Watch Dogs 4- Be A Man In The Watch

Story by shady streets on SoFurry

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#7 of Watch Dogs

Welcome my son, welcome to the machine where have you been? It's alright we know where you've been you've been in the pipeline, filling in time

? shadows fall lyrics

And for the second time this day I awoke nit knowing what the hell was going on. As I began to sit up on what I noticed was a hospital gurney, a cold hand pressed me back now and a rough voice told me to stay still while he fetched the doctor. A blurry glance at the direction showed a white coated man with harsh features and steel-grey hair proceeded towards him

"Well well, up already" he said in a German accent "That must be the famous regenerative properties of the were."

"Um, I have three questions, who are you, where am I and who was the old bastard who put me here"

"Now this is no time to raise your blood pressure" the doctor said "for your first question I'm the current holder of the barony of castle Frankenstein, haven't Been there since the Nazis demanded I join the Reich. As to the second I'll let you find out the specifics for yourself as I'm not sure of this zone myself but overall we call this the nexus. The last question will answer itself in a few minutes as he ordered me to call him when you were conscious, you've been under for around a week because of all the necessary surgery."

I glanced at myself for the first time and saw how much has been done, there were surgical scars and sutures making my chest look like a chessboard.

"What the hell did you do to me?" I screamed at the supposed baron, knowing that I've been operated on by a man whose ancestor had brought back the dead. "No no no, you're still alive, just altered, rather significantly I might say, but your still yourself, superficially at least" "what exactly did you do to me, you madman!"

"well I installed sub-dermal armour in you , altered your metabolism so you could go for days without sleep and still run a marathon, but without significant damage you could live to around two hundred. Your muscles have been made nearly three times as dense, your perceptions and reactions have been speed up to the level of a peregrine falcon and some implants in your brain will allow you to directly control your body and its responses, and another which will allow you to remain conscious and sapient when you change so there won't be any more of those 'messy' incidents." And now he stopped talking as that old man from the alley strolled through the door.

"so, your awake hen, well follow me" he said brusquely .

"Who are you?" I asked him as I swung myself off the gurney and followed him out of the door. "well, I suppose you can't tell anyone now, I am alexander dusk" he told me as he waved a hand at my bare chest, a pattern of blue light flickered then disappeared , you have the Seal of Avenging Fire on you now , if you tell anyone who isn't also bound by it ,you will regrettably be burnt to ash." His words echoing in my ears like a bell as we walked through a doorway marked with writing that seemed to move as I looked at them. "welcome to the nexus" he said to me as we walked into a stainless steel maze, with doors liked the one we had just walked through at some places, we walked through another door and ended up in an office that seems ripped from a Victorian gentleman's club.

"Now I believe its customary to get you to say you volunteered but because you've received the implants there is a little loophole that will allow you to get packed off to basic training as soon as possible , since recruitment is hereditary you were always belonged to us , we just did not decide to claim you, now you are going to become a good little foot soldier in the eternal war... "what are you talking about!"

"did you really believe that you were the only person with a bit of the occult in their blood, if you were from a dynasty you could've reclined and enjoyed your wealth as long as you didn't mess around with the baselines, sorry, normal people, if you just happen to be a bit otherworldly, like you are, you either try and co-exist and not become a lost boy, which is what you are, someone who is risking our secrecy and we really cannot allow that. So now you are enlisted into the Long Watch to keep humanity safe in its ignorance and to guard the world from all outside influences. Now sign your name in the book, with your blood to make it binding, and then you can go and enjoy your training." He said in a sarcastic tone sharp enough to shave with.

"What if I refuse?" "Then as you are were and also a lost boy , you will be put down as a danger to humanity" as he said this he pulled out a engraved .44 revolver and slowly began to load the cylinder.

I sighed and picked up a the proffered knife and cut my palm, strangely it didn't hurt, and I clenched my hand into a fist so blood poured into a inkwell on alexander's desk, then picked up a pen and signed, he finished just as Alexander finished loading his revolver. "oh are you still here, you'll know where to go, now, off with you I've got paperwork to do. As I left I felt I was being drawn down a corridor, remembering his words I let it take me were it wanted me, finally I walked through a doorway and ended up in a compound in the middle of a wood, I heard a voice bellow out from a building in the middle on the camp " You took your time, now get your sorry arse in here right now!"