Fishy Rumors

Story by TiranMaster on SoFurry

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I decided to come over here from FA, just to get my stories around.

Tiran has heard some rumors, lets see if they are real.

I hope you all enjoy.

Tiran had heard some odd tales about a clan of were-people out in the woods from some friends. The story quickly piqued his interest and he started planning on going to check it out. From what he had heard they met in the middle of a forest nearby. He wasn't sure why this story grabbed his interest so much but he was obsessed with finding out whether or not the story was true.

Three days after hearing about the story he was all ready to go and check out the forest. On the way out his cell phone started to ring. "Hey Tiran do you want to hang out tonight?" It was his friend Blake, one of the two who had told him about the story. "I can't I have something to do." Tiran said as he noticed he had left his wallet on the counter. "What is so important that you can't take some time out of your schedule to hang out with your friend?"

Tiran chewed his lip for a moment mulling over his answer. "I'm going to go check out the forest that you told me about." Blake went quiet for a minute, "You're kidding right? It's just a rumor we heard." Tiran grabbed his wallet and walked out his door. "I'm going, you can't stop me." He said bluntly as he locked up his door. He heard Blake sigh, "Fine, if you're so set on doing this then you can go, but I'm coming with you."

Tiran started to argue but Blake cut him off, "Even if these people aren't out there, the forest is still a dangerous place and people have gone missing out there. I don't want to be responsible for having someone go missing." Blake told him to meet him in front of his house in twenty minutes. Tiran went to his next door neighbor and asked her to pick up his mail for him as he was going to be gone for a few days. He walked to his car and put his backpack in the back and drove away from the apartment complex. Fifteen minutes later he drove into Blake's driveway, he drummed his fingers on the wheel waiting for Blake. Ten minutes later Blake walked out of his house locking the door behind him. Tiran unlocked the trunk and watched as Blake threw his stuff into the back of his car. Blake sat in the passenger seat, "I can't believe we're about to do this." Blake muttered as he buckled up. "Hey you invited yourself, I told you that I wanted to go alone." "What type of friend would I be if I let you do this alone?" Tiran didn't answer as they drove away. Two hours later they drove up to the forest. "Well here we are." Tiran muttered. The two grabbed their stuff out of the trunk. "How long are we going to be staying?" Blake asked as they walked past signs explaining camping regulations. "Three days." Blake looked into his bag, "Do you have extra food, I only packed two days' worth." Tiran nodded. The two marched on in silence the woods quiet except for the sound of birds and the two tromping through the woods. The two stopped at a quarter to nine. "We'll stop for now and start back up at seven." Tiran announced as he started unpacking his sleeping bag. Blake went off to gather firewood, as Blake was looking around for wood he saw a pair of eyes looking at him. At first he assumed they were animals looking at him but as he took a second look he realized they were human. "Hello?" He called out, but the pair of eyes had disappeared. Tiran at the same time had a similar experience; he was setting up camp when he noticed the shadowy figure of a man hiding behind a tree. "Blake? Is that you?" He asked the figure but the figure quickly turned and ran away. Ten minutes later Blake walked into camp holding twigs. Tiran looked up, "You won't believe what I saw." Blake said as he unloaded his burden. "You took the words right out of my mouth." Tiran said. They both told each other what they had seen. "Do you think they were members of the clan?" Blake asked Tiran simply shrugged. They lit a fire and proceeded to cook their food and then go to bed. Tiran woke up in the middle of the night having heard the sounds of heavy footsteps. "Blake are you awake?" Blake popped his head up, "Well I am now." Blake now awake heard the footsteps as well; they both stood up and looked around trying to see the source of the noise. They got dressed and grabbed their flashlights; they walked to the opposite edges of their camp. "I don't see anything this wa..." Blake's voice suddenly cut out.

"Hey are you ok?" Tiran called out but received no answer. He walked over and found Blake's flashlight laying on the ground, he quickly stood up and looked around. He walked into the center of the encampment and looked around, he didn't notice the huge figure run up behind him and hit him in the head with a rock. The first thing Tiran thought when he woke up was how much of a bitching headache he had. "Eugh.... My head hurts..." He opened his eyes and winced from pain at the bright sunlight shining down on him. "Blake, are you there?" He looked around for his friend but found instead that he was in a tent. He tried to stand up but found that his hands and feet were bound. "Hello? Is anyone there?" He called out expecting no answer he was shocked to receive one. "Shhh, you don't need to yell, you are in our village." The voice that he heard belonged to a woman. "Why am I tied up?" "Well we can't have you trying to run away." The voice said. Tiran started to get irritated at the woman. "Why are you hiding from me?" He asked sharply. "I'm not hiding from you. I'm guarding you." Tiran wormed his way towards the entrance of the tent. He finally got to the entrance and forced his head through the fold to see the face of his guard/kidnapper. Tiran gasped at what he saw. He found himself looking at a wolf woman. She looked at him; "You took far longer than your friend to get out of the tent." Tiran was lost for words. "Though your face looks much funnier than your friends." She chuckled and went back to reading a novel she had been reading. As he recovered from the shock of seeing the wolf woman he found his gaze wandering from her as he saw that she was not the only animal person. The village they were in was filled with animal people, there were fish people, bird people, he even saw a skunk person. "The story was true..." Then he realized that Blake was nowhere to be seen. "Where is my friend?!" He nearly shouted at the wolf. She winced from having him yell right into her ear. "He's undergoing a change." Tiran was confused at these words, "Undergoing a change? What do you mean by that?" She chuckled, "You'll understand soon enough." He pulled his head back into the tent and started to think about the whole situation. "I can't believe it, the story was true. I wonder what happened to Blake." A few minutes later the opening to the tent was ripped open. Two rhino people ducked into the tent and grabbed Tiran by his shirt and yanked him out. "Ouch!" He yelped. The two rhinos were dragging him towards a large structure. He noticed all the people of the town were paying no attention to what was happening.

They opened the doors to the building and threw Tiran inside. He couldn't see anything for a while his eyes adjusted to the darkness. When he could finally see he noticed that the room was empty except for one person. "Welcome to our village little human." A large lion man was standing in front of Tiran. "Why did you kidnap me and my friend?" Tiran huffed out still winded from being dragged through the village. "Is it really kidnapping? I sent my men out to bring you here because you came to the forest searching for us."

Tiran thought it over for a second and realized the lion was right. "Well if you only brought us here then why am I tied up?" The lion walked to Tiran and cut the ropes with one of his claws. Tiran rubbed his wrists. "How did you know that we were here to find your village?" The lion laughed, "I am the one who told your friend the "rumor" about this village." Tiran found himself gaping. "I am one of the few of this village able to turn into human form, sometimes I find humans who want to be more than human, so I indulge their wishes. Your friend wanted to be more than human, but he wouldn't be able to do it without someone to do it with so I told him the story and told him to pass it on to his friends." "So when you say more than human do you mean you turn humans into...?" "Animals, yes. Your friend has already been turned into one of us, now it is your turn." The lion started towards Tiran. "Wait no, I want to stay human." The lion tisked, "I'm sorry but once you entered the forest, you gave up that choice." The lion picked up Tiran with one hand and put him on a table. The lion strapped his hands and legs down. "This won't take long, soon you will be a part of this village." "What will I become?" Tiran asked nervously. "Whatever your spirit desires." The lion started chanting in an odd language, the syllables precise and sharp. Tiran found himself becoming lost in the chant. Tiran tried to shake the words out of his mind but as he struggled he found himself only thinking about the words. Soon he stopped moving and just listened to the chant. His face started to elongate, his eyes started to spread, and his teeth were becoming razor sharp. For a second he felt pain as his tailbone extended and a tail extruded out. The straps that held him down snapped as he became stronger but he felt no inclination to run. His human clothes ripped as a fin grew out of his back. The lion finally finished chanting and watched as the newly made shark stood up. Tiran's old clothes fell down, he admired himself. "How do you feel now?" The lion asked the shark. "I feel... great, thank you." The lion smiled, "I only did what you wanted. Your inner spirit shaped you. So would you like to see your old friend." Tiran smiled sharp teeth showing. "Yes I would." The lion got Tiran some new clothes then showed him around the village and they finally ended up in front of a lunch hall. "Your friend should be waiting in there." As Tiran walked in the first thing he noticed were some shark girls eating in a corner. Then he noticed a Big wolf sitting next to some females waving to him, "What do you think?" The wolf asked. Tiran blinked, "Blake?" The wolf smiled, "Yup, isn't this awesome? And look some girls that won't run away from me." The girls laughed and continued to talk. Blake then pointed to the corner with the shark girls, "Why don't you go meet those girls, you might just find the girl right for you." Tiran laughed, "Only you could brush off something as big as this and think about girls." Blake winked and turned back to the wolf girls. Tiran looked over to the shark girls who now noticed him and were waving to him. "Well, I guess since he's doing it..." The big shark walked over to the girl sharks and started his new life as a shark.