Cheshire character intro

Story by Riftwalker on SoFurry

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This is a intro to the main person in a story i am working on. Ideas are welcome if you want to be used in part of the story let me know.

the Johnson Mr.Jonson/miss Jonson Ect = the name given to the people by shadowrunner's that are wanting to hire shadowrunners

Game/wetwork= assassination

Normal legal Crap Cheshire belongs to me, if you want to use her just ask, She is my Shadowrun character.

The Mr. Johnson looked at his glass and frowned, it was nearly drained, the strange red-orange liquid was sinking slowly lower. He wanted another glass, but he was worried that it would make him too drunk to do business.

He needed a man to disappear, the man in question had stolen from him a huge sum of credits. But the credits could be replaced, his pride however still stung.

He knew that not all runners took on wet-work heard, even the lowlifes considered it too dirty. Even so he asked around, he heard from a friend of a friend that there was a new runner. One that only took wet jobs like this, for a certain sum of money of course. But money was not an object to him, like it would be to a lowlife runner.

Who was late...

he looked down at his watch in exasperation, then asked his guards if they had seen anyone who could possibly have fit the person he was hiring. In unison, they stalwartly shook their heads.

The Johnson got up and walked out onto his private balcony, where he paced.

The shadow runner in question although relatively new to the scene, had made a tremendous mark on the scene with seemingly no care as to who he stepped on, or killed as was the case. For not the first time he wondered what kind of monster he was about to employ, a part of him wanted to see the little thief suffer, another part was afraid of the runner. Especially since he had a style, and a way of signing his work that was becoming identifiable even to non runners.

He took out a twig of bark with an air filter, he lit an end and sucked the calm of the herbs.

"that smells really bad."

he dropped the cigar and looked around wildly for the voice. It laughed at his discomfort. With the second sound he finally caught the movement on the roof, sitting in between two gargoyles and looking very at home. Striking extrasensory eyes glowed slightly, switching views between infrared and normal spectrum's probably, but it gave the eyes a reddish tint.

He regained composure quickly, he decided not to become angry at the fact that this runner had laughed at him, to his face.

"Cheshire, I presume." he spoke as dignified as he could.

The laughter stopped and he saw the head and eyes tilt sharply to the side, as if viewing from a skewed angle might help to understand or see better.

"I'm beginning to think that there is an incestuous family breeding 'john-sons' everywhere."

he waved its hand. "its a term used to describe..." he straightened his tie. " people like me, people who hire people like you.."

"people like you end up clutching their last credit chip while they are all covered in red." it stated in a matter of factual tone.

"well, if you're not interested in payment then i-"

"the game is more important, when and who am I to kill?"

the voice was oddly light and lilting, a girl and maybe if he wasn't mistaking, an Elf perhaps with SURGE (Sudden Recessive Genetic Expression) if the feline verity. She crept forward slowly, but it wasn't until she was hanging over him that he realized that she was translucent, even her face. Except for a wide smile.

The target is the daughter of a wealthy business women, The girls name is Libby. Her mother is not to be harmed in anyway and that is a condition of you getting the rest of your pay.

Her last know whereabouts was in the slum district you might have some trouble getting there due to the lock down caused by the NEO-anarchists stirring up problems

"i want to start the game now."

The Johnson Blinked and she was gone. Atavating his comlink after a few minuites went by He made a quick call confirming that once the shadowrunner took out her target that she would be taken out.

Cheshire smiled to herslef and thinking now i have two games to play ,carefull not to move untill the Jonson left the room to avoid risking giving herslef away to the Johnson who was from the look of him thinking he was outsmarting her