So close yet so far introduction

Story by Karmakat01 on SoFurry

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so yeah i finally had my story started to get edited.

it's not perfect (not the edition but my story) but well i am no writter

i just fell like starting to write a story based on Karmakat and my characters.

this is going to be only a short introduction. also i am going to post the chapter 1 right after

so well let me know what you guys think

so far i am working on chapter 16 but the more comments or letting me know what you guys think of it the more i will be motivated to keep working on it and make progress between my drawings.

story and characters belong to karmakat

icon made by strype

So close, yet so far.


In this world, several planets coexist; several world near to each other's, some livable others a lot less.

At times it's not world that coexist but dimensions. One next to each other's, not even having to acknowledge the presence of their neighbor. I know what you already thinking, it's a classic, like everyone said so at a moment or another, or even just dreamed it could happen.

But think just for a moment, what IF it was a possibility. What if some other words did actually exists, what if there was something else, another kind of living. A totally different kind of people.

Let's try to open our minds to this possibility, just lift our hands and open that possible door in front of us. Open that possibility and look at it by ourselves.

Let's see on this world, close to ours in their behavior and way of doing. But so much different in whom they are.

They got their work, their life, social behaviors, social scales, law enforcements but also darker side than hours.

Unknown creatures wandering around, the kind that regular people should consider running from than trying to stay to look at or even less fight.

Some teams been formed to try to deal with them, but depending on the power of their opponent they couldn't always be a match.

Some other people outside those groups still manage to fight those creatures. Using ancient techniques that been given through the ages to a select few.

What we are going to do now is follow a very select few people. People with a life not common to even that world; some that grew into it since they were born; others that just discovered their possibilities.

One especially. Even more different than the others. Born with a burden deeper than most, born with a curse to his life. A curse he makes due with it and uses to his best.

The one we going to follow is a lion, just not a common regular lion. Yes I did say a lion. This people aren't human like us. They are more "animals" even if they stand on their back legs. And walk around with clothes and such like in our world. Most of them being like the animals we know in our everyday life.

But some are indeed different, for being hybrid between races or by their colors. A common belief in this world is that colors like black or grey in the races that aren't supposed to be. This lion was one of them.

He was born grey fur and black mane, deep green emerald eyes. As belief those new born were supposed to be killed at birth. If it wasn't for a monk, present in the vicinities, a monk with the belief that the demons inside the kids could get trapped and sealed. He decided to adopt that little boy and raise him as his own, teaching him the monk ways, magic, fighting, how to control the energy within him. To that goal they added special tattoos on his whole body, magical sealing.

Unfortunately, at the age of eighteen his master died fighting another of those dark ages. Still not being accepted by his surrounding and thinking his training wasn't done yet he decided to go through the world searching a place he could consider home.

On his road he found his best friend, a wolf with a connection to this world to but that didn't know it until he met Karmakat.

So yes, most of this story will be about Karmakat, the things he goes through. And his friend Lukwos.