First Impressions

Story by Rashoni on SoFurry

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#1 of Waking the Dragon

DISCLAIMER: This story was co-writen by myself and Draconium, so if you like please tell her as well.

I was alone. My friends had gone to sleep while I was wide-awake still from 2 energy drinks. I knew I couldn't sleep so I threw on my leather jacket that was tossed aside during band practice. Stepping outside, I made my way down the cold sidewalk as snow slowly fell from the sky, hands in my pockets and my head filled with a slight buzz; the music from our heavy practice swimming in circles around my brain. I made my way down the street and paused in front of a gallery building with huge DA on the front of it. I shrugged to myself as if to say "eh, might as well" and went through the large revolving doors with a nudge of my foot. I knew I didn't have to worry about time because the gallery was Always open. Even so, I glanced up at the surreal-shaped clock on the wall. Its hands revolved backwards and the numbers slowly shifted back and forth behind the glass as if in some kind of liquid. Almost forgetting what I was looking at the clock for, I shook my head, a bit dazed from the strange yet beautiful timepiece. I saw it to be 1:00 AM somehow and began to wander slightly this way and that way, generally glancing at some pieces of art, and marveling at others. I made my way past some of my own pieces, each surrounded by a glowing frame, illuminating the picture to make it even more vibrant. I then checked the small screen next to one of my pieces that displayed how many people had looked at it, noticing there weren't many and sighing a bit, I lightly tapped the screen in the corner and it switched to a different display showing what the people had said about it with their individual recording and expressions of what they thought. Quickly browsing for any new comments, I noticed one that was new. I read it, smiling, and replied. To my surprise, soon there was a message in reply to what I just sent, almost like we were talking directly to each other. This continued for some time, while I took the small screen with me to keep "chatting" I made my way to that person's small part of the expansive gallery. I looked at the profile first, noticing that it was a girl I was talking to, I kind of flushed with a weird feeling in my stomach, unsure why this happened, we continued to chat. I noticed that she had a few sketches of dragons, which I told her they were better than I could draw. I then received a comment on my artist ID photo from her. I blushed to myself when I read the comment and knowing where she must have been to post the message, I quietly hurried back to my section, my shoes padding softly on the shiny granite floor.

I entered my section, my eyes moving quickly, searching to see just who was there. I sighed quietly, thinking that she must have left. I approached my framed ID picture, wincing a bit at it because I sort of hate seeing myself in a photo. I've been told by other people before that I was "good-looking" but I never really agreed with them. I always assumed I was ugly as dirt and that no one could possibly be attracted to me. I walked up to it with both hands in my pockets, my fingers still slightly burning from playing guitar. I studied myself a bit. I had long curly hair that hung just above my shoulders, a slight mustache and a full goatee with a bit of beard going up the sides of my jaw. I had an athletic figure from years of wrestling practice which I had given up for my art and various other reasons, some involving hazing that I didn't feel like recounting. I shrugged my shoulders because I knew I was in good shape and I could see why people might be attracted to me, but I still thought of myself as ugly for some reason. Just as I was about to walk away, something tapped lightly on my right shoulder. My first reaction was that my body went ridged for a split second, unsure what to do, I slowly turned around. And with what I saw, I had to gather every ounce of strength to keep my jaw from hitting the floor. I just barely managed to maintain my composure. My legs were shaking, though not visibly, and my palms were making the insides of my pockets slick from sweat. There, standing right in front of me was an anthropomorphic dragon! And with that first quick glance I noticed, dragon-ess, and WOW... she took my breath away. First of all, I was shocked by fact that I was looking face-to-face with a female anthro-dragon, I knew that anthros existed, but never DREAMED I would actually see one. I was also shocked by how stunningly beautiful she was.

She wore a purple and green robe with gold-trimming that loosely hung off of her frame, ending at her calves, and had intricate dragon designs sewn in. Her scales were a shiny orange-gold color with each one reflecting the light and gently glowing. Her wings, though folded to her back, were quite large and extended above her head, and almost all the way to the floor. The membranes of the wings were dark green, contrasting to her scales, each with 4 "fingers" all folded smoothly. Her legs were long and muscular with thick structure underneath, my eyes absent-mindedly tracing a line up and down her body. Her tail was long and slender with a row of small spikes going down and tapering off into a red-feathered tip, which slowly swished through the air around her ankles. Her left arm, scaled and muscle-toned, hung at her side, while her right had just retreated away from my shoulder and now was catching the trim of her robe with her delicate fingers and talons, which were as reflective as her scales, but instead were a deep red. My eyes followed her claws as she still held onto the trim that was at the front seam of her robe, which was open like a V-shape on her chest. I couldn't help but notice that she had rather large breasts under the folds of her elegant garment, with nay but the cleavage showing out the top. Sheepishly trying not to be caught staring, and feeling rather perv-ish, my eyes snapped upwards, looking up at her face, shyly smiling and holding back sweat on my face. Her muzzle was of medium length, not too short for her to have a squashed face, and not too long for her to look like she had a beak. She had two small horns near her nose, and a few up her nasal bridge. Her two canine teeth slightly poked out from underneath her upper lip, and were a nice pearly white. She had fin-like folds for ears, and two long red horns that protruded out from the back of her head.

I cleared my throat shakily, trying to calm my nerves. Here I am standing in front of the most drop-dead gorgeous creature I've ever seen in my entire life, and I can't think of anything to say but a shaky-


Even the one word leaves me stuttering as I force it out, afraid to speak because of being so nervous.

"Hi there" she replied while giggling and covering her mouth a bit with one claw.

I thought to myself, 'oh great, she's laughing at me' and blushed. I found myself attempting to strike up a conversation and also found myself failing miserably at it. I couldn't settle down enough to come up with a coherent sentence if you can imagine, I probably sounded like a babbling idiot.

She waved her claw for me to stop, so I did. Nothing I was trying to say was making sense anyway, and stifling a giggle, she motioned towards a small bench lining the hallway under a large window. With a swoop of her tail, she slowly whirled around and sat, taking the feathered tip of her tail in her hands, gently brushing the red feathers with her claws. She then noticed I was just standing there like a statue with my hands in my pockets. Letting go of her tail, having it fall off to the side of the bench, she waved her claw for me to come over. "I want you to come here silly" she said lightly, pointing to the bench. I was hesitant, unsure if I should, but gulping down the softball-sized rock I felt lodged in my throat, I took my seat, nearly teetering off the edge.

I took my hands out of my pockets and was hunched over with my elbows resting on my thighs while my hands were busy tensely kneading my fingers. Then she said something that shocked me.

"Your picture is cute" she said happily. I suddenly stopped messing with my hands, letting them fall onto my legs.

"heheh, thanks" I said, nervously laughing, trying to smile, while she also chuckled. At least she broke the ice for me, I thought to myself. I would have just sat there silently sweating forever if it weren't for her. The next thing she said shocked me almost as much as the first.

"Well uh, I'm a very shy person really..." she said in a gentle voice.

"Huh? Really?" I questioned.

"Yeah" she nodded solemnly, slightly smiling. At that, I finally managed to relax a bit.

"So uh... how long have you had your artwork here?" I said, actually making conversation.

"Uh, like maybe a few months" she said thoughtfully. I saw she was trying to figure it out in her head while her tail started twitching a bit under the bench. After a while she gave up with a small shrug of her scaled shoulders, and turned to me with a small smile and her eyes closed.

"So, what kind of music do you like?" she asked.

"Oh, uhm... I like a lot of metal mostly" I said while flashing the "horns" sign with my hand and sticking my tongue out doing a mock Jean Simmons face. I stopped abruptly, a bit embarrassed and feeling like I made a fool out of myself. I could feel my face burning up, imaging what I must look like, imagining what she was thinking, but she just laughed. Grinning widely, she laughed, with her pearly teeth showing and her reptilian tongue flicking out of her mouth with her laughter. I began to laugh also, feeling the embarrassment melt away. "Heh heh, I also like different kinds of rock too... and you?"

"System of a Down?" she smirked.

"Ooh, yeah! That band is awesome!" I exclaimed, grinning for the first time that night.

"Yeah it sure is" she replied. I didn't know for sure, but I think talking about music settled me down a bit.

"You know, I'm actually in a band with my friends" I said, smiling and finally leaning back against the bench.

"Oh? What do you play?" she inquired with a look of interest on her face.

"I play lead guitar" I said, while holding my left arm out and flicking my right wrist 'air-guitaring' briefly.

"Nice" she said with a big grin. "What color is your guitar?"

"Heh, its red metal-flake and it has a gothic-style look to it with sharp and curved corners, it almost looks like some kind of wicked axe" I said smirkingly.

"wanna know what's sharp?" she asked. I looked at her lifting my chin a bit and opening my eyes a little wider to show I was interested. "My claws" she said flexing them before slashing a random piece of paper floating down the hallway, cutting it like there was no paper at all.

"Heheh..." I said with a gulp and a single drop of sweat falling from my forehead, "no kidding... cool" I said trying to sound un-intimidated (which didn't help at all to the fact that now my feet were visibly trembling) With that, she hid her claws in her sleeves, and slightly blushed looking down for a second.

"What's the matter?" I asked, concerned.

"Heh, nuffink"

"Oh, ok..." I said with my head a bit tilted to one side. I couldn't help but notice her large folded wings extending above her head, reflecting the light cast by the fluorescent white bulbs hanging from the high ceiling. The reflections cast a dazzling illusion of orange ovals that danced across the ceiling with each shift she made, spread out in a pattern to almost appear as a burning-orange butterfly. Shaking my head clear of the beautiful illusion, I returned my gaze to her wings, imagining her using them to soar above the clouds. Gathering my thoughts back to reality, I couldn't help but say, "I have to ask you.... since I know I won't ever get a chance like this, I have to know.... what is it like to fly?" I asked almost pleadingly. She turned her head slowly away from me slightly tilting back and softly closing her eyes as if she were asleep.

"Flying... is an amazing sensation" she said dreamily, a slight smile creeping across her face.

"How I wish I could..." I said, in the same manner as she was talking.

"Yeah, maybe... naw, never mind" she said as she half-shook her head, but grinning as she did so. I snapped out of my dreamy-talk and cocked my head to the side.

"What? What were you thinking?"

"Well, I was thinkin' of flying you around with me" she said while grinning and blushing at me. My lower jaw just about fell off my face

"Oh wow... you would really want to do that with me?

"Sure" she said with a smug look. My heart must have trembled in my chest because every nerve in my body felt like they were shaking with excitement. Suddenly, the dragoness grabbed me by my coat with a grip that could deflate a football, at the same time jumping into the air and extending her large wings, and with one flap we were off out the large window. Once outside, and still airborne, the dragoness somehow began growing and transforming into a full-sized dragon, her anthro features diminishing as she tossed me on her back while rising several stories with another thrust of her now extra-large wings. I almost had the breath taken out of me as I was swept up into the cold winter night, my arms reached for something to grip as I could feel myself sliding backwards off of her. I caught and held tight to one of the spikes on the back of her neck, pulling the rest of my body up her rough scales and managed to hook my legs over her wing joints, all while trying not to scream like a little girl. I grit my teeth as she swooped higher and higher, the cold wind whipping at my face and tearing at my fingers, and my head being pulled back from wind-drag because of my long hair. My eyes watered. I squinted and tried to hang on. She soared higher and higher amazingly picking up momentum against gravity, until we rose above the clouds. The moon cast a blue glow over everything, with only the tops of the clouds as a landscape. She then craned her now serpentine neck over her shoulder to glance at me saying in a slightly deeper and hissing voice that was almost like a whisper, "hold on tight" with a wink. At first we started free-falling, my arms floating up on either side of me and my hair suspended in mid-air as we reached the point of zero-gravity, my stomach trying to hold down its contents. Then came the plummet. Taking note of her words, I quickly latched back on to the spike that served as my grip, my knees bent over her wing joints, holding on tightly. We accelerated quickly as the wind tore at my face and hands. I gritted my teeth and strengthened my grip, all the while attempting not to piss myself. We dove back through the cloud cover, trailing remnants of mist as we did and my mind was racing, and yet it was so very clear. My hands slid off of the spike I was gripping so intently, letting my arms float up on either side of me like I had my very own wings, reaching out into the night. My eyes were watering from the rushing of wind, but it might have been from something else... I may have ridden roller coasters, and even piloted a plane before, but this took the cake.

The dragoness' wings fluttered tightly against her sides as we continued to plummet. She grinned as she saw the trees begin to become more detailed and distinctive. I noticed the treetops coming into focus as well and my heart leapt into my throat. We were about 500 feet above the ground (or so I guessed) when the dragoness glanced over her large shoulder and winked at me again, still grinning.

My hands once again arrested the spike, this time in fear instead of shock, and I became worried as we came closer and closer to the ground. My knuckles turned white from the clenching and the cold, while this strange feeling crept over me. I kept thinking to myself, "just let go...just let go...". My mind was trying to get me to release my fears while my body was still clinging on to them.

In that last moment before we almost touched the trees, everything seemed to be in slow motion. I closed my eyes, inhaled deeply, and slowly moved my hands off the spike to rest on the dragoness's back. The next moment, everything sped back up again, and I opened my eyes. In that instant, the dragoness spread her wings and swooped out of harms way, her claws slicing the treetops as we flew along them.

Over the roar of the wind, I pumped my fists in the air and howled at the top of my lungs in delight, my body brimming with adrenaline. My heart, now dislodged from my throat and now thudding away in my chest, filling myself with hot excitement that ran from my core to the tips of my fingers, no longer aware of the cold.

The dragoness started soaring higher again, but much more gradually this time until she finally reached a cliff top and swooped in to land. She landed softly on the snow, barely making a sound, and half-squatted half-leaned to let me off. I slid off her scaly side and leaped nimbly to the ground, which was farther than I expected as there was still about 7ft between my shoes and the snow (which was only a measly 3 inches deep). Regardless, I still landed without having to catch myself, thus avoiding humiliation with a face full of snow.

I was now standing to her right, while her massive scaly shoulder was still about 2 ft above my head. I couldn't help but smile at her in a speechless daze. My feet felt frozen to the spot or like I had lead weights in my shoes, because I didn't feel like moving for anything in the world.

She swung her long neck around to meet my gaze and I felt weak in the knees. She then broke the stare with a small twist of her head and a sly smile as she padded away from the edge of the cliff on all fours, her large claw prints leaving small steaming craters from her heat, evaporating the snow. I was still rooted to the spot watching her walk away, her now huge tail swishing through the air as her now gargantuous hips swayed slightly from side to side with each step.

The Dragoness then glanced back over her shoulder and called,

"Are you coming or not silly?" in her silky hissing-like voice. Finally snapping back out of my daydream I quickly wiped away the tear forming in my eye and sprinted to catch up, my sneakers crunching through the snow. I quickly walked beside her to keep up my pace as we walked down a wide path in between some trees. We walked in silence, neither saying a word, but I occasionally caught myself gawking at the dragoness. She noticed me doing it once. She smiled a toothy grin at me and I smiled nervously as I looked away from her, trying to hide my face because of my blushing.

The dragoness and I eventually came to a wide, flat clearing in the middle of the trees. She then proceeded to use her claws and teeth to completely obliterate a pile worth of timber. I stood there shocked and amazed as I watched her meticulously slice fully grown trees into split logs, then build up a pile of all the splinters she made with her razor-sharp teeth, and scoot the pile into the middle of the clearing with her tail used as a giant rake. With all the kindling finally piled to about as high as my neck, she motioned for me to stand back a bit with her claw. I stepped back, and even though I anticipated it, I wasn't prepared. The dragoness cocked her neck back into an "S" shape as I saw her nostrils flare with smoke and glow with heat. She then opened her mouth and I could see forming in the back of her throat, a basketball-sized sphere of flame. With a whip of her neck, the sphere turned into a tendril that shot out and instantly caught fire to the pile of kindling. Without missing a beat, the dragoness whipped her tail around and catapulted two extra-large logs straight into the center of the flames.

Standing there with my mouth agape, she turned back to notice my amazement. I must have had quite the funny look on my face because the dragoness had to stifle a chuckle when she saw me, though it didn't help that she made that gurgling-nostril sound you make when not trying to laugh, because when she did, thick residue smoke poured our of her snout. She then giggled at herself and licked the leftover ash that clung to her face.

With large swipes of her tail, she whipped the snow away from the fire in wide sweeps, to clear the ground. She then squatted down, and reaching out with her front claws, laid down on her right hip while her arms were still up on her elbows, all the while, any leftover snow evaporated with a sizzle just from her body heat. After all that I finally realized that my hands were nearly frost-bitten from the cold that they endured from the flight and my ignorance not to put them in my pockets afterwards. I walked over to the fire, shaking my head and trying to calm my thoughts while I rubbed my hands over the huge roaring bonfire.

Now between the dragoness and the fire, the heat I could feel felt like a summer day. I removed my leather jacket, and laid it on the ground in front of the dragonesses' long scaled belly, and sat Indian-style on my new 'mat'. I turned my head to the right towards the dragonesses head and said the only thing that could come out of my mouth:

"You are truly amazing"

"Why, thank you!" she said while tilting her head sideways from one side to the other as she spoke. "But twas' nothing, I didn't do any tricks, flips, swerves or tumbles, and I bet you were lucky I didn't... wouldn't have wanted to lose you know would I?" she said with a smirk.

"No I guess not" I replied with a shuddering laugh, as I realized what could have happened.

"Not to worry, I would have caught you anyway" she said reassuringly. I nodded because I believed her. "And I don't need this bonfire for anything, I just made it for you" she said with a flip of her tail as another log landed on the fire.

"Really? Why wouldn't you need it?" I said leaning back on both hands and tilting my head to the side.

"Well for one," she started off with, "I don't get frostbite" as she nodded at my hands, "two, I don't need fire to see in the dark" as she quickly scanned the parameters of the clearing gazing into the trees with her powerful eyesight. "There's actually a pack of wolves out there, if it hadn't been for me being here and starting this fire, I doubt they would have stayed so far away". Just as I was about to ask "what wolves?" I heard the howl of the alpha male as the rest of the pack scampered away into the woods, their presence now no longer a secret. With a small gulp I realized how small and weak I was out here, how man against the elements is no match, and how only creatures like the one that was taking care of me right now were true masters of the earth.

With my entire body now finally warm, I stared into the fire deep in thought. Now settled down, I looked up at the dragoness that just gave me the experience of a lifetime. I can't help but want to reach out and graciously thank her, but I was unsure if I should. I felt nervous and even a little intimidated, but at the same time utterly fascinated by her. We both glanced at each other, which turned into us both looking deep into the pools of each others eyes. In one spontaneous spark of thought in order to break the silence, I said in choked up voice

"I think I'm in love with you" At that, I could actually see the shiny orange scales on her cheekbones shimmer with a red hue as she nervously giggled.

"Me? How could you love me? You don't even know me" she said with a grin.

"I may not know much about who you, but I do know I love you, more than anything in this world". The dragoness then covered her face because by now her cheeks were literally glowing red. "But I wouldn't mind knowing more about you" I said with a surprisingly confident smile.

"I wouldn't mind that one bit" she said as she smiled softly back.

We spent hours talking about each others lives, not too much, but everything that mattered. We laughed, we shared our most intimate secrets, and we even might have cried a little together. We shared our pain and our sorrows, and how good it felt to talk to someone that understood, until we got to a certain question about her that kind of stopped the conversation. I asked her:

"I know how you can change from this into a more human-like form, but can you change into a full human?" This question kind of caught her by surprise and she paused a bit with a small frown on her face with her brow furrowed.

"Now why would I do that?"

"I don't know, maybe so you can..."

"Be just like everyone else?" she said as she finished my sentence.

"Yeah... I guess..." she said nothing but raised an eyebrow at me as if I should reconsider what I was asking. I thought to myself:

"If I could somehow change into a dragon, would I ever want to go back to being a regular human?..." I gazed back into the fire as I poked it with a stick I found. I said nothing, but slowly looked up at her face, and smiled. She must have understood because she did as well.

The fire was dying and I was getting very exhausted from all the nights excitement. I yawned and stretched my hands above my head as I accidentally leaned back into the dragonesses' scaly belly. On contact, it felt like a warm hot pad that spread throughout my entire body. I jerked my back away, afraid that I might offend her by touching her, but she just looked down with a wink as the fire went out and I lost sight of her face. In the darkness, I pretty much had no choice but to curl up with my back against the dragonesses belly for warmth. I could see a large shadow closing over the night sky, and I could tell that it was one of her wings draping over.

In the silence I craned my neck and said,

"You know, I never did get your name..."

"My name is Draconium Draconigenae, but you can call me Draco" she said with a scoot of her wing.

Draco... she says her name is Draco... and with that I closed my eyes and drifted off on the wings of my dreams.