The emperor's choice

Story by ArkanumZilong on SoFurry

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Just something that came into my head and I just had to write

synopsis:An emperor who can see the future sees the death of his wife in one of his visions and must make the choice between her and his people.

In an ancient time, chaos ruled the world and the people suffered as many kingdoms fought each other for dominance, driven by the greed of their rulers.

It was in that ancient time that was witnessed the rise of a mighty empire; an empire ruled by a dragon sent by the gods themselves to the mortal realm with the mission to end the chaos that plagued the land.

When sent to the mortal realm, the dragon was given a gift to help in his task: To be able peer into the future, so that he would always walk the right path


At the heart of a great palace, there was a room built for meditation, it was there that sat the dragon emperor, Eyes shut and body tensed in deep concentration as he tried to use his gift to see every possible outcome of an important decision, the most important decision he has ever made...

Earlier that day he had a vision; it foretold that his wife, and one of the greatest generals of the empire, would die in her next battle. She would sacrifice her life to defend the empire from one of the greatest attacks it would ever endure...

Knowing this, he sought a way to save her, but no Matter which future he looked at, she would either lose her life in battle or the enemies of the empire would triumph, bringing suffering for his people...


It was night when he finally stopped trying.

He had even begged the gods themselves for help, but even they could not give him an answer.

He had failed to find a path in which both he and his people would not suffer.

And so... he had to choose...

His wife, his love... or his people, his duty.

He chose the people for not doing so would be a betrayal of their and the gods trust in him

Having made his decision he moved to his room, where he found himself standing on a balcony overlooking the courtyard of the palace and with a view of city around it, he looks over the many majestic buildings of the city around the palace, the view bringing him a small amount of happiness, but not enough that he can forget what he will soon lose.

Having sent a servant to bring his wife, he would like to spend at the least one more night with her... before she left for the site were the battle would take place... were he would lose her.

Soon enough, there was a knocking on the door; turning his from the balcony he tells the person at the door to come in.

His wife walks in, the tigress wearing a beautiful dress that he had gifted her a long time ago.

He admires her for a moment before slowly moving up to her a hugging her tightly, no longer able to hold back his tears he starts to cry.

While a bit surprised at first, she soon understands the situation; hugging him back and comforting him.

She knew of the 'gift' her husband, and always knew this day would come.

As warrior she was ready, but as a person she was scared; but she would hold back her fear, for the sake of the empire and for the sake of her emperor.

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They would just stay there holding each other for the rest of the night, enjoying their last moment together...


The tigress would leave the next morning for the site of the battle, and it was watching her leave that would lead the dragon to a third choice, one that would save her and the people... but at a heavy cost.