Transforming Alex

Story by Felicia Silver on SoFurry

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#1 of Meet Alicia!


************* Disclaimer-Thingy **********************************************


This story is smut... flat out... if you're not 18 or 21 or 45 in some countries. Hey you didn't work very hard to get here... but just so you know, I don't claim responsibility if your mom catches you here ^-^ Theres a lot of great authors on this site and some can be "inspiring".

Anyways, this is my own creation, from the depths of my deepest darkest horniest soul XD Do with it what you will. Comments are nice, if you think I suck lemme know WHY...

This would be a rough draft because it only took 10 minutes to write out, but I think its fine and I enjoyed it... Alrighty Enjoy!


Alex, was an average athletic boy; tall, lean, in shape, although slightly effeminate he was obviously strong in many ways. Growing up he had always busied himself with different things, he could never keep his mind or interests on things very long. The problem was, fate didn't like him being so curious, or at least that's how he thinks of it now. The thing was it was just after Christmas when he had received a gift he really didn't entirely want. As his family had their annual get together, and Alex got to see his distant family for the first time in a while, he never would expect for his life to change at all, why should it? It'd had been rather the same for many years now, now that he was 19 why would it change?

Alex had been spending a lot of time with his girlfriend, Jamie, and it was getting very late at night almost into the next morning. Arriving home, and not wanting to wake his parents, Alex went to slide in through the side door, when he saw a small package with a ribbon on it. It had his name on it, but no postage or signature on it. He scooped it up, hearing the neighbor's dog bark. Quickly darting inside through the side door, and down into his room, Alex tossed the box beside his bed. Lying on his bed and thinking about how annoying the neighbor's dog Charlie was, especially since he was always outside, and always barking behind his electric fence. Yawning as he rolled over, Alex changed his thoughts to something a little more pleasant, he began to doze, thinking about the warm body he had been snuggled up against all night, the round hips, and the wonderful curves of his darling lover. She was so sexy to him; he loved to explore her, to be pressed against her, although since she still lived with her

parents, she was very reserved. It was a Christmas miracle that allowed them to cuddle shirtless for the first time ever. Reaching down and pulling his pants off, and reaching for his pajamas, Alex soon found that he had a nice tent formed in his boxers. Sighing and putting his hand down into his boxers he gently stroked himself, rhythmically almost thoughtlessly.

After a moment of stroking himself, he lay back, breathed in deep and realized he wouldn't be able to pleasure himself enough tonight. He was too curious what was in the package, he turned over and despite the soft throbs of his cock, and he gently lifted up the package. Opening it to see, there was a collar, and a small heart shaped tag. It was blank and the collar was made of shiny black leather. Alex saw this and laughed, he looked it over and shrugged tossing it back in, it was much too big for his family's small dog. Someone must think Jamie's got him whipped, since the box was entitled to him... Looking at the clock and sighing, it was 4:30 a.m. Not even tired, and still a throbbing erection plaguing him... he got a somewhat kinky idea. He reached into the box and grabbed the collar, spun it on his finger then slipped it around his neck; something excited him about wearing it, tugging his boxers down, he feverishly began to stroke himself. Alex began blushing a bit as he felt his mind becoming foggy, like

it usually does when he gets this riled up. He started to feel a strange urge, thinking about all the different sexy girls he's ever seen, he suddenly began to want to be the one in his dream. Wanted to be the girl that was receiving his cock... Biting his lip he suddenly came and blew his load on the towel in front of him on the floor. Blinking as he started to remember where he was and what he was doing, he smiled and fell back onto the pillow. 5 a.m. Alex was sleeping soundly.

The next morning Alex rolled out of bed, late, around 11, his parents had long since left for work. Managing to fumble his way into the bathroom, he looked in the mirror; he yawned and then began to rub his shoulders stiffly. Alex was used to waking up stiff and sore sometimes after a long night, but he felt like he had some bruises... he reached around and poked his sides, nothing seemed to be out of shape or hurting, but when he gently pressed on his chest, it was sore, like he'd been punched. His chest had also began to swell just a bit, making him look at himself a little differently, he looked softer, and figured he was just sore and tender. He was an athlete after all, practice means he could be hurt in anyway... Slipping out of the clothes he put on, he turned and hopped into the shower. Washing himself clean, sighing as he slowly started to wake up, his fingers caught on the soft leather of the collar, which he still wore, making him stop and think a moment, 'Wait a minute...'. He reached back to take it

off and found that the clip, had a soft leather covering over it, to make it look like one complete strand, fumbling with it in the water, he suddenly felt a warmth growing as he looked down, seeing his erection return. This wasn't just morning wood, this was rock hard.

Alex gave up on the collar, knew that it couldn't harm him; it was just a collar he got as a joke from someone, but his erection, 'mmm now that needs tending too!' he said waking up fully now. He dropped to his knees in the bathtub and began to stroke his cock again; it was also extra sensitive like his soft sore chest muscles. Letting out a soft groan of pleasure, Alex stroked his cock, it began to turn red from the blood flowing into it as it became fully hard, but it continued to turn red, the flesh itself turning red, completely oblivious now, Alex just groaned as the warm water trickled over his now apple red cock. Breathing in the warm wet air he sighed, as he thumbed the head of his cock, feeling himself in ways he really didn't know he could, he was fogging out again as images of Jamie filled his head. Standing in front of him naked, her bountiful body and its entire splendor, then his mind began to see images of Charlie... the neighbors Labrador running over to Jamie and Jamie was petting him. Alex

suddenly began to feel jealous, thoughts flooding his head of "Who was she to touch him like that?" and then "He's mine!" Suddenly his cock erupted spraying a few jets of cum onto the tub floor, he slowly began to pant and then let out a long groan. When his breath returned he blinked and reflected on his own thoughts. "Wait a minute, I don't want Charlie... I want Jamie...why did I say those things... he's just a stupid dog ... I must be sick." Alex slowly turned the water off and sat in the tub a moment reflecting. He slowly rose and grabbed a towel, drying himself off as he reached down to dry his legs he noticed, his cock was still red, and although limp it was bright red. "What the hell!?" he thought and then fell to his knees. He felt a stirring cramp in his stomach, "I think... I think I'm going to be sick!" he laid his head on the rug on the floor and then slowly held his breath waiting for the cramp to pass.

As seconds turned into minutes and those soon passed by, Alex could hardly move, he then slowly started to rise, when he felt his body becoming very warm... Looking down at his cock, he began to shudder. It was shrinking! Panic began to set in but as he tried to stand his legs locked, his groin cramping up severely as his cock, shrank away, and his balls slowly followed them... Tears started to form in his eyes as he had never heard of a disease, an illness or a condition that would cause that! He softly whimpered, his hands slowly touching the soft flesh where his cock had been. Suddenly the cramp was more focused, directly where his cock had been; it seemed to be tearing apart. That was the spot where his new pussy was to be, forming and then dripping with its first beads of moisture. Alex leaned his head back and clenched his teeth, the fire inside him burning now, the muscles all over his body tightening up almost into a convulsion. It appeared as if melting away under the skin, his muscles becoming smoother, his body becoming slightly shorter, he looked as if he was suffering. Just as the pain became unbearable, he began to fog, much like when he had touched himself, he began to no longer feel the transformation... Just see his fantasies. The burning sensation was caused by tiny hair follicles forming and short black fur spreading across his body. Alex's nails becoming long black claws, scratching the tile now. His eyes, grey, as he saw images of his Jamie, of his life, he was in a deep trance. The soft round ears on the sides of his head, slid up to the top, and began to reshape into triangular, dogs ears. His nose slid forward to form a muzzle as the short black fur finally hit his face. Fangs, and an entirely different facial structure giving the look of a soft, pointed dogs muzzle. His mouth opened and a soft gasp, and then a higher pitched moan slid out. Alex's entire body now covered in fur, toes and nails - were not claws. His face entirely reshaped, the next addition pressing from his spine and then jutting out, a soft bushy tail, a nice soft thick fur. Slowly slipping out of the fog, Alex could feel the last of his transformation taking place, from his chest, he could feel the tissue growing, the skin swelling. His small nipples growing to the size of 50 cent pieces, growing out plump and round filling out to almost a D cup. If only he, no she... if only she were ever to wear a bra that'd be her size.

Alex now no longer resembled the boy he was born as; he now was a 5 ½ ft tall, anthro-bitch. The collar that had been given to him with an empty tag, now had etched into it. "Alicia." And she knew this; she just couldn't see it as a human.