy and Winter had been found - alive, but shaken - and just before the sun began to come up M appeared, coming down out of the rubble with a injured, unconscious vixen in his arms.

The last to return from the search was Spectre. One of the healers was the first to spot him, making his way down the embankment of the debris with someone slumped over his shoulders.

"Thank the Gods," Rhane exclaimed, rushing up to meet the skunk. Selena peered, trying to see who Spectre was carrying.

"Who does he have? I can't tell if..."

"It's Daichi," Ruin said, his glowing eyes narrowed. "He's alive."

* * *

"So beautiful. So glorious."

The white rabbit femme held her paws up in front of her, watching as the air between them shimmered and glistened. In the shimmering air, she saw the ruins of the Hall of Combat just off in the distance, and the survivors scrambling to save a few meager lives. It made her smile.

"Are you referring to the aftermath of Master Chao Heng's efforts, or your little magic trick there?"

The rabbit scowled and closed her paws, making the image disappear. Far off, across the Great Plains of Kikendi, the Hall of Combat could vaguely be made out, or at least what was left of it.

Turning around, the rabbit started at the lion who was watching over her shoulder. "Don't be an ass," she said. "We need to go. Obviously, the Master's plan worked. The Hall has fallen. We've received our blessings. What are we waiting for?"

The lion sighed. "There's nothing wrong with being calm and taking your time with things," he said, rolling his eyes. "Master Chao Heng didn't select us because we were rash, you know."

"So can we go or not?"

"Fine...fine, let's go. No time like the present."

The rabbit grinned. She knelt down and placed her paws flat on the ground. Closing her eyes, she felt something simmering in the air and earth, something that was always there, but never this strong...something that normally was only felt by a select few, and only on holy ground.

She summoned that delicious energy up, feeling it make her nipples perk up in the process. Next to her, the lion did the same. The each stood slowly, pulling swirling wisps of black fluid up from the ground, trailing from their fingertips. The black fluid began to take shape under their paws. It formed a large, thick body, and then four legs; a tail on the hindquarters, and then a head, complete with glowing red-wisp eyes, and a slathering, snapping maw. The ghostly creatures snarled restlessly as the rabbit and lion took their paws off their respective beasts.

The lion nodded and slid to the side of his creature. It stood tall, with it's back up to his chest. "Vortho," he said softly, and then mounted the beast, climbing up onto it's back. "YA!"

He dug his heels into it's sides, and the creature took off, leaping into the air and landing weightlessly before it sped away, carrying the lion towards the ruins of the Hall.

With a smile, the rabbit mounted her creature. " nice," she cooed, and then sped off after the lion.

* * *

Two survivors stood just on the outskirts of the make-shift camp, resting from their labors. The two of them, an artic vixen and a stallion, had been working tirelessly with the others to find and help other survivors, and then to try and get the camp settled down. They had, just hours before hand, been guards at the Hall. Now they had no home, no jobs...nothing.

"We should have left when they told us," the vixen said weakly. "We would have been safe."

"But look at all the help we've been," the stallion said, touching her hand. "Every set of paws here is a blessing to the survivors."

"I know...I k-know but I just wish that..."

A sudden snarl made them both look up nervously.

"Did you hear some..." the stallion started to say, but was cut off suddenly as a four-legged, black phantom-beast pounced his back, dropping him to the ground on his stomach. The vixen shrieked and stood quickly, backing up as she watched the stallion's clothing disintegrate under the snarling creature as it ground its hips hard against the gasping stallion's ass.

She turned quickly to run for help, but instead ran right into a second one of the creatures. Before she could even scream, it was on top of her, her clothing gone, and a thick phallus fucking her pussy hard.

The creatures only fucked their victims for a moment, and then went off deeper into the camp. Slowly, the vixen and the stallion stood up, looking at each other. Their eyes now glowed bright red, with wisps of red curling up from the sockets.

* * *

Selena had heard the scream and rushed through the camp towards it's source. Spectre and a few others stayed behind, calming the nervous and the injured, waiting for Selena to check out the shout.

The reptile girl found only a naked artic vixen and a stallion standing near the outskirt of the camp. She looked around, and seeing no one else, approached them.

"Is everything alright? Someone shouted over here. You two really shouldn't be so far off from the camp anyhow..."

As Selena reached for the vixen's arm, the vixen suddenly spun around, getting right behind the lizard. Selena gasped as the vixen, sporting otherworldly strength, caught her in a full-nelson and presented her body to the leering stallion.

It was then that Selena noticed that the stallion's eyes were vacant red orbs. As he reached for her tits, his erection full and bobbing against his belly, Selena screamed out.

Spectre heard the scream. He looked to M, and the fox and the skunk rushed in Selena's direction. The spotted the lizard, caught by a vixen, and on the verge of getting stuffed by a very, very large horse. "Here now! Stop that!" Spectre yelled, rushing forward again.

He was stopped by a cheetah femme leaping out of nowhere, pouncing him to the ground. She was exceptionally strong, grabbing his wrists and pinning them above his head. Her eyes shone red, and she quickly started to grind her bare pussy against his crotch.

"Paws off, girl!" M yelled, grabbing the cheetah. It took all his strength to pry her off the surprised Spectre, and even as he clung to her, the cheetah snarled and struggled, trying to get at Spectre.

"I'm flattered, I think," the skunk said. Before he could turn back to Selena, someone slammed into M's back, knocking the fox forward with the flailing cheetah, right onto Spectre. Four bodies landed in a yelping pile, everyone scrambling to get up.

Spectre found himself once again pinned down by the cheetah. This time, she was quicker and the skunk couldn't help but stiffen as she rubbed her slender, sexy body against his. Off to the side, a female wolf had M's back, one arm wrapped around his neck while the other was grasping his crotch, squeezing it hard.

As the fox and skunk struggled to escape their captors, Selena let out a moan. The stallion had yanked her legs up and around his waist, stuffing his cock deep into her pussy. While the vixen held her, the stallion fucked her cunt, relentlessly pounding her hard. She caught sight of the female wolf rolling onto her back with M still held tight, her paw pulling his hard cock out of his pants as she stroked it. The lizard licked her lips; she knew she had to get free, but things were starting to get a bit too delicious...

* * *

Ruin started back down to camp from the pile of rubble that was, just hours ago, the Hall of Combat. He was tired, which was unusual for him; his conditioning gave him unusual stamina. Still, there had been a lot of strain on him over the last day. In fact, it was only when sitting in the Courtyard awaiting the result of the final fight that Ruin realized that being without his mask was actually taking an emotional toll on him.

There was also the matter of his name as well. Returning to it would prove...difficult.

Something scuffled behind him and Ruin turned quickly. It was an odd sound, odd enough that it caught his attention over the crackling of fire and the occasional tumble of loose debris from somewhere higher in the pile.

Seeing nothing, the canine tensed up. He had been caught by surprise once that week as it was. He had no desire to repeat the mistake.

An ethereal snarl off to his side made Ruin spin about again. Something pounced him, slamming him hard onto his back. Strong, ghostly paws pinned his shoulders to the ground, while wide hips seemed to be trying to line up over his own.

The face that hovered over him, snarling and snapping, was bizarre. It seemed to be made of smoke and glowing red fury. It was a beast, yet not intelligent in any way. As the canine struggled to get out from under it, the beast pushed on him harder, snapping at his face. There was no warmth to it's breath, nor movement of air. It was as if he was being held down by a dream. In his struggling, he failed to notice that the very touch of the creature seemed to turn his clothing into ash, leaving him naked.

There was something else to the creature that seemed to lurk beneath it's spectral form. As Ruin fought it, trying to keep it from lining it's hips up or turning him over, he slowly came to realize what that other something was. Was The same arousing energies that flowed in the land, pooling in blessed Arenas? The same energy that Combatants learned to harness and control?

Ruin growled back at the beast, curling his lips and dimpling his scarred cheeks. He thrust a paw directly into the chest of the creature, penetrating the mist that seemed to make up it's earthly form. Then, he summoned as much energy as he could, starting to take on his own foggy form.

The creature howled in fury, then in pain. The red, putrid hate that seemed to bleed from it faded, and Ruin could feel it weaken. He threw it off himself and then leapt quickly to his feet, standing over the dazed, wounded beast.

Ruin shimmered as he phased into a fine mist, faster and easier than he ever had before. As he did, the beast dissipated, fading from existence with a hollow howl.

* * *

The lion and the rabbit stood a few feet away from the camp, lost amongst the chaos that was erupting around them. At a quick glance they seemed to be standing in shock, but the slight red glitter to their eyes suggested a darker reality.

The rabbit's eyes suddenly lost their red shine. She frowned and reached down, touching the ground.

"Problem?" The lion asked, never blinking or turning his gaze to his partner.

"Not really. Someone figured out how to deal with the pets. Probably one of the surviving Combatants. No matter."

The rabbit summoned another beast from the ground. It snarled and bristled once it had taken form, and then it rushed forward into the scrambling camp of survivors.

* * *

The artic vixen that was holding the limp, moaning Selena suddenly shook her head, coming to her senses. It took her a moment to process what she was doing, but when she did she gasped in shock and embarrassment. "No!"

The vixen yanked back on Selena, tugging the reptile off of the stallion's cock. The horse grunted irritably, his eyes still a ghostly imitation of their former self. As the vixen laid the panting lizard girl down on her back, the stallion stalked up from behind.

The artic fox turned to face her friend, only to find him towering right before her. She blinked as she looked down at his cock, hard and wet as it bobbed against his firm belly. Before she could react, he was on her. His huge body covered her own, rubbing hard, hot muscle against her naked frame. The vixen gasped, trying to fight back as he pinned her paws to the ground, but soon a thick horse shaft was wedging into her labia, filling her with hot meat. The vixen moaned out, rolling her eyes back as he mounted her. Horrified as she was, she was inexplicably aroused. Her legs wrapped around his hips on their own, holding him tight.

Next to the rutting couple, Selena weakly dragged herself to her feet. Casually, she reached over and grabbed a thick tree wooden plank laying nearby. She hoisted it high up, breasts bouncing as she did, and then smacked it down hard against the back of the horse's head. He let out a single grunt and went limp on top of the vixen, leaving her to pant and squirm under him.

"Fucker," Selena grunted. She looked over and saw Spectre and M, still in the grasp of a cheetah and wolf femme. The reptile staggered over irritably, lugging the plank with her.

"Those are my boys," she said smugly, watching as M's cock spurted thick cum into the air, the fox having been pawed off by the wolfess on his back. The lizard smirked. Maybe she should leave them.

As she smacked the cheetah riding a moaning Spectre's cock, Selena looked around nervously. No one was getting the jump on her again.

* * *

Suki fought through the panicking crowd as she tried to help Rhane and Kassidy maintain order. Strange black beasts had attacked the camp, and now survivors were turning on each other. The beasts seemed un-catchable, leaving them to try and pull naked, crazed bodies off of each other. It was like some sort of unstoppable orgy, a force of nature plowing through the camp.

The rabbit stumbled backwards as a fleeing leopard bumped her. Suki caught herself before she fell, grabbing onto a pole that had once held a tent aloft. She secured her footing and started forward again, to rejoin the efforts to restore order.

The rabbit walked right into a large bear. She started to push him aside, but when he wouldn't budge she looked up into his eyes and gulped. They were bright red and emitted wisps of red haze.

Somebody grabbed her from behind, and the rabbit screamed. A lion yanked her back against the pole, turning her around before tugging her paws up over her head. She fought and kicked, but he was powerful, and soon her wrists were bound to the pole above her head. Facing the pole, she could only squirm as the bear grabbed her hips and yanked them back, rubbing his hard cock against her bottom.

The lion grinned at her and extended his claws before the sweating rabbit's wide eyes. Those claws went to work shredding her clothing, cutting through her attire in fast slashes that brought the tips dangerously close to her flesh. Suki gasped as her tits bounced free of her top, hanging exposed as the bear started to work his dripping cock against her now-exposed anus.

Suki let out a moan of uncomfortable pleasure as the bear started to slide under her tail. The lion knelt under her, teasing one finger against her clit while he looked up and nipped sharply at her bouncing breasts, teeth catching at her nipples. Her ears drooped forward as the two males started to use her, teasing her body and stuffing her pert bottom. The rabbit's little tail twitched as the hard cock started to pound underneath it, making her cheeks jiggle.

Not far off, Kassidy and Rhane had managed to subdue and tie up a group of mixed genders who had seemed to fall under the spell of the rampaging creatures. As Rhane tightened the ropes around the struggling group, she spied Suki being fucked by a lion and bear. She growled in frustration, looking up at Kassidy.

"Can you finish here?"

Kassidy nodded. "Aye'! Go git' the bunny rabbit free, lass. Ah'll fine one o' the boys and git' their help!"

Rhane rushed forward, making a straight line for Suki. A sudden shout from behind her made her turn, just in time to see Kassidy go down under one of the black beasts, her already minimal clothing turning to dust as she went down.

"Dammit!" The vixen gritted her teeth. She started back to save Kassidy; the collie would be a real threat if she came under the thrall of the beasts. Something caught her ankle, and the vixen fell forward onto her belly. Someone pounced her back instantly, pulling one of her arms behind her back while another paw tugged at her hair, making her hiss and tilt her head back.

A raccoon femme had her tightly, and was grinding her crotch hard against the vixen's bottom. Rhane struggled hard, trying to get out from under her attacked. The possessed furres seemed to have almost supernatural strength.

As she fought her captor, she spotted two hindpaws pad up before her. The vixen tilted her eyes up, gasping as she spied a large tigeress looming over her, naked and fingering her pussy. The two femmes clearly meant to put her to work.

Suddenly the weight of the raccoon was off of Rhane's back, and the raccoon was went sailing into the tigeress. As the two girls snarled and tumbled over one another, Rhane scrambled to her feet.

Behind her stood Ruin, naked, and looking slightly transparent, as if he was half-maintaining his fog-form. Behind him, however, was...


The fox looked battered and broken, but still he stood, a deathly serious expression on his face. He limped to Rhane, kissed her forehead once, and then looked to Ruin.

"Ruin...has a plan. He's figured these things out. Forget the survivors. Focus on the beasts; there's two of them. Ready?"

Rhane smiled as she looked into Daichi's eyes. Something had changed there, and while she couldn't quite place what it was, she liked it.

"Got it. Let's do this."

* * *

Rhane and Daichi stood atop the highest, most visible pile of rubble they could find. Both stood naked, side-by-side.

"This is a heck of a plan," Rhane breathed, slowly fondling her breasts. Her nipples were stiff, and her fur was standing on end a little - not from arousal, but nervousness.

"Trust me," Daichi said, slowly stroking his own cock. He had quickly gotten himself hard, and he was pumping his meat slow and steady. Rhane stole a glance down at it, smiling softly.

"Need help with that?"

"Maybe later," Daichi said. His face stayed focused and serious, but there was a hint of amusement in his voice. Odd, she thought, that the beaten fox seemed to emerge from his devastating loss with this shadow of positiveness around him.

"Remember what I told you. We need to get them both up here and on us. Whatever these things are, they're made entirely of the same energy we use in Combat. They're fast, but we can be faster. The moment one is on you, use one of your powers. Anything, just make it good. Suck up as much energy as you can, as if you were trying to finish an opponent."

Rhane breathed heavy and nodded, feeling her body shudder. If the beasts didn't show soon, she might just cum right there on the pile of rubble.

Suddenly, a few feet away, the beasts both appeared. They seemed to fade into sight, snarling up at the two naked foxes. It was intimidating, but both tod and vixen stood their ground, fondling and stroking themselves lewdly.

"Steady," Daichi breathed, working his paw up and down his hard cock as the beasts started to close in. The creatures were clearly hesitant, unsure what to make of prey that was willingly giving itself over. Still, they didn't seem to be suspicious enough to pass the double-vulpine dinner up.

One of the creatures leapt into the air suddenly, pouncing atop Rhane. The vixen went down with a yelp, pinned down by the beast. It worked quickly, trying to line it's hips up with the vixen's, rubbing a firm rod against her pussy.

"NOW!" Daichi growled, just as the other creature pounced him onto his back, trying to mount him as well.

Rhane snarled at the creature and grabbed it's neck, concentrating and focusing her energy on summoning up her powers as quickly as she could. To her amazement, it happened almost instantly. Her forearms turned transparent and red, and then seemed to liquefy, bubbling.

The creature howled in agony, quickly growing weak atop the vixen. She easily pushed it off her, scrambling to her feet. She stared in amazement as her entire arms started to turn into red water, while the creature evaporated.

Next to her, Daichi was having similar success. He had kicked the beast off of his body and down the hill, where it's disintegrating carcass lay. A stream of flames poured up from it's body and into Daichi's open paw, and his own forearms blazed with heatless fire. His eyes were two burning balls of flame, and even when the beast was gone, the tod fox still commanded the flame.

"What...what has happened to us?" Rhane asked, nearly speechless.

"Not us...the world," Daichi growled. "No more Arenas. Just one world."

Suddenly the fox swayed on his feet, and then fell to his knees. His flames extinguished and the last thing he heard was Rhane screaming his name.

* * *

Both the lion and the rabbit broke out of their trances at the same moment. Severed from the link between them and their summoned creations, they seemed slightly confused. They looked at one another for a moment.

"Yours is gone again?" The lion asked. The rabbit nodded.

"Yours too? Fuck...they're getting smart to it. They're coordinating attacks. Let's get two more out there and leave them on their own. They won't last long, but it'll cause a bit more chaos."

The lion thought for a moment. "Forget it. We've done what we can. I think we can call this mission a success and get out of here."

"Not quite," a voice said from behind.

The lion and the rabbit didn't even have time to turn around before two paws materialized out of a lingering fog, grabbed their hair, and slammed their heads into one another. They collapsed into a heap at Ruin's feet as he regained his form.

"You're both going to be VERY unhappy when you wake up," Ruin said. He looked around, and he could see the mobs in the camp starting to break up in confusion. With the creatures vanquished, the furres they had infected were regaining their senses.

Ruin summoned two strong males to help him drag the unconscious lion and rabbit to the camp, where they were bound and gagged. He caught sight of Spectre, who was helping Rhane drag a limp Daichi into a tent.

Slowly the canine started to survey the scene. It had gone from bad to worse. With half the camp now destroyed, there would be no staying here until help arrived. They would have to make for the nearest town first thing in the morning, if not earlier. If there were still survivors trapped in the rubble of the Hall...

Ruin shook the thought away as he spotted Hitomi helping a naked, dazed Kassidy to her feet. Elsewhere, he saw Winter rounding up some of the formerly-infected, trying to get them clothing and blankets.

Then, just a few feet away, he spotted Suki. She was sitting on the ground, naked, and looking traumatized. She was hugging her knees to her chest, her long purple hair ragged and matted with dirt.

"We need to get moving now," said a voice at his side. Ruin turned, finding M standing there. "Daichi's out cold. Probably exhaustion. Rhane isn't going to leave his side. I actually think that you're going to be accepted as the leader here the quickest."

Ruin nodded. "Alright. Anyone that can walk, have them start loading whatever supplies we have into carts, baskets...whatever. Anyone who can't walk goes in the carts. We leave by sunrise."

M nodded, and then turned to look at a crowd that had gathered behind him. "You heard Ruin, let's get..."

Ruin placed a paw on M's shoulder. "No...I think it's time Ruin was put to rest. It's Gabriel now."

The fox nodded again. "You heard Gabriel. Hop to it!"

* * *

A hard thud, followed by a jolting shake, snapped Daichi out of unconsciousness.

"Dammit...sorry! Someone check on him, I'll go watch ahead."

Daichi sat up, rubbing his head. He was laying in a wooden cart, covered in a dirty blanket. There was a crudely crafted cloth roof covering the top of the cart and all four sides.

One side of the cloth rustled and pushed away, making way for Rhane's face. She smiled when she saw Daichi awake.

"Not the smoothest ride, huh?" She said.

"Not really, no," Daichi replied, rubbing his head. "Where am I?"

"On the way to Everstar," Rhane said. "You passed out back at the Hall. The rest of us managed to round up the survivors and start a caravan to the closest province.

"No one wanted to carry you, so into the cart you went." The vixen said with a wink. "We finally found the main road, but it was bumpy getting on."

"No kidding," Daichi said with a smirk. "Everstar? That's the capital of the House of Light's province. You think they're going to let a mob of derelicts from other Houses in?"

"Half of the survivors are probably from Everstar anyhow, since it's so close. Plus we've sent scouts ahead, to warn the council there of what has happened. All the Houses will know about this within a few days."

Daichi nodded and leaned back against the edge of the cart. Rhane started to gather up the cloth covering, pulling it off so he could see.

The fox squinted as daylight washed over him. Apparently he had been out all night. Four males were pulling his cart, wheeling it along a wide dirt road that cut through the rural countryside. It was one of the main roads that connected the capitals of each House's province together, usually patrolled by a House's enforcers, to discourage thieves and bandits.

As Daichi looked around, he saw that the road was now filled with the ravaged remains of the Hall of Combat's residents and guests. Some were naked, others were barely clothed, and all looked weary and worn. It was a sad sight indeed.

"Hey, champ," Spectre called out, running up to fall in step with the moving cart. "Hope you appreciate us hauling your fat ass around all night."

"I do," Daichi said with a smile, and then hesitantly asked, "Who's left?"

"Of our merry band? Well...we were lucky. We're all here and accounted for. Suki and Kassidy are in another cart up ahead. They were pretty beat. M and Ruin went ahead to Everstar. Winter and Hitomi are guarding our asses, as it were."


Both Rhane and Spectre hesitated a moment, and Daichi nodded in understanding.

"Adonis played us all," Rhane sighed. "I have to give him credit for that. He had a plan and he executed it brilliantly, right under our noses. Who knows what else he's capable of now."

"It's worse than you know," Daichi said. "He isn't Arrigan Adonis. His real name is Nobu Chao Heng. He's Nobu Ra' Chi's son."

"WHAT?" Rhane and Spectre said, in unison. The fox nodded.

"He's been planning this for years. This isn't about power, or revenge, or personal gain. Ra' Chi wants to burn this world to ashes. He wants to start it over in his image."

"You know what his plan is, then? Where he's going?" Rhane asked, hopefully.

", I have no idea. We'll find out, though. We'll fight him to the ends of the earth if we have to."

Daichi looked around again, past the road, past the open fields and lines of trees in the distance, and off into the horizon. It was a beautiful sight, and the very real threat of it's destruction hung in the air like a thick fog.

"And we just might have to do exactly that."

~ END ~

Story (c) 2008 F.J. Emerson.

Carnal Combat and Carnalities are (c) 2008 F.J. Emerson, unless Ed Boon or Midway call up and yell at me.

All characters are created and owned by F.J. Emerson.

Special Thanks: Setta Flamowitz (for creative input), Christin (for support), Tomiko (for being Tomiko), Shizuka (for humoring me with questions), StrikerSA (for writing the Runaway Experiment series and constantly inspiring me to get writing again), and everyone else who has been consistently reading this drivel!



Like Carnal Combat: All Those Yesterdays, Parting Ways will serve as a conclusion to events past, and a vision of events to come.


Every fighter has been summoned.

All the earth will be their arena.

Combat is finished.

War has begun.