Your Name Ch. V - Dinner and a Show

Story by Drayne_the_Wolf on SoFurry

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#5 of Your Name

Chapter 5 of my "Your Name" series!

~Dinner and a Show~

"Anybody seen Shane?" Kirk, one of the two ferret twins, asked at the end of school at the group's usual hangout. No one knew what had happened only an hour before beneath the stairs.

"Who gives a fuck?" Koji asked in his deep, masculine voice. The Siberian tiger sat on the floor, his lean form stretched out as he sat against a full-height glass window. His arms were crossed against his broad chest and he stared at the tiles between his powerful legs.

The ferret's eyes narrowed at the tiger. "I give a fuck," he said.

"Well you shouldn't," Koji snapped, unfolding his arms to help him stand up, his lengthy tail swishing to and fro. "We've put up with his problems with that little cunt for years now," he snarled menacingly, "and after everything we've done to help comfort him, what's it turn out to? He's gone and started dating the little shit. Really shows what kind of stuff Shane is made of, to turn his back on us like that. Why should we care about what happens to him now?"

Kirk clenched his fists together, obviously becoming angry. He stepped forward towards the tiger until their bodies were only a few inches apart. "I don't like your tone," he said through gritted teeth. The tiger was surprised and leaned back slightly, the snarl fading from his muzzle; he had never seen Kirk like this. The ferret had more guts than he had originally assumed, as Koji was more than a foot taller and heavier by at least a hundred pounds of sheer muscle.

"Now you listen," Kirk continued. He turned around and stepped forward, addressing their entire group of friends who had gathered in a circle just outside the cafeteria. "All of you listen. Shane made a really stupid decision to go out with Kail. But he made the decision. We are all his friends, and as such it is our responsibility to accept his decision for what it is and deal with it. So he wants to go out with Kail, let him. It's his love life, and if the fox makes him happy then let it be."

The group stood and sat around with somber looks, taking in the ferret's words. It was silent as Kirk took a pause to collect his thoughts. "Now I don't want to hear, see, or fucking smell any more hate towards Kail and Shane's dating. I've helped my friend through his troubles for years now, and I'm not about to stop just because of my opinion on a choice of his. We may not like it, but our opinions mean nothing in this instance. It's his happiness that counts here and if he's happy then good for him."

Jon, a tall, skinny gecko, stood up from where he was sitting on the floor and approached the center of the group with Kirk. "Kirk is right," he said. Jon always spoke with reason and logic, making what he had to say count twice as much amongst the group. He was often jokingly called Spock for his apparent lack of emotions, although he could be fun and entertaining when he wanted to. "We have supported Shane thus far, why should we stop now?"

The tiger rolled his eyes and held his arms akimbo. "Guys, come on--"

"Just go with it, Koji," the Kirk snapped, his eyes narrowing. "And if I hear one more complaint from anyone, I'll kick his ass."

The tiger looked around as if searching for support before stiffening suddenly. He yanked up his backpack from the floor and slid it around one of his muscle-thick arms, turning around to leave with an aggressive stance once it touched his shoulder.

"Where are you going?" Kirk called after him with a slight tone of annoyance.

"Home. I need a beer and a nap," he replied with the kind of growl that only tigers could produce. He then strutted his way quickly out of the hallway and towards the senior parking lot. Realizing that it was getting late, the rest of the friends made quick goodbyes and took off in separate directions.

* * *

Shane sat still against the cinderblock wall of the stairwell that he and Kyle had shared their first kiss in. He had not left the room since the event and was still in shock. The rest of the school day went by without his even knowing it. His mind didn't even register the sound of students running up and down the stairs between classes.

One thing kept running through his brain the entire time: what the hell just happened? The scene kept replaying over and over and over again against his will... the smoothness of Kyle's fur, the warmth of his lips, the gentle press of his hands on Shane's own firm body... it was heavenly to think about, yet deadly at the same time. He had a boyfriend, for God's sake. Nevertheless he couldn't help but think about one key detail: Kyle felt... loose. During the kiss he seemed so lax, so fluid. Every time he touched Kail the fox felt like stone, so tense beneath all that warm snow-white fur. He kept telling himself that Kail was simply still embarrassed and uncomfortable with their past and that he would warm up with time. Surely, he thought, this was the answer. Kail would come around and when he did the two of them would have a great friendship.


What if his friends were right? Kail abandoned him in the past, and those feelings would never go away. What if he did it again? What if, after dating for years and maybe even getting married, the fox got bored of him? What if he overlooked Kyle, a perfectly good and willing male who had stood by him his entire life, just to be betrayed again?

The thoughts nagged at Shane like gnats to fresh fruit. As he sat there, against that cold, rough, and uncomfortable wall, his mind flashed between everything that had ever happened to him. His first meeting Kail on the playground of elementary school, how much taller the fox used to be than him, how they would sit on Shane's bed all those weekends wasting away countless hours on Halo, how Kail abandoned him that fateful day that he came out to him.

He thought about how he had cried and cried, how he had stayed close to his remaining friends; Kyle, a short, perky otter who would try and be everyone's friend; Koji, a tall, yet skinny tiger with bushy neck fur who always kept to himself; Kirk and Josh, the two ferrets who always stuck with one another no matter what was going on; Jon, the short, frighteningly skinny nerd of a gecko who was always awkward and flinched at the thought of getting an A minus. He never once made a new friend after the incident. He was too afraid of being rejected to do so.

How pitiful his childhood had been, always being the runt of all his classes, being short, stocky, slightly overweight. The thought of that poor little kid was what drove Shane to his workouts. He hardened his exterior until he had built an impenetrable fortress of muscle, sorrow, and anger towards Kail and life in general and, once he was done constructing it, locked his heart away inside for what he thought would be forever. Turned out to only be a handful of years before he opened his heart to Kail... or was he still locked up tight now?

Shane was startled by the end-of-the-day bell. He looked around for a moment as if trying to find the source of the sound, before his brain kicked in and he realized it for what it was. His eyes lowered and he slowly hoisted himself up, scooping up his backpack and making for the exit. No one seemed to notice him as he moved through the hallway.

A half hour later Shane sat at his desk, propping his chin up by his arm on the desk and tapping a pencil against the side of his head, staring down at his Calculus problems. His clock shone five thirty-two and his stomach trembled in minor hunger. He put this off, saying that he would eat as soon as he finished. All the more reason to stop thinking about Kyle and get to work.

Shane's head burned mathematics furiously into the paper through his pencil, working his mind on anything but the topic of Kyle or Kail. It was only when his cell phone rang that he realized his pencil was dull and his hand was cramped. He winced a bit and shook it off before grabbing the small device off the counter and checking the number. He didn't have the number listed in his phone, but he could tell who it was. "Hey it's Kail. Want dinner? My place soon as you can. No parents home."

He smiled and set the phone down, throwing his notebook and textbook into his backpack. He could finish in homeroom tomorrow. He pulled some shoes on and slung his backpack over his shoulder before heading out the front door, texting "See you soon" as a reply to Kail's text. He also took the liberty of quickly adding the number to his contacts list. His mother was out that night for business, as she was frequently, so he didn't bother leaving a note.

It was a nice night--the air was cool and there was a mild breeze--so he decided to walk. He watched cars drive past and people go by him, some walking their dogs. He smiled at each one he saw; feral animals were so cute. The walk took him about five minutes since the house was just down the road. The sheer size of it still blew him away every time he saw it. It loomed like a fortress. He reached out and rang the doorbell, standing idly as he waited for the door to open. He didn't have to wait long.

He was greeted with Kail's smiling face as the door came open before him. His eyebrows rose slightly; the fox looked stunningly handsome in black khakis and a thin long-sleeve black sweatshirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Kail smiled, pearly teeth shining from behind his slender black lips. "Hey. I'm happy to see you," he said, leaning against the side of the doorway, leaving plenty of space for Shane to enter, and enter he did.

"It's good to see you too," the wolf replied, smiling in return to the fox as he stepped into his home, looking around a bit. It smelled potently of meat. "Wow, whatever you're cooking smells amazing. What'd you make? Hotdogs or something?"

The fox chuckled and backed up against the large French doors leading into the kitchen, tail swishing elegantly against the glass of the door. His paws went behind his back, resting on the handles of the door. "More like 'or something,'" he said with a confident smirk, pushing down on the door handles and backing through the doors, pushing them apart with unmatched elegance. He'd either practiced this move or was just that good, most likely both. He stepped to the side, giving Shane a remarkable view of the kitchen table, set for two.

The wolf raised his eyebrows at the sight, mouth falling slightly agape. Kail had made steak. Good steak, by the looks of it, topped with what looked like Bleu cheese sauce and accompanied by mashed potatoes with beef gravy as well as green beans and sliced carrots. "Damn, Kail..." he said, stepping into the kitchen and looking over the setting. There were three candles on the table, unlit for now, along with a pitcher of water, bowls of extra potatoes and veggies, and steak knives and forks wrapped in napkins. He even threw down a white table cloth. A legitimate one, too, made of good quality fabric.

The fox grinned with content at Shane's reaction, blushing slightly and scratching the back of his head. "It's, uh, kind of a dream of mine to own a five-star restaurant," he explained, looking down at the food.

"What would you have done if I hadn't shown up?" he asked, tilting his head curiously. This looks like a lot of money to throw away if I hadn't been able to come."

Kail went a bit tense, staring down at the place setting in front of him. "Admittedly... I wasn't planning for you to come over. I was cooking for my parents' anniversary, until I learned that they were planning to drive four hours to New York for dinner and a night in some fancy hotel. When they were gone, I figured we could eat instead."

The wolf grinned and approached his boyfriend, putting his paws on Kail's slender hips. "And here I was thinking you'd cooked especially for me," he said with a playful smirk, leaning his head down to get closer to the fox's face.

Kail turned his head back to Shane, returning the smirk. "I meant to cook for a couple and I did. I just cooked originally for the wrong couple." He said, leaning back somewhat in Shane's strong arms and looking into his eyes. He smiled warmly, wrapped his own arms around the wolf's neck, and leaned in to kiss him lightly, closing his eyes and tilting his muzzle. A single whisker twitched a bit as their lips made contact.

The wolf's body went slightly tense when their muzzles touched and memories of Kyle came running towards the forefront of his consciousness. The wolf recognized them and quickly beat them back, wrapping his arms tight around the fox and holding him to his chest, squeezing him possessively, using Kail's sleek fur and gentle lips as distractions for his mind. They held the kiss for awhile before Kail pulled back, rubbing along the back of Shane's head. "Wash your paws, mister," he said with a smirk. "Dinner's getting cold."

A few moments later both canines were washed and getting ready to eat. Kail vanished downstairs to his basement and Shane sat down at the further end of the table, unfolding his napkin into his lap and waiting patiently, not wanting to start eating until the fox returned. Said fox was rummaging downstairs in the basement and returned shortly with a decently-sized bottle of red wine. Shane raised his eyebrows in surprise. "You want to drink wine?" he asked, slightly astonished; he had never really imagined Kail as an alcohol enthusiast.

"Of course," the fox said with a smile, grabbing an opener from the table and uncorking the bottle. "It's a fancy dinner and we're irresponsible teenagers, remember? Unless you don't want to drink? Or would you want to drink something else?" he asked. "I don't know; you seem like an alcohol kind of guy. Maybe I'm wrong." He said, standing at the ready to pour Shane some should he want it.

The wolf thought for a minute before smiling weakly, deciding that it couldn't hurt. "Wine's great," he said, pushing his glass closer to Kail so it would be easier for him to pour.

The fox filled Shane's glass, set the bottle on the table, and sat down himself. His napkin was quickly unfolded into his own lap and the two began to eat. Both Shane and Kail, being hungry canines, worked intently on the steak which, as far as Shane was concerned, was cooked to perfection. The two ate in silence for the first fifteen minutes or so. Kail was the first to speak. "You haven't touched your glass; if you didn't want wine you could have just said," he said with a light smile. His own glass had been depleted once and he was halfway into his second.

"I've just been too busy working on everything else you've so fabulously prepared to even think about drinking," he lied, setting his fork down on his plate to pick up his glass. He took a sip from it, grateful to find that he didn't hate the taste so that his ruse could continue. The reality was that that was the first sip of wine he'd ever had. Kail was right, he was an alcohol kind of guy; he just preferred stronger substance which he ungraciously indulged in whenever he was alone and thoughts of his abandonment became exceptionally painful.

Kail, though he didn't catch on that it was Shane's first taste of wine, knew something was amiss. "Let me guess," he said with a coy smile, setting his own silverware down and pushing his empty plate away from him. "You prefer stronger stuff?"

"Wine has never been my favorite," he responded meekly, smiling down into the wine glass. He rolled his napkin up into a ball and placed on his plate atop the remains of steak gravy and mashed potatoes.

"What do you prefer?" the fox asked, tilting his head curiously and lowering it some, trying to get a better look into Shane's eyes.

The wolf didn't even have to think about it. "Whiskey," he said, the smile fading from his face. "Usually scotch, but I'd take whatever was readily available."

Kail grinned and stood from the table, pushing in his chair and picking up the wine bottle. "Wait here," he said simply, slipping into the hallway again and then back down into the basement. Shane leaned back somewhat in his chair, interlocking his fingers on the table and looking at his paws. Despite trying to beat them into the back of his head, memories of Kyle's kiss still ravaged his mind. He did his best to simply dismiss them. Now is not the time, he told himself. I will deal with Kyle once I am done enjoying time with my boyfriend. That's what's important now.

His mind snapped back to Kail when the fox reappeared in the doorway, having lost the wine and gained two glasses and a rather large bottle of Jack Daniels. "Want to go upstairs?" he asked with a smile, holding the bottle enticingly in Shane's view. The wolf smiled as best he could as he stood up and approached Kail, grabbing the fox's free paw in his own. "After you love," he said with a half-real smile. He knew he'd feel better once he got some alcohol in him.

* * *

They spent almost two hours talking about stupid things like school and work and friends. They exchanged stories of their childhoods after they'd separated, though they each intentionally avoided anything that brought on painful memories. They each felt uncomfortable during the chat. Each one knew what he wanted and knew that the other wanted it just the same. Neither wanted to jump into it though because they wanted to feel like the night had meaning. But eventually it happened. Eventually they lay down in Kail's bed. Eventually they kissed. Eventually clothes came off.

Shane ran his claw tips through Kail's thick, smooth mane, gripping his lover's neck and holding him close. He pressed his nose up against the underside of the fox's chin, lapping at his throat while Kail did nothing but moan with appreciation. The wolf's paw ran down Kail's muscular side, feeling his firm body beneath his beautiful, flawless pelt. He ran his tongue along the fox's jaw line until he reached his lips. Their noses and mouths met each other perfectly, wolf tongue slipping into fox maw as they gripped each other in a passionate embrace.

Kail's arms were tight around his lover's neck just as his legs were tight around his waist. The wolf's right arm was snaked strongly behind Kail's neck, his left behind his waist. No words were exchanged, just passionate moans as claws roamed through fur and tongues explored maws. Their eyes were closed for a majority of the time, only opening to gaze into the other pair lustfully. White and grey fur mixed together as the two naked canines embraced, wolf atop fox. Shane's larger frame eclipsed the fox beneath him, hiding him from the world, keeping his bare body as his treasure.

Eventually the two flipped and Kail sat up in Shane's lap, his paws resting on the wolf's broad pectorals. Shane's own paws remained comfortably on the fox's hips, observing his boyfriend's body, eyes eating up Kail's defined abs and slightly bulging pecs. He ran his paws over that firm body, feeling the curvature of his muscles beneath soft fur. Eventually his fingers traveled down to Kail's groin, wrapping around his treasure's best physical feature.

His paw ran slowly up the thick, veiny, nine-inch length of his boyfriend's vulpine shaft, feeling it throb warmly beneath its pink skin. He ran his laws teasingly along its surface, grinning as he watched the fox shiver with delight. The fox slumped over slightly, leaning forward and thrusting gently against the wolf's paw, forcing Shane's grip further down his shaft. He was now gripping it by the middle, watching as it drooled a gentle stream of precum down onto his wrist.

Kail lay down flat against Shane again, his shaft aligned perfectly with the wolf's own. With a growl of lust he leaned in and kissed him hard on the lips. The wolf growled and pushed back, but after a second of this Kail leaned back, separating his lips from his lover's, smiling down into Shane's eyes, and leaned in to kiss him again. This time it was softer, gentler, full of care. The wolf went tense as memories of his kiss with Kyle jumped back into his view despite the whiskey's best attempts at suppressing detailed thought. Apparently it wasn't working too hard on Kail either because the fox noticed him to firm.

"What's wrong? That's the second time that's happened," he said, leaning back so there was some distance between their faces and he could get a good look at Shane.

"Second time what's happened?" he asked, obviously playing dumb, his paws resting comfortably on Kail's flanks.

"You know what I mean. That's the second time you've gone all tense," he stated, looking into Shane's golden eyes with concern. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing," the wolf said, tail swishing beneath him, a meek smile on his face.


"It's really nothing, okay?" he asked, his ear twitching a bit and his arms slipping around the fox's middle, holding him tighter. "I just can't believe how... fast... everything has changed," he lied. Well, half-lied. He was blown away at how rapidly his entire life had got flipped backwards into a completely reverse scenario to his previous one. But that wasn't at all what had made him go stiff.

Kail didn't notice this and his ears went back at Shane's statement. He looked nervously down at his boyfriend, speaking tenderly. "If... if this is all happening to fast... we can slow it down..."

The wolf smiled, this time sincerely. The alcohol probably had something to do with that. "Shut up and kiss me. Now's not the time for a deep conversation; neither of us will remember it."

Kail's mood improved at hearing this. His ears flicked back up and he snickered deviously, leaning back in to kiss Shane's lips strongly. The wolf growled and smiled against his lover's mouth, all thoughts of Kyle having left his mind for now, leaving room for only one person at the forefront of his attention. He let the kiss linger for a while before placing his paws on Kail's pecs, pushing him up into a sitting position. With the fox sitting in his lap like before, he wrapped his paw tightly around the fox's member near the hilt and began to stroke him.

Kail nearly buckled but managed to stay vertical, his shaft starting to leak again with a renewed vigor. He held himself upright with a paw on Shane's chest, looking down at the wolf's paw on his meat. Shane's paw slid eagerly along that hard, lengthy foxhood, pausing every so often so his thumb could rub its smooth paw pad against Kail's tip, eliciting hearty groans from its owner.

Precum dripped against Shane's paw which he eagerly used to lubricate the fox's shaft, leaving it glistening in the moonlight coming through the window. The fox was moaning erotically now, bucking gently in Shane's grip. The wolf added his second paw to Kail's meat, gripping hard on his knot and twisting his paw around it, trying to simulate a firm massaging tie. This made the fox yelp with delight and flex his shaft hard, sending a particularly virile string of precum out against the wolf's wrist. Shane grinned and continued his massage, knowing that Kail would not last long under these conditions.

And last long he did not. After a bit more than two minutes of attention the fox yelped loudly and bucked hard forward, flexing his length as he fired a long rope of hot, thick fox cum out along Shane's body. It draped itself in thick globs along the wolf's chest, the front of the blast getting him just beneath the muzzle. His second burst was even more impressive, leaving a long trail of cum from the tip of his shaft along the wolf's abs, pecs, and even across his face, striking the headboard with extraordinary volume and distance.

Rope after rope escaped from the fox's tip, sailing through his shaft and out against his boyfriend's chest, splattering him liberally. It seemed to last an eternity, but after a dozen or so short seconds the fox was flexing hard, the remainder of his orgasm dribbling from his tip onto his boyfriend's abs. Shane couldn't help but chuckle as he wiped off his face, looking at his cum-slickened hand. He murred loudly as canines do and closed his eyes, rubbing his paw along his chest splattered with fox cum, lubricating his paw with his boyfriend's potent output.

The fox giggled softly, panting under his breath from the strength of his orgasm. He watched with delight as Shane reached down, paws covered in thick, sticky cum, and gripped his own shaft, beginning to lube up that massive tribute to his masculinity. At almost a foot long it took him a decent amount of time and a decent amount of cum to totally slicken his shaft, but fortunately he had plenty of lube thanks to Kail. He grinned at his boyfriend as he slipped out from under him and pushed hard on his back, forcing him down onto all fours.

"Hope you like it rough, babe," he said through gritted teeth. "I tend to get a bit rough when I'm drunk." He reached down and grabbed Kail's right ankle in his right paw, hoisting it up and holding it out so he had a perfect angle of attack on the fox's tailhole.

"That little handjob didn't seem to terribly dominant," he responded with a grin, hiking his tail up and resting it against his back. He looked forward at the headboard, watching as his own spent cum dripped down the wood finish towards his pillows.

"I needed to lube up with something, didn't I?" the wolf shot back, grinning sinisterly behind Kail's back. "Now hold on and bite your lip if you need to. I'm not in the mood for going soft." With that he aligned the broad tapered head of his eleven-inch wolf shaft and shoved halfway in on his first go, groaning deeply as he felt his wolfhood plunge into his fox's tight rear.

Kail did as instructed, biting his lip and moaning loudly through his teeth. It hurt like hell but he was too drunk to care. He felt Shane's cock--God, it must have been two inches thick!--sink deep into him, not stopping until almost six inches had been lodged tightly into his tailhole. He felt Shane pull back slightly before shoving forward again, replacing the inch he'd lost and adding an additional two with a wet squishing sound as his own fox cum lubed his entrance.

He hugged one of his two pillows tightly to his chest, holding on for the ride. Shane really was not in the mood for taking it slow and was hilted nine inches deep before Kail even knew it. He felt the wolf throbbing hard inside of him. He wasn't sure if it was reality or just the whiskey or the bliss but he thought for a moment that he could feel Shane's heartbeat inside of him through that enormous tool of his. The fox could hardly believe he was taking it all.

Shane's dick pumped precum into his lover as he continued to pound into him; canines, be them anthropomorphic or feral, always were messy when it came to sexual fluids, having a reputation of producing way more than necessary. This one was no exception. Wet slurping sounds accompanied their lovemaking each time Shane pulled out and every time he pushed back in some excess pre-seed of cum from the fox escaped past their tight seal and lubricated the front of his knot. Shane could feel himself throbbing inside the fox and let his head roll back, closing his eyes and grinning through clenched teeth at the ceiling.

Normally Shane Zimmerman was a very humble wolf who never let himself indulge in his physical gifts, but right now in his lust and drunkenness it felt good to be top dog, good to be so well endowed, good to know he was the boss and that right now Kail was his to take, a hot space to shove his massive cock all the way to the knot. The fox was his to breed, his to pound into and enjoy until he came and filled Kail with more cum than he could handle. In this moment Kail was his bitch and neither wolf nor fox had any problem with that fact. Not a problem at all.

The air reeked of whiskey, sweat and cum as Shane released Kail's leg and leaned forward on top of the fox, taking him doggy style. He slipped out to the tip and shoved back in, pounding nearly eight inches of meat in and out of the fox repeatedly. Shane couldn't help but drool onto the back of Kail's neck, not focusing on anything but the throbbing wet warmth around his cock. Sweat from both canines made their fur matt, grey and white fur sticking together as they mated. The wolf pressed the side of his muzzle against Kail's ear, growling dominantly into it. He wanted to make sure the fox knew who was in charge. The fox responded with a loud whimper-like moan, to Shane's satisfaction.

The wolf placed all his weight on Kail's back, forcing him down onto his chest but keeping his rear up into the air. He wrapped his arms around the fox's chest, holding him tightly, pinning his front down against the sheets as he continued pounding into Kail's rear, forcing as much of himself into the fox as he could. He slammed hard against the fox's stretched tailhole, feeling it give a little. He pulled back to the tip and thrust in again, feeling his knot make a bit of leeway. He growled dominantly as he tried time and time again to cram his knot into his boyfriend's tight hole.

After several attempts he felt confident that he would make it in. He pulled back all the way this time, grunting loudly as he felt the tip of his shaft leave the fox's rear, a thin stream of his own precum following him. He used his left paw to align his shaft again and, with a dominant growl that let Kail know exactly what was coming, shoved his entire eleven inch blood-red hot and throbbing wolf dick straight into the fox's ass, knot and all. Then, with the force of their lovemaking finally having caught up with them, both wolf and fox came together.

Kail's orgasm was a repeat of his last. He yelped loudly and flexed his dick hard, firing a strong rope of cum straight into the sheets below him, feeling it splay out along his own stomach with nowhere to go since his chest blocked any further travel. The second blast was just as unforgiving, soaking the sheets, his belly, and Shane's arm with his seed. Rope after rope after long, sticky rope left his shaft at breakneck speeds, splattering against the sheets and splashing in all sorts of directions, liberally painting the sheets and the fox with his hot white output.

At the same time Shane let loose like a cannon. The wolf howled and flexed hard as he felt his knot finally under the hard, burning clamp of Kail's tailhole, a long, healthy rope of cum let loose from the tip of his dick, filling the fox around it. He flexed again and again and again, continuing to fill the fox with his seed, breeding him like the bitch he was. Kail's belly retained all of Shane's seed, their tie too tight for any of it to slip past.

Thought neither wanted their orgasms to ever end they of course eventually did after about fifteen seconds each. They held their positions for a while, panting strongly in afterglow, before Shane lost his strength and collapsed his stomach onto the fox's lower back, forcing him to the sheets. Both teenage canines were too tired and too drunk to do anything but pass out on Kail's bed, falling deep asleep simultaneously in a puddle of fox cum at eleven thirty at night. The last thing to pass through Shane's mind was the question of what it might be like to fall asleep holding Kyle like this instead.

* * *

Now the part where Drayne talks to everyone :P

So this chapter was created really as a filler to intensify the story (emphasis on the conflict between Kail and Kyle, the conflict with his friends, etc.) as well as me wanting to let everyone know that I'm not dead or giving up on this series. It's been way too long coming and I apologize; hopefully you all have read my explanation as to why I disappeared for so long. Well I'm starting college in about a month and my life is really getting flipped turned upside down, but I'm still committed to all my readers so I'm doing my best on the uploads. I'll try to be faster, though ^^

As for this chapter... hopefully you all liked the yiff more in this one than in chapter three and won't rape me for it like you did last time XD I mostly wrote it because I was horny at 1 AM and thought it'd be a good thing to add to the chapter since it was feeling empty. Anyway, I'm gonna get off the internet and go to bed. Hope everyone enjoys.

As usual be sure to comment and rate my work. Your feedback is important to me!