Races of Mundus-Lycus

Story by MaxL8 on SoFurry

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Lycus (Lie-cus)

A Wolf like tribe.


Much like their wolf counterparts, Lycus tend to have a strong sense of protection for their kind. They are a highly gregarious race who are very connected to nature but also fierce hunters. With impressive speed and equally impressive strength they make great for classes like Warrior and Ranger.


Resembling anthropomorphic Wolves, their bodies covered from head to toe in a coat of long fur of varying tones to grey, brown, blond, black and white. The tail is the same color as their hair color and their also given different tribal markings when their born a tradition and can be passed down within bloodlines, revealing what family or ancestry a Lycus may be from. Lycus has very good strength as well as good agility which gives them a more muscular stature that humans as well as male Lycus being taller than male Humans, and Lycus Females being as tall as Human males.


Lycus, like wolves live and hunt in packs, they have a very strict level of hierarchy that has to be adhered to by all of the members of a pack. It sounds harsh at first but it is a method that allows these packs of Lycus to be able to survive. The leader of the pack is the alpha male and his mate is the beta female, and the lower Lycus are Omega's.