Megalopolis - Fated Love

Story by GoliathWildcat on SoFurry

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#3 of Megalopolis

Sometimes, true love is fated to happen.

Fated Love

By Chris Gilman

Music blares through the room that serves as a small gym as a young athletic male jackal pants hard for breath. Punches and kicks land against a large heavy punching bag hanging from a thick ceiling beam by a stout metal chain. Punching and kicking to the beat of the loud music he tries to let all the tension loose. A ghostly lion stands behind him in ancient Egyptian armor, his ghostly eyes watching Andy Nubis work on the bag.

"You are training well my Prince, soon you could even hold your own against me in single combat," the ghostly lion quietly mentions as he studies the moves that Andy is putting his body through. "It was a good idea to convert this room into a gym for your training my Prince; you have improved far beyond what I thought you to be capable of when we faced that Whiptail."

With a cry to focus the strike as Sandy taught him he spins and kicks his foot into the bag with all the force his body can deliver. The focused point of impact causes the bag to fly up and the chain supporting it snaps like thunder. The lion raises his eyebrows in surprise as the heavy sawdust filled bag lands a good six feet away with a loud thud that shakes the floor underfoot.

"Maybe even sooner than I thought young Prince, did your lady teach you that?" the captain of his bodyguards asks with an arched eyebrow.

Andy stands there, sweat dripping off him, as he regains his breath before answering. "Yes. And she isn't 'my lady' Captain, as she told you before, she's her own woman."

"Ha!" the lion guffaws and grins at the younger jackal, "According to the Lady Nubis, she hopes that will change soon my Prince."

Andy turns to give the tall warrior a shocked look, "What?"

The lion bows his head to his prince and says quietly, "Your mother, the Lady Nubis, has hopes that you and the Lady Spir will form a permanent bond someday in the near future."

Andy blinks the sweat from his eyes, "Are you saying my mother wants me to marry Sandy?"

The captain bows his head again, "I do believe that is what she hopes my Prince." He smiles slightly, "She would be a strong wife my Prince, she has a warrior's blood in her veins and few could defeat her in combat. Your children would be quiet impressive warriors when they reached their majority."

Andy walks up to the lion and frowns, "I would think that is something private between me and Sandy, not something to be discussed with my mother?"

The lion bows his head in subservience to the young Prince as he inwardly smiles at Andy's reaction, "Yes my Prince."

He turns with a frown still distorting his features, "You may leave now Captain, I am going to bathe and relax for a while, and I would like to be left alone tonight." Leaving the gym he doesn't see the lion kneel briefly and dissipate like a mist in the wind.

He walks down the hallway as he thinks about what the Captain had told him, 'Me and Sandy, not sure her high society would go for that. Sure my mother had some money, but she wasn't old money like Sandy's parents. And besides, it's not like I'm having sex with her. Sure we've cuddled together, even showered together a few times, but she always sleeps at her place. Well,' he remembers fondly, 'except for that one time where she served as my pillow. What could she see in me as a mate?'

He shakes his head and turns towards the master bedroom and shucks his clothing into a pile in one corner. Mopping his face with his shirt he adds it to the pile with a vicious growl as he grits his teeth. Entering the bathroom he finds the whirlpool tub already full and the massage jets running.

He sighs in appreciation but doesn't question why the tub is running. He just climbs in with a deep, satisfied sigh and sits in the chest deep water. Tilting his head back he rests his head against the edge and closes his eyes, letting the warm jets of water flow through his black fur where it carries away the pain and weariness from the muscles underneath.

"That's my bath," a soft giggle makes his eyes snap open in surprise and shock. He sees the athletic form of a young black jaguar female pulling loose the belt of her bath robe as she walks up the steps to the tub. "I snuck in on your shower so you thought you'd sneak in on my bath," she teases lightly as she lets the robe slip from her shoulders.

Andy tries to focus on her eyes but with a body that well built it is hard not to admire it, "I'm sorry Ms... I mean, Sandy. I was just working out in the gym and really needed to relax. The tub was running and just looked too inviting. I didn't even think why it was full and running."

He reaches for a folded towel and makes to get out of the water but she stops him with a gentle kiss to the top of his head right between his pointed ears, "No Andy, you don't have to go anywhere. There is more than enough tub here to share." She settles herself down in the other end of the oversized tub and casts a teasing smile his way when she sees him looking away, "I'm not that horrible to look at, am I?"

He snaps his head around to look at her like a chunk of iron to a magnet, "Never!" He blushes realizing she's teasing him, "It's just... I'm..."

She scowls at him and says in a firm voice, "Let's not have you cutting yourself down now, so what if I come from a rich family? I'm sure your father is richer than anyone you could name and your mother owned this large house free and clear. So what if they're not what people call old money?" She lets out a purr of laughter, "Hell, your father is older than any of those old fuddy-duddies. I'll not hear about how you're just a low born and I'm some kind of modern royalty or something." She crawls over to him along the tub and settles to a kneeling position in his lap, lifting herself up a little more to look down at him.

He looks up at her face rather than at the twin mounds of soft fur covered flesh only inches from his nose, even though she can feel the beginnings of a stirring below the surface of the water. Running her hands gently through his hair she smiles down at him, "What do I need to do to convince you that you are a more than suitable match for me, rape you?" With a wicked gleam in her eye she grins widely, "Or smother you?" With that she pulls his head into her cleavage with a vicious yank and holds him there with a laugh.

As his face is planted in her cleavage he goes panicky and tries to get loose, but she knows her martial arts all too well and holds him easily, not letting him get the leverage he needs to break loose of her grip. She leans down and nips lightly at one of his ears, "Now settle down Andy, and let me help you relax a little."

At her gentle love bite he settles down a little but continues to tremble in her grip while something below the water swells and rubs along her inner thigh. His brain registers the odor of a female so close to him and a more than willing female at that. Pulling his head gently back a little she looks down at the blushing jackal, not sure how so much red can be showing through his black fur a he looks down with an ashamed look on his features.

"What's the matter? Didn't like the hug handsome?" she teases him as she lifts his chin to plant a brief kiss on the end of his nose.

He looks more embarrassed and his ears flatten slightly, "Sandy... I've never... I mean..." He looks down again and stares at the swirling water.

Sandy comes to a shocked revelation, "Are you trying to tell me you're a virgin?"

He nods but doesn't meet her gaze, "I've never felt for anyone the way I have for you. I don't want just meaningless sex; I want it to mean something, with someone special." He closes his eyes so he doesn't see her reaction as he whispers, "And I... I love you."

She looks at him, her eyes blinking a few times before lifting his chin. "Andy," she says quietly and his eyes snap open to gaze into hers. "I love you too," she says quietly and leans in to kiss him gently on the lips.

He freezes still at her words, not believing his ears, but he melts at her kiss and slowly brings his arms up to hold her to him. At this moment she seems more alive and more real than she ever has. Her scent strengthened by the water in her fur and her proximity to him. She never seemed more feminine then she did now.

As she settles down to sit in his lap he keeps the kiss intact and she feels his length pressing against her abdomen as he feels her soft breasts pressing to his chest, the erect nipples combing through his fur. Letting one of her hands slip between them she gently strokes his shaft and purrs into the kiss as he whines softly at her feathery light touch on his burning hot flesh. 'This is definitely nothing to be ashamed of,' she thinks as her light hand traces the length of him.

Her hand slowly starts to stroke him and he lets loose a whimper as he twitches in her hand. She breaks the kiss and nuzzles softly for him to lift his chin. Her rough tongue licks over where his neck meets his shoulder and he whines in pleasure, "I can't hold it..."

She pulls her mouth away from his neck enough to whisper, "Then don't." She lightly bites on his neck and the pressure of her feline fangs pricking at his tender and vulnerable flesh triggers his climax suddenly. His thick seed shoots into the churning waters and coats her thick gray belly fur where she rubs the head of his shaft against her soft pelt. He lets loose a slight whine of enjoyment as his member twitches in her grasp. He looks down with a look of embarrassment on his face. "I'm sorry," he whispers.

She lifts her eyebrow and smiles softly at him, "You truly aren't used to this are you?" Grinning at his embarrassment and confusion, she pulls him to her for another kiss.

As the kiss breaks she smiles softly, "It's alright love." Taking his hand she stands and pulls him with her out of the water, "Come, I have a good idea that might help."

They dress quickly and soon she is pulling him out to her car and stuffing him in the passenger seat of the small high performance racer. As she runs around to the other side with her jacket flapping in the breeze showing off her soft belly fur and red sports-bra he wonders, 'What's she got in mind after my embarrassing performance.' After letting the ideas run through his mind he shrugs, 'What could be worse?' She climbs in and starts the car with a toothy smile for him and a loud roaring as she gooses the gas pedal with her foot.

Driving into central Megalopolis he is more confused than shocked when she pulls up behind the museum and shuts off the car with a quick flick of the key. "Come on," she says with that same smile and almost leaps out of her side of the car. Running around to his side she urgently pulls him out with a soft laugh and drags him to the small employee entrance to one side of the large delivery doors.

Letting them in with Andy's key she touches her lips with a single finger to indicate silence and points to the sleeping security guard by the door, his feet propped up on a chair and his hat pulled down over his eyes. Quietly they sneak down the hallways and through a pair of heavy stone doors into a small chamber in the Egyptology wing.

Sandy lets his hand go and pulls a small lighter out of her jacket pocket. Flicking it on with a flick she lights the small oil laps on the walls one-by-one to illuminate the dark room bit-by-bit. Andy looks around his mouth agape at the chosen room as the sweet oils in the lamps brighten the room with their soft glow.

The room turns out to be the new exhibit of a reconstructed Egyptian Temple's altar room. The sandstone floor is engraved with glyphs and markings, some of which even he doesn't understand the meaning of. In the middle of the room is a heavy white marble altar engraved with both hieroglyphs and more Egyptian symbols which still defy translation. "It is known this altar was used for virgin sacrifices to Anubis, but the reasons beyond that are unclear," she says in a soft voice.

"Why are we here?" he asks as he starts to turn towards her but the sight that meets his eyes stops him in his tracks.

With a smile Sandy drops her red panties that match the red sports bra on top of the pile on the floor. "Why do you think Prince Anubis? I believe the scholars have only found one reason for this altar, and I think after more than two thousand years it's time to put it to use again, don't you?" she asks with a wink.

She starts to walk towards the altar, her hips and tail swaying seductively with a sly smile over her shoulder at him. Turning around she sits her furred rear on the cold stone of the altar and scoots backwards onto it letting her legs spread a little and leaning forward, her hands resting on the smooth stone between her thighs and hiding her already damp folds from view.

Andy gulps and watches her as he asks, "What are you thinking?"

She gives him a wink and a wide grin, "Who says you're the only virgin here?" She slowly leans backwards running her hands over her body as she does, letting the fingers of one hand rest gently on her collarbone as the other comes to rest on the altar over her head as her body stretches out on the stone altar that slowly warms to her body's heat.

"Come to me my Prince," she calls quietly. "Your sacrifice calls to you," she continues with a giggle and a bright smile.

Andy watches her in almost a state of shock without moving. Sandy gazes at him from where she lays, "Please come here my love. Please do this for me. Don't make me wait an eternity for the gift of your touch."

He can't resist her begs and starts to loosen his clothing, letting it fall to the floor, leaving a trail behind him as he advances towards her, "Sandy... Are you sure you want me? This is something you can only give once. And I... I am nothing but..."

She smiles and reaches out to him, "You are nothing but the man I love. I'm sure. It seems the fates have pulled us together and they are guiding us even now. This altar arriving here and just finished being reconstructed yesterday... Your confession of your love for me, and I for you... What else can be asked for Prince Anubis?" There is a twinkle in her eye as she continues in a seductive voice, "And what better place than in a temple originally built for your father and the 'sacrifice' of virgins." Her outstretched arm touches the soft fur on his chest and trails down to tease the hard pink length poking from his midnight black sheath, "Come and sacrifice my virginity with your ready and more than able sword my Prince."

Reaching the altar Andy takes her dark spotted hand in his and smiles gently down at her, though a little of his uncertainty remains, "Very well my lady, as you wish." He leans down to kiss her gently and she reaches her other hand up to hold him in the kiss as he supports himself on the stone altar with his free hand.

Letting go of her hand he trails his own hand through her thick and luxuriant white hair, her own free hand snaking over his own body. She gently grips at the tight muscles under his fur, feeling his hidden strength as she explores his body. "I have felt these muscles under my fingers several times before, but I've never felt the sensation it builds in me now," she whispers.

She gasps lightly as Andy gently breaks the deep kiss and starts to kiss his way down her cheek to her neck where he nibbles softly in mimicry of what she had done to him in the bath. She purrs softly as she holds his head to her with one hand and grips his arm tightly with the other, letting her fingers linger on his hidden strength.

Andy, encouraged by this reaction, starts to gain more confidence and works his way lower. His tongue laps over her collarbone and the upper curve of her right breast. His saliva smoothing the fur that ruffles with her quickened breathing. Finally he reaches her aroused nipple poking through her soft gray fur. She gasps and tugs harder at his head as he gives it a small lick with his velvety tongue, then a longer suckling as she moans loudly and pulls his head tightly to her breast. He dwells there for a few minutes, sucking, licking and gently nipping at her hard nubbin.

He changes over to give her left breast similar treatment, leaving a trail of his canine saliva through the valley between them. Giving that soft mound of feline feminine flesh the tender care it deserves he brings his hand up to rub her right breast with a gentle massaging motion.

She mewls softly and in a husky voice begs, "Please go on... Don't make me wait..."

With some reluctance he moves lower and trails kisses along her soft belly fur, planting a gentle kiss on her belly button. She lets loose a soft giggle from her as he tickles her with quick flicks on his tongue or light touches of his fingers' blunt claws combing through her fur. With each inch he goes lower he smells her scent grow stronger and stronger. The odor wafting from the treasure between her legs draws him closer and closer to the goal she wanted him to reach.

As he gently trails a few licks over the neatly trimmed pubic fur over her groin she gasps slightly and tries to guide him lower, where she wants him, with gentle but insistent tugs on his sensitive ears. He finally gives a long and slow lap at the outer lips of her mound with his strong tongue. Her taste lingering on his tongue he feels a need to taste more of the sweet nectar flowing freely from her.

Reaching his hand around her thigh he gently spreads her outer lips and releases an even stronger whiff of her scent loose. Inhaling deeply he leans in close to lap at the soaking wet pink folds of her sex. She gasps loudly and moans even louder as he laps hungrily at her. Finding the tinny nub at the top of her sex he flicks the tip of his velvet tongue over it.

"AAHHH!" she cries out as he feels fluid flow from her convulsing sex. Opening his muzzle wide he buries his tongue as deep into her tight, spasming tunnel as he can, but he finds a fleshy membrane blocking it a short distance in and realizes that she really is a virgin.

He stops licking and lifts his head up to look at her face. Her eyes are closed as her hands massage her own breasts and her face is contorted in pleasure as long low mewls of pleasure leave her mouth. Feeling him stop she opens her eyes slightly to look down towards him, "Please... Please..." she begs softly.

He nods slightly and he stands at the end of the altar, pulling her gently towards him on the smooth altar. As she scoots closer to him she looks at him with a loving expression of need. She lifts one of her legs over his shoulder and he holds her there with an arm wrapped around it and his hand gripping his rigid member. He gently rubs the sensitive head of his shaft against her wetness and looks into her eyes, "Are you sure my love? You can only give this once..."

She lays her head back and lets out a long sigh, "Make me a woman," she begs quietly and with a slow pressure he slips into her warm folds. A short way in he feels a momentary resistance, but this easily breaks and Sandy gasps in surprise and pain causing him to pause and wait.

"Don't stop..." she gasps out and moans loudly as he slowly continues till he's nestled completely in her, his balls hanging against her rear. Waiting a few moments for her to adjust around him he finally starts to slowly pull out of her followed by an equally slow re-entry.

"Oh Gods... Don't stop..." she moans in pleasure. The rumbling purr grows louder with each thrust and he closes his eyes in bliss as his body does what his instincts tell him. One arm holding her leg to him he reaches down with the other to gently tease that small bump he had found above her entrance. Her reaction to the stimulus of her clit is explosive and she arches her back off the stone slab and roars in orgasm. Her passage clamping so tight on him that it's hard to continue, but he finds he can't stop.

He leans over her, letting her leg lower and covering her with his body, climbing up on the altar as his thrusts shove her further onto the altar. He grits his teeth as he listens to her moans of pleasure and her cries of, "Yes! Yes!" as he speeds up further. Something almost supernatural driving him on to further acts with her.

He leans in to suck on her nipples hungrily and growls possessively low in his throat as his teeth nip lightly at the hard nubs. Sandy wraps her arms around his head and pulls it into her bosom with all the urgency that he feels growing stronger in his own loins. Lifting his head with a snap he arches his back and looses an ear splitting howl of orgasm as she roars in orgasm a second time. Their joined voices twine in feral joy as they share the moment.

The lamps around the room flare as their orgasms cascade through them, many times brighter and a power unknown in the current age pours through the room. They both feel the other worldly power surging through them as their voices continue to ring out and their bodies are held taught in an orgasmic peak that seems to never end. Andy slowly lowers his head, his eyes slowly coming into focus as Sandy gasps for breath beneath him, her breasts heaving in response. He finally notices the changes to the temple as his vision clears and he pants for breath.

The massive slabs of stone that make the door had closed with a strange glowing seal appearing at the seam in the middle. Other runes around the room also glow with a bright green glow and the now blazing lamps fill the room with a glow that removes all shadow. And there, standing in front of the Anubis statue is a group of five Egyptian priests.

They bow deeply as the one at the front of their formation, an older jackal of a tan color, speaks quietly, his voice filling the room rather than leaving his lips, "Prince Anubis, your choice pleases the fates. Your mate is strong and will support you in the years to come."

Andy growls deep in his throat at their private union being observed, "What do you think you're doing coming here and watching us?!" He climbs off the altar and tries to cover Sandy's nude form from their view with his body.

The lead priest bows again, "We are sorry my Prince, we thought you came to this holy temple as so many before you did for consummation. This is the temple of consummation." He looks around the room briefly, "Though its new location is definitely not what we're used to."

He returns his attention with a polite bow to the nude couple glaring at him, "If the mating would not be true, with love equally shared, there would have been no consummation and we would not have been summoned." He bows a fourth time with a small smile on his muzzle, "I believe your father and the Lady Nubis will be pleased to hear of your taking a mate."

Sandy gets shakily to her feet, her legs weak after such strong orgasms and looks past Andy's shoulder with a feral snarl on her features, "If you're done being a bunch of old perverts then leave us!"

All of the priests bow a final time before they fade away. Andy turns to look back at Sandy but a small box catches his eye on the ground where the priests had been, just as the note from his mother had been left behind by the Captain. Looking over his shoulder to Sandy she shrugs in response to his quiet question and he walks slowly forward to retrieve the box. Bringing it back to the altar he opens in and Sandy gasps at the contents.

Inside the green silk lining is a pair of simple necklaces, rings, and armlets made of fine gold. Seeing a small piece of paper Sandy picks it up and reads quietly, "Wear these as symbols of your union, in good times and bad, they will remind you of the bonds that now bind you together."

Picking up the smaller armlet he gently takes her right arm and slips the golden spiral up it till it rests on her bicep like it was designed just for her. She lowers her head to let him drape the necklace around her neck and she smiles at it when the small charm with a tiny green gem settles at the top of her cleavage. Finally Andy takes the small golden ring from the box and kneels in front of her, "Sandy Spir, will you marry me?"

She smiles brightly at him and leans in to kiss his forehead. "I will," she whispers and lets him slip the small ring onto her hand.

She takes the jewelry designed for him and copies his motions. Again the armlet and the ring fitting like they were made just for him. Draping the necklace around his neck they are surprised as the small green stones in the center of the twin necklaces gives a single bright glow of inner light before fading back to normal clarity.

Sandy reaches up to cup his cheek gently in her hand, "I think your parents approve of this my love."

He smiles in return and rubs his cheek against her soft hand, "And I think you were right my darling lady, we were fated to be together."

Together they lean in and kiss gently for a moment before pulling each other into a tighter, deeper, kiss. Laying Sandy back onto the altar he smiles down at her as they break the kiss, "Think we can do it again?"

A twinkle in her eye and her bright smile answer him better than her words, "Make me your Lady my Prince, for all eternity."

All characters unless otherwise stated are the property of Christopher Gilman.Story © Copyright Christopher Gilman 2008 all rights reservedMegalopolis © Copyright Goliath Thunderstep and Emerald Cistern and is used with permission mail me and tell me what you think at [email protected]