Found Out!

Story by digitaldragon on SoFurry

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#13 of The Silver Dragon

Hey people. I've had nothing to do at all recently so lots of stroy time, which is a plus I guess. But I get really bored when I'm not writing.... Anyway Credit to artist of pic and I hope you enjoy this chapter! Thanks for reading.

Oh yeah also if you see any mistakes it would be really helpful if you point them out! Thank you!

Sky was talking with Silver, just chatting about general stuff when there was a sudden loud siren. The both looked confused and heard a loud crashing sound downstairs. They both stealthily left his room and looked down the stairs. A shocked expression overcame their faces as they saw the police point and run towards them. They panicked and sprinted back into Sky's room.

They slammed and barricaded his door to stop them from gaining entry but they were too late. They broke the door down and pointed their guns at Silver. Sky ran in front of him, shielding him and refused to move. They weren't going to kill his best friend!

"Kid move. We have orders to capture that thing." He waved his gun gesturing to the dragon he was shielding.

"No! I won't let you take him away!" Sky replied franticly. He didn't want his best friend to leave. He didn't know what they'd do to him!

"Somebody get that kid out the way!" One of the officers shouted.

The officer approached him and Sky franticly looked around him for something to fend him away. He noticed a small, mirror and smashed it across the man's head.

"Quick Silver! Run now! Please!" He desperately pleaded as he jestured toward the window.

Silver looked torn. He didn't want to leave his friend but he knew his friend would never forgive him if he didn't. So he darted toward the window and dived straight through the glass.

"Stop! Get back here! They shouted. But he didn't listen.

"Silver! I-I'm.... I'm sorry! Sky bellowed out the window, tears streaming down his face as the officer got up and grabbed him.

In the distance a voice travelled on the wind and whispered into his ear

"Shhh, its ok. I'm here and I'll always be here."

A small smile crept along Sky's face as he heard this message from his friend. He whispered a reply as the officer secured him tightly and carted him off. "Thank you...."

A sudden wave of pain went through Sky as he shot up from bed. He was in great pain, and felt like he was going to be sick. He looked around and realised that it was all just a dream. Silver wasn't in danger.

"All just a dream......Shit!" He said as he tried to get up but he had used his bad hand and fresh blood was dripping out as well as a new wave of pain.

He shuddered and pressed the bandage against it. He tried his best to just ignore it until he could get some painkillers.

He looked to the left of him and noticed that Silver was asleep by the side of the bed. He was snoring and had a silly grin on his face. Sky couldn't help but snicker, he was like a child. It looked adorable though, and he didn't want to wake him up.

"He must have fallen asleep looking after me. Thank you Silver" He whispered and lightly hugged his sleeping friend.

He then carefully got up after a bit of struggling and limped over to the door. His stomach was going crazy and he could barely stand. But he gathered his strength and made his way out of his room.

He didn't anticipate however, a controller being left on the floor and because it was dark he couldn't see it. He stood on it and fell flat on his face with a loud crash.

Silver jolted upright out of his slumber to a loud crashing sound. It sounded as if someone just face planted the floor...hard. He rubbed his eyes and realised that someone had fallen over.

"Sky!" He bellowed. "Are you alright!?"

He rushed over to his friend and gently helped him up. This wasn't very good. He looked really weak and frail. He also looked very pale, which also wasn't a very good sign. But he still managed to put on a smile and say,

"I'm fine, thanks."

"No your not! Silver angrily replied. "Look you've hurt your hand and you look as though you're going to die with a face that pale!"

He didn't want to be angry with his friend, but he was being stubborn. He was obviously in a lot of pain and could barely stand! He wasn't the kind of person to ask for help Silver guessed and carefully picked his friend up.

"W-what are you doing? I'm fine r-really." The boy said nervously. Silver just chuckled at his reaction.

"I'm taking you to the bathroom, you look as though you're about to throw up!"

He gently carried his friend down the stairs and to the bathroom. He then slowly put him down and walked toward the door.

"Thanks." The human whispered and as fast as he could go in his condition darted toward the toilet and threw up.

It sounded bad and he was worried so he knocked on the door and asked,

"Sky do you need anything? You don't sound too good."

"I'm ok t-thanks." He heard through the violent vomiting.

"That's obviously not true, it sounds like you hurling up your guts in there! At least let me get you some water or something!" He replied, trying his best to keep his cool.

His friend's stubbornness when it comes to asking for help annoyed him, but he understood why he was like that. When you are alone, you come to rely only on yourself. In that aspect, Silver and Sky were exactly the same. But now since they met, they don't have to be like that! They can rely on each other.

A quiet voice came out of the bathroom.

"Ok.... thanks Silver."

Silver smiled, and quietly went down the stairs to the kitchen. He didn't know if his friend's uncle was in and he really couldn't deal with that now. He might end up doing something he'll regret. He opened Sky's fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. He also got some painkillers for when the human stops vomiting. He then cautiously mad his way back up the stairs. Lucky for him he went down when he did, because when he reached the bathroom he heard the boy's uncle burst in the house and stagger into the kitchen.

He just hoped he didn't come up here or something bad will definitely happen, "His uncle would definitely lose that." Silver thought and let out a triumphant snort.

He knocked on the bathroom door and opened it slowly. He was glad to see Sky wasn't still madly vomiting his insides up. He handed his sick friend the bottle of water and painkillers. The boy nodded and drank the water slowly. He didn't have the energy to talk and Silver understood this, so he just stood there and silently watched over his friend. After a few minutes the silence was broken by a loud, stamping sound that was getting increasingly louder. It was Sky's uncle! And he was coming this way.

"Oh shit!" Silver exclaimed.

He looked toward Sky worryingly and saw his friend was literally shivering because of what might happen. He didn't want to get hurt again and no way was he going to let that man lay a finger on his injured friend without getting some bones broken first. Sky managed to get a few words out of his mouth,

"Silver... hide. Please!" He whispered.

Silver understood his friend's worries but there wasn't anywhere to hide! He just darted behind the door and just hoped he didn't come in and that it was all just a misunderstanding.

"Maybe he is going to a different room." Silver thought, trying to stay positive but there footsteps were very close now.

There was a sudden loud thump as the door flew open and nearly hit him straight in the face, but he stopped it quickly and remained as quiet as possible. Sky's uncle stumbled in and hadn't noticed Silver yet. He looked at the frail, sick boy on the floor in front of him with no compassion.

"Hey loser, get lost I gotta go." He mumbled as he gestured toward the door.

The boy tried to move but he had no energy left and felt weak.

"I said MOVE bitch!" He shouted and swung his fist straight toward him.

Silver couldn't sit by again and watch his friend get hurt. So with a swift movement he grabbed the man's hand and threw him into the wall.

"Don't touch him you sick man!" Silver heroically bellowed.

The man hit the wall with a thump and rubbed his back. He glanced toward the stranger and was horrified.

"W-what t-the hell!? Monster!" He shakily said and pointed toward the brave dragon in front of him.

He was angry now, some stupid monster wasn't gonna get the better of him! So he got up and attempted a sloppy punch to the dragon's chest. He just brushed his fist aside like nothing and kicked the drunken monster straight in the stomach.

He lurched over and spat some blood on the floor.

"You're the monster here..." Silver stated as the man just gave an evil look to him, and then passed out on the floor....

Silver sighed. He glanced over to Sky who was still on the floor, still and afraid. He leant down and gently embraced his hurt friend.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't sit back and let him hurt you." He whispered as tears ran down his cheek.

Sky stopped shivering. He looked up and saw his friend crying. He returned the embrace.

"Thank you." He whispered into the dragon's ear.

Silver looked at him through teary eyes, and smiled. Then he glanced over to the man limply lying on the floor.

"What are we gonna do when he comes to?" He quietly asked, still in the embrace.

"Dunno." Sky replied and looked up into Silver's eyes. "We'll figure something out..."