After Hours Pump

Story by Rook Whiptail on SoFurry

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A writing exercise that turned into a birthday gift for Tremorwolf. (I don't know how to insert userpage links here but he has a page here. Also on FA.)

The title was thought up by Trem and I like his better than the one I thought of originally so I'm stealing it :P

Here's my gal Inali regaling us all with a story about the night she first got to play with Trem's donger.


It was after hours at the gym my brother works at. Just staff, and friends and family of staff allowed. The perfect time to get some light relaxing cardio in before bed after a long night of work. Also the perfect time to catch the Show. The "show" being the manager's workout session before locking up.

He's not just a manager though. He also works as a trainer with some of the high school kids who come here as part of the PE program, not only teaching them the exercises but instructing them on nutrition and focusing on building self-esteem. I first met him through coming to pick up my younger brother, who takes his class. I think it's cute, the way he works with the kids so well, but don't tell him I said that. I let the C Word slip out a while back, and he bristled, said he doesn't really like it when people call him that. I could see how a big guy like him might not like being associated with small harmless things. Endearing, I guess, is the better word anyway in that it's what makes me like him as a person.

His real name is something human, Nick...Something. I can never remember those human family names. Everybody calls him Tremor though, for pretty obvious reasons. He's a massively muscular Wolf with a capital W.

Which brings us back around to why I like him as a piece of meat. When I said he was a big guy, I meant big. Thick. Strong. His is the body of a man who fights bears on mountaintops.

He's also pretty tall for a canid, a bit over 5 feet, almost 6. His shoulders, chest, and arms are pleasingly bulky, and swell out hugely when he moves the right way. His back and torso are solidly bowed out with muscle, but not enough to look roided, narrowing down to a trim and sexy waist and hips, to flare out to wide and powerful thighs and thick legs. Even his hands and feet have muscle on them.

He's got piercings in his eyebrow, lip, and ears, and a tattoo wrapping around his right arm above the bicep, which all together makes him look kinda like a punk or a thug at first, but his stunning emerald eyes are too kind for that idea to stick around for very long. He has brownish-tan fur, black tear-streak markings running down his muzzle, and a spot of white on the backs of his ears.

He must be some kind of feline hybrid. Mountain lion most likely, from his tan coloration. Tiger maybe, judging by his added height. His trimmed-short black headfur and chinstrap goatee style facefur gave him away as also being part human, if his real name didn't already.

I have an eye for the various types of hybrids, being one myself. I'm actually a quad, like I suspected he was; A hybrid of two hybrids. Dad was a white liger and Mom was a black kitsune.

No, it doesn't give me any magical powers, and I've only got one tail, and so did she. I don't even know where that legend came from.

I'm a mix of their coats myself, all shades of gray and black and white, as if someone took a photo of a fox, gave it stripes, and turned it monochrome. My main body color is neutral grey with faint lighter and darker stripes all over, with darker black 'gloves' and white fingers, toes, tailtip and undercoat, and a long mane of white hair. My eyes are the same as everyone else in my family: light blue bordering on white. Like the clear winter sky reflected in a frozen lake, is how a particularly poetic boyfriend once put it. I identify as a tigress, even though I don't exactly look very much like one. In my head I'm all cat. Physically I mostly take after mom, but with a shorter muzzle and ears. I especially take after her in my figure. I've got the humanoid deal, you know? The two swinging lumps of my breasts up top with a rounded and shapely butt and thighs. I believe the term is 'stacked'. Which means I get to show off in stuff like sports bras and booty shorts, which I was taking full advantage of.

The object of my lust was in a black tank and some camo gym shorts, and tonight was apparently upper body night.

"No Spotter tonight?" I observed after I'd set my phone timer and let the machine ramp up.

He sometimes worked out with a spotted hyena who came in. I thought the nickname was clever. But Spots was nowhere to be seen tonight, so I'd chosen a treadmill closest to the weight area so we could occupy each other. This also let me have a better view. Never trust cats, we always have an ulterior motive.

"Nah" he answered simply, between a rep. "He came in earlier so he's being a Sleepy Yena now."

I nodded my acknowledgement and asked how my bro was doing in his class while I settled into my run.

"Kurshka's doing really well. The kid's been really throwing himself into it. I was worried he'd hurt himself at first, but he's handling weights none of the other kids can lift with both hands. He's gonna be close to my level soon if he keeps up." he said, voice somewhat straining with exertion as he worked his arm in a tricep exercise. "Been thinking of having him be a backup spotter for me to the other kids."

"Yeah, that seems like something he'd enjoy." I replied, trying to keep my voice even as I warmed up at a jog. "He's usually kind of a cloud case, but he's super attentive when he gets focused on something he loves."

The unevenness of my voice was also being caused by my lupine conversation partner. His voice had a slight high feline twang and rumbling purr to it, along with a deeper growl that was pure Wolf. The purr actually added to the sense that he was a big growling dog. I always felt a little thrill whenever he spoke... Feline instincts, you know?

As he switched exercises, the conversation switched to his coworker and my older brother, Rashka. Rash is a physical therapist at the gym and is incredibly boring. I zoned out a little, until a juicy bit of gossip came up.

"-so I told him, 'she was totally checking you out, just go over and talk to her', but he played it off like he wasn't really interested. And I was like 'Dude bullshit you were drooling, just go before the janitor has to mop up any more of your fluids.', so he went, and he got some digits. Said he's gonna call her later this week, but, we'll just see... I keep telling him he needs to lighten up and have some fun."

I smirked "So my brother is getting some 'physical therapy' of his own... Wait. Ew. Almost barfed." I grimaced while he barked a laugh.

"I'm going to tell him you said that." he said with a playfully evil smirk, his tail wagging behind him.

I cringed and begged with my ears splayed and my tail ducked for added emphasis "Oh Goddess please don't. I would die of embarrassment. I mean seriously I'd be dead." I punctuated my statement with the most serious look I could give, under the circumstances.

"Well, okay..." he said with mock defeat, "If it's a matter of life and death I guess I can keep it to myself."

"Or..." he continued, sharing a conspiratorial glance with me "You could give him shit about it for me."

I grinned "You're evil. I like you."

The conversation went on, and I let my attention focus back on the Show. He was working his biceps with a barbell on the seat adjusted for curls, pumping both his arms. His tattoo stretched and distorted with each swell of his arm, a yin-yang where the dots are replaced by wolf and human handprints, with tribal style spiraling arms veering off to frame and accent the space between his deltoid and where his triceps and bicep met on the outside of his arm. It was kind of stretched into an oval shape even when he wasn't flexed, so I guessed he'd gotten it a long time ago before he'd gotten as big as he is now. I wondered if there was a story behind it, as I watched it contort with each rep.

He finished up his set, and tipped the bar with a grunt to lay it down, standing up to adjust the seat for bench presses. His gym shorts were human style, and his tail had ridden them down some as he'd been working. As he bent over to adjust something on the bench, they slipped down even further, giving me a glimpse of the firm mounds of his jockstrap-framed butt before he snatched them back up with a joking apology.

"Heh, whoops, good thing it was just a half moon or the howling would wake the town. I probably ought to get a new pair sometime, these have been getting looser..." he trailed off, as he went to get more weights to put on the bar, and I was suddenly thankful for the reprieve, as I had nearly stumbled off the treadmill. I was also suddenly very aware of the motion of my own breasts bouncing in my shirt, and a dampness between my legs that was sending electric jolts up my spine with each stride.

He came back just as I was getting a hold of myself and my suddenly wobbly legs. I decided to slow it down to a fast walking speed, as I was nearing the end of my workout anyway. He stacked the weights on and slid into place under the bar, facing me in a way that he could see me if he craned his head toward his chest, tensing his fists around the grips of the bar and splaying his legs for traction. This gave me a near perfect view up his pant leg, up to his bulging, jock-wrapped package, as his toned thighs flexed and he grunted, swinging the bar into place over his chest for the first rep. I was glad I'd slowed my run to a jog, because I nearly fell off the treadmill again.

He noticed this time, and stopped to ask "You okay?"

I thought quickly and answered "Yeah, just tired tonight, but I'm trying to stick it out for my full time."

A grunt of acknowledgement, then "So, I've been meaning to ask, what do you do?" I half heard as the clank of weights resumed. I could hear a low shuddering huff with each rep, like he was really working it, but he wasn't groaning out like some guys do to make everybody think they're exerting themselves.

I shook my head. "Huh?"

"For work, I mean." he said, huffing with exertion.

"Umm..." I actually had to think for a while, blood still pounding in my ears, but then I was able to reply "Oh, you know that club, the owner's a shekki?"

A pause from him, then, "Yeah, yeah, I know the one. Opened a few years ago, called something like 'Urban Oasis'?"

"Yeah, that's the one. Kurshka knows the owner's son, so I got a job there." I explained.

"Never been in there myself." he huffed "Can't dance. You know that song by whats-her-face? 'Evacuate the Dance Floor'? That's about me. I'd be like an Abrams tank out there. Nobody'd survive carnage like that."

I giggled at the imagery. "There's more than just the dancing you know. It's got a bar, restaurant, and something of a hotel if you can stand the ruckus every night. They also host concerts and gaming stuff. Kinaed, that's the owner's name, he's a gigantic nerd so he's got all the top-of-the-line stuff."

"Huh. Might have to at least check it out then, now that I know somebody who works there and all..." he said thoughtfully, his tail thumping a few times on the bench. He continued "What do you do at the club? Like what's a typical night of work?"

"The usual stuff, like waitressing and running the bar" I began, weighing my next words carefully, but decided what the hell. Here we go, over the cliff. "I kinda do some other stuff on the side too. It has nothing officially to do with the club, but Kin knows about it and lets me use the place sometimes for clients. I guess shekki have different morals about sex and stuff..." I trailed off, letting my words sink in.

A huff, and a slight break in the rhythmic clank of his reps. "So, by 'other stuff' you meant..."

"Hooking, yeah." There was a short silence before the timer on my phone started beeping, signaling the end of my run. "Is that...okay? I mean you kinda got quiet there." I asked as the machine wound down.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be? Was just kind of... surprised at first is all." came his reply, as he set the bar and sat up. "So then, how did you get into it?"

I thought about it for a while as I leaned on the hand grip. "I guess the short version is, I needed money and I like sex." I said with a faint smile, earning me what sounded like a suppressed wuff of laughter.

"As good a reason as any I guess. And your folks don't mind this?" he asked.

I paused, my mood darkening. "I wouldn't know what they think. They died."

"I...I'm sorry to hear that." he said softly. "How? I mean if it's okay..."

"Yeah. It's okay." I thought for a few seconds, and began "It was a few years ago, back during the start of the war in Chi'in. We were refugees from the massacre at Byakko, and our caravan was attacked on our way to the AoN's planes. The driver was shot and our truck went over a cliff. That's where Kurshka got his scar from. We were in the back, so we got thrown around by the crash, but Kurz was up further in front with my parents. He was protected bodily from the crash by them, but he took some shrapnel to the head from the blast when the engine blew up, while they..."

I paused, shuddering at the memory of screaming out for Kurshka as I gripped my older brother's hand like a vice and Alliance of Nations soldiers helped us from the wreck, surrounded by frantic terror, seeing a glimpse of my little brother being pulled from the mangled wreckage of the truck and out of the arms of my mother's burned and broken body, limp and bleeding with the side of his head split open, before all of us were rushed to the planes as we took heavy fire...

I paused to shake the bad memories away and noticed Tremor's worried attention. "That's sounds so horrible..." he said.

"Yeah. It was." I agreed simply. "So it's just us, at home, me and my brothers. Rashka was old enough to get himself named as our legal guardian, and our parents left us with quite a bit of money, so we used it all to come here for the treatments Kurz needed and to start a new life. Our parents were very traditional, and I hadn't been expected to work a trade when I grew up. I was taught how to fight and defend myself, like everyone is, but what was I going to do, join the militia at 16? Although, I am pretty good with a sai..." I grinned. "I had been expected to become a priestess when I was old enough. So I decided to bring in some income on my own with the skills I have in 'comforting' people." I said, allowing a tone of prideful determination into my voice.

"Wait, so...Your training to be a priestess prepared you to be a hooker?" he asked incredulously.

"Sort of" I admitted. "Like I said, the shekki have different morals when it comes to sex. For them it's always treated as a positive thing, a healing and cathartic experience. It's kind of the only reason I still do it, because I think of it that way. It doesn't matter what's going on in someone's life. When they're with me, I can help take their problems away. And...I can forget my own for a little while too. I like to think that doing things this way honors my parents and what they wanted for me." I finished with a faint smile.

"And it's really not so bad, these days." I brightened, to try to put him at ease as well as salvage my own mood a little. "All that bad shit was years ago, and I've made a nice little life for myself, I think. I've always kept myself clean from the start, I get checked out regularly, and I'm on BC just in case. And like I said, I do enjoy my side job, usually. I mean there are still the assholes who try to act like they own me, and some guys who complain about having to use a condom. Sorry fellas, you wanna play the game you gotta wear the uniform, you know?" I broke into a grin as this made him shake with laughter, and continued. "And now Kinaed, my boss at the club, he lets me use the rooms in the hotel and helps keep the assholes away. He even helped me get properly registered after I started working out of his club."

After a pause, he asked jokingly "So, he's kinda like your pimp?"

I grinned wider at that, the bad memories forced fully from my mind. "No, not really, although he'd probably get a kick out of that idea. It'd give him an excuse to wear something flamboyant and ridiculous, as if he needed one." I chuckled as I gathered my things, imagining the saurian in something purple and frilly, as opposed to his usual attire which seemed to be focused on utility more than fashion, and bordered on being leather bondage gear...

"I guess this explains why it's only ever you or your brother who picks Kurshka up from class..." he said suddenly. I was confused for a second until I went back over the details of my story, remembering what I'd said about my parents. Why had I opened up so much like that? I pushed the thought from my head.

"Yeah..." I said quietly, pausing before leaving to call back "Hey, listen, I don't want you to treat him any different because of this, alright? Kurz I mean. Like don't start treating him like a baby because he's been through Hell."

"No problem." he barked with a smile. "I've been through there myself a few times, so if anything I see him as more of an adult now for having survived it..." he continued thoughtfully, before thumping back onto the bench to continue his set.

"Thanks" I said as a final acknowledgement, as I walked myself to the showers.


The showers here are set up in parallel corridors with lockers closer to the door and stalls in a row down to an open back area, and are connected through the middle by staff access doors placed in the wall between the locker and shower sections with a storage and maintenance corridor between them. Think of a big 'H' with a lower case 'i' in the middle, where the dot is a big room filled with a heater and water pumps and the two bars of the 'H' are Men and Women's lockers. This late, the access doors had been left opened for ease of cleaning by the janitors, and the faint low rumble of machinery echoed into the hallway shaped room.

I went to my locker and retrieved my washing stuff and change of clothes, and started toward the back. I briefly registered the fact that I could see clear through into the other corridor as I passed on my way. I started the shower and quickly started soaping up with a body wash. The nozzles are extra wide and set up to spray straight down, as if to mimic a heavy downpour, which the tiger part of me always enjoys. I had always felt rain to be cathartic. Comforting. Cleansing. I needed it tonight. Things had been...different. It had started with my usual covert ogling, but now I was the one who felt scrutinized. I felt emotionally exposed and it made me uncomfortable. I wondered if I could just pretend I hadn't said anything... I was just glad he didn't seem to mind what he'd learned. I was also grateful for the fresh image of his perfect ass, revealed by his sagging shorts as he had bent over, rounded muscles twitching taut as he flinched and scrambled to pull them back up, which I started replaying over and over as my loofa-wielding hand roamed lower to clean up the soaked mess I'd started on the treadmill.

You can probably guess where this led. I kinda forgot about brooding for a while.

I let out a shuddering sigh as my fingers teased along my now swollen outer lips, spreading them open to dip in deeper, as I let myself fantasize, fueled by tonight's newer imagery. I brought up the memory of my peek down his pant leg, and the half-obstructed view of the prize inside. In my imagination, I tried to visualize what he looked like under that bulging black cotton pouch as I worked myself toward my peak. Out of his ancestry of wolf, puma, tiger, and human, who did he take after down there?

From my experience, a lot of felines had spines, but tigers were more bearable. They just felt bumpy. it was kinda nice. Canids were nice too, but they always wanted to 'tie' me with that massive lump they have at the base of their dicks. Human cocks were my favorite though, all smooth and blunt with bulges and ridges in all the most pleasurable places... What ever shape he had, it had looked pretty big. Was he just a shower, or...had he been hard while he was working out with me? As that wild fantasy crossed my mind, I shuddered and bucked under the shower spray, falling backward to the wall tile with a thump and surprised bark as my orgasm hit me, leaving me panting in my afterglow as I went about finishing my shower properly as best I could.

As I reached to turn off the water with a now shaky paw and started padding back to my locker in a pleasant daze, I heard a door swing open and then click closed. Had someone come in? I flicked my eyes up to the entrance, but nobody was there. I then heard a locker slam shut somewhere ahead and to my left, and as I flicked my ears in that direction to focus the sound, I heard the heavy padded thumps of bare feet move past me. I followed the sound as best I could until I came to the open access doors, just catching the passing flick of a familiar tan wolf tail. I jumped back into the locker room. He was done with his workout. He usually never finished by the time I was showered and leaving, and I would sometimes swing by to say bye or maybe stay to chat a bit more. Even if he was done, he'd be in the middle of cooldown stretches or putting the weights away. How long had I been ...distracted... in the shower? And now he was in there, naked, wet...alone? I looked around. There had been no one in the gym with us, nobody in the lockers with me, and I was guessing no one else was going to be coming in to the gym this late. And I had a free path through a noisy room filled with cleaning supplies between me and him.

I'd already started padding through before I had consciously made the decision.

I peeked around the corner, ready to spring back if he might see me, but he had chosen the shower at the far end of the room and was facing the wall, one arm extended to brace himself, his face and torso immersed in the warm heavy rain coming from the nozzle. It looked like he was just starting. The other was rubbing his chest and shoulders luxuriously, sometimes stretching to spread some water down his back, or drifting down to scrub across his abs, or tug at his crotch, making me flush hotly at the openness of the lewd act.

I let my eyes explore down his wide back, rivulets of water rippling down his soapy mountains and canyons of muscle to what I'd gotten a preview of earlier. His now completely bared butt was just as hot as the view I'd seen before. His joking comment had been right, I wasn't even a wolf and I felt like howling. As I watched, he spread his legs a bit and leaned forward to get his head further under the water, and I caught a shadowed glimpse of a plump pair of balls swinging under his wagging tail. My breath caught in my throat, and I worked up the nerve to inch closer for a better view, fingers teasing between my legs absentmindedly.

He turned around in the shower spray to wash his back off, and my eyes went wide for two reasons. At first I'd thought he would see me, but his eyes were closed, basking in the warmth as the cascade poured down his back. The second reason was, I'd seen something I liked. He had a human cock. A black one. I mean inky, jet black. A big one too, just as I'd suspected -- and hoped. It looked like it was half hard, thick and swollen and veined, but it dangled loose between his legs as he shifted under the water. At first look I'd thought he was cut, but it was just so big the skin didn't cover it all. It was pooled back behind the thick exposed dome of the head, which was crowned with a PA piercing -- a captive bead style -- glittering there at the tip; a shiny metal offsetting the deep ebony flesh of his shaft. I had to bite my lip to keep from whimpering as I started stroking into myself harder.

I hissed under my breath as I worked my slick lower lips. "Amaterasu-O-Mi-Kami, I thank you for this great bounty my eyes have beheld."

Yeah, so I really am a religious hooker. So what.

I was distracted from my prayers of sincere and aroused gratitude by the sound of an angry wolf calling my name.

"Inali! What the hell!"

Oh crap. Turns out grey-striped tiger-fox girls don't blend in with blue and white checkered tile very well.

"Oh, uh, hey Trem..." I mumbled nervously, half wondering if I could pass off the dampness between my legs as being from the shower. If he'd seen where my hand had been...

He was earning his nickname; he was certainly having that effect on me.

"Were you watching me shower?" he barked.

"No..." I lied, my eyes drifting lower instinctually before I snapped them back up. For someone making such a fuss, he wasn't even trying to cover himself.

I willed my eyes to his, and his scowling face. He wasn't buying it. He crossed his arms over his chest while widening his footing to take on a more dominant stance and I tried not to let my eyes drift down to the free view of his crotch...

"You're a horrible liar. You were staring at my cock while you stroked your cunt." he rumbled, making my ears flush. He'd definitely seen where my hand had been.

I decided to play his game and stated the obvious. "I don't see you covering up." I said, with the coolest tone I could muster, allowing myself another meaningful gaze across his bared crotch.

"Yeah, well, why should I? You're the one who...interrupted me..." his ears lowered as he said those last words, and he glanced away as I caught the unmistakeable flushed pinkness of a blush showing through his face fur.

I remembered what I'd seen just a few minutes ago; his back to me, his hidden hand working at his crotch, tugging intermittently... He'd been planning on stroking himself off in the shower. My head started to pound. If I'd waited, we would have been doing it at the same time... I didn't allow the thought to fully form. I had an angry wolf to deal with.

"So how long have you been watching me?" I half heard him ask.

My stomach dropped. My level of arousal was making me stupid and a little bit paranoid. Did he mean now, in the shower, or... Had I been too obvious tonight? Being open with him hadn't hurt me so far, aside from some embarrassment, so I decided to be frank.

"I've been watching you all night, actually..." I admitted with lowered ears and ducked tail, as I saw an emotion I couldn't quite place cross his face in an instant. "But honestly? I was checking you out by the end of our first conversation we ever had..."

He paused, expression unreadable, then asked "So, you've watched me in the shower before?"

"No, no, that was just tonight." I replied, as if it made things better. I had never even stayed long enough for us to be showering at the same time before and didn't know what had even come over me tonight.

"I just thought..." I continued, starting to babble "I'd lost track of time and had stayed a while longer, and nobody else was in here, and I heard you come in and the doors were already open, and...and..." I slumped with shame. "I must sound like a giant creeper, huh?"

He didn't answer at first, and I feared the worst, but something seemed to be working through his head as his expression turned inward. He finally spoke up. "You're only a creeper if the guy doesn't want your attention."

I gaped, and the soft background noise of the shower drained away, along with all my logical thought. "I... So you...?" I asked, succinctly and eloquently. I didn't know what to say.

"Yeah." he said simply, a paw moving to stroke the back of his neck nervously. I tried not to focus too much on how his arm and chest flexed deliciously as he did this...

"Well, I guess..." he said, an idea seeming to have popped up in his head "Since you bared yourself to me out there tonight, it's only fair I do the same for you..." he said, extending an arm to invite me closer into the shower spray, and to his dripping naked body. I hesitated, suddenly unsure of my next course of action.

"C'mon. We can talk in here. I could use somebody to help me, too. Didn't get to wash up properly yet..." he said, backing up into the shower spray and reaching for his shampoo bottle.

His intentions suddenly clicked. I was going to get to wash his naked body? I didn't need to be told twice. I almost scampered into the spray with him.

I helped him soap up, going slowly to relish every mound and curve of his perfect body. I squeezed at his arms and chest, and he twitched the muscles playfully under my grip. We chatted and teased like this for endless minutes, and I asked him about all the things I had wanted to know. About his past, other hobbies, really anything I could think of until it was time to rinse off.

He took a dunk under the shower, to wash the soap from his body, then squirted some fur shampoo in my hands and we continued talking as I lathered his massive back. "So you've really been interested in me too?" I asked, feeling suddenly self-conscious.

He nodded. "It wasn't ever since we first talked, but yeah, I've been looking... I mean, have you seen you?" He chuckled "I kinda noticed you in the gym a bit before we started hanging out. Recognized you as Kurz's sis from that one time, and we started talking, remember?" I did, and looking back wondered why I didn't notice his attentions. He'd dropped a weight on his foot after I'd bent over while facing him one time.

He was still talking and I payed closer attention. " -and then tonight, I thought I'd take the chance to try getting to know you a little..."

"Yeah, and I guess you got that." I chimed in, with maybe a bit too much sarcasm. "I had never really told anybody the whole story like that. I guess... anybody I cared about enough to tell was someone who already knew...until now..." I trailed off, realizing what I'd just said.

He realized too. "So you really think I'm hot stuff, eh?" he asked, shifting his weight from one foot to the other as my paws roamed across his massive chest and arms, his cock now half hard and wobbling out in front of him with each of his movements as he flexed for me.

"Ohhhh yeah..." I sighed, a stupid grin spreading across my muzzle "I just... I dunno." I paused, forcing myself to become a bit more serious "You work with my brothers and I didn't want to try getting into something complicated. Plus..." I added, letting a slight grin back into my voice, "I had thought you and Spots know..."

He laughed. "Like I said earlier, I can keep a secret from Rash, and Kurz is just my student." He chuckled. "And yeah, me and Spotty do stuff together sometimes, but... I'm into women too" he rumbled, still not making a move to hide as his shaft swelled fuller in response to my worshiping , taking up a distinct upward curve as it bobbed with his heartbeat. "Case in point" was all he said to acknowledge it, following my fixed gaze. "Well, you were teasing me in here..." he added with a sheepish grin.

I gave a lap at his nose. "And you were completely innocent throughout all of it." I turned my gaze downward, taking in the male glory of his hardening flesh rod.

'Holy Fuck' flashed through my head, and I went a bit dizzy.

"Well I could... you you take care it?" I mumbled, barely thinking through my aroused haze, flicking my eyes to his from his growing erection " make up for teasing you, I mean..." It was a pretty lame line of reasoning, and he called me on it.

"Yeah, and you'd absolutely hate to get a hold of this, right?" he wuffed sarcastically with a toothy grin, leaning forward to press his cock against my thigh. It flexed and filled out thicker in a pulse, his already tight foreskin stretched taut against his shaft. It formed thin bands of flesh below his domed mushroom of a cockhead, flaring out from his frenulum to surround the shaft.

'Naturally ribbed for her pleasure' I thought with a warm flush jolting through my pelvic region, letting out a whimpering groan. "I could be convinced to make the sacrifice..."

"It's okay~" he breathed into my ear, wagging and sliding the base of his penis against my leg. "He won't bite. He just wants you to pet him."

I accepted his cock's friendly invitation and reached for it, not quite able to close my fingers around the throbbing girth, and stroked it, sliding the foreskin over the shaft and feeling the heavy thickness of it. It was perfect.

"Mmnff. I need this in me. Right now. " I nearly snarled, giving his swollen penis a light tug and squeeze for emphasis, a single pearl of precum oozing from the tip.

His breath caught, and he shuddered, breathing turning heavier. "You're sure? I mean I don't have a condom..." He was panting his words out, and it was obvious that he was using the last of his control to be considerate.

I responded by looking into his beautiful lust-hazed eyes. "I'm sure. This is for pleasure, not business. Pussy just wants to play with Puppy!" I purred. I didn't care about my usual rules. He wasn't a trick and I just needed him inside me right fucking now.

He raised an eyebrow at my choice of words, but took hold of my hips to pull me closer to him, and I unhanded his cock to brace myself with my other hand as I felt him slip into place at my entrance. He sighed with pleasure, rolling his hips to give a few rapid shallow canid fucks against my swollen and dripping pussy lips before calming himself enough to settle into a more controlled teasing, sawing his length right across my clit and making me shudder in pleasure. He growled into my ear and pressed his fat glans into me just enough for me to experience his thickness.

"You feel how wide that cockhead is? You wanna get this big thick dick deep inside your tight little pussy? Stretch you open and fill you up?" as I sensed more than saw his tail wagging furiously behind him.

I whimpered as my dripping folds squelched with each press of him into me, his PA teasing the hardened nub of my clit with each jabbing thrust.

Here's something I think I should make clear about myself. When I get horny enough, I get really stupid. Case in point, the next words out of my mouth.

"Go on and bury your big juicy bone as deep as you want, Puppy." I wuffed, not thinking.

He tensed and growled, suddenly lunging forward to sheathe his shaft into my over-slicked pussy in one stroke, causing me to let out a strangled bark which quickly shifted into a shuddering groan. Oh fuck Puppy had a big bone...

"So...big..." was all I could wheeze out.

He sensed me tense up and reigned himself in, letting me adjust a bit and settling his body down over mine with a shaky groan and cradling one arm around me, pinning my arms to my chest and lapping at my neck and shoulders. I flinched when I felt the light nip of his teeth, then melted into his strong and supportive embrace as I realized he was covering me similarly to the way a feral male would, stimulating that spot near the back of my neck that would reflexively make me relax and help me take him. I purred and lolled my head to the side to rub my muzzle against his arm and huffed out a shaky breath onto his taut bicep, and he responded by lowering his other arm to drape through my hips to paw at my inner thigh, hiking my leg up to give a few slow and luxuriating thrusts into my clenching tunnel. I flicked my tongue out to lap over the bulging arm muscle, and was rewarded with a deep murr and a few more instinctual bucking humps from him.

The ache between my legs subsided, replaced by a pleasant sense of fullness. I was acclimating to his size, and panted out "I'm gonna try setting the pace if you want. I think I can take it now."

He gave a final nip at my scruff and rumbled "Okay. Just go easy. Don't hurt yourself."

I smiled to myself. He was so attentive.

He loosened his grip enough for me to move on my own, and I began to slowly rock my hips forward and backward, setting up a rhythm of sliding him out and slipping back down his rigid pole to rest flush with his hips, spearing him deeply into my tunnel again and again as his PA scraped across my insides with every thrust.

'It feels like a tiger is fucking me' was all I could think at the time, and it was apt; his piercing was having the same rough scraping effect on me that feline barbs do, but dulled like a tiger's nubs instead of sharp like spines.

I worked him this way for a while, as he panted heavily in a haze. Now that he'd released my arms so I could support myself, he put his hands to use and groped at my swinging breasts, cupping them from underneath and teasing my sensitive nipples with his pinching fingertips, encouraging my work with his own instinctual thrusts as I worked my cunt over his straining shaft, rolling my hips to mix up the angle each time and give him a slightly different experience with every trip he took into my gripping folds.

After countless minutes of this, his thrusts became shallower and more rapid and he moaned out "Oh yeah....Oh....Uh!"

I could figure out what was happening, and clenched my inner muscles down on his shaft rhythmically to help him along.

"Unnnrrggh!!" he snarled, and thrust forward to hilt himself inside me and pin me to the wall as he pulsed and flooded my insides with warmth.

He collapsed across my back, panting and continuing to spurt into me. He didn't rest for very long, and moved to grasp my leg and arm on one side, flipping me over, pivoting me against the wall so I faced him. "Whuh!?" was all I could say before he lapped at my face in a lupine slurp, which turned into a deep and passionate human kiss once he found my open muzzle. I moaned around his tongue as somewhere below us I could feel him slip out, his seed dribbling out of me and onto the tile.

He panted into my ear, and "I didn't make you cum yet" was all he said before resheathing himself deep into my loosened and spunk-slicked pussy. His cock was big, and he knew just how to use it. He swelled back to full hardness quickly, and soon I had the wide pad of his glans jackhammering me directly in my g-spot, his upward curve turning his cock into a fleshy cudgel of pure pleasure. I didn't last very long at all this way, and yowled, thrashing as my inner muscles fluttered and milked at his shaft, squeezing more of his thick sperm out of him as I felt him tense and pulse inside me for a second time. We kissed again, and he lowered me shakily to the tile, careful to make sure my legs were able to find purchase.

"Oh, Trem, fuck... Fuck! That was..." I moaned deliriously.

"It's not over yet." He rumbled as he slipped from me, and bent to kiss a trail down my neck to lap at my breasts, scraping his wolf tongue across the sensitive nubs of my nipples and suckling them alternately. My paws found his strong shoulders, and gripped him as I arched into his ministrations. He didn't stay long though, and continued his slurping trail across my tightened belly, lowering himself to kneel between my legs, face inches from the slimy foam he'd worked his semen into as he'd hammered me. He looked up into my eyes with a devilish smirk, his own emerald pools bright with devious purpose. I grasped the back of his head, understanding his intentions, and guided his muzzle to my dripping entrance. His jaws parted immediately, lunging his long lupine tongue into his own creamy froth and started lapping like a hungry puppy after the last scraps of peanut butter in the jar.

I whimpered and moaned as my muscles turned to jelly and I slumped into his waiting grasp, his powerful paws holding me by my thighs as he eagerly spread my legs apart to get at his salty sweet treat. My already aching pussy clenched for the third time that night, gripping his slimy tongue as it worked inside me.

He pulled from me, licking his chops, and rose to his feet. He stood there, looking down at me, and offering his own still cum-slicked organ to my muzzle.

My multiple orgasms were making me giddy, so I decided to play with him. "Oh, I see. You did it for me, so now I do it for you?" I teased. He answered me by playfully batting his swelling shaft against my face and giving his best dominant growl.

I gave him a conciliatory slurp between his heavy balls. "Down boy." I chided.

I pressed my paw against his taut abs, using my other to guide him downward by a hip, pushing him to the floor. His rock hard cock slapped against his stomach, splattering precum across his chest. He'd cum as many times as I had, and he was still leaking like a faucet. He must get his libido from the feline side of the family, and get his production from the lupine side... I moved to straddle him, lowering my nose to meet his crotch while swinging my own hips over his face.

I rubbed my face in his groin, nuzzling his thick cock and giving it a few exploratory laps. I pulled off as my jaw creaked. I could do it, but I'd be sore later. He wasn't getting this for free.

"You want me to even try getting this monster in my mouth, you're going to need to work for it" I said, waggling my pussy against his nose meaningfully. "Get that wonderful tongue back to work."

He grabbed my butt and pulled me down onto him, and began lashing my folds with practiced skill, while I laid my body down on top of his, my breasts cushioning up against his hard stomach, and I managed to wedge his shaft into my muzzle. It was a bit too thick to suck at first without gagging myself, so I focused on working my tongue on it, slipping it slowly into my throat as he gave appreciative and encouraging sucks and slurps at my oversensitive clit.

I rewarded his efforts by squeezing and gripping the base of his cock with one paw, and playing with his virile egg-shaped orbs with the other. He tensed, arching his head back and out of me, panting heavily. . "I...I'm close..." he warned from below me, burying his snout back into my sloppy cunt, and I pulled off him to slurp at his head in my mouth like a lollipop. His fleshy rod twitched in my grip, and he groaned out his release into my spasming tunnel. I sputtered, not expecting the vibrating stimulation or the sheer flood of hot, salty sweet cream jetting into my mouth, and it gushed out as I tried to swallow as much as I could. Most of it ended up down my chin and out the sides of my muzzle to trickle down between my breasts, even though I got at least three goodly sized gulps down.

I rubbed his softening cockhead in his mess across my cleavage, and gave him a few more deep milking strokes with both hands before rolling off of him, disengaging myself from his questing tongue and my muzzle from his flaccid but still dribbling penis, and flopped onto the tile. I was now literally fucked silly. It was about this time I noticed the shower had run out of hot water and the spray had turned chilly, making our little corner of the room feel like it was caught in a downpour.

"It's like we were fucking in the raaaiiin..." I grinned stupidly from the floor, and pawed lazily at the droplets as they fell on my sated body. He gave a soft chuckle of understanding before grunting to a standing position.

"I guess we're gonna have to bear it, unless you want to go home covered in wolf cum." he said, offering me a strong paw up to my feet.

In my sex-drunken euphoria, I actually kinda liked the idea of going home covered in wolf cum, but conceded it would probably make Rash mad. I was going to catch Hell if I came home stinking of sex and Wolf. A cold shower was a really good idea.

We were too sexually worn out to do anything more than wash ourselves. I went back to my own locker to get dressed, and met him at the door as he was switching the lights off. We walked outside, and he locked the front door, slipping the key into a pocket.

"So I'll see you next time?" he called after me.

Oh yeah, I was definitely looking forward to next time.