The End of Everything

Story by Klasht on SoFurry

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Just a little something that came from a bit of music based inspiration, that takes place in one of the many rooms depicted here on the SoFurry chat, most likely a heavily populated lobby. It is a depiction of the feelings that certain kinds of music can bring about within us, personified. Say the adrenaline rush you get from listening to hard rock, heavy metal, or whatever else you like to call it. What if that re connection with our more primal sides were to take place within a harmless looking dragoness whose inner demons were more than just a metaphor....could something as simple as listening to music really spell disaster? It couldn't...right?

Klasht takes a seat on the couch and plugs in hir headphones, Shi presses play and cranks up the volume, closing hir eyes and mouthing the lyrics along with the song, shutting hir eyes tighter and gritting hir teeth as hir expression becomes more and more intense and angry, hir mouth twisted into a scowl and the hairs on the back of hir neck stand on end as shivers run up and down hir spine, practically screaming the words without making a sound. The angrier and louder the music gets, the more the emotions flow through hir, psychopathic bloodlust and unbridled rage seep into hir very soul, taking hir deeper and deeper into an almost meditative state. Hir hands begin to quiver and shake, veins bulging and throbbing as shi digs hir claws into the armrest, shi clenches hir teeth tightly together and the lines on hir face belie how tightly shi shuts hir eyes, falling further and further into hir blooddrunk trance as the demons within hir awaken and begin to claw their way to the surface. Hir heart pounds in hir chest as the adrenaline courses through hir veins, overtaking and overwhelming, bubbling over as the pressure rises. As the last song comes to an end, shi mouths a number of unfamiliar passages in something like a drawn out, backmask of some unholy text. hir words begin silent, forming into sounds like the wind whispering past your ears, getting louder and more malicious in tone. The dragoness had ceased to be Shi, was no longer I, now only they, only them, the darkness was coming faster and faster and the clouds outside had gathered overhead into a swirling mass of the deepest black. Thunder that shook the building to its foundation, lightning begins to strike the ground around it, the wind starts to howl and scream and the vortex opens overhead, they were getting closer, the things beyond hell, beyond nightmare and illusion, beyond wildest imagination, past comprehension and madness, they were getting closer and closer, and soon, they were here.....

The power to the room goes out and everything is plunged into pitch blackness, nothing can be seen, only heard. Glass breaking, skittering, clambering, commotion and chaos, screams of terror and deep, echoing laughter, growling and hissing, things being knocked over, cries of pain. The laughter continues to echo and grow louder, more numerous, slicing flesh, bones breaking, screaming and crying getting louder and more desperate, the squishing and splurting of skin, muscle, sinew and innards stomped into a bloody pulp, blood gushing from severed veins and arteries, unimaginable violence and havoc, and then, silence, the deafening emptiness of nothing left to die. The clouds part once more and the sky returns to normal, the sun shines in through the shattered remains of the windows, casting light on the ghastly aftermath of complete and entire decimation of everything that once stood. Every fixture, every piece of furniture, everything in the room was completely destroyed, broken into pieces and scattered over the floor. a thick layer of blood coats every bit of it, the deep red fluid splattered and painted all over the walls, corpses strung up from the rafters by their own entrails, severed limbs and heads laying all over the place, a severed finger jammed into the keyhole, bloody handprints smeared all over the door, desperate to escape by any means, but there was no escape for any of them, it was the end of everything there was to be, to know, to live. And what became of the dragoness? hidden underneath a prone figure that once resembled a person, it's eyes torn out, chest ripped open, limbs torn away, and its body raped and ravaged, was a shadowy imprint resembling the outline of hir form, scorched into the floor, what happened to hir is anyone's guess....