
Story by Saint Joseph on SoFurry

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A tail of three warrior told by the wise narrator in the distant apocalyptic future.

War the very thought is bitter in my mouth; it is no surprise to me that it is strong within many people. In a common sense it has been around for millennia or more. People are people and it has become base human instinct to set out and conquer, control and remove a threat that they so desperately fear. My kind did no such thing we sought to improve are ways into future life and knowledge, but even then we couldn't fight our most primal of instincts. Now I sit here on my lonely vigil watching a race slowly decline into history with every passing day.

These creatures created a civilization only to have it removed from the face of this planet by their own doing. Evolving from the belief of magic to faith and steel-seeing these creatures evolve its amazing at their tenacity one catastrophe after the next they rose to the challenged taunting death with every mile stone they accomplished. Even now after the fires that rained from the sky they have started building from the ashes. They wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for a few brave souls who pushed for the freedom they desired. These creatures were of different paths, one was that of the old world his named enslaved to his skin but his soul screamed of his burning faith to protect and serve his people, this second one was that of man and beast a huntsman who has seen many moons in his lifetime cursed to the sins of his father and mother. The last was a creature of habit his mind set aside for planning ahead with a silver Tung to pass through the fabric of time but a voice that can reach into the hearts of all he talked to.

I was asked by the first to share their story in hope that it would last generations to come. This is what I will tell you now from one breath to the next this is the story I'm abided to tell.

The first of the warriors I'm going to tell is that of the enslaved freedom after the raining fire- the sky shifted an amber glow the ashes stirring in the radioactive breeze. Life itself seemed to stand still there silhouettes almost playful on how the stood still and lifeless against the buildings unaware of their very passing. A slowly a gust of wind ran through the town tearing at the husks left behind from the chaos. The building seemed to scream in pain as there shapes were mutilated from the wind slowly being torn apart removing their original beauty. Slowly the wind died down, but something was off a short hollow hum echoing from the empty grave. Ruble began to move as a strange creature sprawled out from underneath gripping a lead pipe coated in a dark fluid.

Gasping for air the creature tossed aside the pipe; he began clawing at the ground pulling himself slowly to the surface- Inch by inch he emerged laying there on the hot asphalt his lungs still burning from the air. His mind filled with confusion as he looked to the sky seeing the red stain it has become. The surrounding began to change as the sun slowly set, as shadows grew creating the solitary grounds were fear plays its deadly game. He staggered to a building franticly looking for people unaware of the etching in the walls around him. His mind set on rest he collapsed as he entered the building as his memories became his solemn dreams. The night grew still the steady creep of brimstone started to engulf the air as a pack of lycanthropic creatures searched for their next meal. They moved from building to building, checking every ally and hole. The creature stirred awakening to the scent putting him unaware of what was accruing outside he rushed to escape only to be stopped in his tracks. His eyes locked with one of the hunters, tar dripped from its mouth as it began to snarl lunging at its next meal.