
Story by Sxizi on SoFurry

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A raccoon attending college is invited to an underground chess club where every game has meaning and risk.

Its still a little awkward early on, but I might revisit it sometime later to fix that and clean up some things.


Wally grimaced as he waited for the cross walk sign to change. The pounding of jackhammers had been an unpleasant constant each morning, but for some reason, they had opted to do their work closer to his usual route this morning. The light changed and he waited for the crowd around him to start moving. His patience almost snapped by the time the multitudes decided they weren't going to be run over by the unmoving traffic.

Almost at the far end of the block he edged to the side of the sidewalk and ducked into a doorway. The crowds outside were only slightly greater than those present in the new environment. Wally carefully dodged flung gestures, unregarded tails, and gossiping gaggles as he proceeded towards his class room. The stairs were always the tricky part, as though more people were moving in general, the blockages that do exist often result in someone else dropping things. Which means they have to pick them up, thus expanding to trouble.

As he was already nearly late, the raccoon was quite happy that such disasters where not a problem. Of course, when he got into the class room and found it empty, his hope was converted to confusion. He leaned back and looked at the door. No sign posted. He even checked the number of the room and found it the same as always. He checked the room clock and found the hour right. Moving back to the hall he grabbed a feline's arm and asked her if it was indeed Tuesday and she nodded before making a hasty exit.

"Something wrong?"

Wally turned. "Uh yeah," he said, addressing the rabbit. "Is Northern History not meeting today?"

"No actually. Kremkil was just here a few minutes ago and told everyone that class was cancelled."

"Oh," Wally nodded. "I guess I was almost late... I guess he figured everyone was already there."

"Probably," said the rabbit. "But I noticed you were missing."

Wally tilted his head.

"Hah," said his classmate. "I was actually hoping to talk to you today. I know you're Wally. I'm Ian."

Wally's head righted. "Do know I don't give answers away on tests or homework."

"Pff, that's not why I'm bugging you. Come on, its way to loud here. There's a lounge at the end of the hall."

Wally followed Ian to the lounge. Given it was still early and most the napping was being done in classes, the lounge was empty. Ian tossed his backpack on a table between a couple couches. There was a large window there with a view of the building going up next door.

"So you're not looking to cheat, so then, what you want to talk about?" asked Wally as they took seats across from each other.

Ian smirked.

"I want to talk about chess," said the rabbit.

The raccoon laughed and leaned back. "Chess eh? I've never seen you in the chess club."

"No, no I haven't. Well, at least the official one."

Wally chuckled. "There's an unofficial one now? Are our pawn movements to orthodox or something?"

"Something like that. Well..." Ian grinned. "Let's just say the alternative club, has a different philosophy."

"You play checkers don't you."

"Uh, not quite. I mean, well... Remember how in class last week, Prof Kremkil was going on about the evolution of duals?"

"Yes, because unlike most folks, I somehow manage to not be put to sleep in there," said Wally with a tinge of annoyance, likely directed at his classmates more than the professor's dry style.

"Early on, it was about destroying your enemy, like in a war. Then it became about honor and skill. People still died."

The raccoon snorted. "So in your games of chess no pieces get taken?"

"Let me finish. Well, eventually, they figured out that really no one had to die, just to sufficiently knocked down a peg to get the point across," said Ian. "The embarrassment, the knocking of chips off the shoulder, that was how you got people to know they'd been beaten. So to the death was replaced with first blood and the like."

"Ah, so you're talking about embarrassment. Well, if you want more embarrassment in your chess, we could always play a game."

Ian nodded. "Maybe we should..."

Ian reached into his bag and pulled out a chess board and pieces. Wally nodded, realizing that indeed, Ian had been on a mission to have this conversation. The two of them set the pieces up.

"No clock?" asked Wally.

"No. Its not the style of chess we play. It will make more sense later, I assure you."

"Fair enough." Wally shrugged. Without speaking he offered Ian white, which the rabbit eagerly took. They began to play.

"See," said Ian, "Chess typically comes from the other direction. Yes, if you soundly beat someone, you embarrass them and show your superiority. Such domination is one of the reason people of all types play games. Even those that are normally eager to please all those around them can known the thrill of such a victory. But what if the opponents are more evenly matched?"

Through the first few moves Wally was already realizing that Ian at least knew the standard openings and how to use them, and to counter them.

"Then you end up respecting your opponent, win or lose."

"Well yeah, but you fail to gain the kind of domination that is achieved from taking down a weak player."

Past the opening moves and Ian was showing he was no weak player. Wally loses his first piece before activating a trade to take Ian's first.

"Of course there's no thrill in dominating a weak player. But I guess I can see your point at some level. To face only evenly matched opponents, in the long run the game loses meaning other than what we can derive from it from within."

Ian nodded. "Exactly. Winning for score is all well and good, but a number is not a feeling. Becoming world champion might be an epic goal, but will only be achieved by a very few. The thrill of embarrassing your opponent, even if they are nearly your equal needs to be in there somewhere."

Wally moved ahead in pieces and began to see ways to cause checkmate.

"Ian, please note that I'm not interested in gambling away my lunch money."

"Hah, no, we don't gamble money. No one loses money from our club. Remember, its about taking your opponent down a peg. Yes, sometimes there is putting items at risk. Personal items sometimes. I don't know if you even looked at me earlier in the term, but I used to wear a chain."

Wally shook his head as he takes Ian's queen, his own still intact and very safe.

Ian frowned. "Well, I lost it in a game. I put it at risk because my opponent put at risk his army tags. My chain was given to me by my mom years ago. My opponent was taken care of by the service, like my mom took care of me. So it seemed fitting."

"This all seems kind of intense," said Wally before looking up. Ian had managed to avoid the first of the traps but several more were in the works. "You want me to join a group where wagers like that are made?"

"And others. Most games use one of a set of rules already made up. Often times there are penalties for losing too many pieces that happen during the game. These are meant to distract mostly and range from silly to down right annoying. One game I ended up having to play upside down. I managed to win somehow, but it wasn't easy."

Ian tried to imagine how the rabbit would be playing upside down. He moved a rook and put Ian in check. Ian moved out of it. The jackhammers shook the windows continuously.

"What did you win from that one?" asked Wally.

"I won a date with his girlfriend, that's what."

Wally smirked. "Now that's more to my liking."

"As I said, its about embarrassment. Not amassing wealth."

Wally caused check again. "There isn't a set of rules that involve cutting off fingers is there?"

"Oh goodness no. In our core rules, it explicitly states that no match can be head that wagers life or limb. So no, we're not a murder cult. Besides, do I look like a skunk of the fen? Really."

"I don't know, you're strategy is pretty skunky." Wally moved a pawn. Ian exited check. "But you do have my interest. But, I'd like to learn more before signing up for anything like this."

Ian frowned despite this sign of interest as he realized he was a move away from mate. "Of course. You... you are very good. Heh, maybe its a mistake to bring you in. But then again, if you mop the floor with us for a while, it might motivate the rest of us to get our games up a notch."

Wally ended the game and sat back.

"Well then," said the raccoon.

"Well then," said the rabbit. "Here," he said as he reached into his bag, producing a rather thick binder. "The clubs rules are here. Now, the most important one is that you can only discuss it with members or potential members. Else you're out forever, and have to give up your prime wager."

"Prime wager?"

Ian slapped his forehead. "Oh yes, forgot to mention that. Basically, the prime wager is the only membership fee. If you don't lose it before retiring from the group, you get to take it with you."

"You said this wasn't about gambling... but that makes sense. How much?"

"Its either five hundred, or the item you prize the most, or documents of legal leverage, don't ask me about how those work no one goes with that, and it can also be something else if negotiated properly. And some do a partial payment and a favored nicknack. Its complicated."

"Great, this actually lowers my desire to check you guys out a bit, but... I'll read your rules here," said Wally.

"That's all I can ask. And, uh, please don't show that to anyone?"

"I won't," said the raccoon honestly.

Several weeks later after Kremkil's class, Wally flagged down Ian. They again moved to the lounge. The echos of the jackhammers didn't shake the windows as badly as before.

"I'm guessing you have questions?" asked Ian as they returned to the couches.

"Sorta?" said Wally reaching into his bag and pulling out the binder. "Did this group really start at the founding of the college?"

"As far as we can tell. Possibly earlier. The alumni who are still members some up sometimes to talk about games played back in the day. And of the ones played before then... but we kind of suspect the rules were established at least, if not the practice, around the first years of the college. Anything else?"

"Uh, yeah, the clause on wagering iconic clothing seems a bit odd. The clothing wagered need not actually be iconic. What's up with that?"

Ion chuckled. "Its the next bit that makes it. Remember, if you win say someone's favorite hat. To maintain the wager you need to wear it any time you meet that person. So it becomes an icon hat as you always seem to be wearing it. And for those in the know, it kind of becomes a symbol of 'hey, I took your hat, bitch'. Ya know? And if that hat isn't worn, then a one sided wager game is allowed to be demanded. Of course that means the hat is still iconic, so the original owner has to wear it everywhere from then on."

Wally nodded. He took a deep breath. "As for the other game rules that can be take on... some of them seem kind of extreme, don't ye think? I know that in most cases both parties have to consent to the rules to use, but still..."

"Remember, its about showing dominance, even in close games. So if you are needing to one up someone so bad that it makes your blood boil, there needs to be rules for such situations. And hey, at least the be a personal slave for a month one can't be used in the first game, so you're safe there."

Wally shrugged. "I still have some worries there, but... yeah well, I think I'm still interested. This, oddly enough, sounds like it could be a lot of fun. I've never played chess and had the outcome actually matter."

"Its motivation isn't it?"

The raccoon nodded in agreement.

"So, then are you challenging me for membership?"

Wally shook his head. "Not quite yet. I got another question. There's no real name spelled out for the group."

"Right, that's intentional. Its easier to have secret orders of chess players if the group doesn't have a name. Call it chess practice, game theory discussion, or heck, slumming with Ian, if you need a name."

"Right right, so, uh, yeah..." Wally said while flipping open the binder to the appropriate page. "Good friend Ian, I demand membership and seek to be recognized as a titan of the game."

"Excellent," said Ian, his smile showing off his extensive front teeth. "The game shall be held on the night of Saturday of this week, be at the place of game on time, and please bring a wager of medium importance."

Ian handed Wally a card. Wally took the address card as he began to think through which rule sets involved wagers of medium importance.

"And don't forget the prime wager."

Wally got off the subway and made his way to the street. He was about a dozen blocks from his usual stomping grounds, and a little surprised that Ian put up with a commute at all given the school was happy to provide all students housing. As he walked the two blocks to his destination, he began to realize there might be a good reason though. The towers to either side were new, and of quality far from the already crumbling structures that housed the students. He turned into an arch in a glass and concrete facade.

The lobby was simple yet elegant. Wally smirked. The elevator didn't have an up or down button, but a series of call buttons for apartments and a key hole, probably to call the elevator for residents. He pushed the numbered button.

"Hello?" came Ian's voice after a few moments.

"Its Wally."

"Ok, I'll bring you up."

Not long after the elevator was lifting Wally into the sky. The door opened not onto a hall flanked by doors, but a foyer. At the far end the only door was already open with Ian standing in its frame.

"Come on in," said the rabbit.

Wally entered Ian's home. It had a very sparse but elegant feel to it. Modern looking furniture and abstract art on large canvases. The raccoon noted the lack of an obvious chess board.

"So... this is your place?"

"Yes, its my parent's place. My dad's a construction worker and my mom a warehouse worker. So our allotted place is kind of nice. It helps that I have eight siblings. Not a lot of places can fit families that big in the city yet. Maybe in a couple years, then we might end up elsewhere," he said with a shrug. "Oh, and don't worry. The family isn't here right now. My folks took everyone on a trip to the coast, so we got the place to ourselves."

Wally smiled. "You throw a big party here yet?"

"Was thinking about such. They won't be back till a week from Monday, so I could probably fit one in next Friday. You're welcome to come if you like."

"I might have to. This place is kind of huge."

"Is that raccoon guy here?" came a voice from another room.

"Yeah," shouted Ian back. "That's Revi, he's Secretary. When he's done on the toilet he'll take your Prime Wager and head out till called back."

"Ok," said Wally. "So, what rule set we going to be running?"

"Heh, not so fast now," said Ian. "There's procedures to go through first."

The echos of a flushing toilet heralded the appearance of a rather round otter. "Ah hi, I'm Ravi," he said offering a paw to Wally. "I don't want to delay things if that's ok. I'd prefer to get things to the safe as soon as possible and get home. This place is a little out of the way for me and all."

"Of course," said Wally. The raccoon opened his satchel and reached in. He pulled out a small stack of currency and a key. "Here, is the wager I put up to bet that I won't speak of these games to non-members except as directed by the rules and decisions of all."

The otter took the money and the key. "So, hmm, what's the key about?"

"Its for a safety deposit box at the National Holding Vault. Without it, they can't let me anywhere near the box."

"What's in the box?" asked Ravi with a raised ear.

"Some money, a gift from a good friend, and letters from my first girlfriend. To put the letters in context, four years ago she died in the Blue Ridge Train Derailment."

"That's brutal," said Ravi. "Deeming this wager sufficient for membership, they are accepted and shall be held until you wish to retire from the games. And..." said Ravi shoving the cash and the key into a pocket, "I'm out. See ya Ian."

Soon the two were alone and sitting once more on couches.

"So, what's next?" asked Wally. "I didn't memorize everything in that uber tome you should know."

"Next, I need to finish deciding what rule set to use. But to do that, I kind of need to know a little about you first."

Wally smirked. "So you can best exploit my fears?"

"Not really. I need to know why you accepted the offer. I mean the real reason."

The raccoon looked at the brown rabbit for a time pondering.

"I..." he started haphazardly. "I guess it wasn't exactly what you were talking about. But close. I mean... Risk. We push forward as a nation trying to eliminate risk. To create a perfect harmony. And so elements of risk, kind of evaporate. I don't see that trend changing. So... I guess I need some way to maintain risk in my life. If the world is perfect, it gets boring. Just like chess gets boring if there's no reward for winning and punishment for losing. Domination of opponents, its all well and good of course. And I'll certainly enjoy kicking tail. But that seems more a fringe benefit."

The rabbit twitched his nose. "I'm actually kind of surprised by that. I misread you."

"Well, most people do."

"Then I have decided."

Wally suddenly became a bit more nervous. His mind raced through what he had just said. In his satchel he had a framed picture of his mother holding him when he was a newborn. He got the urge to say what his wager of medium importance would be.

"The rules," said Ian. "Are rule set ninety three."

Wally blinked a few times. There was effectively triple risk with that particular rule set. He didn't think it was likely, as if the game went long, the stakes would increase well beyond an item of medium importance.

"Are... are you sure?" asked Wally with an intense stutter.

"If you don't wish to lose or to take the final reward, you need to beat me fast. And mind you, I'll be attempting the same. My personal preferences in such things make this as big a risk on my part as I think it is for you. But if risk is what you seek, this seems the appropriate way to start our games."

Ian got up. Wally noticed his tail wasn't nearly as perked as usual. He wondered if he was missing something important in all of this. That there was a page in the rules he had missed. Ian left the room and soon returned with a chess board, already covered in pieces. The board was labeled such that white was in rows one and two, and black in rows seven and eight. The columns were lettered with the queens being on column d. Carefully he lowered it to the floor in the middle of the room and sat cross legged. Wally was soon opposite him.

Ian pulled from his back pocket a small book. The cover read diary. Wally produced his picture, setting it up to face Ian.

"Your choice of color this time," said Ian.

"I choose white."

Ian turned the table.

"I now understand why you don't play with clocks," said Wally. "Games like this particular one would be impossible." He began to stare at the board, pondering his first move. They sat in the silence for a few minutes. Wally was thankful in part that this game was not being serenaded by the sounds of construction, but very much wanted something to break the silence.

Wally made his move. Pawn e2 to e4. Ian moved his e pawn to e5.

Wally responded with his knight to f3. Ian countered with his to c6.

"Do know we don't have to be silent during our games," said Ian.

"Of course not," said Wally as he moved his bishop to c4. Ian responded with knight g8 to h6. Wally castled king side. "My heart is racing, just so you know. If I go down, can I blame that for my defeat?"

"Hardly," said Ian. His bishop moved to c5. Wally moved his pawn to c3. Ian moved his pawn to d6. "Well I guess you can, but you still have to give up your picture there. Possibly more."

Wally moved his pawn to d6, threatening Ian's bishop, and potentially starting the first exchange of trades.

"Speaking of your picture," said Ian as he pondered his move. "That girl there looks hot. Looks like someone I'd like to do, ya know?"

"Psychological warfare isn't going to work on me you crazy bunny, such mind tricks are for kids."

"Fine fine," said Ian. He had to make the move. His e5 pawn took Wally's d4 pawn. Ian looked up and the raccoon nodded. "If you're going to join, this is where you follow the rules. I trust I don't have to produce them for this rule set now, right?"

Wally shook his head. "I know the one's for this one. I studied all the rules where an item of this level could be up for grabs." The raccoon adjusted his posture, grabbed his foot, and pulled off his shoe. His paw was still covered in his white sock. "Now, remember, if you don't follow the rules, I get in anyway." Wally countered the first loss of the game by moving his c3 pawn, taking Ian's at d4.

Ian nodded and similarly removed his shoe. His sock was black.

Ian studied the board. "Wish I was one more move ahead... but I guess I gotta do something." He moved his bishop to b6. Wally moved his d4 pawn forward one. "I have a feeling we're both going to be without shoes in a moment." Ian moved his knight at c6 to e5.

"You're probably right," said Wally as he took Ian's recently moved knight with his own. Ian sighed and began to pull off his other shoe with one hand while moving his pawn from d6 to complete the trade. Both were soon shoeless.

"Ah yes," said Wally as he moved his queen to a4. "Check."

"This isn't going very well," said Ian. He blocked the check with his bishop to d7. Wally moved his own bishop from c4 to b5, pinning Ian's bishop, but effectively giving Ian initiative.

There was a very long pause. Wally finally opted to break it. "You having a problem there?"

"Uh, kind of. I have options, but all of them bring aspects, either directly in the game, or in the bigger sense of the rules, that I don't much care for. But risk... indeed, risk is part of the game."

Ian moved c7 pawn up one. Wally took it with his pawn from d5. Ian sighed as he pulled off his sock, revealing his fluff covered paw. Sock tossed, he took Wally's deadly pawn with his own from b7.

"Now now," said Wally as he pulled off his own sock. He wiggled his padded toes before finishing his sentence. "you need to learn to avoid pins." Wally took Ian's pawn at b5 with his available bishop. Ian was then sockless and his king was still pinned, but now his rook was in danger as well.

Ian made the obvious move of putting his threatened rook at c8. It suddenly looked less intelligent after Wally moved his bishop to d7, taking Ian's bishop.

Wally leaned back a bit chuckling. "I didn't think I'd be doing this well this early really. Given we were evenly matched before. Would love to be putting you in checkmate though."

Ian's mouth twitched. With a sigh he reached down and grabbed the bottom of his shirt. Lifting it over his head, he revealed to the raccoon that he wasn't brown all over, sporting a large white patch over his chest and belly.

"Maybe I should try to lose at this point," grumbled Ian. He took the bishop with his queen. Wally removed his other sock.

"I think it might be a little late for that now..." said Wally. His hear still thumping in his chest, he moved his queen to take Ian's. "Just remember, if you who picked the rules on this one."

"Fine fine... Eeerg..." The rabbit shook his head and stood up. "Now don't be a dick about this, alright?" Without waiting for an answer, he unzipped, unbuttoned, and let his shorts fall to the ground. Oddly enough, he had a smirk on his face. Wally wasn't paying attention to his face as he was surprised by the fact that Ian was wearing a purple thong. "It provides good support, alright?"

Wally nodded, not wishing to say more for the moment.

It was Ian's move. And he was in check. He sat down again. There was only one move to make that wasn't totally horrible, and it was still pretty bad. He finished the trading of queens with his king.

"Your turn 'coon!" said Ian.

Wally nodded. "Its fair yes," he said before lifting off his shirt. The raccoon was obviously a little leaner than the rabbit, but that was partially hidden by the fluffiness of his chest fur. "But can you get my shorts?" Wally moved his rook to d1, putting Ian check again. "There should really be a setup with a mercy rule on the number of checks that results in the opponent baking pies or something random."

"Heh, perhaps," said the fairly exposed rabbit. He glanced up to Wally and then back to the board. The game had the chance to get a lot more interesting very soon if he wasn't careful. He moved his king to e6.

"Now, Ian, I kind of hate to have to do this, but, you kind of leave me no choice..." Wally said.

Ian looked around the board eagerly for where there was a credible threat. Wally grabbed his remaining bishop. It was suddenly obvious. Wally's bishop at c1 to h6, capturing Ian's remaining knight.

"Crap." The bunny ground his teeth for a moment. "Damn you Wally, but you'll be in a similar position soon enough."

"Hah, just try me," said the raccoon as the rabbit rolled onto his back and peeled off his tiny bit of underwear. The raccoon was soon given a full view of the rabbit's sheath and balls. He had to chuckle at the exposure. "And know your attempts at impressing me won't work."

"Heh, thanks for the compliment," said Ian as he finished the trade, moving his g7 pawn.

Wally nodded and stood up. Unbuckling his belt, Wally looked at Ian. His new friend was hard to read. He was certainly watching as the raccoon unzipped and began fussing with the button over his tail. He then glanced not at Ian's face, but further down. There was a little swelling. "You sure seem to be eager to see me undressed now Ian."

"Believe me, any response from my body is natural instincts all bunnies have of humping fur covered people. Nothing more."

"Right..." said Wally as he dropped his shorts. His low cut brief had seen better days, as it sported several tuffs of fluff poking through, and hugged tightly around the raccoon's privates.

"How long you had those? Since you were ten?"

"Fifteen probably, wast not want not, right?"

"Fine fine, your move mister frugal."

Wally looked over the board. He needed his other rook out. He glanced at Ian again. He was close to winning. He could see the strategy, but he also knew, it would likely drive things past the point of no return. Wally moved his knight to c3.

Ian's paw hovered over several pieces. He could move his bishop, but figured Wally would seek a trade, or else just move the knight forward. Opposing rooks would lead to Ian losing his diary as well, and thus upping the wager for a win. He had to find another option. He grabbed his pawn at a7 and moved it forward to a6.

"To bad," said Wally as he moved a rook from a1 to c1.

"Yeah, that was kind of a terrible move..." admitted Ian. He moved his rook from c8 to c5.

"So was that," said Wally as his knight slid to a4. "Double pin, to bad."

"Well if we're upping the ante, I need to at least push it forward so its on both our heads." Ian moved his rook from c5 to c1, taking Wally's.

Wally's response was obvious, but he paused to do as he must. He stood once more. "If you don't want to see another guy's junk, you could resign right now."

Ian looked at his diary, and then up to Wally, with his thumbs sticking in his waist band. "To give up would be to lose face and to give up my diary anyway. You could give up."

"When I have the advantage, nah. Perhaps... perhaps a little domination is a good thing after all," said Wally, hoping it would be enough to push Ian towards surrender.

"Uh," was all Ian could say.

Wally shrugged and proceeded to slide his undies off slowly. His own full sheath popped through, followed by a couple fluffy orbs. Once past the knee he let the garment drop, kicking it away before retaking his seat.

"Now, its my turn," said the naked raccoon. "Last chance."

Wally's paw went to his remaining rook. He could see Ian's paw twitch. His ears wobble. His breathing quick. The raccoon slid the rook over, taking Ian's.

Ian reached down and grabbed his diary. "I'm regretting being your recruiter," he said as he handed it to Wally. "And its, uh, my turn again." Time to advance he thought. Bishop to d4.

"Now check this out," said Wally as he slid his rook down to row 6, putting Ian in check.

Ian ignored the pun and quickly moved his king to d7. Wally slid his rook over and took Ian's pawn. As the rabbit was already in the buff, no further penalty could be had under this particular rule set, at least not yet. Ian reacted by moving his rook to c8. Wally considered a pin, but realized he couldn't hold it without losing his picture. He moved his pawn to h4. Ian slid his pawn up to h5.

"You're not going to make this easy, I was kind of hoping to avoid this move," said Wally.

"You could, you know, not take it? And let me win?"

"Hmm... no deal," said the raccoon. "Your stakes are high enough, and if I'm going to win, I might as well win outright." He moved his knight to b6.

Ian took the knight with his bishop.

Wally already had his mom's picture in paw, ready to hand to Ian. "I guess we're both losers now to a certain extent." He took Ian's bishop.

"Well, I got nothing to lose now, except the game," he said as he slid his rook to c6. Wally of course took it.

"You did say rule set ninety three correct?" asked Wally. "Not seventy eight."

"Yes, why do... oh crap."

"Hah, I haven't even become a full member yet and I'm schooling you both at the game and the rules!"

Ian quickly finished the trade, leaving his king at c6. Wally slid up his a pawn up two. Ian moved his king over to b6. Wally moved his b pawn up two, bringing his front lines up.

"I'm really not playing well any more," grumbled the bunny, his ears now drooping quite a bit. He slid his f pawn up one.

Wally put his king on the move, putting it at h2. Ian needed to buy some time. He slide his pawn from h7 to h6. His king had to go somewhere now was Wally advanced his king one row further. Back to c6. Wally opted not to push for the queen yet, which would of been incredibly risky as is, and opted to threaten instead with his g pawn to g4.

"You are either all in at this," said Wally. "Or you don't mind certain tastes."

"Shut up," said Ian as he took Wally's advancing pawn. Which of course Wally took.

"No, actually, I think its your turn to shut up," said Wally with an oddly cruel smile. "You really should of picked a better rule set."

Wally slide over to the side of the board and leaned back. Ian looked to the raccoon crotch. The plump sheath seemed to be filling out a bit, with a little bit of a pink something at the end.

"I, uh... I'm not gay you know."

"So what? Neither am I. Now, when ever you're ready."

Ian shook his head, but all the same leaned over. He hovered his face over the raccoons bits. His instincts drove him to give a sniff. Cautiously, he lowered his mouth to the end of the fur covered blanket, placing his lips at the opening. Wally could see his back shiver and his new friend's tail perk up.

"Now," said Wally. "I believe its your move. Make it a good one. You should know what happens now if it isn't. This final fate isn't streaking."

Ian looked over at the board, now frame by the raccoon's crossed legs and his now sagging ear. He hastily reached over and slide his king over to column d.

Wally advanced his king to h6. Ian moved his to column e. Wally's went to g6. The rabbit could feel the heat crowing at his lips as the raccoon's member threatened to slide out from its home.There was no where else for him to go really. He slid his king to e7. Wally responded with his pawn to a5. Ian knew the game was up, but couldn't say a word. He made a hasty decision and moved his king to d7.

"Ah, good," said Wally as he took the pawn at h6.

The raccoon's paw went to his sheath, tugging it down as far as it would go, and exposing a couple inches of his sexual flesh. Ian, obedient to the rules to a fault, slid his lips right on down with, taking those inches into his mouth. After a few moments of getting used to the taste, he slid his king over to c6.

Wally's response was to advance the a pawn to 6. Ian, barely able to see the board, somehow managed to move his king to b6. Wally slid up the b pawn to protect the other, and Ian took it. Wally pushed forward with his a pawn. Ian moved to pursue. But Wally's was soon at its destination, and promoted to queen.

"I do believe, under the rules of ninety three, that I get my picture back if I win the game, yes?"

Ian didn't respond. His mouth was instead being steadily filled with a slowly engorging bit of raccoon cock. But the answer was yes. Ian moved his king to c5. Wally brought his king to g6. Ian's to d6. Wally's queen to c8. Ian's king to e7 brought Wally's queen to c7 and check. Ian could taste something new as he moved his king to e6. Wally's queen move to d8. Ian only had one move.

His pawn advanced one. And was promptly taken by Wally's.

"Checkmate," said Wally.

Ian clenched his eyes. His mouth lifted off the raccoon's dick. Wally could see Ian felt beaten.

"I... I will submit. I... I thought I could beat you..."

"Careful planning isn't your strong suite," said the raccoon. "Now, over there," he said pointing to a table.

Ian nodded obediently. The rabbit stood up and slowly walked to the table. He put his paws on its far side and bent over.

Wally wasn't far behind, his erection bobbing with each step.

"I think I could get used to dominating people. Maybe it isn't all about risk... Because if you're this good, there is none."

Wally grabbed the rabbits hips and slid his own up to them, his cock hotdogging the bunny's cheeks. Despite expectations, Ian felt the raccoon's paws sliding up and over the rabbit's cream colored chest fur. But on their way back down, the long drag of Wally's claws caused Ian to squeal.

That distraction actually helped slightly as the bunny felt the tip of Wally's flesh probing his backside. The raccoon grunted as he eagerly forced his way into the unreadied sphincter. Ian's whines grew. His eyes quivered.


"Yes?" said the raccoon before finally finding the right angle to get fully inside his prize.

"I... I lied... I did know the consequences..."

"That's alright, now just try to enjoy it if you can. Because I have no doubt, if the game had gone differently, I'd be in your place presently. So, its all fair really." Wally didn't believe him at that point. But all the same, he drew back and humped forward.

The raccoon's tail arched out and poofed up a bit as he proceeded to take Ian. The carefree young chess player's smile was long gone, replaced with a primal, eager, vicious, panting, grin. The slight squishy sound of the mating echoed quite well through the sparse room. Wally leaned in, keeping a good grip on Ian's hips, and licked at his friends ear before nibbling it. Ian squirmed a little.

Wally explored a little with one paw, reaching around and exploring Ian's sheath, which was itself sporting an erection. His paw moved to the orbs below which he massaged for a few moments before giving a bit of a squeeze. Ian yelped. Wally's paw moved back to his friend's member. He ran a couple claws along it before taking it into his fist and giving it a few drawn out strokes, at a pace far below the one he was providing Ian's rear.

Ian was already panting hard. His toes curled into the carpet. He could feel Wally's drool dripping onto his neck, the heat of the raccoon's breath behind his head, and the thrust of his member into his bowels. Ian had only once before lost this particular rule set, and to a nice gal who used mechanical assistance and who took things much more slowly. The feeling of the living flesh inside him was very different. He felt like his entire pelvic region would explode with the heat of Wally's body and that caused by the friction.

Wally began to grunt and chitter loudly. His thoughts were unstructured, primal, eager. Without much thinking he bit Ian's neck and upped his already quick pace to nearly double. Ian yelped and bucked his own hips, quickly matching the raccoon's pace, pushing back into each thrust and forward again into the raccoon's waiting fist. His own instincts were enjoying the poking of his prostate. Wally was himself enjoying the heat, but from the other end.

And he growled when it seemed to increase even further as his spunk began to spill out of his cock. His thrusts pounded into Ian still. Some of the spunk of course was pushed out in all of this, and flung to and fro. They both ended up with it on their legs. Ian popped not too much later, spilling his seed over the raccoon's pawn and onto the table. Wally wouldn't let up for a few more minutes after that, slowly detaching his teeth from Ian's neck.

And with a pop, the raccoon dismounted. A long trail of goo stretching between his cock and Ian's rear, Wally giggled.

"I for some reason fearing winning you know," he said.

Ian, still bent over the table, continued to pant for a bit before responding. "Heh, but you were able to take your prize... heh, yeah, um..."


Ian felt a little weak, but began to push himself off the table. "Yeah, your'e in." He slowly turned around. "Welcome to the best games in the world."

"I... I think you might be right about that. Now, we should probably get cleaned up."

Ian nodded. "Follow me," he said before leading the raccoon off to the shower.