Midnight Interlude

Story by Kandrel on SoFurry

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Warning! Warning! Warning! This story contains all those things your mom and dad said they'd tell you about when you grew up, in hopes you'd never ask again. Avert your eyes, lest this missage burns itself into your retinas, for I can't be held accountable for your marred purity! And all the rest. You know the deal. 18 blah blah don't read blah blah legal blah blah... Okay, enough on with the story. Warning! Warning! Warning! __________________ Midnight Interlude - By Kandrel

  • * * A gentle murmuring in my ear brought me from deep slumber. First, I wasn't quite sure if it was real, or if it was all part of my dreams. Second, after I was quite sure it was real, I stumbled into bleary halucenations, the kind where solid and immobile items wander across the room in a delightful haze of not-quite-awake. Lastly, and with no few blinks, I dragged myself to the world of the waking, licking the dry roof of my mouth, and perking my ears in false attentiveness. The process may have taken only a few seconds, or a few minutes, or an hour. Time means so little when you're so deeply asleep. In the time it had taken to wake up, a supple, scaled form had spooned in behind me. An arm threw itself over my shoulder and pulled me back into a tight embrace, and the reptilian muzzle caught and licked over my right ear. "Mmmm, finally done, lovey?" I asked in a slurred mumble over my shoulder. "I couldn't leave you all alone in the bed here. You're too sexy to ignore." I smiled widely, and cuddle back against his form, red vulpine tail swishing its way free of the covers. The lizard, Aquilus, pressed his body fully against mine and moaned a little, the reason for his waking me achingly clear as it pressed against my rump. I joined his moan softly, then wriggled myself back, sleepily melting into his strong arms. I sighed happily as his shaft fit between my rump cheeks and dribbled slowly on my tailbase. "Rrr, sexy lizard, you're too good to me." I purred, rubbing myself against him. He took that as an invitation, and started to bite and nuzzle at my neck, paw roaming over my chest and belly, occasionally stroking my own sheath in their travels. His leg levered over mine and pulled my feet back, giving me the illusion of being caught and held, without straining any joints. I struggled weakly, but made no attempts to free myself. As his attack on my senses continued, I closed my eyes and whined softly under my breath. No amount of self control was going to keep my cock in its sheath as Aquilus' muzzle bent and licked at my collar and spine, hand scratching slowly down my chest as he ground his own shaft against my tailbone. I growled invitingly and tilted my rump to him, pushing my chest out and leaning my head back, nuzzling back against his neck. His off hand slithered beneath my head and supported its weight as it, too, started to rub at my neck and chest, leaving his other roaming fingers to play with my sheath and erection, giving it a tight squeeze. He started to rock his hips, and his straining length rubbed smoothly between my cheeks. Each time his thrust rested his tip against my tailbone, he ground it lewdly, and I felt a strong spurt of slippery pre. I wriggled my free hand down to his hips and pulled him pleadingly, clawing at his hard, smooth scales in lustful desperation. As he excited me and started to stroke my length, I let a low growl issue from my muzzle. I wriggled back against him insitently, suddenly more awake with hunger. He returned the growl with a low hiss, then changed the angle of his rubbing. His tip caught against my pucker, but slipped again, and I shuddered as another squirt of pre covered my rump. He pulled back and pushed again, this time more slowly. His tip caught again, and this time, it stuck. He bit down firmly on my neck, both arms crossing over my chest and leg trapping mine and pulling, as he started to push himself into me. I squinched my eyes shut, and focused on relaxing. With an agonizingly slow popping sensation, the head of his ebony cock forced its way into my tight tailhole, then with a quick rush, the rest of his thick shaft buried itself. I yowled slowly, biting my lip as I heard him moan in exstacy behind me. As I wriggled my hips around, pleasuring him with the tight warmth as I adjusted to his thickness, he reached down, imp that he is, and gave me own shaft a quick stroke. I yelped and humped against his hand, pulling halfway off his shaft, then rode it back down to the base, squeezing as tight as I could. My ears folded against my head, muzzle open in a long, silent cry of pleasure. Aquilus held my length in his hand, letting me alternate between pressing my knobs against his palm and stretching my rump around his cock. Happily, I obliged. I moved quickly, trying to keep his whole glorious cock in my ass while attempting to feed my own into the grasp of those skilled fingers. I ruffed loudly, my whole body rocking as I surged back and forth. I was in bliss, the thick length in my rump throbbing every other second as the lizard lubricated my innards with slippery precum, while starting to clench and stroke my shaft as I moved. Aquilus growled sharply, then swung his leg over, pinning me helplessly. He propped himself up and started thrusting hard, spearing me quickly as he ground his way quickly to his peak. He hissed and bit my neck, then pulled back quickly. I yelped as he pulled free of my rump, then I felt a hot splatter against my side as he sprayed hot lizard cum across me. I opened my mouth, then wriggled my hips in erotic overload, the pooling spunk almost burning in temperature as it quickly cooled and seeped into my fur. As I wriggled, he put a hand on my hip, then before I had a chance to look back, he thrust, and his still pulsing shaft sank deep into me again. I gasped in discomfort, which faded very quickly to overwhelming pleasure as his fingers again closed over my shaft. This time, they were covered in something gooey and slick, hot and wet against the bare skin of my length. He squeezed, and I felt the distinct slimy pleasure of hot and fresh lizard cum surrounding my shaft. He thrust hard, pushing my cock through his grip and rubbing against my prostate. "Just for you, my love..." He growled to me, then stopped, giving a little pushing hump to encourage me on. I took a tentative thrust, then as my shaft slid through the slimy grip, I bit down on the sheets, growling in unalloyed pleasure as I pumped back and forth along his length. He pulsed again tangibly, tugging erotically at my tailhole as he shot another quick spurt of gooey cum into my rump, trailing off the end of his orgasm. With a rising purr, I clenched the bedsheets in my claws, humping forward hard as my own shaft jumped in his sticky fingers, jerking as it sprayed a jet of vulpine spunk onto the mattress. I clenched around him in long waves, and he sighed in pleasure, humping into my squeezing ass through my long orgasm. Each time he bottomed out, I shook with another strong spurt of semen, until finally I receded back to the sleepy haze of afterglow, melting against his arms as he laid behind me, holding me tight. I nuzzled him lovingly, and before more than the ritual "love you"'s were said, I fell back asleep. _________________________________________________________________ (Fin! Kandrel is copyright J. Fox Rosenberg, any resemblance to other characters is only incedental and unintentional. Aquilus is copywright his player. Reposting is permissable, however, all reposts must be in original form, and must contain the author's name unaltered.) Send Kandrel mail! fox at foxyonline dot com Comments and suggestions are welcome, flames can go to hell. :P